The Skulls

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The Skulls Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m sober.”

  “Good, because we’ll be leaving soon,” Lash said, stroking her thigh.

  She moaned, opening her thighs wider for him.

  “I never thought I’d see the day when Angel Marston would stand on the tables and dance like that,” Kate said, taking a seat on Nash’s lap.

  Nash slapped her ass warning her to be quiet.

  “What? I’m only speaking the truth. I wonder who she was dancing for,” Kate said, continuing to speak.

  “I wasn’t dancing for anyone. I joined my friend up on the table and had some fun. I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Angel rested her head against Lash’s arm. He smiled down at her as she smiled up at him.

  “I think you’re a natural, honey,” Rose said, taking a seat beside Hardy. “Besides, we old ladies need to stick together. We’re the ones that are going to stick around.” Rose shot a glare at Kate.

  “Put the claws away, kitten.” Hardy kissed his woman.

  Angel watched the interplay. She saw the respect the guys had for Rose and the lack of it toward Kate. The other woman really was anyone’s piece of ass.

  Lash slammed his cards on the table. “I’m out, fuckers. See you tomorrow.” He got up from the table, slapped the guys’ hands and together they made their way toward his bike.

  “We didn’t need to go if you didn’t want to,” Angel said. She’d been enjoying the banter.

  “I only stayed longer for you to sober up.” He cupped her ass, rubbing his crotch against the front of her body. “If I’d taken you home I wouldn’t have controlled myself. Your first time, you’re going to remember it.”

  From all the coffee he’d given her she was as sober as they came.

  “Take me home, Lash.” She snuggled close, inhaling his masculine scent. Lash handed her the jeans, which she put on.

  He climbed on the bike, and she straddled the bike behind him. Lash handed her a helmet again, and she held on tighter than ever before. The drive back to his place was far more liberating than the drive to the club. She felt freer in mind and in spirit as they raced for home. She loved the feeling of the fresh air even in the darkness. Angel squealed and giggled. She felt Lash do the same.

  When they pulled up into his driveway, she was turned on and ready for whatever Lash had to offer. The jeans and helmet were removed the instant she stepped off the bike.

  Like all the other times before, he took control. Grabbing her hand he opened and locked his front door behind them. He didn’t wait around to turn on lights but went straight upstairs to the bedroom.

  Once inside Angel gasped as Lash sank a hand into her hair and his other hand curved around her waist. He brought her close, pressing his lips to hers. Closing her eyes, she opened her lips to receive his passionate kisses. His tongue traced her lips before plunging inside. There was no stopping his touch. The hand in her hair tightened to a fist pulling on strands of her hair. She gasped from the slight pain but didn’t pull away from him.

  His other hand moved from her hip to the jacket. He tore the jacket from her body and broke the kiss to finish his work. Lash pushed the hair off her face, staring into her eyes.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said, possessing her mouth once again.

  She didn’t argue with him and kissed him back with the same passion he’d built up inside her. There was no mistaking the need he’d built up inside her over the past week alone. His touch set a fire, and she needed for him to finally put the fire out.

  Running her hands up his thick arms, Angel moaned, loving the feel of his rippling muscles beneath her touch.

  “I’m so hard for you.” He trailed kisses down her jaw ‘til he sucked in the flesh of her neck. Goose-bumps erupted all over her body from his touch. His hands held her steady while he sucked the hell out of her neck, marking her. There was no way she wouldn’t be marked from his touch.

  “I need you so bad.” Lash pulled away once again. His fingers found the hem of her shirt, and he tugged it over her head. With quick movements he dispensed of her bra. His hands soon replaced her bra, cupping her in his palms. “Love your big tits. I have to taste.”

  Angel couldn’t speak as Lash spoke and touched. He was the one in control, not her. His mouth was on her breasts, kissing, sucking, and biting down on her nipples. She watched him play with her like a musician did an instrument.

  “So full and mine.” Lash stepped back and tugged his shirt off. She grabbed the laces of his leather pants and helped him get rid of them from his body. They were both chuckling and rushing in their haste to get naked.

  Within minutes they crashed to the bed totally naked and ready for each other. Lash knelt up, and Angel followed his movements, kneeling close to him. “We’re finally here,” he said, wrapping her hair around his arm.

  “We are.” Her voice sounded croaky even to her.

  Lash reached out with his free hand and stroked her cheek. His cock pressed into her stomach. The thick brand of his cock was rock hard. Only hours ago she’d felt him explode inside her mouth. Licking her lips she gazed down at the hard shaft wondering what it would feel like to have that monster penetrating her pussy.

  “I need you so bad.”

  “Take me, Lash. I’m here, and I’m all yours.” She stared at his lips needing him to make the first move.

  I’m going to have sex.

  I’m going to have sex, and I’m terrified, excited, and I want him to take me already.

  Lash leaned in and nipped at her lips, playfully. She followed his lead, smiling as he rubbed her nose with his. Angel ran her hands all over his tattooed body. His muscles were hard, tight, and totally hot. She didn’t know how she’d gotten so lucky to have such a sexy man holding her.

