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The Skulls

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I can’t tell you everything that happens because every party I’ve been to has been different. Yes, a girl was fucked by three men at the same time at one party, but the same woman didn’t make an appearance at the next one. Everything is different. The men are different, and they change their minds to what they like or don’t like.” He started unbuttoning her shirt until he tugged it from her body.

  Lash flicked the clasp of her bra open, and her breasts hung free. He cupped them in his hands before leaning down to take one nipple into his mouth. She cried out from the instant pleasure as he sucked on one of the buds. He moved to the other bud lavishing attention to both her nipples. Heat pooled between her thighs from his gentle suction on her breasts. When he touched her pussy, Angel knew she’d be dripping wet. There was no stopping her reaction to him.

  He’d made her feel so much in a short time that she couldn’t even think straight. She’d never had sex, yet she was sharing Lash’s bed. He wouldn’t let her sleep anywhere else but by his side, naked. Lash also hated clothes. No matter what she wore the minute they were alone he got her naked. She wasn’t allowed to wear clothes in his presence, or at least that’s the way he’d left her feeling.

  His hands fell to her skirt, and in quick time that followed her shirt and bra along with the small panties she wore. “I don’t know why you bother with underwear.”

  “I’m not used to not wearing any,” she said.

  “Well you better start getting used to not wearing any. I’m going to rip the shit out of them, and then you’ll have no choice but to go bare.” His palm settled on her pussy. “When are you going to get this baby waxed?” he asked.

  “Tate has booked us both an appointment for tomorrow morning. She knows a place in town that’s good.” She hated the conversation she’d had with Tate over getting her waxed. It was completely embarrassing and humiliating, but she’d done what he asked, and tomorrow she was getting her pubic hair removed.

  “Good, I’ll have Prospect Steven accompany both of you,” Lash said, going down to his knees in front of her.

  She shook her head. “No, no way am I getting waxed with one of your men watching.”

  “Steven wouldn’t be watching. He’d be sat outside in the waiting room like a good little Prospect.”

  Angel stared at Lash thinking about the jobs poor Steven had been handed because of her. “Why does he do it? Why does he put up with all the crap you and the crew give him?”

  “He does it to earn his spot within the club. We all earn our place by doing all the shitty jobs. I’m not asking Steven to do something I haven’t done before.” He opened her thighs.

  “Why? What’s so important about the club? What makes The Skulls so special that men like Steven would put up with the shit you and others throw at him?” She placed a hand over his to stop him from advancing up her thigh.

  “We’re a family. We’re not your run-of-the-mill-family, and we’ll never be the type of guys who has the white picket fence and the lovely kids you see on the advertisement. We’re not judgemental about our group. Anyone can join, and we don’t take crap from outsiders. We’re a family, Angel. We come from a lot of different families, but in the end it’s only us stood side by side through thick and thin. That’s why Steven will work his ass off, so he can earn his spot in this club. It’s hard work, but it’s worth every second of it.” His hand pushed hers away. “Now are you going to let me eat this pussy or not?”


  Tate was so going to get her ass kicked. Lash was going to make sure she got more than a stern talking to by Tiny. The only thing stopping him from phoning Tiny right now was the fact Angel was naked and in front of him. The scent of her pussy was driving him insane. He’d been waiting all day for another chance to taste her. Once was never enough and would never be enough for him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you,” she said, biting her lip.

  “You didn’t insult me, baby. No one gets the club. I accept that, and I don’t give a shit. Steven’s a great guy and is showing real potential. The others, not so much.”

  “Who gets to decide who stays and who goes?” she asked.

  “We vote. Now, I want to eat your pussy before I sit through dinner. Shut the fuck up so I can enjoy it.”

  Angel stared down at him, but Lash was determined to eat her sweet little pussy. He couldn’t wait for her pubic hair to be removed so he could relish every part of her, but until then he was making do.

  Opening the lips of her sex, he spotted her swollen pink slit. Licking his lips, Lash stuck out his tongue and started to caress the sweet nub. He loved going down on Angel. What he loved the most was the fact she wasn’t tainted by any other man. He knew it was wrong to think like that about his woman seeing as he’d been with so many women. Lash couldn’t deny the satisfaction of being the only one.

  Her moans started to fill the air, and her knuckles were white where they gripped the edge of the counter. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but at the same time he was holding back, waiting for the right moment.

  She deserved her first time to be perfect.

  “Oh God, that feels so good.” She cried out, her hands sinking into his hair as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Each time he took her the sweet little Angel he’d come to know let go some more. He couldn’t imagine the straitlaced girl in the bar sinking her fingers into his hair.

  Little by little she was blossoming into a beautiful, seductive woman. Lash wanted her to let go. He needed for her to let go of all of her inhibitions in order for her to become his old lady. That was never going to happen if she remained the same. Angel would need to be strong in order to stay by his side. Lash would spend every waking hour of the day to guarantee that.

  “Oh God,” she said again.

  Feeling how close she was to exploding, Lash centred his attention on her clit, flicking the nub with his tongue. In a matter of moments Angel splintered apart in his arms. He slurped up her cum and brought her down gently from her orgasm.

