Wayward Deviance (Wayward Saints MC Book 8)

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Wayward Deviance (Wayward Saints MC Book 8) Page 14

by K. Renee

  “We need prospects on the women,” I state, looking over at my old man. He nods and pulls out his phone, sending a message to the prospects.

  "Got something." Trace turns his tablet to us, and I see a string of calls to and from two different numbers plus dozens of text messages.

  "She calls these two numbers all the fucking time. Tracing the first number, it's a burner, but I can find the last tower it pinged off of. Looking like it was over by the club. The other number is registered to Selena."

  Prez curses like a damn pirate.

  “We can lure them out. Send them both messages to bring them to the bar we are going to tonight.”

  "Yeah, that can work. We just need to keep the girls away from the bar. Do whatever it takes to keep them at the club instead of trying to find us like they normally do halfway through the night."

  Prez runs his hands through his hair that is getting more gray every day. "Send the messages Trace, and let's get the guys to the bar." I nod and make my way back toward the bike shop.

  As soon as I make it inside the bike shop, I tell the guys what is going to happen before heading out.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  As soon as I made it to Anslie’s, all the other ole’ ladies were already there doing shots. Making my way through the house, I can’t help but smile. There are toys all over the floor from the boys and homemade art covering all the walls. A part of me is jealous, but I know that I’m not ready for kids.

  Maybe someday, but not yet. I like having Bentley all to myself right now. I'm not sure I want to share him for awhile.

  "Hey!" Anslie says when she sees me. "Come take a shot, and then we can go!" She grabs my arm and drags me toward the kitchen. She pours me a shot of tequila and then one for herself. "Sailor wanted to be the designated driver. She doesn't like to drink, so drink up!" I shake my head at her, and she just giggles before lifting her shot in the air and clinking it against mine.

  I down the shot without making much of a sour face and watch as Anslie throws her arms around Sailor. "I'm so glad you came back. I missed you, and I love getting to see my nephew!"

  "I'm glad I came back. It was hard, but I wanted to raise Alex around his family. I want him to know the people who loved his daddy the most." I watch her give Anslie a sad smile, and they both look like they are going to cry any second.

  I feel myself getting choked up at the scene before me, but before I can start crying too, one of the others says that we need to get going. They hold hands as they make their way through the kitchen toward the front door.

  One thing that I love about these women is that they are always there for each other. They always treat each other with respect and comfort them when they need it. I would be damn lucky to be part of this group of strong women.

  We all pile into the SUV, and the first thing they do is turn the radio up. It doesn't take us long until we are all singing some stupid pop song at the top of our lungs while dancing around in our seats. Two prospects follow behind us, and I'm sure they think that we are insane or something. We listen to a few songs, belting out the lyrics in some of the worst voices ever while laughing every other line.

  The SUV comes to a stop, and we all pile out laughing and still humming along to imaginary songs. I get a look at one of the prospects, and he's just shaking his head at us, laughing to himself.

  We all get into the club and grab drinks before making it to the dance floor. Putting my arms in the air, I start to dance by myself. I let my hips sway to the beat, not caring about anything but the beat of the music. The girls start dancing around me, and I close my eyes, letting my body just relax for the first time in what seems like forever.

  I let all the bad things that I've been carrying around go and focus on just having fun tonight with the girls. I concentrate on the music as it fills my soul with feel-good beats.

  The bass in this place is loud and soothing, and I stay on the dance floor for far longer than I probably should. The girls come and go, getting drinks every few songs, while I just dance.

  A hand lands on my hip and I can hear Anslie giggling behind me as she grinds her hips into me. A few guys start to get closer, but the prospects circle us and probably threaten them with bodily harm to get them away from us. It works extremely well because they don’t come back and neither do any other men that were watching us before.

  Sweat starts dripping down my back, and I finally pull myself off the dance floor to cool off.

  Walking toward the bathroom, I hear someone call my name, and when I turn around, I don't recognize the guy. Just as I turn around to walk back to the others, someone grabs me from behind and drags me out of the club through the back door. I kick and scream the whole way, but it's no use. The music is too loud for anyone to hear me. I feel the prick in my neck, and my whole body gets heavy. I nearly collapse in the person's arms, and he heaves me over his shoulder and carries me out without any more trouble.



  My phone rings in my pocket, and when I pull it out, I see my sister's name on the screen. Putting the phone to my ear, I ask her what's up. Before she even says anything, I know exactly why she's calling. "Benny, I can't find Brynn anywhere. I'm so sorry I just –" I cut her off.

  “I know. Have the prospects take you guys to the clubhouse and don’t leave until we get back.” She starts to argue, but I hang up before she can.

  I make my way toward the asshole that has Brynn slung over his shoulder. Before I can reach him, someone grabs me from behind. "Don't." I stop and clench my hands. My brother's voice is the only thing keeping me from walking over to those fuckers and decking them. I would settle for putting a bullet in them, but that will only get me arrested, and I need to be able to make sure Brynn is okay after this.

