Wayward Deviance (Wayward Saints MC Book 8)

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Wayward Deviance (Wayward Saints MC Book 8) Page 13

by K. Renee


  One Month Later

  After our night on his dirty clubhouse room floor, he took me to my apartment so that we could change the locks and pack all of Aaron’s things up. I told him that I wanted to take Aaron his things to his apartment, but Bentley refused to let me go alone, so now Anslie, Brant, and I are now pulling up to Aaron’s apartment together.

  Brant didn't think that Bentley would be able to keep his cool, so Cason sent Bentley on a run with a few of the other guys, and Brant promised that nothing would happen to Anslie and I while we did the drop.

  Getting out of the truck, I feel my hands get sweaty. I am so damn nervous, and I don't even know why. I knew even before we got serious that he would never be Bentley. Aaron would never give me those butterflies that girls talk about getting in their stomach when the one kisses them.

  Bentley gives me those. Even after the last month, they are still there every time we kiss or touch.

  Taking a deep breath, I hit the doorbell and wait with Anslie standing right beside me, and a box of his things at my feet. "Just breathe. Everything will be all right." I look over at her and nod my head. I know it will, or at least I hope that it will.

  As soon as the door opens, I see Aaron's hair longer than before. He doesn't look all put together like normal, and he has bags under his eyes. The minute his eyes land on Anslie, he grins at her before he leans against the door frame like he thinks it's his lucky day.

  Brant clears his throat behind us and Aaron looks like he finally notices Brant and me. "And here I figured it was my lucky day," he sneers at me. "Now sweetheart if you want to trade the biker in, I'd be glad to show you how to have a little fun." He winks at Anslie, and I feel my heart sink into my stomach.

  He was never like this. Not once in the two years that we were together did he ever disrespect a woman. I turned him into this guy that he is now.

  "Say one more thing about my ole' lady, and it will be the last thing you say for awhile," Brant growls from behind me.

  He crosses his arms, and I can't bring myself to say anything, so Anslie speaks up. "We were nice and decided to bring your shit back. Maybe Bentley was right; we should have just burnt it all."

  Aaron uncrosses his arms and stands straighter. "What, he too big of a pussy to come with you, Brynn? He could kiss you in front of everyone at our engagement party, but couldn't show his face here?"

  Brant snorts at that, "Trust me; I did you a favor by coming instead of him."

  I hand the box over to him, but he doesn’t take it. Instead, he just stares at me, giving me a dirty look. Lordy, I guess Brant was right, it’s a good thing Bentley isn’t here right now. He would be pissed.

  When he doesn’t take the box, I just set it on the ground by his feet. “I get you’re mad, but you can at least be somewhat civil,” I ground out.

  "I don't need to be shit. You're just a whore jumping off one dick right to the next." The blood drains from my face, and I stumble back slightly like he slapped me again. I can feel my nose start to sting and I know that I'm going to cry. Instead of defending myself like I typically would, I just turn and walk toward the car, not bothering to stop when my name is called.

  I hear a gasp before something hits something else hard. The click of Anslie's heels fill my ears, and she wraps her arms around me when she reaches me. "He's an idiot. You are not a whore. Don't let him make you think less of yourself just because he's bitter."

  My lip trembles and I just ignore everything. I don't want her to make me feel better about it. I hurt Aaron, and he's lashing out because of it. Him calling me names hurts like hell, but I won't ever tell anyone that. I just want to go back to my apartment and hide under the covers until Bentley comes back.

  "Bent is going to be pissed," Brant mutters to himself as we get into the truck and he drives us toward my apartment. The ride to my place is done in complete silence, and I'm glad for it. It gives me some time to figure out what I should do about Aaron and everything I did to him.

  Hurting him was never part of my plan, but the moment he hit me in the truck, everything changed. He might not have meant to do it, but he did it. I can’t forgive that no matter what the situation was. It wasn’t an accident.

