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Immortal of Darkness

Page 10

by Unknown

  All reasoning and any thoughts of not bedding her vanished as he grasped her shoulders. With one swift move, he bent down, capturing her mouth. He wanted to go slow and kiss her gently, but a storm of fierce wanting rode through him.

  He crushed his mouth to hers and relished in the sweetness of her lips. After a long moment passed, he pulled back, panting hard, and regarded her. A gaze consumed of lust from the influence of the potion stared up at him. As he rubbed his thumb over her searching mouth, she quickly captured it, pulling his thumb inside, running her tongue over the skin. Cain closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations she created deep within the blackness inside of him. She expertly sucked his finger and swirled her tongue around the tip. He growled and abruptly freed his finger.

  With a confounded look, she glanced up at him, but only for a moment before he reclaimed her mouth. His hands blindly searched under her skirt and grasped her thighs, pulling her up and off the couch, holding her against him. Knowingly, she wrapped her legs around his waist as his kisses turned hard and full of want.

  Cain growled and immediately dropped down to the rug covered stone floor, laying her down. Her arms and legs kept him a prisoner to her, as she moaned and thrusted her tongue inside his mouth. Unable to hold anything back, Cain felt for her gown and pulled it in two with one swift jerk. A rip echoed in the room along with her moans of passion. He reeled back from her drugging kisses and beheld her plump breasts. He licked his lips and dove in, covering his mouth over one luscious breast, circling his tongue around the engorged tip.

  Gwen instantly arched up and moaned as Cain pressed his hands on her back, suckling in earnest. His other hand cupped and molded her other breast, squeezing, and kneading the soft flesh between his fingers, causing Gwen to cry out.

  After giving her breasts his most undivided attention, Cain moved his mouth down her naked abdomen, mindlessly kissing the soft skin as he went. His hands pushed the light gauzy fabric shreds of her gown away from her waist as he placed his hands on her hips, squeezing with possessiveness. He gazed down. How he had waited so long for this moment.

  With a growl escaping him, he bent down and kissed her mound covered in black hair. As his mouth made contact with her most private place, Gwen bucked off the floor, grabbing his head, holding him to her. Cain explored her, lathing and licking her, creating a passion unlike he’d ever known. His body grew hard and taut from just hearing her screams of ecstasy.

  As he inhaled the scent of her, he knew that whatever happened, he’d never forget this moment, or her aroma. Her hands pulled his head closer to her, and so in answer, Cain thrusted his tongue deep inside her. Gwen cried out as his tongue greedily swirled and frantically tasted her. Her hands clutched his head as she arched up, screaming out in completion.

  Cain drew back, his own self precariously close to bursting. He looked down at Gwen. Her face was peaceful, still, and relaxed. Had her orgasm removed the spell? He silently vowed that if the magic from the potion had left her system, he wouldn't proceed any further. If he was honest with himself, he wanted Gwen to look up at him with her own thoughts of desire as he entered her, not through a vision clouded by magic.

  Within moments, her body began to writhe on the floor. Her eyes opened and the real Gwen peered out, begging him to help her, to finish what he had started. She reached for him. With a clenched jaw, Cain hastily pulled his tunic up over his head, throwing it over his shoulder, and opened his breeches. With his aching bulge freed, need consumed him. He knew he just passed far beyond the point of turning back, or even being able to. The beasts within were directing his moves and they had no intentions of stopping until he finished.

  He laid the tip of his throbbing erection on her mound and began rocking back and forth. She sat up and captured his mouth, kissing him fiercely. In one strong thrust, he filled her entirely as she cried out. Moving his hips, he rocked her to his cadence as both their bodies grew sweat covered and slick. She rose her hips to meet his every thrust as their bodies united.

  Gwen's body arched in torment as her hands pulled at him from every direction, trying to get him closer and closer. Cain felt her squeeze in wanting around his erection. He closed his eyes as he bucked uncontrollably, spilling his seed deep inside her. Gwen’s body went rigid as she screamed out one last time, holding onto Cain as waves of passion rode through her.

  Both completely sated, they lay limp on the ground. Cain rolled off to her side, but kept his leg and arm possessively over her. He gently squeezed his hand on her side, relishing the feeling that she was his…if only for this moment. He glanced down at her peaceful, sleeping face.