  Her body is draped over one of the lackey's shoulder, and the leader has a huge grin on his face. "You missing something?" His smile widens, and he motions to my girl.

  "If anything happens to her, just know I have a bullet with your name on it." I can feel my gun pressing into my lower back, and I'm itching to grab it.

  "Don't you already have an ole' lady waiting for you to come home?" he asks making a tisking sound.

  "The only girl I have is right there, but if you're talking about a jealous cunt that wants me to be something to her other than a fuck, then I guess you’re right. Did she put you up to this shit? She tell you I'm stepping out on her and that she needs someone to teach her," I point to Brynn, "a lesson?" He looks at my brother and me before he decides to stay quiet.

  “That cunt played you. She’s using you for whatever reason.” I look over my shoulder at Brant as he comes a few steps closer. “Unless you’re the one who’s that kid’s father. You fucking Stella?” I grin when I see his expression change. He’s starting to see what that bitch is doing.

  "I suggest you hand her over," Brant says as he steps up beside me. "Or you'll be declaring war on us, and I know you don't want that." He looks around the bar before asking, "You have what, three men? Trust me; you'll be a cake walk to destroy. I think Bent here could take all three of you out before one of you pulls a gun."

  “You involved with Selena too?” my old man says from behind us.

  The guy holding Brynn nods his head yes, and I take a step toward them. I see her eyes open slightly and the first reaction out of her is to fight. She somehow gets her knee up and into his face, breaking his nose. Blood sprays all over the both of them, and he drops her to grab his nose.

  She hits the ground before I can reach her and instead of grabbing her and pulling her up, I deck the fucker. One of the others points a gun at me, and my family all draws their weapons, pointing them at the three of them.

  As the leader puts his gun down, Brynn crawls to me and wraps her arms around my legs. I bend down and help her stand. Her whole body sways, and she leans most of her weight on me.

  I pick her up and carry her back behind my brothers who still have guns trained on
them. “Tell me what you know about Selena,” Brant growls. I wonder if my sister is still getting text messages from that bitch of a mother she has.

  Anslie didn't tell anyone other than dad about them, and when Brant found out, he flipped his shit. He changed her number and blocked the number that was sending them, but somehow Selena found Anslie's new number and continued sending her bullshit messages.

  "She's around. If she wanted you to find her, she'd let you know." Prez hits his hands on the table next to him, and he cocks his gun and points it right at the leader.

  "Tell me where the fuck that bitch is. She's been sending text messages to our daughter, threatening her and her family. If you don't give me something on her, I'll pull the trigger not giving a fuck about the consequences." I pull Brynn closer to me, and she pushes her head into the center of my chest. "So I suggest you tell me where my bitch of an ex is."

  The guy looks almost like he’s gonna piss himself and I can’t help but smirk. They are lucky that all we are doing right now is threatening them. We aren’t ones to just run our mouths. We just take care of business.

  “She’s at a hotel right outside of town. I don’t know much more than that. She never contacts me, just Stella.”

  Dom just laughs at that. “You let that bitch run your shit for you? You three are stupider than I thought. No wonder you have no balls.” He shakes his head and turns to face me. “She okay?” I nod, not taking my eyes off the idiots behind him.

  “I want you to get the fuck out of my town and never show your face again. If Selena so much as tries to contact you, you better call me and tell me or next time I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in you.” With that, we all turn and walk out of the bar without so much as another word to any of those idiots.

  “Call Ans, she’s probably freaking the fuck out that they lost Brynn,” I tell Brant as I pass him on my way to my bike. Before I can reach my bike, I hear someone say something about being a pussy. I turn my head and see that bastard that Brynn was engaged to for a few days.

  “Glad to see you like my sloppy seconds.” I steady Brynn before I release her and turn toward him.

  "You still pissed that your ex-fiancèe let me kiss her during your engagement party?" He narrows his eyes at me and steps toward me while his buddies stay right where they are. At least they aren't the stupid ones of the group.

  “Instead you just get my seconds. Don’t worry man, keep her. She’s just a whore anyway.”

  I don’t think, I just act. I grab him by the shirt collar and punch him as hard as I can. He starts to stumble, but my grip on him keeps him upright. I punch him again and again until he’s begging me to stop.

  "You ever touch her again, and I'll kill you," I whisper in his ear before I drop him to the ground. His buddies keep a wide berth away from me, and I don't blame them. I wouldn't think twice about going after either of their pretty boy asses if they wanted to join the fight.

  I walk back over to Brynn who is now sitting on the ground next to my bike. Helping her up, I wrap my arm around her waist and ask if she’ll be okay to ride. She nods her head, so I straddle my bike and help her on behind me. Once she’s got a good grip on me, I motion to my brother and my old man before starting the engine and taking off into the night.



