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Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart)

Page 6

by Johnson, Michele

“Yes sir.” Austin said.

  “Austin?” I yelled into the woods. I was beginning to worry about where he was.

  “I have to go.” He said to the man.

  The man shook his head yes and disappeared behind the trees.

  Chapter 9

  “Hey babe” Austin said as he came out of the bushes.

  “I was thinking about calling search and rescue. What took you so long?” I asked.

  “Just enjoying the view…and setting up your next surprise.” He lied.

  He sat down beside me on the ground and laid a light brown, picnic basket in front of me. He unfastened it and pulled the food out. It was sandwiches, chips, cookies, and water. I ate at the food like Cody eats at his. I barely had a chance to taste it; partially because I wanted to get out of here and partially because I was starving.

  “Was it good?” Austin asked.

  “It was great. Thank you. I was just really hungry.” I said.

  “Wanna get out of here?” He asked finishing his food.

  “No, it’s pretty here.” I lied.

  He knew it was a lie. “Come on, I have another surprise for you anyway.” He said he scooped up our clothes from behind the waterfall and snatched up the basket. He came over to me, took my hand and helped me up.

  He put his arms around me and walked me casually to the car. When we reached it he helped me into it. My bathing suit was now dry so I didn’t worry about changing. He climbed in the car and roared it to life. He drove us back up to the main road.

  “So, where are we going now?” I asked.

  “You really don’t like surprises, do you?” he asked.

  “I’m starting to get use to them.” I confessed.

  My phone began to ring in my purse. I grabbed it. “It’s James.” I said.

  “Don’t answer…” Austin said as I pressed the talk button.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Jamie…? Where have you been? I’ve been calling.” He said.

  “I’m with Austin. I left my purse in the car” I admitted.

  “I’m at your house.” He said.

  “Oh, Okay. I’m on my way.” I unenthusiastically said.

  I hung up the phone.

  “He’s at the house.” I admitted.

  “Alright, so, I guess I have to take you to him?” Austin asked.

  “Yes.” I said. In a way I was thankful.

  He drove in direction to my house. We sat in silence. When we reached my house I kissed his cheek and climbed out of the car. He didn’t say anything. I could tell he was brokenhearted. I shut the door and turned toward the house. James was sitting on the porch. I heard the mustang drive off.

  “Sorry to ruin your date.” James said sarcastically.

  “No you’re not.” I said bitterly.

  He laughed as I walked to the door and unlocked it. We walked in together. I put my keys and my purse down on the table beside the door and followed James into the kitchen.

  “You’re early.” I stated.

  “Yeah, I have a lot of things to do.” He said.

  “Cool, Austin will be graduating soon. And he has a job now.” I said trying to small talk him.

  “Well, I am here to give you this.” He placed a blue gift bag on the table.

  “What’s this?” I inquired.

  “We’re paying you up.” He announced.

  “What do you mean?” I questioned.

  “This is your last three payments of $1000. There is $3000 in this bag.” He declared.

  “Paying me up?” I asked confused. “I thought this deal was supposed to last until I die?” I asked.

  “Well, dad said that he sees no reason to take care of you anymore. Jesse has moved on and evidently you have too. You are no longer a risk to him.”

  “This is bull shit James. I was supposed to be paid $1,000 every month until I died.” I was starting to get mad.

  “I don’t make the rules Jamie, I just enforce them.” James admitted.

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine” I said.

  “I do have one more gift for you.” He laid an envelope on the table.

  “Okay. I’ll open it later. I have to go look for a job.” I said sarcastically.

  “I guess this is goodbye Jamie.” He said. He came over to me and kissed my cheek. “It’s been a pleasure.”

  “Goodbye James.” I whispered. “Although I hate your guts, we’ve became close.” I admitted. “I’m going to miss you…a little.” I confessed.

  “Me too… Take care of yourself Jamie.” He said.

  He turned around and caressed Cody’s head. “Bye Mutt.” He said.

  Cody licked his hand. I smiled at them. This was a bittersweet moment. James had kind of grown on me. He had become the only one who knew my secret and really knew “me”. I was going to miss him slightly. Undoubtedly because he reminded me of the face I so desperately desired to see again. James shook his head in a nod and walked out the back door, closing it behind him. He disappeared. My heart sank as I began to realize that I was never going to see him again. Although it wasn’t him I was going to miss, it was his face. I was going to miss seeing Jesse every time I looked into James’ eyes. A knock came at the door breaking my thoughts.

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “It’s me, Austin.” Austin voice said.

  “It’s open.” I said.

  He opened it. “Is he gone?” He asked.

  “Yea, come on in.” I said.

  He walked over to me. “You want to get going?” He asked as he seen the hurt in my eyes.

  “Sure.” I said.

  He gripped me and pulled me into a hug. “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “I’m fine.” I said. “It’s just…James said goodbye. He won’t be back again.” I admitted.

  “Doesn’t that make you happy?” He said.

  “Yes.” I lied.

  “Okay then, what’s wrong?” He asked.

  “It’s nothing.” I lied again.

