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Yuki Shiro: 0 Absolutes: The Night Parade

Page 16

by C. A. Storm

  He had cooked enough for a small army, and ate enough for four guys his size. When I caught him giving me disapproving looks at how little I actually ate, I pointed my fork at him, “Look, Vilhelm, there is no way I can eat even a quarter as much as you!”

  “You are tiny, my Yuki, my little mate, and I just wish to ensure you are taken care of,” he defended himself, all wounded dignity and a lip that threatened to pout, despite his eyes glowing with amusement.

  Indicating my nearly empty plate, it was my turn to launch a defense, “I ate a whole slab of venison, the asparagus, the potatoes, some bread, and it was all incredibly good…” Like, gourmet, Michelin-star quality good, “And from the way you’re eyeing the stove, I’m assuming there’s a dessert planned as well?”

  Giving an exaggerated huff, Vilhelm gathered our plates and returned to the kitchen. He opened the oven once more, and I about gasped when the scent reached me. I smelled chocolate. Lots and lots of rich, decadent chocolate.

  Turning, he placed a tray on the counter, then carefully removed two custard cups. The drool was probably dripping from my chin, and I’ll admit, by the time he had carried two plates back to the island, I was bouncing in my chair.

  Lava cake. He had made chocolate molten lava cakes, served with vanilla ice cream and a raspberry sauce.

  If they tasted as good as they smelled? I would definitely mate the dragon and cut any man, woman, beast, or whatever that thought to steal him away!

  He had made me chocolate.

  The dragon was a god. The kami of all dragons!

  The first bite exploded on my tongue, melty, gooey, and utter chocolate-perfection.

  Opening my eyes, I found his raptor gaze fixed on my face, his pupils pinpricks of black in otherwise glowing white-fire eyes, his lips parted as he watched me eat.

  Feeling self-conscious, I covered my mouth. “Um, it’s good. Really good,” I managed to mumble.

  He slid his untouched plate over to me without a word.

  Well, who was I to turn down a gift freely offered?

  If there was any time when my full “monster” side emerged, it was probably when I was eating chocolate. I transformed into a ravenous creature, devouring my prey like I was preparing for winter hibernation, and I had no shame whatsoever about it.

  When I finished, he finally blinked. Just once, as he gave a low, deep groan. “My Yuki, I am about to throw you over my shoulder, take you upstairs, and make you my mate in fact.” His eyes pinned me, fully predatory, and my pulse kicked into high gear. “Tell me no, tell me to wait, and I will wait for you to be ready, but know this, my Yuki, it is inevitable that I make you mine.”

  Well, I did say that if his chocolate cake was as good as it looked, I’d mate the dragon, didn’t I?

  Yep, the Fates just called my bluff!

  I nodded. Once.

  It was enough.

  Chapter 18

  Yuki | Cœur de Lyon Estates, Shadow Lake, CO | December 6, 2017

  I had unleashed the full force of the predator, and I had no one to blame but myself.

  Quicker than even my eyes could follow, Vilhelm swept me into his arms and with that same inhuman speed, flew up the stairs. Yet, despite the fierceness, despite his trembling muscles, and the low, continuous growl thrumming through his chest, he cradled me tenderly, and placed me on the edge of the bed with something akin to reverence.

  Looming before me, even the silly chef’s apron he still wore did nothing to lessen the fierce, savage beauty of the man. Yes, it kind of reminded me of one of my favorite anime characters, but Vilhelm rocked his apron like no other could. The slip of fabric draped over his chest was caught in the deep valley formed by his pectoral muscles, leading the eye straight downward, where his arousal was making itself known by the lifted hem that wasn’t heavy enough to resist the strength of the thick, long, and holy Susanō save me, he was dragon-sized even in human form!

  There was no way that thing could fit inside of me! I’m surprised he could actually fit that thing in his pants!

  I mean, I knew he was large, because I’d gotten an eyeful after his transformation and when we landed here, but apparently, he hadn’t even been at more than half-mast, if that!

  My inner muscles clenched tight, but apparently, it wasn’t entirely in dread, because I could feel the juices flowing in anticipation.

