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Page 6

by Viola Grace

  Laser watched and listened to the music. When the interlude was over, it was finally time for Laser and Sting to step forward.

  Sting spoke for them, but it was Imperium Common so Laser could understand.

  “We take guardianship of your daughter. Her safe delivery to Metskiat is our highest priority.”

  Laser saw that they were waiting for something else. She stepped close to the bride and the other woman touched her cheek. Laser was the only one who saw that the woman pulled her hand back with a jerk.

  “Be safe with us, Alhuradia Nastuacon.” Laser smiled toward the point where the woman’s eyes were under the veils.

  The bride nodded and turned toward her people, bowing low and then turning her back. That was the signal.

  Laser guided her off the dais and back to Stinger with Sting on the bride’s other side.

  Laser was a little surprised, but she accepted the new arrangement when the hold had been transformed into a casual living space. She coaxed the bride to the couch and helped her to sit.

  Sting headed up the steps and left them alone.

  Laser smiled at her charge. “Do you want to remove those veils?”

  Alhuradia sighed. “I can’t, but if you could fold them off my face, that would be nice.”

  Laser lifted and folded layer after layer until the tired young woman’s face and simple toga-styled dress was exposed.

  “I am sorry that whatever you felt made you flinch.”

  Laser stood near her guest until Alhuradia motioned for her to sit.

  “I apologise for my flinch. My talent is to take in the most memorable moment of someone’s life and hold it to myself. Your recent trauma is very much in your mind, and I felt the pain and panic.”

  Laser made a face. “Apologies. I was unaware of your talent or the custom.”

  “It is unique to my family, but we came up in the roster and I will do what I can to keep the peace.”

  “Have you met your husband?”

  The bride looked at her like she was stupid. “Of course not. Our kind no longer mix. I have spoken to him on the com though. Sobax is a good sort, and we will get along well.”

  Sting says to tell you that we will be at our destination in four hours.

  “Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

  The bride smiled. “You really don’t know what the protocol is, do you? No. I cannot eat or drink until I arrive at my new home. It is unpleasant considering I was not allowed to eat after sunset last night.”

  “Why not?”

  “A weak and hungry bride won’t usually run. I believe that is the reason.”

  Laser made a face. “Well, I guess that leaves vids.”

  “Is there one of your species? I am interested in others of your kind. You have a strangely organised mind. Highly intelligent but you wear your pain as part of your personality.”

  “It isn’t that painful.” Laser blushed and quickly pulled up the first Champions vid, taking the broad spectrum of the first five women to be considered prime examples of their occupations.

  Alhuradia watched the vid intently and blushed at certain points.

  Laser sat with her, and after the Terrans, they moved on to the Guardians. When Stinger gave her the notice that they were docking with the Metskiat station, Laser waited until she felt the docking click before standing up and dropping the veils over Alhuradia’s face.

  “We have arrived.”

  A chuckle came from the bride. “You kept me occupied. Well done.”

  “One does what one can.”

  When the young woman got to her feet, Laser tidied the folds of the veils and asked, “Can you see where you are going under that?”

  “Yes. The veils are woven to be thinner in the centre. It is like walking through a rainbow fog.”

  Sting came down the stairs and nodded. “Ready. They are waiting in the customs area.”

  The bride shivered. “This is the part I have not been looking forward to. I apologise for any discomfort this may cause you, Laser.”

  “I am ready for it. Shall we?”

  Alhuradia’s body tensed, but she moved toward the hatch.

  Laser and Sting followed.

  The hallways were empty of all personnel as their party moved toward the customs area. The bride straightened her shoulders and entered the room when two of the huge Metskiat held the door open for her.

  A woman with chestnut brown skin stepped forward. “Why do you come before us daughter?”

  “To repay for what was taken, to mix my blood with yours, to bring a brighter future.” Alhuradia knelt.

  “All worthy goals. Now, why do you stand before me?”

  “I was raised to become Metskiat. I hold nothing else in my heart but to live and grow on your world.”

  Laser watched as Sting stepped forward for the next question.

  The matriarch looked him over. “Has she been touched since she left her world?”

  Laser stepped forward. “I touched her when I escorted her down the halls.”

  The matriarch focussed on her. “Did you now? Come here, creature.”

  Laser did not like being called a creature, but she stepped forward and faced the matriarch in front of those assembled.

  “Touch me as you touched her.” The matriarch was staring with narrowed leaf-green eyes.

  Laser reached up and placed her metal palm against the woman’s face. Then, stroked her forehead and touched her arm.

  The matriarch blinked. “Right. Well. That is fine then, Guardian. Step back until you are needed.”

  Sting took her hand, and they stepped back to watch the rest of the ritual welcome. Every member of the groom’s family was assembled, and they stood in a circle as Alhuradia walked around with a slow, steady pace. Once per circle, someone would reach out and take a veil.

  It symbolized the removal of the old life and old species.

