The Skulls

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The Skulls Page 10

by Sam Crescent


  “When you danced on the table with Tate.”

  “I thought you were angry with me dancing?” She hadn’t been so drunk she’d forgotten what was going on. The whiskey had given her the courage to have a good time. Talking with Tate and watching everyone have fun she’d wanted to be like them for at least once in her life. Her mother hadn’t wanted her to get involved with the bikers and did everything she could to keep her away.

  Getting to know The Skulls had shown they were a bunch of guys with their own code. Lash wasn’t mean or evil. He simply didn’t live to what society expected. She was starting to see the thrill of it. Lash had explained what the club was really all about, and part of her wanted in. She didn’t want them to judge her when so many had. Her name alone was enough to make people start to assume things about her.

  Fortunately, Lash had taken care of her little problem.

  “I didn’t hate your dancing, baby. I loved your dancing. I was proud because you were dancing for yourself and with Tate.”

  “I don’t know what you mean?” she said, confused.

  “The sweet-butts dance to entice and to draw the guys in. You weren’t looking for any attention. I saw it in your eyes. The only thing you were interested in was letting go. It’s the same for Rose. She doesn’t dance for Hardy or to tease the guys. She dances because she loves it.” His hands settled on her hips.

  “I thought guys preferred it when a woman teased,” Angel said. He was right though. Getting up on the tables, she hadn’t been thinking about who was going to watch her or how they were going to view her. She’d gotten up to dance.

  “We like to be teased, but there’s also something about a woman who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else. You closed the guys off, and it was like the only people who existed to you were you and Tate. There was no expectation from the guys, and your innocence added to the whole package.”

  Lash tightened inside her. Arching her back she let out a moan as an answering pulse spread throughout.

  “If you keep doing that, baby, I’m going to fuck you again.”

  “What’s wrong with that? You’ve already taken me once,” she said, grabbing his hands when they made to retreat from her body.

  “If we don’t stop and give you chance to rest you’re going to be sore.”

  She squealed as he picked her up in his arms, sliding his cock out of her body.

  “I wouldn’t mind, Lash,” she said. He dumped her on the bathroom floor, and she watched him start to fill the bathtub. Folding her arms she let out a groan not wanting him to wash her or anything. If he cleaned her it would feel very medieval, and she wasn’t ready for that.

  “I would mind. A little soaking and tenderness now means later I can fuck you until my heart’s content.”

  She was too busy admiring his ass to hear him.


  He looked at her over his shoulder. “Make no mistake, Angel, I’ll be fucking you every chance I get, and I’m looking forward to every second of it. You’ll take me as well.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “It means that if I want you, you’ll take me. If that place is in the car, outside, the toilet, I don’t care, you’ll submit to me.” He helped her to her feet, his hands fisted her hair, and he bruised her lips with a punishing kiss. “You’re mine, Angel. My woman to fuck, take care of, and cherish.”

  She noticed he didn’t use the word love. Angel tried not to be disappointed, but a small sharp sting pierced her heart at his lack of use of the word.

  Angel responded to his kiss though the disappointment threatened to have her in tears. She pushed them aside along with all of her other thoughts. For once she’d be happy with the here and now rather than becoming depressed thinking about the future. If Lash wasn’t in her future then Fort Wills was not. She’d leave before she had to put up with him sleeping with all kinds of different women.

  He broke the kiss once again. “You’re making me lose all my control. I just want to fuck you.” He growled then picked her up in his arms.

  Lash lowered her into the warm water and moved her forward so he could sit behind her. The bath was filled with lavender scented bubbles. He pushed her hair over one shoulder then settled back, bringing her back against him.

  “How does it feel?” he asked, whispering against her neck.

  “Perfect. It feels really nice.” Her pussy did feel a little tender, and she was pleased he’d stopped her from going again. “Have you taken many virgins?” she asked, teasing.

  “No, you’re my first, and I won’t be doing it again.”

  She recalled fighting him. When he’d pierced inside her flesh she hadn’t known what to do. The pain had been so immense she didn’t know how she was going to survive having him inside her.

  “I’m sorry for fighting you,” she said.

  “I’m not sorry.” He kissed her shoulder. “If I ever hurt you like that I want you to fight back. Never take the pain, Angel.”

  His arm wrapped around her middle. She covered his hand and chuckled as he sneaked under the water to stroke her pussy.

  “I thought you were waiting until I felt better.”

  “I’m giving you pleasure. I’m not fucking you again for at least a day, and after that, you’re mine.”

  He kissed her head, stroking her pussy at the same time. “Open your legs wider,” he said, instructing.

  “How? There’s nowhere for me to go?”

  “I don’t give a shit about water on the floor. I can clean it up. Lift your legs over the edge.”

  Rolling her eyes, she did as he commanded and rested her legs over either side of the bath, opening her up. The warmth of the water made her gasp as it touched her exposed pussy.

  “That’s it, I can find you easily now.” His finger slid between her slit, down to her core. She cried out when his thick finger penetrated her.

  “I thought you weren’t going to penetrate,” she said, gasping.