  “You’re going to miss seeing Jesse’s face?” He said.

  It’s like he could read my mind. “Does that make me a bad person?” I asked.

  “Not at all, Ami, I understand you had a life before me; one that was ripped from you” He said. “It’s normal to still feel for someone you once loved…or maybe you still do. But you have to face that he is never coming back.” The words stung my chest like a dagger.

  “I know he isn’t coming back. But what if he doesn’t know I’m alive?” I questioned. “What if they told him that I’m dead?”

  “I thought you said he left freely?” Austin said. “Went with his fiancée?”

  “He…he did.” I told him another half-truth. The truth was I didn’t know if he really wanted her.

  He could see the hurt in my eyes and decided not to press me any farther. “Let’s get going.”

  I got up from the kitchen table and took his hand. He led me out the front door. I locked it and walked with him to the car. He helped me into the car and climbed in himself. He drove us to the spot he likes to surf at. Our friends were not there.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  “I want to try to get you on a board.” He said.

  “I’ve been on my board.” I said.

  “I mean actually up on it, riding a wave.” He said. “I want you to feel the freedom of the ocean and I asked the guys and girls not to be here so you wouldn’t feel the pressure.”

  “Fine, I’ll try it.” I admitted.

  “Great!” He said enthusiastically.

  We walked down the hill to the beach and Austin got my board out. He handed it to me. We walked out to the water and Austin instructed me through standing up and riding on a wave. I was now riding my first wave. The feeling was unbelievable. I felt like I was flying. After I finished I couldn’t stop.

  After about an hour of riding with Austin I heard the faint sound of shouting coming from the hill. It was the gang. They were all cheering for me. I never felt a rush like this be
fore. I finished riding and exited the water to greet them.

  “Hey guys.” I said.

  “Oh my god girl, you looked great out there.” Judy said.

  “Yeah, that was astonishing.” Dickey said.

  “Well let’s get back out there. I heard there are some really big ones supposed to be coming within the hour.” Eddie said.

  They grabbed their boards and we all headed for the water.

  “Having fun?” Austin asked before we got in.

  “This is incredible. I had no idea what I was missing.” I admitted.

  He grabbed me and kissed me. We followed the group out into the water. We continued to ride wave after wave until almost sunset. They all exited the water and placed their boards back except me. I wanted one more wave.

  “What are you doing tonight Austin?” Jacob asked Austin.

  “I’ve got something planed for Ami.” He said as I began to ride another wave.

  This one was really big; I was doing fine at first but something made me fall. The water engulfed me and took me under; the current rushed me towards the rocks. I gasped for breath as much as I could. My head hit heavy on the rocks and the wave covered me completely. A few moments later I was washed up on the shore of a nearby beach. Austin shouted my name and hysterically explored the water for me. The man that had been watching us at the waterfall had seen where I landed and hurried to my side. He began to resuscitate me. I began to cough and I sluggishly opened my eyes. His face was familiar but fuzzy. His smell reminded me of someone but it just wasn’t coming to my mind. I heard Austin’s voice heading towards us. I could scarcely see what was happening but I heard arguing:

  “What the hell, Austin!?” The mystery man said. “You were supposed to take care of her!”

  “I was taking care of her…” He argued back.

  “Get away from her. I want you gone. Leave her alone.” He said.

  “…Sir, you not being rational. What do you think she will do when she wakes up and sees you? She needs me.” He debated back. My head was spiraling and I closed my eyes. Everything was black.

  Chapter 10

  As I awoke everyone began to crowd me. I felt smothered.

  “Austin, please make everyone leave.” I requested.

  “Okay baby.” He said. “I’ll call you guys later and let you know how she is.” He said.

  They all unwillingly left. I began to hear the beeping of monitors. I recognized I was in a hospital bed again.

  “What…What happened?” I asked.

  “You were surfing and an enormous wave got you. It was too much for you to handle…and it took you under. You hit your head.” He said.

  “Who…Who was that on the beach? The man you were quarreling with.” I asked.

  “I wasn’t quarreling with anyone. I think you were hallucinating.” He lied.

  I knew he was lying but I let it go.

  “How long was I asleep?” I asked.

  “You’ve been in a coma for two months.” He said. “It’s June.” He admitted.

  “What?” I asked.

  “It’s okay. Take your time. Don’t rush to get up.” He said. “The doctor said he is on his way in to look at you.”

  I laid back in the hospital bed as the doctor studied me. “No permanent damage has been done. Does she seem like she doesn’t remember something?” He asked Austin.

  “No. She knows what’s going on.” Austin said.

  “Alright, there is no sign of amnesia, so we should be able to discharge her in a few days.” The doctor said.

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Austin said.

  I spent four more days in the hospital, mostly in silence. I didn’t like that Austin was lying to me. I wanted to know who he was arguing with. I was tired of all the secrets from everyone. But I kept silent about it.

  Austin took me home when I was released from the hospital. I sat at the kitchen table while Austin cooked me some lunch.

  I began to think about what I heard on the beach. Who was that? Why was he so demanding to Austin? What made him think he had the right?

