MITI and the Japanese miracle
Page 61
, 318-19;
origins of, 110, 243, 309
Aichi Kiichi, 193, 229
Aircraft Manufacturing Law (1938), 133
Aizawa Hideyuki, 295
Akaboshi Jun, 243
Akama Bunzo *, 231
Akimoto Hideo, 243n
Akinaga Tsukizo*, 150
All Commerce and Industry Workers' Union, 213-14
All Nippon Airways, 59
Amagasaki Steel Co., 219
Amakudari, 11, 21, 63-73
, 254, 268-71
, 299, 312
Amaya Naohiro, 11ff, 20, 25-26, 32, 42, 71, 289-90, 293, 301
American Federation of Labor, 84
American Textile Manufacturers Institute, 285
Antimonopoly Law (1947), 175, 215, 221-27, 255-60
, 266, 282, 299-303
, 358
Aoki Kazuo, 125
Arisawa Hiromi, 6, 33, 160, 181f, 216, 254, 259
Artificial Petroleum Law (1937), 133
Asano zaibatsu, 85, 148, 205
Ashida cabinet, 189
Asian Economic Research Institute, 252
Automobile industry, 9, 31, 200, 240, 258, 268, 278, 286-88, 312
Automobile Manufacturing Law (1936), 111, 131ff
Awa Maru
, 127n
Ayukawa Gisuke, 56, 131f, 144, 205
Bank for Commerce and Industrial Cooperatives, 79, 129, 209n
Bank of America, 210
Bank of Japan, 10, 69, 76, 90, 97, 230;
officials of, 93, 100, 144, 167, 181, 201;
monetary policy of, 120, 201-7, 227, 292, 294;
jurisdictional disputes of, 176
Bank of Tokyo, 75, 250
Bartlett, Randall, 233n
Bell, Daniel, 24
Benedict, Ruth, 8
Beplat, Tristan E., 174
Berger, Gordon M., 36
Bismarck, Otto von, 36
Bisson, T. A., 153, 166, 169
Black, Cyril E., 40
Board of Audit, 73, 169
Board of Trade, 174, 187-92, 213, 355
Boltho, Andrea, 31, 211
Bridgestone Rubber Co., 223
Broadbridge, Seymour, 203
Brussels Customs Schedule, 251
Bureaucracy, 20-24
, 35-45, 55-78, 154, 275, 319-22.
See also
Economic bureaucracy
Business International, 276
Cabinet Advisers Council, 166-67, 312
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Cabinet Legislation Bureau, 73, 128-29, 175
Cabinet Planning Agency, 137
Cabinet Planning Board, 118-23
, 137-43, 147, 150, 158-62, 166, 180f, 186, 308;
officials of, 33, 125, 128, 215, 250;
purge of "reds" in, 151-52, 322;
merger with MCI, 168
Cabinet Research Bureau, 123-24, 137
Campbell, John Creighton, 36, 43, 49, 295, 355
Canada, 16, 141
Capital Assets Revaluation Law (1950), 233
Capital Flight Prevention Law (1932), 119
Capital liberalization, 17, 275-81, 285-88, 292, 295, 302, 306
Cartels, 98-99, 108-13
, 153, 162, 199, 267, 298-303
, 310;
MITI sponsorship of, 207, 225, 258f, 296.
See also
Administrative guidance; Government-business relationship
Carter, Jimmy, 52, 272
Census Board, 117
Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., 238
Chemical industry, 90
China, 15, 86, 101, 208, 292ff;
Sino-Japanese War (1937-41), 131-40
, 147-50
, 154, 161, 242-43, 306;
trade with, 144, 219
Chisso Fertilizer Co., 283
Choshu * feudal domain, 37f, 57, 88, 127
Chrysler Motor Corp., 286-88
*, 44, 108, 150
Clark, Rodney, 12, 33, 62
Coal industry, 3, 179-83
, 199, 207-11
, 244;
state control of, 168, 185, 310, 354
Cohen, Jerome B., 158-59, 165, 186, 232
Cohen, Stephen S., 257n
Commerce and Industry Deliberation Council, 102-6
, 215, 312
Computer industry, 278, 290f, 296, 302, 313, 318
Consensus, 8-9, 51, 307, 313
Constitution of 1947, 36-43
, 52, 73, 222
Control associations, 153, 162-63, 188, 310
Corporatism, 196-97
Corruption, 30, 54, 68-70, 85, 317
Craig, Albert M., 40
Cross, Ira, 89
Customs Duties Deliberation Council, 48
Dahrendorf, Ralf, 18, 205n
Daihatsu Motor Co., 277
Dai Ichi Bank, 205
Daimaru Department Stores, 216
Dan Takuma, 90, 112
Defense Agency, 41, 76f
DeGaulle, Charles, 257
Deliberation councils, 36, 47-48, 312, 346
Deming, W. Edwards, 216
Depression (1930's), 100-104
, 121, 308
Developmental state, 10, 17, 70, 273, 305f, 310, 316;
and role of bureaucracy, 44, 49-50, 154, 322f
Dewey, Thomas E., 358
Diamond Publishing Co., 125
Diet, 10, 35, 37, 43, 99, 101, 279;
ex-bureaucrats in, 45ff, 52, 57, 130, 164, 214, 255;
policy-making by, 48-51, 110, 121, 139, 166, 211, 234, 284, 301.