  “I’m not penetrating you with my cock, but you can take my finger.” He pumped inside her adding a second finger. His thumb grazed her clit making her tighten on his digits. There was no stopping the need burning inside her. She needed him so much.

  “Ride my fingers, baby. When you’re ready I’m going to fuck your pussy so much you’re going to wonder how you stayed a virgin for so fucking long.” His breath whispered across her neck.

  Moaning, Angel closed her eyes thrusting up to meet his fingers. It felt so good having him inside her. His two fingers were not as big as his cock, and she was thankful for that. Lash was right about not having sex again. Her pussy was tender, and she wouldn’t be able to handle another fucking.

  What about Lash?

  Opening her eyes she realised he was going without any touching.

  Reaching behind her she gripped his fat cock and started working the shaft.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, nibbling her neck.

  “We can’t have sex, but I can give you just as much pleasure as you’re giving me.” She met him stroke for stroke and worked her palm over his erection.

  His caresses increased, and she rode the wave of her orgasm at the same time as bringing him to release.

  Lash growled against her neck as they came together. Her head pounded, and she cried out.

  They were both sweating and gasping for breath when they came down.

  “We’re going to need to change the water,” he said, kissing her more.


  “I’ve just come, baby, and unless you want to wash in cum we need to change the water.”

  She laughed. “How about we shower and get back to bed?” she asked, wanting him back on the bed.



  On Sunday morning Lash woke up to Angel curled naked around him. They’d spent all day Saturday exploring each other, sleeping and eating when they remembered. Angel was insatiable, and Lash truly believed he’d found his soul mat
e in life and in the bedroom.

  Running his hand down her back he gazed down at her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful.

  The sound of his cell phone ringing in the distance made him curse. Untangling himself out from under her body Lash padded naked out of his bedroom and down to where he’d tossed his cell phone the day before.

  “What?” he asked, answering the call.

  “I thought you’d be happy to hear from us,” Tiny said.

  Glancing at the clock, Lash saw it was close to noon. Cursing, he walked into the kitchen and started firing up some coffee. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Angel that good?”

  “Don’t start.” Annoyance gripped him at Tiny’s teasing. “Do I need to remind you of Tate and how she’s only going to get worse?” Lash asked.

  “Tate is why I’m calling. We need to make a move,” Tiny said.

  “What do you mean?” Lash tensed wondering what he’d missed in the day he’d been away.

  “Our source has let us know they’re gunning for Tate and the women. They’re going to make a move in the next week or so. The men are moving their women out of the way and sending them away.” Tiny stopped to curse.

  “What? What is it?”

  “We can’t move Angel and Tate,” Tiny said.

  Lash frowned. “I don’t get it. If the women are a threat then why are we leaving two of them behind?”

  “If we get rid of them the Lions will know we’re on to them. There’s nothing we can do about it, Lash. I’m upping the protection, and the Prospects are armoured up. No harm will come to our women.”

  “I don’t like this,” Lash said.

  Thinking about anything happening to his woman made it hard for Lash to function.

  “I’ve warned Tate, and she’s agreed to stay out of trouble. I was thinking you could take Angel to be with her. We’ll be on the lookout. The women don’t know what’s going on, and I want to keep it that way.”

  Lash rubbed fingers through his hair. “How are we going to handle this?” The Lions were threatening their turf, but they hadn’t killed any of their members. The only problem was Angel’s father. He was the one selling out information. The stupid bastard didn’t realise the danger he was putting his daughter and town in.

  “We’re taking David out and killing most of the Lions. I’ve warned the sheriff, and he’s going to be on call in case we need him to break it up.”

  Lash didn’t feel comforted about the law being on his case. In fact it irritated him. The law in Fort Wills didn’t handle the true problems. They sat on their asses eating donuts and pretending they took care of business.

  The Skulls kept the shit off the streets. The Skulls made sure the town was safe, and yet there were some of the locals who despised them.

  Shaking his head, Lash looked up to see Angel leaning against the doorframe. Her hair was messy, and her whole body shouted out that she’d been fucked good.

  “I know you hate this plan, but this is what we do. We don’t bring shit to Fort Wills. The Lions are our only threat, and we’ll handle it outside of town, away from the women.” Tiny sounded tired.

  “Are you okay?” Lash asked, gesturing for Angel to come closer.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Eva?” Lash figured the only person to leave Tiny feeling tired and fed up was the young nanny.

  “Is there anyone else I’d let do this to me?”

  He didn’t answer. Lash doubted Eva knew the power she had over the big, scary biker.

  “I want you here as soon as you can. Nash is brooding, and Kate’s not helping him.”

  Rolling his eyes Lash agreed to stop by when he could. It was Sunday, and he was staying with Angel for as long as he could.

  He hung up the cell and wrapped his arms around his woman. “Good morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” She rested against him. “Who was on the phone?”

  “Tiny, club stuff.”

  “I hope Tate’s not in trouble for her turning up at the party.”

  “He’ll be pissed, but he won’t do anything.”

  Lash cupped her between her thighs and moaned when he felt her dripping flesh. “Are you still sore?”

  “No, I’ve not been sore for a long time.” Angel moaned, opening her thighs wider.