  And I thought I had drooled over the chocolate earlier.

  Without a word, he clenched the apron in his huge fist and yanked it off. The snap of the cords was loud in the otherwise quiet room, the only other sound the panting of two aroused monsters and the thundering of my heart.

  A tender finger gently lifted my chin, tearing my wide eyes from the engorged weapon between his legs. I met hooded eyes as his calloused thumb ran small circles along my jawline.

  “You are beautiful, my Yuki,” he murmured before he leaned down and captured my lips.


  Pure, raw, intoxicating heat.

  He tasted of smoke and cinnamon, mint and chocolate, a heady combination that had my head spinning and drew a desperate, hungry moan from deep within me.

  My hands clasped his cheeks, holding him there as I returned his hungry kiss. Instinctively, I felt my power uncoiling within me, the urge to draw his heat into my aching core a violent need.

  I tore my lips from his with a strangled cry, wisps of steam escaping as I turned my head from him. That was close. Too damned close! This was why I avoided entanglements.

  Once more, he tilted my head toward him, despite my resistance. Concern clouded his rugged face, “What is it, my Yuki? Do I not please you?” He flushed, “It…has been some time since I have kissed another. I am out of practice.”

  He thought it was him?


  “No, no,” I finally said once I managed to find my voice. I could feel tears of frustration prickling at my eyes. Angrily, I dashed them away and fixed my face into a neutral expression.

  “No, it is not you, Vilhelm Vindorm. It is me. My monster craves heat, it feeds on it, draws out every calorie, but it is insatiable. You are far too tempting a treat for my monster,” my tone was flat as I scooted back on the bed.

  His expression went blank. Then it turned incredulous. Then the son-of-a-bastard dragon laughed at me!

  “It’s not funny!” I hissed, sounding suspiciously like a cat, as I scrambled back on the bed, away from the baka-ryū! Now someone really wasn’t going to get mated! Ever!

  Once again, he moved so swiftly, my eyes hadn’t even registered he had disappeared before I found myself pinned against the mattress, my wrists clasped in his strong grip, his brawny, bare thighs to either side of mine as he used his weight to keep me still.

  Pressing his grinning face against the side of my throat, he gave it a sharp nip that had me gasping, followed by a languid flick of his tongue to sooth the soreness. “My little mate, my Yuki, I am Dragon.” And yes, I could hear the capital-D he infused in that word. “I have more than enough fire within me to keep you satisfied for an eternity.” Leaning up, he looked down into my face, his expression serious and intent as he continued, “All that I am, is yours. The Norns are fond of me, they would not have brought me to you if it was not for the good of both of us.”

  Norns? Who are the Norns?

  My thoughts must’ve been clear on my face, or he was reading my mind again, because he pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of my nose, “The Fates, well, agents of Fate, older than even the Tuatha. Perhaps even older than I am.”

  I wasn’t going to ask. It was rude to ask.

  “Just how old are you?”


  His eyes grew hooded once more, his lips pursing for a moment before he said reluctantly, “Let us just say that I am older than any modern civilization, though to be fair, I have spent quite a bit of time in slumber, so those years shouldn’t count.”

  Great, I was in bed with a naked dragon…excuse me, Dragon…older than Japan. My twenty-fifth birthday wa
s still a few weeks away.

  Choking on a laugh, he nipped at my chin, “Enough of that, my Yuki. As I was saying, my heat, my heart, my very soul, are yours. We have an eternity ahead of us, one that I would very much like to live beside you as your mate, if you would accept me.”

  How could a man, a dragon, be so sweet while…his huge, throbbing erection was grinding against my stomach? Apparently, my stolen t-shirt had crawled up my body as he pinned me, leaving my lower body completely exposed and the fabric bunched up across my breasts.

  The crown of his cock was caught in the hem of my t-shirt, the thick length of him pulsating against my abdomen, and…yep, those would be his heavy testicles right there resting on my stomach. Impossible to miss those! I still didn’t know how he managed to keep all of himself hidden in flimsy jeans. Dragon magic was the only explanation.