  She sat slumped on his kitchen counter. Her breasts quivered with each indrawn breath she took.

  “I think this is the best my counter has ever looked,” he said, wiping her juices from his chin and standing up.

  A blush filled her cheeks, and her gaze looked past his shoulder. Reaching out, he wrapped his hand in her hair and brought her lips to his. He slammed his lips against hers taking control of her through his kiss alone.

  Angel went from being tense to putty in his hands. She relaxed against him giving into what he wanted.

  “They’ll be more playtime later. Serve me dinner, woman,” he said.

  “I hate it when you get all male on me.”

  He helped her off the counter then slapped her ass on the way past. “Get used to it. I’m the one in control, and that’s never going to change, not even for you.”

  She rubbed her bottom but didn’t speak back to him again.

  His hand had left a red print on her ass, and Lash shook his head.

  Tearing his clothes off his body he headed toward the laundry room, picking Angel’s clothes up on his way past. He stuffed them into the machine and filled it with powder before heading back to his woman.

  Angel was serving them up some casserole as he took his seat at the table. He loved watching her work his kitchen. Her ass shook with every step she took. Lash loved the little jiggle of her ass and tits.

  “Did you have a good day at work?” she asked, walking toward him. She carried both of their plates and put one in front of him.

  “It was okay.”

  He didn’t talk about club business with her. She was an old lady and a civilian. Tiny had taught him at a young age to keep club business to himself. When he’d asked why, Tiny had looked at Patricia, who’d still been alive, and told him rival clubs couldn’t use their women against them.

  It was known that The Skulls didn’t tell their women their secrets. The women were left alone, and the men could function in peace withou
t freaking out every time their women left the house. While the shit was going down with the Lions, Lash wanted his woman safe. He didn’t trust any of the men from the rival group, and until Angel’s father was taken care of, he was going to veer on the side of caution when it came to her.

  Angel didn’t push him for answers, and they ate their meal in silence. Once food was finished Lash took her up to their bathroom where he ran a bubble bath. They bathed together before he dried her body and led her back through to the main bedroom.

  He was wiping the water from his body while she brushed her hair. Lash noticed her gaze was on him all the time she looked in the mirror.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “I was just wondering about your tattoos. I noticed all the guys have them.” She pointed at his arm and chest.

  Lash loved getting ink. The biggest tattoo he held was of the Fort Wills emblem of The Skulls. “They’re a rite of passage and just some cool pictures. The tree was my idea, and I get an artist in the city to do mine. I’d never trust one of the guys to touch my skin.”

  “I noticed the tree had lines in the centre.”

  He gazed down his body to see what she was looking at. “Yep, I asked for them.”


  “I’m going to have the name of my woman and my kids in that tree. Tiny has a tattoo down his arm. He has the names of his woman and daughter. I think he even put Nash and my names on it seeing as he helped to raise us. I thought it was cool and decided that was what I was going to do.”

  She finished brushing her hair and moved past him to the bed. Her body was bare of any clothing. He’d banned clothing from bed. If she stepped foot inside his bed with clothing on, then he was spanking her ass.

  “I like your ink,” she said, staring at him. The bed covers were up to her chin as she stared at him. Shaking his head, Lash walked toward the bed. He gripped the edge of the blanket and tore it from her grip.

  “I love your body, baby.” He started at her foot, caressing her skin with the tips of his fingers. He travelled up, skimming over her sex and up further to her breasts. “Roll over.”

  He climbed on the bed as she moved onto her stomach. The curves of her ass called to him, and he settled at the bottom of the bed behind her.

  Running both hands up her thighs he settled his palms on each ass check. She turned her head to look at him.

  “Is Lash your real name?” she asked.

  “No.” He opened the cheeks of her ass to look at the puckered hole of her anus. Biting back a groan he slipped a hand underneath her to feel her soaking wet pussy. It would be so easy for him to slip inside her tight cunt, but he wouldn’t do that. He wasn’t ready for that. Lash wanted her to see everything before he took that part of her.

  Part of him wanted to claim her and make sure she couldn’t walk away from him while another part needed her to accept him and the club for who they were.

  She let out a moan, riding his palm as he teased her pussy.

  “What’s your real name?” she asked.

  “You don’t want to know.” His father hadn’t been allowed to name him. The name he’d been given came from his mother who’d been in a real pissed-off mood at the time.

  “I do. You know my name, and I don’t have a clue what your name is.”

  Letting out a sigh, he brought his wet fingers to her anus and started stroking that forbidden hole. Angel tensed, but he stroked the line of her back, stopping her from tensing around him.

  “Nigel Myers, that’s my name.” He gritted his teeth as Angel turned her head to face him.

  “Seriously?” Lash saw the humour in her eyes.

  Shaking his head, he started laughing. “Dad didn’t want to call me that. He pissed Mom off, and she wouldn’t back down. She accepted the club and the shit, but she got to name his children. I don’t even want to think what she’d name a girl.” He shook his head remembering the horror on his Dad’s face whenever he was called Nigel. Tiny and his Dad gave him a nickname, which, fortunately, stuck. “Mom named Nash, Edward. He hates the name and doesn’t let anyone know it.”