  I knew the only one who could give me these answers was Austin.

  “Who was on the beach with us?” I asked. “Who was ordering you to stay away from me?”

  “There was no one.” Austin lied again.

  “Stop lying Austin. Tell me who it was.” I began to raise my voice.

  “I…I can’t.” Austin said.

  “I’m tired of hearing that people can’t, it’s for my protection. JUST FUCKING TELL ME!” I yelled.

  “NO JAMIE! I CAN’T!” Austin argued back.

  It hit me. The name Jamie stuck out like a sore thumb. He could see it on my face; he had been caught.

  “How do you know my name; and don’t give me some bull shit answer!” I warned.

  “I know more than you think I do Jamie.” Austin confessed.

  “How…?” I said. “You’re working for them aren’t you?” I said in realization.

  “No.” He said back quickly.

  “Then…who…? Who told you my name and what else do you know?” I said.

  He walked over and laid a sandwich in front of me.

  “Eat.” He ordered.

  “No” I said back. “I won’t until you start talking.”

  He pulled up the chair across from me and sat in it.

  “Jamie…I know everything about you.” He confessed.

  “Go on…” I said as I began to take a bite of my sandwich.

  “I know your name, age, birthday, favorite color, the fact your mother is dead and was killed by your once soon to be step brother” He said.

  “But I’ve told you all of that.” I argued back.

  “I know why you’re in Hawaii, I know your running for your life, I know you’re still crazy about Jesse.” He said.

  “Those aren’t exactly secrets Austin.” I argued.

  “I know about the game of paintball and the waterfall.” He said. ”I know your whole story Jamie.” He admitted.

  “But, how…?” I asked. “…Unless you’re working for them?”

  “I would never work for someone as cold-blooded as Bill…” He admitted.

  “Then you work for Jesse?” I said.

  “No…not directly.” He said. “Actually I can’t stand the guy.” He admitted.

  “Why?” I asked with a chuckle.

  “He has what I want…” He admitted.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Your heart…” He said.

  My eyes began to fill with tear and my heart felt like it was in a million pieces.

  “I can’t help the way I feel about him Austin...” I said as I noticed the unopened envelope on the table. I picked it up and rapidly opened it.

  It was a picture of Jesse and Sarah. On the bottom it had the words:

  My life will be complete on June 23rd at 3pm; save the date.

  My heart broke again as I read the words. Jesse was getting married. I snatched my phone to check the date. Today was June 21st. I hurdled out of my chair “Oh shit.” I said and sprinted to my bedroom.

  “What? What is it?” Austin asked.

  I disregarded his question. I flung my backpack on the bed and began to stuff it just like the night I ran away from home.

  “Jamie…what are you doing?” Austin asked.

  “I have two days to stop the wedding.” I admitted. Then I recognized what I said.

  I looked up at him. He had the announcement in his hand. His eyes began to fill with heartbroken tears.

  “Austin…” I said as my heart broke as well. I walked over to him and took the card out of his hand. “I’m…I’m so sorry.” I didn’t know what to say.

  “I have to know…I have to find him to see if this is really what he wants.” I admitted.

  Austin looked at me with concerned eyes. “Please meet me tonight…before you go.” He asked. “I will be at the aquarium, with the dolphins.”

  “I…I will. I’ll be there.” I s
aid. He smoothly and carefully placed his lips against mine and kissed me.

  “5.” He said.

  My eyes began to tear as well.

  “Jamie… Please remember…I will always love you.” Austin said as he turned and walked out of the house. I heard the front door slam.

  My heart sank as I collapsed on the floor. Large, free flowing tears hit the floor as I pulled my knees to my head. If this didn’t work out then what was I going to do? If this is what Jesse wants then how is Austin ever going to forgive me? But for the first time I was second guessing my feelings for Jesse.

  But I knew that if I didn’t go that I would never forgive myself. I pulled myself off the floor and I unpacked my backpack and decided to travel lighter. I would buy a dress when I got there. I grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed two outfits in there. I was prepared to go. I looked at the clock. It was already 4:19. It takes 30 minutes to get to the aquarium. I remember something that I needed to pack. I ran to my bathroom and underneath a small glass lighthouse I had placed E’s engagement ring and two letters. I unrolled one and read it: It was the letter to E from A.

  E my love

  How I feel about you has no end

  Just like this waterfall, my love for you is never ending


  If something was to try to stop the waterfall, it cannot.

  The water will find its way around the obstacle.

  Nothing can stop the flowing of the waterfall of love

  With you, I will concur anything, everything.

  We will find a way around our obstacles this life throws at us.

  Together, we make a waterfall.

  Please, make me the luckiest man alive

  Be my wife, now and forever?

  Love, A.

  I unraveled the other note that had been placed with it and read it too:


  I could never write a poem as beautiful as A’s

  But I want you to be my E

  I love you with all of my heart

  Our journey will never end but with you by my side

  I can conquer anything

  I will keep you safe and love you until my last breath

  You and this baby mean the world to me

  Please do me the honor of becoming my wife, Please…


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