  The male who removed the veils was always the same and it was then that Laser realised it was Sobax.

  It was silent when she was down to the light toga and standing in front of her husband.

  The matriarch said, “Do you accept your bride, Sobax Ormiettik?”

  He looked down at Alhuradia and nodded. “I do.”

  “Then, removed the last portion of her old life and join her to you.”

  Laser fought a tear when the gathered family turned their backs toward the bride while Sobax slipped the dress from her shoulders, cutting the cords at the waist so that it puddled at her feet. Her sandals got the same treatment.

  Sobax reached behind him and snapped his fingers. He draped a length of fabric around his wife and picked her up in his arms.

  The matriarch nodded and Laser and Sting followed.

  Laser walked slowly back to Stinger with Sting holding her up. “You know what? Miss a chunk of your regular circulatory system and alcohol hits you like a ton of bricks.”

  Sting chuckled as she lunged against him and flattened him to the wall.

  “You’re pretty.”

  He laughed. “Two drinks and I am pretty. I will remember that.”

  “There is a bird on my world that has that colour on it.” She caressed his cheek.

  “Really? Is it masculine?”

  “Well, it opens its tail feathers and shows off to intimidate the other males and draw in females. Its feathers are prised for this very colour.”

  He laughed and lifted her off her feet. “I can’t believe that Alhuradia will name her first girl Laser.”

  “Hey, I drank to that. It sounded good.” Laser looked at the ground so far away. She hung onto him for dear life.

  “Why are you trying to strangle me?”

  “It is high.”

  “Yes, you are. Let’s get you into bed so you can face whatever we are doing next.”

  * * * *

  Sting realised that he was talking to an unconscious woman. He grinned and took her to his quarters, tucking her in, armour and all.

  Trying to pr
etend to be unmoved during the obligational voyeurism had taken its toll. The moment someone offered her something to drink, she had grabbed for it with both hands.

  The second drink had come after the salute to her moment of camaraderie by the bride, and after that, the giggles had become incessant.

  The matriarch had thanked them for their service and discharged their assignment. The giggles had continued down the hall.

  His partner was just getting comfortable with what she could do, and he could see something truly amazing taking shape behind those eyes.

  He stroked her hair and smiled before returning to the command deck.

  Two hours into their flight, he finally burst out laughing. “You can take her from her home, take her limbs, blow her up, but you can’t give her a drink. What do you think of that, Stinger?”

  The chime was low and deep, but it was definitely amused.

  He called Kilon and gave him a look.

  “What? What is it, Lukar? Is she all right?”

  “She is fine. She is keeping up and leaving me far behind, frankly, but what I want to know is did you do any physical alteration to her sex?”

  Kilon coloured, his skin darkening to navy blue. “I may have moved things around a little. Does she know? Wait…how do you know?”

  It was Lukar’s turn to blush. “It was something that she mentioned while we were having sex.”

  Kilon paused then did a little dance, pumping his fists into the air. “I knew it. I was counting on your charm to wear her down.”

  “Wear her down? She started it…well I had to get her manufacturing antivenin.”

  “The best excuse for making out with aliens I have ever heard.”

  Lukar held up his hand. “After this, I have to call Mom and Dad.”

  Kilon paused. “You are kidding. I knew she was close, but I didn’t think she was exact.”

  Lukar shrugged. “Locked together for hours and the psychic bleed has already started.”

  Kilon suddenly got a sly look on his face. “Have you told her about Wezian mating displays?”

  Lukar arched one brow. “I haven’t told her about the frond at the top of my cock. One thing at a time. We have a year to return home for a formal bonding.”

  “Dad is never going to let it be that long.”

  Lukar grinned. “I will see what I can do. If all else fails, I can get her tipsy. She has no tolerance for alcohol.”

  From behind him, he heard, “It hits hard, but it wears off fast. Hello, Icky.”

  Lee came up to his side and ran a hand behind Lukar’s neck, turning his head so that she could kiss him. She tasted of mint and tea.

  “Hello, Lee. You are looking well. How is the suit?”

  “In the charger. She is doing well, and we are in the early stages of communication.”

  She stalked around the pilot’s chair, and to Lukar’s delight, she crawled into his lap.

  Kilon got flustered and said, “Talk again later, good night, Lee, night, Lukar.”

  Lee crept up him with the grace of a large feline, and she settled in his lap. His cock throbbed and his breathing was faster. When her lips were an inch from his own, she looped her hands behind his neck and whispered, “What frond?”

  Author’s Note

  Laser was a little bit behind, but the more I appear at conventions and such, the less time I have to write. Funny how that works. For the last few years, I have been in work mode, but now, I want to get out and meet some of the folks who have made this change from a hobby to a career.

  Liberty will be up next (August 1 at eXtasy Books), and we will meet a woman arrested for trying to warn others of a disaster. Precognition is hard, but when you call 911, it becomes an arrestable offense.

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola’s fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Author’s Note

  About the Author




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