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It Started with a Contract

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t think that. I wanted you back at this hotel room because I wanted you available to me. The negotiations took longer because you distracted me,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  “How could I distract you when I wasn’t even there?”

  “Because you were there taunting me in my head. I was in the office with a bunch of boring old men, fighting for the deal I wanted, and I knew you were here, waiting for me. It’s really hard to focus when I’m thinking about you.” He slammed his lips back down on hers.

  Hadley wrapped her arms around his neck, knowing there was no point in fighting him. She didn’t want to fight him.


  This was the longest fucking meeting Easton could ever recall being in, and it was all because of this woman right here. She drove him crazy, and the need filling him right now wouldn’t go away. He fucking wanted her. His cock was rock hard. Moving her toward the back of the sofa, he pulled away, and stared into her green eyes. Her red hair cascaded around her, and just by looking at her, he wanted her. He was so fucking desperate to be inside her tight pussy.

  They had both done physicals, but the results weren’t back yet. He had several condoms in his back pocket, and pretty much within reach.

  Gripping the edge of her shirt, he tore it open with buttons flying all over the place. They had good housekeeping to deal with that, and he was more interested in getting his woman naked than anything else.

  She wore a sexy as sin red lacy bra, and he tugged the shirt off her body. “All fucking day, and all night I’ve been thinking about getting you naked. You’ve been driving me insane.”

  Her answer was to moan. Fingering the button of her jeans, he had them open and down her thighs within seconds. She had on a pair of lacy red panties to match the bra, and it just sent his arousal into overdrive.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said. Running his hands up and down her body, he pulled her close, and slammed his lips back down on hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her entire body against his.

  He loved her hips, and moving to her ass, he gripped the flesh. Unable to resist, he glanced over at the windows where they were reflected. She was a full woman, and that turned him on.

  Hadley attacked his clothes, and started to get him as naked as she was. They were the complete opposite of one another. He was rock hard while she was all curvy softness.

  Within seconds, his pants were off, and he removed her bra. Leaning forward, he took her nipple into his mouth, and bit down.

  She cried out, and he cupped her breasts together. He flicked his tongue between one nipple and then the other. They were so large, and red, and he sucked them into his mouth. Releasing her tits, he ran his hands to her panties, and yanked them off easily. She stood in front of him completely naked, and he couldn’t wait.

  He spun her around, and made her bend over the sofa. Wrapping the length of her red hair around his wrist, he moved her neck to the side, and flicked his tongue across her pulse.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking hot you are, babe? Right now, you’re at my mercy. You’ve got no chance of getting away from me, ever.” He gripped his cock, rubbing the pre-cum up and down his length. Keeping hold of her hair, he reached down, grabbing his condom. Tearing into it, he worked it on his length, and then with one thrust, slid every single inch of his cock inside her.

  She cried out his name, and he felt every pulse, every ripple of her cunt wrapped around him.

  “Oh, baby, that is so fucking good. Your pussy is so tight.” He released her hair, and held onto her hips, pulling out of her pussy to see her cream covering the condom. Slamming back inside her, he held still, closing his eyes, and basking in the pulse of her pussy.

  He looked over at the window, seeing her nice rounded ass nestled against his hips, and he was just so turned on. She was perfect, and he was so pleased that she had decided to stay with him.

  Sliding his hands up, he cupped her large tits, and she turned her head, watching him in the window.

  “Your pussy is so wet, babe,” he said. “Do you like this? We’re strangers, babe, and yet you’re so wet for me, so sweet. You’ve got such a nice pussy.” Releasing her tits, he moved them between her thighs, and stroked through her slit. “Someone is nice and ready to be fucked.” He ran his fingers over her slit, feeling how wet she was. Her pussy tightened around him as he stroked her clit. “That’s right, babe. Give me what I want. Give me your release.”

  He fingered her pussy, and stayed still inside her. Easton was going to let her come before he fucked her, and he was going to fuck her hard.

  It had been too long since he’d been with a woman, and right now, she was perfection, and he wanted to be inside her, and was desperate for her.

  “You’re all mine now, Hadley. You belong to me, and I can do whatever the hell I want.”

  “You promised I wouldn’t be bored.”

  “You won’t be.”

  “I already have been.” She glanced back at him, and he saw the fire in her eyes. “Are you going to make it up to me?”

  He loved that. Even though he was paying her, she answered back at him, and gave as good as she got.

  That advertisement was the best thing he’d ever done.

  Using two fingers, he slid them across her clit, and he watched as her eyes closed, and she turned back to face the front. He smirked. He couldn’t help it.

  Her body wanted his touch, and he was going to make sure that she craved him. Pinching her clit, he heard her scream his name, and her pussy started to contract around him, opening and closing, tightening all around him. The orgasm was building, and he didn’t release her. Instead, he kept his cock deep inside her. He didn’t want to leave her body. She was fucking heaven.

