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Homewrecker (Into the Flames #1)

Page 24

by Cat Mason

  “You good, man?” Gunnar asks.

  “Never fuckin’ better,” Dixon replies and I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Good, but you might wanna hold onto her with both hands.”

  Gunnar waits patiently until Dixon has his arms wrapped around my chest tightly before pulling out until only the tip of his thick cock is resting inside me. With Dixon still fully inside of me I wait for one of them to move.

  The wicked smirk on Gunnar’s face is proof that I should prepare myself for what I’m asking for, but I don’t care. If being with Dixon has proven anything to me, it’s that I love being fucked mercilessly and being able to feel it for days. I trust these two more than anyone else and know that they would never hurt me on purpose or give me than I couldn’t handle. I need for Gunnar to let go, if this is going to work, he has to give us all of him. Now.

  Without warning Gunnar slams into me. Pulling out he does it again and again, and I swear he bottoms out against my cervix with each rapid thrust. Every time he drives into me, his pelvis grinds against my clit and his balls slap against my ass and Dixon’s cock. Dixon doesn’t move, he doesn’t need to because Gunnar is doing enough work for both of them. Tears fill my eyes, spilling over the edges and roll into my hair. Reaching up, Dixon grabs a handful of hair and twists my head so he can see the side of my face, kissing the edge of my eye where the tears are falling from.

  “Too much? You have to tell us to stop if you can’t handle it.”

  “No,” I sob, continuing to beg through the tears. “Please, please don’t stop. Fuck, it hurts but it feels so good.”

  “So that means you want more. That’s doable,” Dixon says, rolling his hips into me.

  Every muscle in my body tightens up and I know it won’t be long before I fall off the edge I’ve been teetering on since Gunnar began slamming into me. “Yes. Please. Don’t. Stop!” I cry, each word being punctuated by the sound of Gunnar’s hips hitting my ass.

  Dixon chuckles into my ear, saying something about being warned, but I don’t catch all of it. Shifting his hips, he thrusts up into me. Every time Gunnar slams into me, Dixon pulls back, setting a rhythm that has me going over the edge fast. It isn’t much longer before I’m digging my fingernails into Gunnar’s hands and screaming their names. My body locks up, my vision starts to blur, and whatever I’m saying is incoherent to me so I know that they can’t understand me. They continue thrusting, not stopping for anything, including the most powerful orgasm to ever build up and rip through my body. It’s so powerful that everything around me fades away and when I finally open my eyes again Gunnar’s weight on my chest is making it hard to catch my breath.

  I attempt to lift my arm so I can run my fingers through his hair and make sure he’s OK, but my muscles tell me to go to hell. Thankfully he doesn’t stay there for long and pushes his body off my chest. I can only imagine how heavy both of us were on top of Dixon.

  “How ya doin’?” Gunnar asks, pushing the hair away from my forehead.

  “Can’t move,” I mumble breathlessly.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, Gunnar grips my thighs and lifts me off of Dixon. My body clenches as he slips from my ass and it causes me to gasp. I bite my lip, trying to ignore the ache radiating through my body when Gunnar sets me down in the center of the bed and adjusts the pillows under me. Crawling up next to me, he tucks me into his chest and Dixon heads into the bathroom. He emerges a few minutes later with a warm washcloth and cleans me up since I’m completely useless. I’ll have to remember to thank him for that later because I can’t handle the feeling of dried up lube on my skin.

  I can feel my eyes drifting closed as they clean themselves up and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I know there is so much we need to talk about. There are issues that need to be resolved, but I can’t get my mind to wrap around the fact that these things need to happen and make them happen. With my eyes closed, I force myself to shift until I’m comfortable with my chest pressed against Gunnar’s side and I feel the air rush around me from the door opening. Before I have a chance to say anything and find out why Dixon is leaving, Gunnar beats me to it.

  “Where the hell are you goin’?”

  Dixon hesitates with his answer that seems more like a question than a statement. “Home?”

  The bed shifts as Gunnar moves and pulls me with him. “You’re not fuckin’ leavin’ after what just happened. After everything we talked about... what the fuck do you think this is, a one-nighter?”