  “I can’t believe your name is Nigel. It’s so … tame.” She started laughing, and Lash couldn’t help but do the same.

  He stopped her laughter by pressing one finger into her ass. Her ring of muscles kept him out, but he pressed inside until she took him to the knuckle. Lash wasn’t going to do anything more. Soon he’d take her ass and her cunt, but for now he was content to touch her like this.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Nigel.”

  “Likewise, Angel.”

  Chapter Seven

  Angel sat beside Lash as he took her into town. She was meeting Tate at the salon, and Steven was going to meet them there. Lash was determined to get her to her appointment. He held her hand all the way there. This morning they’d only spoken briefly, and nothing had come out about the party. When she was alone she felt nervous, but once Lash was beside her, she didn’t feel anything other than the sensations he created when she was with him.

  Several of the town folk stared in their direction, and when he pulled up outside of the salon they gained many more stares. He climbed out of the car then moved around to her side. Lash helped her out, grabbed something from the backseat, then shut the door.

  “I thought you weren’t going to make it,” Tate said, walking toward them. She carried a black bag over her shoulder, and she was wearing tight jeans with The Skulls shirt.

  Steven pulled up seconds later on a motorbike.

  “I want you to wear this.” Lash handed her a leather jacket.

  “What is it?” she asked, opening it up to see a smaller symbol of The Skulls emblem on the jacket.

  “It’s our jacket. Our women wear them if they want to if they don’t have a ring on their finger. I want you to wear it for me today.” He stroked her cheek, pushing some of her hair off her face.

  “Dude, we’re getting waxed. She’s going to be butt-ass naked for most of the day. She doesn’t need your jacket,” Tate said, rolling her eyes. There was a smile on her face, and Angel took that as a good sign.

  “I don’t mind. I’ll wear it.”

  She handed Tate her bag and then eased the jacket over the small dress she was wearing.

  Lash helped pull her hair out of the inside and settle it over.

  “How does it look?” she asked.

  His scent clung to the leather, and Angel knew she wasn’t going to wear anything else. She didn’t know how it had happened, but she was falling for him, in a big way.

  “Sexy, baby.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “I’ll pick you up later. We’re going to the party together.” Lash turned to Steven. “Keep me posted, and don’t leave their side.”

  He climbed back into his car. She turned toward the salon when Lash whistled to gain her attention.

  “Whatever you do, do not cut your hair,” he said.

  She pulled the length over one shoulder and nodded.

  “Have fun.”

  Angel stayed long enough to watch the car disappear into the distance.

  “Damn, he’s got it bad for you, honey. I mean, really bad.” Tate handed her back her purse, and together with Steven in tow they made their way into the salon.

  Angel was nervous, and she hated the fact she was nervous. Steven kept a good distance as Tate signed them in. They were taken back to a changing area where they were asked to strip and to put their clothes in a locker.

  “What do you mean?” Angel asked, when they were alone long enough to talk. Steven was outside in the waiting area, and the changing room was clear.

  “I’ve known Lash a long time. He’s practically my brother in a non-related kind of way. I’ve seen him with plenty of women. He’s never been this possessive or protective with any of his other women. You’re special. You’re different. I think it’s cool,” Tate said. “He cares about you, and he’d not just after sex either, which is good.”

  Angel looked at the othe
r woman. “I didn’t think anything of the way he was treating me. I thought he treated all the women the same.”

  “You’re so wrong. A lot of the other girls hate him. He fucks and leaves them. Lash is not known for being with the same girl twice. It’s what makes you special, and the bitches hate you more.”

  “How come none of the men or women talk back to you or anything?” Angel asked.

  Tate wrapped a towel around her body and then a robe. “Seriously, you don’t know?”

  “I’ve not really made it my business to know about The Skulls lifestyle. I never thought I’d get anywhere close to them, let alone being potentially dating one,” Angel said, hoping she explained it right.

  “Honey, you’re not dating. The Skulls don’t date. You’re Lash’s woman. That’s not dating. This is a big deal. Anyway, I get away with shit because I’m Tiny’s daughter. The men were there when I was born or have known me a long time, and the women put up with me because Dad is the President of the club. They’ve got no choice. They start with me, and I can kick their ass to the curb.”

  Tate handed her another robe to put on.

  Running a hand down the leather jacket, Angel didn’t want to part with it. The leather still possessed Lash’s scent.

  “And from the look in your eye you’ve got it bad for Lash.”

  Angel smiled. “He told me his real name last night.”

  “No shit. Oh my God, that is a big deal.”

  Angel removed the jacket and placed a robe over her shoulder all the time Tate was talking.

  “He hates the name Nigel. He thought his Mom was seriously unfair in naming it him.”

  “He told me Nash’s, too.”

  “This is serious, Angel.”

  She smiled and nodded her head, but all the time she couldn’t help but doubt it. Her father was still trying to gain back the money he’d lost, and until he’d done that, she was The Skulls’ property.

  They walked together as they got massaged and pampered. Angel loved her company and couldn’t believe they’d never been friends before now. Tate was a little older than she was, and they did come from two different backgrounds.


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