  “Bend forward,” he said, lust replacing any concern he’d originally had. He needed her so fucking bad.

  She braced her arms on the counter, turning her head to look at him over her shoulder. “Will it always be like this?”

  “I fucking hope so,” Lash said, running a hand down her back. He opened the cheeks of her ass wide to see her puckered hole and the creamy slit of her pussy.

  Running his fingers through her cream he penetrated her with two fingers before sliding them back to her anus. Angel moaned around him.

  Lash shut out all of the problems that was occurring in his life and settled his focus on Angel.

  “I’m going to fuck this ass real soon, baby. You’ll let me, won’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes, anything you want.”

  He smiled. With his other hand he grabbed his aching cock and pressed the tip to her entrance. He’d gone without her cunt for a day, and he was already close to the edge. When the tip of his cock was inside her, Lash grabbed her hips with both hands and slammed inside her.

  They both cried out, and Lash smiled as her pussy rippled around him. She was soaking wet, and he wouldn’t have her any other way. “You’re so tight.”

  Her hands were flat on the surface, and Lash was free to touch her at his will.

  “Lash, please.”

  “There’s no pain this time is there, baby?” he asked. He didn’t move and ran his hands all over her ass and back.

  “No, there’s no pain. It feels so good.”

  Opening the cheeks of her ass, Lash watched his cock slide out of her body and then glide in. Her cunt took every inch of him.

  Slapping her ass, he gripped her waist and then rammed inside of her for the next few thrusts. She took him, her hands holding onto the counter.

  He took it in turns between looking at the side of her face and where he disappeared inside her warm heat.

  “How does it feel?” he asked, slipping a hand around to her pussy. Lash stroked her wet pussy, finding her clit and pinching it.


  Caressing her with two fingers Lash felt her pussy respond by gripping him tight. Letting out a growl, he fingered her pussy until a stream of cum soaked his cock. She cried out, riding his fingers and cock.

  “That’s it, baby, ride me.”

  He slapped her ass loving the sight of his hand print on her ass. Once all the shit with the Lions was out of the way he was getting his name printed on her flesh. He wanted everyone to know who his woman belonged to.

  “Lash.” She screamed his name as another climax gripped her.

  “Who do you belong to, baby?”

  “You, always you.”

  “Say it. Say you belong to me.” He gripped her hips and pounded inside her heat. Lash was rough, and he didn’t care. He needed to feel her submit to him and say the words.

  “I belong to you, Lash.”

  A wave of peace floated around him, calming him.

  “Tell me no other man is going to feel your warmth.”


  “Fucking say it, and mean it?”

  “There’s never going to be any other man. It’s you, Lash. It will always be you.”

  Groaning, Lash let himself go, and the release washed over him. Slamming inside Angel’s body he let himself go.

  With a final thrust he erupted inside her. Rubbing her ass Lash came back to his senses and saw Angel looking at him over her shoulder. Her green eyes made him pause once more. He saw the question in her eyes, but instead of answering her, he ignored it and pulled out.

  Glancing down he saw the puffy red of her bare lips and the white of his seed escaping.

  All he wanted to do was
hold him inside her body. The consuming need to bind her to him in some way, terrified him. Words didn’t feel enough to him. He felt the need to have something that gave him a reason to always be in her life. A baby would guarantee that. Shaking his head, he rinsed out a towel and pressed it to her pussy.

  “That was the best way I’ve ever woken up on a Sunday.” He dropped a kiss to the cheek of her ass and smiled when she moaned.

  “I thought you’d have plenty of women to satisfy your cravings.”

  “Only when I was at the club. I don’t bring women here. This is my space.”

  He poured two coffees, grabbed two bowls and the only box of cereal he kept. Lash quickly poured her a bowl. Setting everything on the table, Lash pulled her into his lap to eat.

  “But I’m here,” she said, cutting into his thoughts.

  “What?” he asked, frowning.

  “You said you never bring women here, but I’m here and I’m a woman.”

  “You’re my woman, Angel. It’s different.”

  She didn’t say anything more, which he was thankful for. After breakfast he phoned one of the other Prospects to stay inside the house while he was at the bar.

  Angel smiled at him when he left, and he wished he could tell her what she wanted to hear. Until he was sure the threat of the Lions was gone, he wasn’t going to get her hopes up.

  Chapter Eleven

  Over the next couple of days Angel was confined to the house or the club when Lash needed to go and be with his crew. She didn’t mind being around him at all. Her feelings for Lash had intensified, and she no longer doubted if she loved him. Angel knew she was in love with Lash, which meant his secrets made it hard for her to handle. She knew he was keeping something from her, and she hated it. Secrets, no matter who kept them, were always bad things. She hated secrets. Look what happened to her father when he’d kept secrets from her.

  Other than being confined and the secrets, everything else was amazing. When Lash gave her his full attention all of her doubts vanished. He was so attentive, insatiable, and he rocked her world. She never thought it was possible to be walking on cloud nine, but her life had turned into a constant cloud nine whenever she was with Lash. Angel never thought Lash could be so giving and fun. He bought plenty of DVDs for them to watch, and they were not always action flicks or horror movies.


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