  Chapter Three

  His cock was so hard, and Hadley moaned as he filled her to the brim, and held her there. The orgasm had taken her completely by surprise as he teased her clit. Easton didn’t release her clit, and he continued to stroke even though she whimpered and begged him to stop.

  “No, I want you to come all over my dick again. Come on, baby, come for me.” His fingers glided down her slit until he was touching his own cock.

  Hadley glanced behind her once again, and his gaze was settled between them where his shaft was plunging inside her.

  She couldn’t contain her moans. Sinking her fingers into the sofa chair, she gritted her teeth at the pleasure. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

  Easton was the biggest man she had ever been with, and the way he held her hips in place, it was driving her crazy. She wanted his hands in both places, on her clit, and on her hips.

  She wished to be marked by him, and even as she possessed these crazy thoughts, she didn’t know what the hell to do with them.

  He was a stranger.

  A stranger with his dick so deep inside her that she didn’t know where she started or he did. One of his hands left from between her thighs, and in their reflections, she watched as he licked his fingers.

  Hadley knew she was healthy, and didn’t carry any diseases.

  Seeing him tasting her though, it made her feel a little better. She didn’t know why she liked it either.

  “You taste so fucking good, baby.”

  Both of his hands went to her hips, and she felt her own wetness as he gripped her tightly and started to drive harder inside her.

  He filled her to the point of pain, and when it was almost too much, he pulled away.

  “Such a nice, sexy ass. Fuck, baby. From the first moment I opened my door, I knew I wouldn’t be able to fucking resist you.”

  Easton was the most vocal guy she had been with. Already, he had completely blown her expectations. She had never been fucked bent over a sofa, let alone the guy watching them both together.

  He slammed inside her, and she was surprised as the pleasure started to build inside her, just from the pleasure of his dick.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last. It has been t
oo long.”

  The grip on her hips grew even tighter, and she couldn’t help but watch as he plunged inside her, and every single inch of him was seated to the hilt. When he came she felt every pulse as he filled her to the top.

  He released a loud shout, and she saw the veins in his neck stand out.

  “Fuck, I needed that.” Easton ran his hands up and down her body.

  “Great,” she said.

  Hadley was still in a little bit of shock right now. She had just had sex with a man she’d pretty much just met.

  Slowly, he pulled out of her, and spun her around. There was a slight pain inside her. It had been over a year, maybe two, since she last had sex, and the man she’d been with hadn’t been that big.

  “Give it to me,” he said.

  “Give what to you?”

  “Look, I know this is not exactly easy for some women. Yeah, some can fuck for money, and others struggle. Give it to me.”

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  She didn’t know what to do with her arms. Should she fold them in front of her, beneath her breasts? There was an overwhelming need to cover herself, and she didn’t know what to do.

  “Nothing at all?” he asked.


  He took hold of her hands when she held them up in front of her.

  “You’ve got nothing to hide from me.” He locked their fingers together, and she stared at them.

  “I need a shower.” She pulled away from him, and trying to hold her head high, she made her way toward her room, going straight for the bathroom. The last thing she wanted to deal with was what the hell was going on inside her own head. Turning on the shower, she held her fingers underneath the running water, waiting until it was warm enough for her to stand under.

  Holding her face up to the shower, she closed her eyes, and tried to block out the sight of the two of them together. Their reflections in the mirror. It was driving her crazy, thinking about it.

  It’s fine.

  You had sex with a stranger.

  Everyone does it all the time.

  Running her hands down her face, she then went up, pushing her hair off her face.

  “You’re not a whore,” Easton said.

  She gasped and spun around, opening her eyes to see Easton standing naked in the shower. He was all muscles, and his skin was completely plain without a single blemish or tattoo on his body.

  “Excuse me.”

  “I don’t want you to be worried, or trying to figure out what is going on between us,” he said, leaning over her to pick up the soap. “This is our relationship, and I’ll never embarrass you.”

  “You’re calling this a relationship?” she asked.

  “Don’t you think it is?”

  She shook her head. “How can it be a relationship? I don’t understand.”

  He ran the soap in his hands, lathering it up, and he spun her around and pulled her close so that her back was against him.

  “How can it not be? I’ve just been balls deep inside you, and you’re completely mine, Hadley.”

  “You’re paying me for sex.”

  “Think of it as companionship. If all I wanted was sex, I wouldn’t be in this shower right now, talking to you, and making sure you’re okay. I’d be out there, negotiating shit.” He pressed a kiss to her neck. “I want you to be comfortable, and I don’t want you to see fucking me as a job.” One of his hands rested on her stomach, pulling her back.


  Easton was ready to go again. His cock was hard and ready to fuck.

  What was it about this woman that made him want to follow her to make sure she was okay? He didn’t get it, not at all. Their relationship was unconventional, but it was still a good one. Her pussy had been heaven, and yes, he’d tasted it without getting the results of their physical. He trusted her, and he honestly didn’t understand why. They hadn’t known each other long enough to build up that kind of trust.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked, pressing his cock against her ass. “That’s what you do to me, and that’s what makes me so damn hard that I can’t concentrate.”