  The beasts within growled and mocked him and his dreams. Cain knew at that moment there would be no future with Gwen. That life had ended the day she disappeared on him. Releasing a long sigh, he lightly kissed her forehead. "Goodbye, Gwendolyn."

  * * * * *


  Gwen stared at Cain's tousled hair and peaceful sleeping face as he lay spread out on the rug. She sat huddled on the corner of the couch with her tartan wrapped tightly around her. As she watched Cain, large tears streamed down her face.

  Everything she had done last night with him, she remembered. When she awoke, all her feelings and emotions that had been locked up, opened, making her an oversensitive mess. She shivered, recalling the way her body and mind felt when Cain had caressed her. Her stomach lurched, remembering the private conversations Ulrick and Cain had with her. She could handle a lot, but when Cain muttered "goodbye" across her forehead....

  Gwen sniffed and wiped her cheeks with unsteady hands. Cain had thought she slept as he had said his farewell. Somehow, he had found out her true identity, and even stranger yet, was that they had run into Ulrick while she had been unconscious.

  Gwen closed her eyes as memories of the day before flickered through her head. A shudder ran through her at the realization that the night could have gone very differently if they had still been in Marsel's grasp. Even though her body had craved for any man’s touch, she had only wanted one...Cain's. Just the thought of Cain made her long for him again. The spell had left her system, but now Cain's addictive embrace was all she could think of...and the dislike he now had for her.

  It was quite clear Cain had bedded her because he pitied her. After he learned of everything she had done, he now despised her. That was why he said goodbye. He'd probably leave her forever as soon as he awoke.

  Another thought came to Gwen. What about Rowena? With trembling hands, Gwen covered her face. Because she had been helpless and reckless, Cain would now pay the price with his life. She broke her promise to the one Guardian no one should ever cross.

  “Oh no,” she gasped. Gwen dropped her head into her hands as her overwrought emotions left by way of tears.

  “Gwen?” Cain rose up on his elbows as a light mewing sounded.

  Gwen shook her head, mumbling into her hands. "I shouldn't have slept with you last night."

  Cain formed a thin line with his mouth. Rising, he turned and walked over to the cold hearth, only to stare into the black coals. Cain ran his hands through his hair as he laughed bitterly. Here he was, wanting something he had always had no problem destroying in others. He didn’t deserve her love. That’s what it came down to.

  Gwen watched Cain’s naked, broad back. His shoulders tensed. Her heart broke in two watching the pain fill him. Gwen stood and softly padded across the cold stone floor to stand beside him. Pulling the blanket tighter around her nude form, she reached his side.

  “Cain?” Ignoring her, he continued staring into the fireplace. "I'm glad it was you who helped me last night."

  Abruptly, Cain turned and studied her, not saying a word. She reached out to him, but he shrugged her off. He glanced above the mantle and into a large oval mirror hanging above. He clenched his jaw. "How long have ye known who I am?" Gwen's gaze dropped to the floor. "How long!" Cain roared when she wouldn't say anything.

  Gwen swallowed. Not daring to look him in the
eyes, she answered, "since you fell through my roof and back into my life."

  Cain cursed. Bracing his hands on the mantel and discarding any hope that she had not deceived him, he closed his eyes to the pain racing to his heart. To think he had thought he had killed her all those years ago. Now, only to see that she always knew who he was and never even explained why she was alive or what had happened that night long ago. Did she even have any idea what grief he had gone through for her? Did she even care? Every night he had dreamt of her...and for what?

  Cain closed his eyes as rage began clouding his vision. The evilness mocked him. Did you really think she could love you...and like this? it hissed. Cain growled as his eyes turned ebony. Every muscle stiffened. He sliced his head to the right toward Gwen. "Get Out!" he roared, gripping the mantel so hard that stone crumbled beneath his hands.

  Gwen spun around and ran from the library. Slamming the heavy doors behind her, she leaned against them, her knees wanting to give out at any moment. He loathed her! Gwen squeezed her eyes shut as tears streamed down her cheeks. Why had she been so stupid all those years ago? She should have told him the truth. Damn his mother and her threats!

  "Did ye think he'd forgive ye?"