  Then his cock flexed again, his lips twisted into a wide grin, and he brought his lips crashing back down on mine, and I forgot about everything else except him.

  He surrounded me, the palpable heat of his massive body soaking into my flesh and seemingly into the very depths of my being. His hands kept my arms pinned to the bed, his grasp light but firm, as he teased at my lips, his tongue seeking and finding entry as I gasped at the sheer overwhelming sensation of a dragon—apparently, my very own Dragon—staking his claim.

  “Drink from me, my Yuki,” he whispered against my lips, and opening my eyes, I saw his intensity, his need to provide what I needed.

  Hesitantly, I drew upon him.

  Normally, when I drew heat from someone, it was a slow, steady buzz. Like drinking cheap beer. It’d get you there, but it was going to take a lot to get a serious buzz going.

  Drawing from Vilhelm?

  It was guzzling from the waters of life.

  Unable to stop, I drew more and more of his fiery essence, yet no matter how much I drained from him, his body remained an inferno. My body flushed, wildfire licking through my veins, and I found myself wrapping around him like a python.

  Without conscious thought, I had blurred forms beneath him, reforming in an instant, so I could hook my legs around his solid waist as my arms wrapped around his lower back and my fingers dug into the solid muscles of his back.

  He only cradled me closer, hugging me up against himself as he moaned, low, deep and hungrily into my kiss while his eager hands slid over my body. Against the slick lips of my pussy, he ground his erection, letting the sheer girth of his cock spread me open through the sheer fabric of my panties while he lubricated his shaft with the proof of my desire for him. I’d wonder what happened to my panties, but I was too far gone to give them more than the most fleeting of thoughts.

  Too much, too much!

  I tore my lips from his, my head jerking backward involuntarily as a powerful orgasm relentlessly tore through my body. The echoes of my own cry lingered in my ears as he buried his face in my neck and growled out his own release. Even through the waves of pleasure wracking my body to the point of pain, I felt every blast of his molten seed as it jetted over my stomach, seeping through the thin fabric of the shirt straining over my breasts until it pooled in the valley between them.

  Panting, I fell back against the bed, my body covered with sweat…fuck, I’ve never, ever felt sweaty before—it was kind of gross! How did humans deal with this?

  Looking up, I caught his smug little grin as he reached a tender hand up and brushed sweat-soaked hair from my forehead before he leaned in and nipped at my lower lip. “See, my Yuki? You can take from me whatever you need. Your Dragon will provide.”

  Shit. I had screamed that, hadn’t I? “My Dragon!”

  Why couldn’t I have been one of those lucky ones who blacked out after powerful orgasms? Nope, instead, I was aching for more.

  But guys can’t go more than once, not without a recharge period. I mentally sneered, A weakness of the not-so-fairer sex.

  A laugh rumbled through my dragon and I suddenly found myself rolling over, until I was the one astride the massive, masculine beast. My hands resting on his rigid chest, I pushed myself up and stared down at him, and he had one of those cocky grins only men could pull off.

  “What was that for?” I asked, pounding a fist against his unyielding pectoral, right above where my mark sat glowing with a faint radiance.

  Okay, I needed to stop doing that. Hitting him just hurt me and didn’t even dent his scaly hide! His flesh was as rock-solid as the rest of him. Including the organ that he very purposefully flexed and drove up between my spread legs.

  Grabbing the hem of my t-shirt, he shredded it with all the ease of tissue paper, then used it to lightly stroke down my stomach and clean up some of the mess that was now dripping down on his bare chest.

  “My little mate, I am not a man,” he purred with a satisfied grin. “As you said, I am your Dragon, and it is my pleasure to provide for you.”

  Tossing aside the ruined t-shirt, he gripped my hips in both his hands and pressed me down firmly against his still fully engorged cock.

  “But first,” he said, not waiting for any response, “I believe it is my turn to drink.”

  Drink? Wha…?!

  Using his grip on my hips, he easily lifted me up off him and pulled me up until I was astride his face. Without any hesitation, he greedily began to lap up the juices that had slicked down my inner thighs before that fiery-hot tongue slid up between my throbbing labia and he fastened his lips firmly around the tender nub that was oh-so-desperate for his attention.