  When Brant pulls into my apartment parking lot, he puts the truck in park and turns to look at me. “You want Ans to stay with you until he gets back?” Shaking my head no, I put my hand on both of their shoulders and thank them for coming with me.

  “I just want to be alone for a little while. Thank you for being there with me. I’m sure it would have been ten times worse if I went alone.”

  They both give me a smile before I get out of the truck and close the door. As I make my way toward my apartment, I try not to think about Aaron. It hurts me to know that I’m the reason he’s bitter and angry.

  Heading inside, I make my way straight to the freezer where I grab my pint of Ben and Jerry’s Boom Chocolatta! Cookie Core ice cream and grab a spoon before making my way to my bed.

  This is exactly where Bentley finds me three hours later.

  "Brynn?" he comes walking into the bedroom with two beers in his hand. I watch him toe off his boots before he comes and lays beside me. He laughs when he finds the empty pint of Ben and Jerry's in bed where he is now laying. "Eating your feelings, babe?"

  I push him, and he pops the top of the beer and hands it to me. It's one of those semi-girly ones because I told him how nasty regular beer was the other day when he tried to get me to drink one. Now, he gets me girly beers or wine to drink.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I grumble. I take the beer from him and take a large drink, not caring about the crappy taste.

  "Yeah, I guess so. Brant already filled me in when I stopped by the clubhouse." I frown at him, and he puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "That fucker is so lucky I wasn't there. I would have put my fist through his face."

  He kisses my forehead before opening his beer and taking a swig. “He isn’t worth it,” I sigh.

  "No one disrespects you or my sister without one of us doing something about it. It's bound to happen, babe. I still owe him a beating for him hitting you."

  I groan at that. I don't want him getting into any trouble over me. I want him here with me every night, not sitting in some jail cell because Aaron presses charges against him.

  “Ben,” I start, but he pulls me over him, forcing me to straddle his lap.

  "No. I do things my way, and there is nothing that you can say to make me change my mind. You mean too much to me for me not to deal with him."

  I sigh, and he ignores it. His cold lips drag along my neck, and before he can go any further, his phone starts to ring. His hand runs up and down my back, and he answers it with a grunt.

  Sometimes I think that he and his brothers are all cavemen. Over the last month, I've witnessed them do things that I would never have expected. I've seen them grunt, burp, and fart like it's nothing but another way to communicate with each other.

  "Yeah, sure. I'll tell her." No other words come from him, and I have serious doubts about that one. After he pockets his phone, he finally tells me what he's going to say to me. "The guys want to go out. So you have two choices." I narrow my eyes at him, but he continues. "You come with us, or you head out with the girls."

  I wrinkle my nose thinking about what it would be like hanging out with the guys. All I can think of is half naked girls all around them and more cuss words than appropriate for children to hear. Throw in some crude jokes and how they fucked their ole' lady in a way too accurate fashion.

  "What are the girls doing?" I ask, trying to act like I might be interested in hanging out with the guys if they sounded more fun, but in all reality, I would rather stay home tonight if the girls weren't doing anything entertaining.

  "They are going to a club to dance. My sister insists that she gets a night a month to go dancing with the girls while Brant's mom and old man watch the kids." Dancing, that sounds like fu
n. It's been way too long since I last went anywhere to dance.

  “I want to go dancing!” I’m probably way too giddy for my own good when I say that. He doesn’t make fun of me though, he just runs his hands up my back and pulls me down to his mouth. He kisses my mouth before running his lips along my neck, biting my shoulder right where it meets my neck.

  I know he's going to leave a mark on me before he even does it. He has this thing where he leaves little marks on me. I don't know if it's to let others know that I'm with him or what, but there is always something on my skin just visible to everyone.

  “You can dance all you want as long as you come home and dance on my dick after.” I roll my eyes at that. I swear the only thing that runs through this man’s head is sex. It’s like twenty-four-seven. He leaves my body sore and craving more every night.

  “Deal,” I whisper in his ear as he trails kisses up my neck.