  Gwen's eyes popped open to find Ulrick standing a few feet from her. He looked exquisite in an emerald doublet and a darker shade of green breeches. He pushed his cloak with a gold lining aside as he placed his hands on his hips. Gwen dashed her tears away with the edge of the tartan. "Do you hate me too?"

  "," he said with a smile. "I did, for a long time, though."

  Gwen glanced up. "You know what happened?"

  Ulrick took a step forward. "Here and there, from pieces I've put together. I went back to Julianna's keep a few days after ye were 'killed'. I found a residue in the verra room ye vanished in. It's the same substance found in spells for time-travel. Plus, Julianna's keep was empty and falling down, not a soul to be found. She must have cast one large spell to make everyone disappear and turn her castle to near ruins." Ulrick leaned in closer to Gwen. "Why?" he asked softly, a hairbreadth away from her ear. "Why would Julianna and ye up and leave without a word to anyone, even your closest friends, and then make the castle look as though no one ever lived there?"

  Suddenly, a loud crash sounded from inside the library. Gwen turned her head over her shoulder. "He's not the jovial friend we used to know," she said sadly.

  "None of us are," he said coolly. "Come," Ulrick said, holding out his hand, "let us go somewhere more private. I think Cain needs time to cool off and ye," he said glancing down at the tartan, "need clothes." Gwen nodded, taking Ulrick's hand, tightening her grip on the tartan draped around her. He led her down the main corridor and then down a smaller one with wood paneling, old portraits, and torches evenly spaced down the walls.

  "You've come a long way from the penniless man you once were," Gwen said, taking notice of the portraits as she passed them.

  He glanced over his shoulder with a grin. "Aye."

  Gwen smiled, happy to see his familiar grin after all the years and sleepless nights of thinking he hated her. "You aren't going to tell me how, are you?"

  "A man's got to keep some secrets." Ulrick squeezed her hand and tugged her through a doorway. Gwen sucked in a breath as she entered the opulent room with gold painted walls. Rich, royal-blue, velvet drapes hung from floor to ceiling at each corner of the room. Huge fireplaces sat at each end with unique hand-painted stone tiles running the span of the floor and up to the hearths.

  A large, oval, wooden table sat in the middle of the room with gold cushioned chairs tucked neatly around it. Gold platters with succulent morsels covered the tabletop. Gwen licked her lips.

  "I thought ye might be hungry," Ulrick said, dropping her hand and pulling out a chair for her to sit in. Ulrick hastily gestured to one of his servants standing by. The servant rushed out and immediately returned, carrying a rose satin gown in his arms. Ulrick took the dress. "Leave us," he said to the servant. Ulrick held out his hand to Gwen. "Ye must be cold, here."

  Gwen rose as Ulrick helped her slide the silky gown down over her head. As her arms went up through the bell shaped sleeves, the dress slid over her body and the tartan dropped to the floor forgotten.

  Ulrick turned her and tightened the corset style back. Gwen glanced down at the bountiful folds of fabric and the delicate white lace trimming the square neckline and edges of the sleeves. "Thank you," she said, running her hands over the lavish material. Ulrick nodded with a small smile and then held out her chair once more. Taking her seat, she eyed up the poached salmon, cherry tarts, figs, sugared plums, roasted peacock, and assortments of custard. "I'm famished," she said in awe.

  Ulrick took a seat next to her, filling two goblets with a thick red wine. As Gwen began to eat, Ulrick sat back, sipping his wine. "So," he said, eyeing her, "I think 'tis time ye owe me an explanation."

  * * * * *

  Cain panted with rage as he glanced around Ulrick's demolished library. Tables were upturned on their sides, books lay scattered across the rich oriental carpet, and pieces of crystal littered the floor. The evils within had too much control over him. He couldn't contain his temper no matter how hard he tried. And the look on Gwen's face when he had yelled at her….

  Cain ran a hand over his head as his breathing evened out. Control was his once again for the time being. Trembling, he reached into his leather pouch and pulled out the amber stone necklace. He rubbed it between his fingers, and then brought his arm back to throw the cursed piece of jewelry into the fire.