  My hands found purchase in his thick hair, fingers tightening instinctively as I whimpered.

  “Susanō save me!”

  “No, my Yuki,” he growled against my clit, his fangs securely keeping it locked in place as his tongue tortured me, “I will!”

  I lost track of just how long he gorged himself on me, of the soul-wrenching, name-screaming orgasms he tore from my helpless body, as he savored every drop of my juices he wrung from my eager flesh.

  His tongue was incredible, thick and strong, he’d stab it into my body like a spear, seeking out those places that made me squirm, that made me clutch at his head and pull at his hair, until he had me hoarse from crying out.

  Winding me up once more, the waves building higher and higher, he rolled us once more until I was on my back, my head resting on the pillow as his strong hands clutched at my ass, holding me in place as he shouldered my legs apart.

  Dragging his tongue in a blazing path up my abdomen, up between my breasts, he paused to press a tender kiss on the glowing symbol that pulsed with my rapid heartbeats, before he turned his attentions to my aching breasts.

  I jolted. My nipples had never been overly sensitive, not before, but when his lips grazed the tender nub, it puckered eagerly into his lips, needy for his attention.

  His strong hand slid along the curve of my hip, his calloused fingers stroking delicately over the planes of my stomach, causing me to squirm as I bit my lower lip to muffle the instinctive giggle. He just nipped at my other breast, causing me to gasp and distracting me.

  All thoughts of laughter were lost, however, when I felt his fingers gliding down further. A blunt finger tickled at the entrance of my pussy before slowly sinking in. My muscles instinctively clamped down, resisting the invasion, but his slow, steady, relentless probing had me relaxing back against the bed as I opened myself to him.

  His thick, agile digit delved into the tight, aching depths of my pussy and when his seeking fingertip curled just right, my back arched upward instinctively. He groaned deeply against my breast before he leaned up to stare intently down at me.

  “You are untouched,” he growled, his eyes glowing with a feral intensity. “I will try and go slow, my Yuki…”

  Shifting his weight, he nestled himself between my spread thighs, once more teasing my sex with his heavy shaft as he pressed his forehead against mine. Wrapping my arms around his thick shoulders, I shivered beneath his intense regard, but managed to whisper, “Mate me, my dragon. I nee
d you, please…”

  His lips once more seized mine, this time in a bruising, wild hunger that left me panting. “Draw from me,” he husked against my lips, and I needed no further urging as once more, I drank deeply of his molten essence.

  The ecstasy of his heat made me lightheaded, yet it couldn’t fully distract me from the feel of his glans as it spread my labia open wider than it had ever been before, and slowly began to sink into me.

  He growled against my lips, a savage, broken sound, as he slowly sank deeper and deeper. Instinctively, I tensed when I felt something tugging within me, but then he began pouring his heat into his kiss, doubling, tripling the sheer energy that surged into my body from his.

  I barely felt the pinch of him breeching my virginity, but even drunk on his heat, there was no way I couldn’t feel the tree trunk he buried as deeply within me as he possibly could when his powerful body surged into mine.

  White. The entire world turned white. I couldn’t see anything but the blinding, white-hot heat. Pain and pleasure, inferno and blizzard, darkness and light, all slammed into me simultaneously as I exploded.

  When I regained my senses, it was to find he was still buried within me, just holding himself still, and I could feel the pounding of his blood through his veins by the throbbing of his fucking dragon-sized cock.

  Gentle hands soothed my sides, his head resting against my shoulder as he pressed soft kisses against my neck. His body engulfed me. There was nothing outside of the cocoon of his embrace as he surrounded me, filled me completely, with his heat.

  Realizing I had dug my nails into the taut muscles covering his shoulder blades, I released my cramped hands from the death-grip I had on him.

  That’s when the dragon began to move.

  Slowly, way too fucking slowly, he withdrew his cock from within me, leaving a gaping void where it had rested. I thought some animal had gotten into the room, because something was making these keening, whining sounds, then suddenly he was there again, surging forward and taking away the empty coldness he had left in his wake.


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