  He rolls us over, and just as he's about to slide his hands under my shirt, his phone starts ringing again. "I'm going to fucking kill them," he grumbles as he grabs his phone and puts it to his ear. "What?" he pauses, and his eyebrows pull together. "You sure?" I run my fingers down his side, and he closes his eyes for a second before they pop back open, hitting me with the blue pools that I love staring into. "I'm on my way. I'll tell Brynn to head to your house to meet with Ans."

  He doesn't even say goodbye before he hangs up and kisses my chest. "I have to go. Something just went down at the club, and I need to deal with it before going out. Ans is at the house getting ready so when you're done, head over to Brant's." I nod my head, not asking him what happened. He doesn't like talking about club business or whatever they call it. He tries to separate me from it and only tells me what I need to know.

  “Be safe.” It hurts my heart to know that he could get hurt, that something could happen to him now that I finally have him.

  “I promise I’ll make this up to you. I had plans for shower sex and leaving you wanting more before we left.” Now I can’t help but roll my eyes at him. Sometimes, I don’t know about him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  As soon as I get to the clubhouse, I get a glimpse of the girl's face. Her makeup is smeared all over and big black trails run down her face from her eyeliner and mascara. When she sees me, she comes running toward me. She wraps her arms around me, and I hold my hands up for a second before I finally relax.

  I know that if Brynn sees this girl on me, she will get pissed, but I can't think about that right now. I need to figure out who the fuck did this shit. Someone is going after our girls, and that shit doesn't go down in our territory.

  "I need you to stay right here; I need to talk to Prez." She nods her head, quickly, releasing me. I walk over to where my old man and brothers are standing. "What the fuck happened?" I ask when I stop in front of them.

  "She just showed up here saying that some guy came in and paid for a private dance. When they went to the back, he held her down and tried to rape her. She put up a hell of a fight and kicked him in the nuts before he could do too much damage. She got out of there and alerted the boys, and they secured him in the shop." Dom is the one who has been calling the shots lately, and we all know it's because our old man is going to be stepping down soon.

  All he talks about is being a better father to our baby sister than he was to us. I think he just wants to make up for letting us raise ourselves and Anslie being raised by that bitch she calls Mom.

  "Let's figure this shit before it gets worse. I don't want whoever this is to go after our women next," I state. This causes my brother to pause.

  "You think they would come after our women?" I shrug, I don't know, but I won't take the chance of someone coming near Brynn or any of the others.

  "We just need to figure this shit out. The girls are going out in an hour or two, and I want it dealt with before they leave," I ground out. I will do anything to protect Brynn, even if that means I'm going against my brother and father.

  I make my way out of the clubhouse and head straight for the bike shop. As soon as I make it through the doors, I recognize the fucker. He's in the BDSM lifestyle. I've known him a long time, and I don't see him doing something like that ever. He's like me. He gets off on the pain and judging by the marks on his chest; someone gave him just what he wanted.

  "Bentley," he says almost relieved that I'm the one coming through the door. "That fucking bitch is insane. I went in for what I generally go in for and halfway through, and some other crazy bitch comes into the room. She was the one who hit that girl, not me. You know me, I don't like inflicting pain." I nod my head and just stare at him for a second.

  “You know who the other bitch was?” I need more than just his word. If he can tell me who was with Stella, then I can deal with it and get the club in the right direction on this shit.

  "She's got long dark hair, exotic looking. Thin as a fucking rail, totally not my type." I grab my phone from my pocket and go to the pictures until I find a picture of my sister. It sounds like he is talking about Selena and if he says my sister looks like her, then I know exactly who is behind this shit.

  "She look like this?" I hold the phone in front of his face, and he stares at the screen for a second before answering.

  “Yeah, just more tore up.”

  "Prez, it's Selena." My old man runs his hand over his face, and Dom says fuck. Brant comes up behind me and moves past me to get right in front of Travis.

  “If you are lying, I will personally come and put a bullet in your head.” If looks could kill, Travis would be dead right now.