  “I fuckin’ hope not,” he finally answers.

  “Then get your ass over here.”

  The door closes and for a second I think that he left but suddenly the bed sinks and the length of Dixon’s body presses against my backside. His arm slides over my hip and down between my stomach and Gunnar’s hip, tucking it under me to keep me close. They talk quietly over my head as I close my eyes and realize that this is the most comfortable and whole I think I have ever felt. If this is a dream, it’s one hell of a dream, and I never want to wake up.

  Waking up sandwiched between two overgrown bodies is… different. It isn’t easy to slide out of bed unnoticed, and it’s even harder when every inch of your body is screaming at you from the brutal fucking you begged for the night before. When I finally manage to escape without waking either of the guys up, I grab my usual night jersey, tugging it on before inching out of the room and down the hall. Every step is calculated to ease the ache, but it doesn’t keep it all away. I finally make it to the kitchen and start a pot of coffee before attempting to stretch out a few of my muscles. I groan and whimper with some movements. I clench my ass cheeks, testing to see just how badly I hurt and realize that it’s probably not the best idea when it makes me want to cry. I’m not sure why something that felt so good then, could hurt so badly now.

  After mixing a cup of coffee for myself, I set cups out for the guys and ease myself down into a chair, thankful that even though we all prefer milk in our coffee, we can handle it without when needed. With the house being empty for so long, everything has gone bad and the note to grab milk is still taped to the freezer door.

  Every move I make has me thinking back to last night, replaying all the ways that they touched me and figuring out what happened to make me this sore. The thoughts have my skin burning and wondering where we’re going to go from here because nothing got sorted out last night that should have been dealt with.

  Halfway through my cup and being lost in my thoughts, Gunnar and Dixon emerge and fill the kitchen. They’re laughing, so I guess that’s a good thing. I, on the other hand, have no idea what to do right now so I keep quiet and continue to sip on my coffee. As usual Gunnar tips my face up to his so he can kiss me good morning. Grabbing my hand, he pulls me up so I’m flush against his body and does it again. Holding my head between his hands, he deepens the kiss, making me groan and I feel Dixon’s eyes on us as he stays leaning against the counter.

  When Gunnar finishes kissing me he heads back over and leans next to where Dixon is. I stay standing where I am, feeling completely out of place in my own kitchen. I’ve never felt more awkward than I do right now and I’m not sure how to handle it. Maybe if I knew what they were thinking I could figure out how I’m supposed to be dealing with what happened last night, but they’re both quiet.

  Tipping the cup to my lips, I stare at the floor while I swallow. Gunnar clears his throat, gaining my attention. “So last night I had to tell you to get your ass back in bed with us. Am I gonna have to tell you to kiss the fuckin’ woman too? This shouldn’t be a forced thing like it is right now if you guys love each other like you say you do. I think if anyone should feel weird about this, it should be me.”

  “He’s right,” Dixon says. Stepping up to me he slides his hands into my hair before showing me exactly how right he thinks Gunnar is with his lips. “No more hesitatin’. Got it.”

  When he lets go I grab his hand and tug him along behind me. Pressing myself into Gunnar, I wait for him to wrap his a
rms around me before pulling Dixon in against my back. I turn my head, pressing my lips to Gunnar’s bare chest right above his heart. Just as I get comfortable, settling in and loving having them on either side of me, Dixon’s emergency tone goes off on his phone.

  “Shit, I hate that fuckin’ thing sometimes.”

  My stomach sinks knowing he’s leaving us to go put his life in danger, but it’s one more thing I can be grateful about not having to hide from Gunnar anymore. Using his fingers to turn my head, he kisses me again,

  “Be careful,” I whisper, earning me a wink before heading to find his phone. Gunnar pulls me closer, running his hand over my hair to smooth it down. “Are you sure you’re all right with all this? I don’t want you going along with it and keeping everything bottled up inside until you finally blow up.”