See also
House of Councillors; House of Peers; House of Representatives; Party politicians
Distribution system, 11, 13, 313
Dodge, Joseph M., 176, 179, 187-91
, 198-203
, 207ff, 213ff, 232, 292;
deflationary policy of, 85, 100, 306
Doko* Toshio, 71
Dore, Ronald P., 14, 18
Drucker, Peter F., 216, 324
Du Pont Chemical Co., 223, 276
Duus, Peter, 40
Earthquake bills, 97, 101
Economic bureaucracy, 32-33, 113-14, 257n, 297, 315f;
purge of, 41-42, 173, 180
Economic Council, 48
Economic Deliberation Agency, 220, 228
Economic New Structure Movement, 147-53
, 167, 258
Economic Planning Agency, 20, 48, 137, 181, 207, 230f, 237, 296, 309;
officials of, 53-55
, 76-78
, 125, 252;
Coordination Bureau, 220, 254
Economic Stabilization Board, 33f, 41, 137, 179-90
, 194, 220, 224, 298, 309;
officials of, 125, 145, 152
(London), 3, 7, 265, 283
, 163, 313
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 250
Eisenstadt, S. N., 320
Electric Power Control Law (1938), 126
Electric Power Development Co., 72, 79, 130
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Electric power industry, 126, 132, 199, 207, 211, 220, 310
Electronics Industry Promotion Special Measures Law (1957), 226
Emergency Measures Law for the Stabilization of the People's Livelihood (1973), 298
Endo * Saburo*, 169
Endo Shokichi*, 211
Enomoto Takeaki, 86
Enterprise Licensing Ordinance (1941), 164
Enterprise readjustment movement (
), 14, 157, 165, 255
Enterprise Readjustment Ordinance (1942), 164
Enterprises Rationalization Promotion Law (1952), 215, 217-18
Environment Agency, 76ff
European Common Market, 250, 257
Excessive competition, 11, 36, 76, 204-7
, 226, 249
Exporters Association Law (1925), 98-99
Export-Import Bank, 79, 190, 208f, 230, 252, 259
Exports Transactions Law (1952), 225
Ezaki Masumi, 303
Fair Trade Commission, 175, 221f, 245, 256, 259, 271, 281-82, 321, 358;
and oil cartel case, 298-303
, 310
Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren), 71, 118, 216, 225, 259, 300, 312, 318
Federation of Government and Public Workers' Unions, 213
Firestone Rubber Co., 223
Fiscal Investment and Loan Plan, 12, 76, 210-12, 227, 313, 318
Ford Motor Co., 276, 286
Foreign Capital Council, 48, 223-24, 278
Foreign Capital Law (1950), 17, 215, 217, 224, 261, 269, 272, 278, 302
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law (1949), 194-95, 217, 266, 278, 302
Foreign exchange budgets, 25, 217, 224, 227-28, 249-50, 309
Foreign Exchange Control Board, 194
Foreign Exchange Control Law (1933), 119
Foreign trade, 147, 186-89, 235, 252, 303;
control of, 133-34;
liberalization of, 238, 248-55, 272-73, 306
France, 16, 31, 118, 257
Friedman, Milton, 22
Fuji Bank, 205
Fujihara Ginjiro*, 145-48
, 163-71
Fujii Heigo, 246
Fuji Motor Co., 277
Fuji Steel Co., 218, 268ff;
officials of, 56, 72, 246, 253;
Yawata-Fuji merger, 76, 87, 277-83
Fujita Kuninosuke, 126
Fujiyama Aiichiro*, 171
Fukuda Hajime, 261-65
, 322
Fukuda Takeo, 53, 74, 175, 292f, 322
Funada Naka, 171
Furukawa Electric Co., 119, 208
Furukawa zaibatsu, 85, 90, 102, 119, 193
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 15, 80, 220, 235, 238, 263, 281
General Motors Corp., 286, 288
Germany, 16f, 31, 80, 148-50
, 192, 238, 250, 265;
influence on Japan, 36, 67, 103-8
, 116, 202, 256, 277;
bank groups in, 205
Gilpin, Robert, 28
Godo* Takuo, 148f
Goko* Kiyoshi, 167
Gold embargo, 100-103
, 111, 119, 191
Gore, Albert, Sr., 70
Go* Seinosuke, 90
Goshi* Kohei*, 36
Goto* Keita, 69
Goto Masafumi, 81
Goto Shimpei, 56
Government-business relationship, 29-30, 127, 133, 166ff, 256, 307-11
, 317-18;
self-control, 109-13
, 288, 290, 296;
state control, 112f, 149-54
, 173-76
, 195-96, 298
Great Britain, 16, 36, 111, 139, 141, 199, 250, 263, 345;
Japanese officials in, 46, 189f
Guillain, Robert, 7
Gulf Oil Co., 286
Hadley, Eleanor, 16, 71, 109, 162, 174
Hamaguchi cabinet, 100-106
, 350
Hanshin Electric Railroad Co., 148
Hara cabinet, 91ff
Hara Shoichiro*, 117
Harmony Society, 152, 352
Hashii Makoto, 125f
Hata Ikuhiko, 176
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Hatoyama cabinets, 53, 122, 145, 183, 229
Hatoyama Michio, 55
Hayashi cabinet, 137
Hayashi Shintaro *, 67, 257
Healey, Denis, 345
Hedberg, Hakan, 7