  Just then, men yelling outside the nearby window caught his attention. Cain strode over, deftly stepping through the disarranged room to the row of windows and looked out. "Bloody hell," he cursed, seeing the army of men pile into the courtyard of Ulrick's keep. Cain squinted through the wavy, green tinted glass. The men wore light blue armor with a painting of an iron fist on the shields…Lord Ramsey's signa. Cain cursed again. Whatever trouble Ulrick was in, he didn't want any part of it. Ramsay was known as the "Slayer" and Cain, being very human at the moment, would rather fight the lunatic when he turned back to his immortal self.

  Cain gritted his teeth. Gwen. Fleeing was the only option if he wanted to keep her safe. Ulrick be damned if he was to pull her into the mess with him. Gwen would leave with him, like it or not. After all, she was still Julianna's daughter, one friend he wouldn't fail. With his mind made up and tight fists at his sides, he spun on his heel.

  * * * * *

  Gwen finished eating her last bite, as Ulrick leaned back from the table, his hands braced behind his head, waiting for her to finish. She should warn Cain about Rowena, tell Ulrick she never loved him...and Julianna, well, she still needed to find her.

  Without warning, the door burst open to the glamorous room. A heavily breathing, furious looking Cain stood braced in the doorway.

  Ulrick rose. "Ah, I've seen ye cooled off."

  "Bloody hell, Ulrick," Cain growled, storming in, "the men of Lord Robert "The Slayer" Ramsey are pulling into your inner bailey! Whatever ye owe them," he said dangerously calm, "'tis not my fight." Cain thrusted his hand out to a white-faced Gwen. "Come, we need to leave before they storm your savior's keep."

  "Now, listen here-," Ulrick started.

  Gwen stood, pushing Cain's hand away, and placing a light touch to Ulrick's arm, stopping him from saying another word. She swallowed as her body began to shake uncontrollably. "Ramsey's not here for Ulrick."

  "Whatever are ye talking about?" Cain asked, his patience growing thin. "Let's go. Ramsey's a ruthless man and he has no boundaries for his men when it comes to finding women amongst the fighting."

  Gwen shook off Cain's grip once more. She turned her back on the two men who both stared. "Both of you need to go," she said over her shoulder. "He'll find me regardless," she muttered more to herself.

  Cain spun her around, only to find, wide, glassy, fearful eyes. "Why would Ramsey be wanting ye, Gwen?" he demanded. "What have ye done?

  "I'll help any way possible," Ulrick cut in, shouldering past Cain. "I do have a small army at my disposal."

  Gwen shook her head. "I don't want to see anyone get hurt. It's me he's looking for."

  "Why!" Cain and Ulrick yelled at the same time.

  Gwen sadly glanced up at both men. "Because he's my father."

  "Sweet Jesu!" Ulrick said, running his hands over his face.

  Cain placed his hands on his hips. "Has not anything ye ever told us been the truth," he said coldly. "Next thing ye'll tell us, is that Julianna isn't even your mother." From Gwen's whitening of the face, Cain cursed.

  Gwen held out her hands. "Please, you don't understand," she rushed out. "My mother died shortly after I was born. Julianna took me and raised me as her own. I haven't even seen my father since I was six."

  "But Ramsey is indeed your father?" Ulrick asked. Gwen nodded. "And what? He wants to reunite after all these years?"

  Gwen licked her lips as she stared into Cain's brooding face and Ulrick's questioning one. "I-I don't know what he wants with me. He's never cared about me before," she said softly.

  Cain's lips thinned and he turned, pacing the room. "From what I've heard, I never liked the mon, and I certainly dinna trust him." He stopped, staring at Gwen with his hands on his hips. "Ye aren't going with him. I'll 'talk' to him if I have to for ye, but you're staying here."

  Gwen fervently shook her head. "No! Ramsey will kill you."

  Cain strode over and grasped her shoulders. "Lass, I'm already close to something much worse than death. Trust me, I welcome the end." Gwen flinched at his words.

  Just then, a guard strode into the room. "My Lord," he said, bowing, "Lord Ramsey's men wait for ye."

  "Give them ale," Ulrick said over his shoulder. "Tell them I will be in shortly." Ulrick looked at Gwen and then Cain. "Ye both were my friends once before...and despite the unfair games played," he said eyeing Cain coolly, "I'll still help ye in any way. Tell me what ye want me to do."


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