  With his free hand he stroked a path down her body setting a fire with his touch. Down her side, across her hip and between her thighs where he cupped her with his palm.

  “Baby, you’re so wet for me.” She became aware of her bare pussy. He hadn’t even touched her properly, and he felt her wetness.

  He smiled at her. “The lips of your pussy are soaking, baby. This is why I wanted you bare. It’s easy to feel your response. I love your cream.” To prove his point he pressed his finger into his mouth, sucking her juices from the digit.

  “Please, Lash, stop making me wait. I want you to be my first.” My only. She added the last bit in her mind. Angel didn’t want to voice the last part out in case he backed away. Lash had broken through her defences and her ideals, and now all she wanted was him. Her future, in her mind, contained only him.


  Lash wanted to say so much more to her, but he held the words back afraid of how she’d react. He could take most things handed to him. Right now with her naked in his arms, Lash couldn’t handle her rejection if it came. He never considered himself a coward and he never backed down from a fight, but for the first time in his life, he was backing down … at least for tonight.

  He unwrapped his hand from her hair and settled her down on the bed. “Lie down, and open your thighs.”

  His Angel did as he instructed, lying against the pillows splaying her legs open wide. Kissing her lips one final time Lash moved down her body settling between her thighs. He wasn’t going to lick her, but he was going to make sure she was nice and wet for him. Any excuse to look at her pussy and he’d take it.

  “What are you doing? I thought you couldn’t … you know … lick it?” Angel asked. He imagined her cringing after she spoke the words, and he chuckled.

  “We’re going to have to teach you the sex talk, baby.” Not tonight. They could talk about the sex lingo another time.

  He made himself comfortable and opened the lips of her sex. She was pale, smooth with a small blush from her wax. In time the blush would fade as she got used to being without pubic hair. Lash stroked his fingers over her pussy. Angel shuddered underneath him.

  “It’s sensitive,” she said.

  Lash smiled. Gazing down at her pussy, he worked the lips
of her sex open for him to get a closer look. Her clit was swollen, and her cream was glistening. His virgin Angel was ready for him. Still, a bit more teasing wouldn’t hurt. Pressing a finger to her clit, he gently stroked and teased until she was screaming his name.

  Climbing up the bed he pressed the finger he’d touched her with to her mouth. “Taste yourself.”

  She opened her lips, sucking her cream from his finger.

  “How do you taste?” he asked.

  “Not as good as you,” she said.

  He growled, pressing his lips to hers. “Soon I’m going to feast on your pussy, but until then I’m going to make you mine.”

  Rearing back, Lash moved closer between her thighs, rubbing his cock through the slit of her pussy.

  “Shouldn’t you wear a condom?” she asked.

  Lash frowned. “I’m clean, and I know you are.”

  “I’ve never been with a guy, so I’m not on the pill.” She licked her lips, staring at him.

  “So?” He waited for her to elaborate further.

  “I could get pregnant,” she said.

  He smiled, rubbing his cock through her slit, coating him with her cream. Lash was larger than she was, but it felt right. He didn’t feel like she was going to break on him.

  “I don’t care,” he said, claiming her lips once again.

  With his hand between their bodies, he guided his cock to her entrance. Slamming his tongue into her mouth, he distracted her enough to align his cock with her cunt and thrust deep inside her.

  Angel’s eyes opened wide, and she tried to push him away. Lash held her flailing arms over her head to stop her from hurting him or herself.

  He broke the kiss, feeling her pussy ripple around him.

  She whimpered, and tears filled her eyes. “You’re hurting me. You’re too big. Please, stop.”

  “I’m not too big. Just give it a second.”

  She shook her head, but there was no way Lash could leave her. He was bigger than she was, but the first time always hurt for a woman. Lash made sure he stayed perfectly still within her.

  “You’re hurting me. You promised not to hurt me.”

  “The first time hurts for every woman.” He stared down in her face refusing to break contact. Her lips wobbled, and tears left the corner of her eyes.

  “I want you to get off me.”

  Biting his lip, Lash swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Give it a couple of minutes, and if it still hurts I’ll stop. This is supposed to happen.”

  Lash prayed to God she wasn’t in pain, and if she was, he prayed again that he’d have the strength to stop.

  “I’m going to let go of your hands, okay. You can touch me all you want. Just don’t fight me, okay?”

  “I won’t fight you.”

  He released her hands and held himself off her body but so he was joined with his cock inside her.

  She didn’t fight him or reach out to touch him. He teased with the ends of her chestnut hair, waiting for her to speak.

  Her hands lay where he’d left them. Leaning on one hand, he wiped the tears from her face. “You shouldn’t be crying.”

  He hoped to God he hadn’t fucked this up. The last thing he wanted to do was force her, but he felt like he was doing exactly that with making her wait and see if she was still in pain.

  Slowly, the tears subsided, and Angel raised her hand to his face. She stroked his cheek, and he knew she was feeling the stubble on his face and chin. Her touch moved to the left side of his face, and her fingers were tracing his scar.

  “How did you get this scar?” she asked.

  “A fight with the Lions. He used a piece of glass on my face.”