  “I had a lot of time to think about it, Kennedy. And I had even more time to realize that I don’t wanna live without you every day. It hurt to wake up knowin’ you weren’t next to me, it was hard trying to sleep without you in my arms, and the hardest thing about it all was I couldn’t call the two people that I bounce everything off of. I wouldn’t be able to handle that every day for the rest of my life, Kennedy. If this is what we need to do, we do it. We fight together because we are better together than we could ever be apart, baby.”

  “It’s going to be a lot of fighting to get where we all need to be to make this work.”

  “Mhm.” He presses his lips to the top of my head before tilting my head back. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve wondered if the love I feel for you is worth fightin’ this hard for, but all I have to do is look at you and I’m ready to battle. As long as the end result has you in it, I’m in for the long haul.”

  “Me too,” Dixon adds from the doorway. “I just came back to tell you I’d see you later.”

  “You comin’ back here?” Gunnar asks.

  “If you both want me here, there’s nowhere I’d rather be.” We both nod and Dixon starts to turn away but stops short and grins at me. “You were warned, Sunshine, but a hot shower will loosen up those muscles up until they get used to the workout that you’re gonna get with us both around.”

  After he finally leaves Gunnar tells me the same thing so I jump in the shower, letting the hot water blast against my aching body. If this is how I’m going to feel after sex with them, I should probably start working out with the football team to get in shape. After toweling off, I throw on a pair of jeans and baggy shirt before seeking out Gunnar. He isn’t hard to find. His six foot two inch frame is sprawled out across the couch staring at the ceiling. Before I have a chance to say anything to bring attention to myself, he holds his hand out to me, tugging me down on top of him when he has a hold of mine. If I thought the shower took the pain in my body away, landing on Gunnar’s chest proved me wrong.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” he growls, tensing beneath me. “I knew we were gonna hurt you.”

  “I’m fine, Gunnar. I loved it. There is no reason you should ever have had to hold back on me to begin with, and you better not do it again.”

  “I hope you didn’t have any plans today,” he whispers, dragging his fingers down my spine as he ignores my statement. “Because I don’t plan on lettin’ you move from right here. I have a lot of time that I haven’t been able to touch you to make up for.”

  Before everything happened, I’d have been fine with ignoring the needed conversations. Now, I know that can’t happen. Lack of honest communication is something that could cost us everything. I am not prepared to lose them again. That means, no more avoiding the issues. “We have to talk, Gunnar, as nice as avoiding the elephant in the room is, we need to talk about it.”

  “I’m well aware that we need to talk. Me needing to touch you doesn’t mean I forgot what happened, and it doesn’t mean that we can’t. It just means that we’re gonna do it in this position.”

  “Fine by me,” I mumble, snuggling closer into his chest.

  That is exactly what we do too. Neither one of us moves except to use the bathroom for the entire day, but by the end of it I think we’ve discussed everything that we need to. Including what is going to happen with Dixon if he wants to be part of it. I also take time to text Mark and Lynsey so they don’t worry about me. They have been my support system the last few weeks and the last thing I want is for Lynsey to storm the house and walk in on something like last night. Of course the bitch gloats and I can only imagine her dancing around like the total asshole she is loving how right she was. Once I give her and Mark enough details to appease them, I tell them we will catch up at the shop on Monday and I snuggle back on the couch with Gunnar and watch the end of the movie he picked.

  When Dixon finally gets back to the house I feel like I can actually breathe. Not being able to pick up my phone and make sure that he’s OK because he’s out on a call doesn’t sit well with me. Leaping off the couch, I practically tackle him before he has a chance to get through the door. His hands slide around my waist, pulling me closer as he kisses me and the smell of smoke fills my nose as I breathe him in. It’s something I’m going to have to get used to if he’s going to be around full-time. As scary as it is because I know it means he’s been in a fire, it brings me comfort at the same time. It means he made it home safe.

  Pulling away from me, Dixon reaches over his head and drags his sweatshirt off. I grab it from him before he has a chance to hang it up because I know everything he has on is headed straight for the washing machine anyway. He hesitates when it comes to letting go of it.

  “You don’t have to wash my clothes, Sunshine. I’ve been a big boy with a bad habit of comin’ home smellin’ like smoke for a long time. Washin’ clothes is like a professional sport for me now.”