  “Easton, this is … wrong,” she said.

  He slid his hand between her thighs and fingered her pussy. “You think this is wrong?” He pinched her clit, and waited for the little scream as he ran his fingers up and down her slit. She was already wet for him.


  “You’re so wet, Hadley. I think you’re lying to me about what you want, what you need.” Plunging two fingers inside her pussy, he groaned at how tight she was. “Give yourself over to me, and I’ll make every single fantasy come true.” Using his thumb, he ran it over her clit, feeling her pussy tighten around his fingers.

  With his other hand, he cupped her breast, pinching the nipple. As he sucked at her pulse, they both groaned, and it was impossible for him not to relish the sounds.

  Hadley went soft in his arms, and he released her once again, spinning her around, and moving her so her back touched the wall. She let out a little gasp, complaining about the tile being cold.

  Sinking to his knees in front of her, he lifted up her thigh, and ran his tongue all the way down her slit.

  The taste of her cream was addictive, and he wanted more. So much more. Sliding his tongue down, he found her entrance, and started to plunder her cunt, gripping her ass at the same time.

  She shouted his name. Her hands balled into fists at her sides as if she didn’t know what to do with them.

  Holding her in place, he flicked his tongue over her clit, watching as she slowly came apart with each stroke of his tongue.

  Her body was a dream to him. He loved her curves, and the way they felt against his hands, and his body.

  Opening the door of the shower, he grabbed a condom from the floor where he’d placed them before getting inside. Tearing into a condom, he slid it over his cock, and stood.

  Her eyes were a little glassy, her nipples rock hard with arousal.

  Moving between her thighs, he found her entrance, and slid his cock in deep. They both groaned. He wasn’t particularly deep, and only when he was secure inside her, did he lift her up, using the wall as leverage.

  “Wrap those pretty little thighs around my waist.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and held onto his shoulders as he started to slide in and out of her pussy.

  He loved sex, fucking relished it.

  With Hadley, it was becoming something more. Being inside her pussy was the best feeling in the world, and he didn’t want it to stop.

  She was perfect in every single way to him.

  “Touch your clit, baby. Make yourself come all over my cock.”

  Her fingers slid between them, and each stroke once again had her pussy tightening around him.

  He fucked her in the shower with water running all around them, and even to him, it wasn’t enough. It didn’t feel like enough, and he wanted more.

  “Easton,” she said, crying out as she threw herself into orgasm.

  The feel of her pussy, the way she was so open in her release, set him off again, and he filled the condom.

  The moment the papers came back, he was going to fuck her without a condom so there was nothing between them. Pulling out of her, he disposed of the condom, and grabbed the soap, lathering his hands. He handed her the soap, and even though her hands were shaking a little bit, she washed him as he did the same to her.

  Turning off the shower, he handed her a towel, and climbed out behind her.

  She rushed out of the room, and he decided to leave her to gather her shit together while he did the same. He took one towel, and ran it over his face and hair until it was dry. Placing it over his shoulders, he took another and put it around his waist.

  When a sufficient amount of time had passed, he entered the bedroom to find Hadley already in a long nightshirt. It was an ugly ass thing that covered her beautiful body, and it went to her knees.

  “Take the shirt off,” he said

  “Excuse me?”

  “When we sleep together I want you naked. Unless you’re on your cycle, and then you can wear panties.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You’re sleeping here?”

  “I’ve not slept in two days. I’m sleeping here, and it’s part of our agreement that you sleep with me.”

  It wasn’t, but he didn’t want her to argue. He’d noticed, the few times they had talked, that she really hated it when he brought up their agreement.

  If it got him what he wanted, he’d mention it every single day. He was a businessman, and knew how to play things to his benefit.

  “Fine. You’re the boss.” She lifted up her shirt and tossed it aside. At the same time she turned her back toward him so he couldn’t see.

  He threw his towels aside and climbed into the bed.

  She wriggled out of her panties and did the same.

  Once she had finished punching her pillow, and doing whatever shit she needed to, he closed the distance and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back against him. At first, she tensed up, but she didn’t fight.

  Slowly, she started to relax, and when she was completely still, he fell asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Hadley glanced around the large grocery store, and glanced at her list again. This was the first time she had been allowed out in a month. That was how long it had been since she had been employed by Mr. Gray. It had been a rollercoaster ride of a month. That first business trip, he had to leave her the following morning, but he’d come back at lunchtime, again at three, and was home by nine. Each time, he pressed her against the nearest wall bringing her to orgasm until she screamed his name, and begged for more, and then, and only then would he fuck her.

  The moment they got back to his place, he’d helped her to settle into a room of her own. Not that she’d used that room. Every time she tried to go to her own room, Easton would wrap his arms around her, stopping her from going anywhere. She loved the feel of him snuggling against her. She didn’t know if that was normal for a guy to do. Either way, nights were her favorite time of day when his large, muscular arms wrapped around her.


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