  "I swear on everything; I didn't hit that girl. The brunette did it." I slap Brant on the shoulder and turn to walk out of the room and head toward the clubhouse. As soon as I walk in, I see Stella flirting with one of the prospects. I grab her arm and drag her away from the bar and out of the clubhouse, heading straight for the bike shop.

  “Stella, I sure hope to fuck you aren’t lying to me,” I start. I don’t even have to say much before she starts spilling everything.

  "She just came in and told me that I had to do what she wanted if I wanted to live through her plan. She looked just like his ole' lady, and I didn't want to piss her off. I thought she was one of you at first until she started hitting me in that damn room." Her legs give out, and I catch her, letting her slide to the ground.

  "She threatened to kill me when I told her that I didn't want to be part of whatever her plan was anymore. Bentley, you have to believe me." She starts to sob, and I take a step back. I don't like when chicks cry, and I'm not letting her cry on me. Last time I was with her, she started telling me she loved me and shit and I don't need that drama, especially with Brynn back in my life.

  “Where is she?” my old man asks.

  “All I have is a number.” She grabs her phone and holds it up to me. I take the phone from her hand and toss it over to my old man. He catches it and walks out of the room, to probably go and find Trace.

  "Secure her too," I demand. The prospects grab her arms and sit her in a chair, handcuffing her to it. She tries like hell to fight them, but they don't loosen their grip on her.

  "Bentley?! How can you do this? You love me!" Her voice turns shrill, and I just shake my head.

  "You're just as delusional as my sister's bitch of a mom. We've never had anything more than a few fucks. I don't give a shit about you." I turn on my heel and start to walk away, but her next words stop me.

  "I'm pregnant, and it's yours." My blood runs cold, and I stop dead.

  "Fucking hell," Brant says from next to me.

  There is no fucking way that she's pregnant with my kid. It's been two years since the last time I fucked her, and I wore a rubber. I never fuck without one except with Brynn.

  I turn back around and stare at Stella, my eyes narrowing on her. "You were the one that told those wannabe bikers to come to the clubhouse when I came back." Her eyes widen, and I know that I've got the answer I needed. She is the one
that had them show up here. Threaten my family and me so she could get what she wanted. She and Selena may be in it together, but she fucked up by sending someone after Brynn.

  Brynn was an innocent then and had nothing to do with me. She was with someone else at the time, and Stella brought attention to her because she was jealous.

  “You called her name out when you fucked me before you left. I knew she needed to go.” I don’t bother with listening to her shit anymore. I walk out of the bike shop and head straight for my old man and Trace. Trace has his tablet in his hand, doing who the fuck knows what with that damn thing.

  “Stella was the one who sent the wannabe bikers to us. She wanted to take Brynn out, and she claims she’s pregnant with my kid.” My old man groans and rubs his face with his hand.

  “I swear you boys are going to put me in an early grave at the rate you knock women up. You think she’s lying?” He scans the yard before looking back at me.

  “I don’t fuck anyone without protection but Brynn.” He winces at that.

  "We need to find out who the fuck they are and call them off of my ole' lady." I don't care what I have to do to protect her.

  "Got it," Trace murmurs as he continues to type shit out on his tablet. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and when I pull it out, I see Brynn's face smiling back at me.

  “Hey, babe,” I answer.

  “I’m headed to Anslie’s. Is your club business almost over?” I sigh and run my hand down the back of my neck.

  "No, but don't worry about it. We have it handled." She goes silent over the line, and when she speaks again, I freeze.

  “Does it have to do with those bikers from a few months ago?”

  “It might. Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later. Have fun.”

  “I love you, Bentley.” I swallow the lump that has now taken up space in my throat. “You don’t have to say it, just know that I love you.”

  "I'll see you soon." I hang up before she can say anything else that might make me break out in hives. The only women I tell them that I love them are my sisters. No other woman beside them has gotten those three words from me, and I don't know if I can tell them to Brynn yet.


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