  Peeling his fingers off his shirt, I step back and snap my fingers. “Strip,” I say with a smirk. He chuckles but reaches for the hem of his t-shirt. “I don’t care if you’re an Olympic gold medalist in fitted sheet folding. Give me your clothes and go get washed up so we can all talk.”

  Turning his attention to Gunnar as he toes out of his boots and cocks his head to the side. “Just me, man, or is she tryin’ to get me nekkid and wet?”

  I swirl the t-shirt around when he hands it to me and crack it against his ass. “I said strip, not converse with the other man that should be naked but isn’t. There will be no working together to get your way.”

  “That sounds an awful lot like a challenge to me,” Gunnar speaks up from the couch.

  Undoing his pants, Dixon leans into the divider wall and looks me up and down. “I feel like it was, and if I my memory is correct you aren’t very good when it comes to winnin’ challenges.”

  I throw my hands up feigning exasperation and I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm. “Try to do something nice by washing some clothes and it gets turned into a seventies porn intro in here.”

  Dropping his lips against my ear, Dixon sighs. “Fortunately for you, this can’t be a seventies porn because your pussy doesn’t resemble a shag carpet.”

  I gag at the thought which makes both of them laugh at me. “That’s just gross.” Sliding my hand around his hip, I snap the waistband on his boxers. “Am I going to have to put you in the washing machine with your clothes on, or are you going to do as I asked and strip?”

  “Mmmm, bubbles and a spin cycle. I could honestly go either way on this one.”

  I look at Gunnar for some help, but he does nothing but shrug. “I’m with him on the spin cycle thing.” Beside me, Dixon throws his hands in the air and does a victory dance. “But, I’m with Kennedy on the get your ass clean part. Shower now so we can talk and get some shit done tonight.”

  His arms fall in defeat and Dixon pouts. “I feel ganged up on all of a sudden. All to get me naked. I almost feel violated.” Hanging his head he walk past me like a scolded child. I reach out as he steps by me and pinch his ass, making him jump. “Help I need an adult!” he yells and runs away from me. “Preferably a sexy naked wet adult that will let me stick it
in her butt.”

  I laugh and make my way over to the couch, dropping down next to Gunnar. “For someone who doesn’t listen when I say get naked, you’re awfully specific when it comes to your wants.”

  “Wanna stick my dick in your twat,” he sings, finally dancing his way down the hallway. “Oh, if you ride me it would hit that sweet spot. Make you scream around your husband’s cock. I want my dick in your twat!”

  I can’t breathe as I roll into Gunnar’s side and laugh so hard my stomach aches. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, laughing right along with me.

  “How the hell did we end up friends with that in school?” he asks after hearing the water turn on and listening to Dixon belt out a song about double dipping with their dicks. It’s not bad considering he manages to make it work with the tune of “The Twist” by Fat Boys. We make our way to the garage and load the washer with Dixon’s smoke covered clothes.

  Shaking my head, I try to catch my breath before answering him as we head back to the couch. “If I remember correctly he walked up, said something to you about a car that made no sense at all. Then he made the mistake of looking at Lynsey and asking her if she wanted to play naked cowboys and Indians.”

  “Oh yeah…” he nods, pulling me closer. “That was the first time I told Lyn I loved her. Watchin’ her punch him in the face was the funniest thing ever.”

  “Now she just steals his beer and threatens to whoop peoples’ asses with giant rubber cocks. Where the hell did we go wrong with her?”

  “Damn kids think they can have a mind of their own when they grow up. You have to admit that watchin’ her slap him in the face with a dildo at her birthday party was amazing.”

  Before I have a chance to reply the bathroom door gets ripped open and Dixon yells down the hall. “Vietnam War flashbacks, damn it! Are you tryin’ to bring back the nightmares, assholes?”

  “Oh, poor baby,” I tease. “How can I fix it?”

  “The only way to counteract the dreams is with oral. Or anal. Oh hell, as long as you’re touchin’ my cock I’ll have a good night.”


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