  “Did you kick his ass?” She stared at the scar, and he saw the frown on her face.

  “I beat the shit out of him, and he landed in jail for using the same piece of glass on an officer.”

  Her gaze met his. “I’m glad. I don’t like the thought of anyone hurting you.”

  “Most of the time the bruises will fade, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.”

  “I’m not worried about me, Lash. I’m worried about you. What happens if next time you’re not able to get away? I would hate for you to be hurt.” She dropped her hand to his chest. His heart beat rapidly against his chest.

  “I’m a strong man and quick. The club is part of who I am, and I help protect it.”

  “Don’t risk your life for it, Lash. Please,” she said, begging him.

  Angel didn’t even know he’d risk his life for her.

  “Baby, you know my cock is inside you right now, and you’re wanting a serious conversation?” he asked, trying to make light.

  “You’ve taken my virginity,” she said, catching him off guard.

  “Yes, I have.” His cock pulsed realising he’d deflowered his woman. No other man was ever going to know the pleasure or feel of her tight cunt. Only him.

  “You’re happy about that,” she said.

  “Baby, you’re all mine.”

  He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. Her hand was trapped against his heart. She didn’t have any idea how much she meant to him. Angel was the only woman who’d ever have a real place in his heart and his life. All the other women who’d come before her meant nothing.

  “Lash?” she said, kissing him back.

  “Yeah, sweetness.”

  “You can move now. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  Pulling away he stared down in her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I want you to move.” Her hands went to his forearms holding onto him.

  Her pussy clenched around his cock like a fist. “I’ll only move if you’re sure.”

  “I want you, Lash. Please, finish what you started.”

  She arched up toward him. Her cunt tightened further, and he knew she was doing it.

  Taking hold of her hands in his, he locked them by her head.

  “I’m ready, Lash.”

  He took her at her word and eased out of her tight heat. She let out a moan but didn’t fight him. Gazing down between them, he watched her cream glisten on his shaft. When only the tip remained inside he looked up into her eyes.

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded and closed her eyes. The expression on her face showed wonder. Lash stared at her face watching the different emotions flit across her face as he slowly made love to her. He eased into her tight heat, swivelled his hips and pulled out. There was no rush to his movements. He drew everything out, loving the way she responded to his touch. Her hands tightened on his forearms, and Lash knew, without a doubt, that he was lost to everything else.

  He felt each ripple of her pussy. She was close to coming. Angel thrust up to meet him, and together they made love. Lash felt he was making love for the first time. The emotions consuming him were unlike anything he’d ever felt before. Leaving one of her hands beside her head, he reached down and stroked her clit.

  “I want you to come for me, baby,” he said.

  The touches on her clit made her cunt tighten around him. Groaning out at the pleasure, Lash stayed still waiting for Angel to come before he let himself explode over the edge.

  This was a night of firsts. He was Angel’s first and last man, and she was the first woman he’d ever cared enough about to make love to. She was his whole world, and he wasn’t letting her go. No matter what she thought about him after the problem with her Dad was handled. He’d make her love him.

  “Lash,” she said, crying out.

  Her cunt tightened, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust inside her tight heat, feeling the walls of her pussy and the cream spilling from her with her orgasm.

  She went over the edge, and seconds later Lash joined her, growling out her name as his seed filled her.

  For a few seconds, he hoped she fell pregnant and he’d have a reason to keep her close to him for the rest of his life.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he claimed her pleasured cries and basked in w
hat they meant.

  Chapter Ten

  Lash collapsed on top of her. Angel wrapped her arms around his back, stroking his skin. She was tired yet not. It was really strange how she was feeling. From the look of the world outside the sun was rising up in the sky, but she wasn’t ready to go to sleep. Lash had made love to her. She knew he hadn’t fucked her because she’d seen what fucking was all about in the club. What she’d shared with Lash had nothing to do with that and everything to do with making love.

  She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. There was no chance of a loving future with Lash. He wasn’t the type of man to settle down, and she couldn’t handle a future with worrying about what he was up to. She could already see herself pacing the house, checking the clock wondering if he was fucking someone else and he’d come to her when he was done.

  Pushing those thoughts out of her mind as well, Angel just allowed herself the luxury of stroking his body. She pictured the tattoo on his back and smiled. He was the first man to ever make her feel small and delicate.

  “I’ll move in a second. I just need some time to get feeling back into my body,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  Angel giggled. She couldn’t help herself.

  “Was I that good?” she asked.

  “You’ve no idea how amazing that was.” Lash leaned up and looked down at her. In one swift move he changed their positions so she was on top and he was on the bottom.

  “I’m never going to get used to that,” she said.


  “You being able to move me so easily. I’m not used to it.” She tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled down at him. “However, I could get used to being on top.” Straddling his waist with his cock still deep inside her, Angel sat up. She traced his muscles and the lines of his tattoos. His skin was darker for being outside more. Her hands were incredibly pale in comparison.

  “You made me proud tonight,” he said, reaching up to cup her breast.

  She let out a moan when he pinched her nipple. The action sent a new wave of lust straight to her core.


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