  Four Years Later

  The house is quiet when I come in. Last year we bought this place, and it still is unreal that I have a house, a wife, and a seven-month-old little girl. Looking around, I see the toys scattered around the living room, and I can't help but smile. Six years ago, I would have told you that I didn't need a woman in my life telling me to pick up after myself.

  Then Brynn came into my life and threw everything I ever wanted out the window. Her sexy little shorts had me begging for more as I watched her bend over that damn desk of hers at work. These days, her short little shorts are still on her ass all the time, but the only thing she’s bending over is my lap.

  As I think about Brynn, I run my finger over the tattoo that is sitting on my ring finger. When we got married, we had rings, but she would always get pissed when I would take it off at the clubhouse. I hated wearing that damn thing. She got bent out of shape one night, bitching at me that I wanted to cheat on her and that's why I didn't wear it while I was out, but it wasn't the reason at all.

  I just hated the damn thing. I didn't need a ring on my finger to tell me that I married the only woman I'd ever love. She's the mother of my little girl, and a ring doesn't signify that. I know at the end of the day, I go home to her and that little girl in this house that we picked out together.

  Hitting Meliora’s room, I duck my head inside and see her sleeping peacefully in her crib. I walk into the room and lean over the railing to place a kiss on her forehead. I watch her for a few minutes before I close her door slightly and make my way to the master bedroom.

  I've been gone for the last three days on a run that turned to shit just as quick as it started, and the only thing I want to do is crawl into that bed with my girl and fuck her before she asks what happened.

  Pushing the door to the bedroom open, I see my girl spread out across the bed. I see my patch tattooed onto the back of her shoulder and I can’t help but get hard. It still amazes me that she even agreed to be my wife. After all the shit I put her through, I can’t believe she agreed to be mine forever.

  I toe off my boots next to the bed before shedding my jeans and T-shirt. I’m sure I smell like ass, but I don’t care right now. I need the beautiful girl lying in front of me in a tank top and a pair of yoga shorts.

  Seeing her relieves some of the stress that the last few days have caused and fuck, I'm just thankful to be home with my girls.

  Crawling up the bed, I kiss my way up her body and just as I run my tongue along the back of her neck. I brush her hair out of the way and place kisses along her skin. A quiet moan falls from her, and she arches her back slightly.

  Pressing her into the mattress, I take my time kissing along her skin. She’s so sexy that I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her.

  “Ben,” she sighs. Lowering my body onto hers, I kiss her again before I roll over to my back.

  She rolls over to face me, and I reach out to brush the hair from her face. "What's wrong?" She always knows when something is bothering me. I came home with the intention of sinking inside of her, but after this weekend, I just need her. She can calm me unlike no other.

  “Ben.” This time she’s the one to cup my face. She presses a kiss to my forehead before getting even closer to me. When I don’t say a word, she straddles my waist and pulls her tank top off.

  I know she’s trying to trick me into talking by letting me have what I want, but I need more than my hand paddling her ass. I need her to hurt me. I need her to inflict pain that will rid all these damn thoughts out of my head, at least just for the night.

  I run my hands up her naked back, and she leans forward. Her lips press against mine, and she gives me a quick kiss before she pulls back and slides off me for a brief moment. She pushes her yoga shorts down her legs before she reaches over and opens the top drawer on my side of the bed.

  She pulls out the glass handled whip that she bought me for my birthday last year. I take a deep breath as I get ready for what she’s going to do for me. Although she hates to hurt me, she does it anyway.

  Brynn gives me this because she knows I need it.

  Her body moves off of me, and she kneels on the bed right next to me. "I love you, Ben." I reach up and cup her cheek.

  “I love you more baby.”

  I lay back against the pillows and wait for her to give me what I'm craving. The first strike is on my stomach, and I have to suck in a breath to keep from grunting out. Brynn continues on the path that I taught her that first time and every hit brings me closer to letting go. I can feel all the darkness start to fade and my dick gets hard as fuck. She hits me once more before I grab her wrist and pull her on top of me.

he moment she sinks down on my dick, I can't help but moan. Fuck, she feels so damn good wrapped around my cock. I reach up and wrap my hand around her neck, forcing her to increase her rhythm. Every thrust I meet her by slamming up into her. It doesn't take me long to get to the edge, and I squeeze her neck tighter.

  "I'm going to come," she whimpers. Her nails dig into my chest, and the pain sends me right over the edge. She moans out my name as she rides me faster. She tosses her head back, and my fingers slip into her mouth. Brynn sucks my fingers into her mouth and bites them, pulling a moan from me.

  When we are both spent, she collapses onto my chest. Both of our breathing is harsh, and it takes a few minutes before it's back to normal.

  A finger trails over our daughter’s name that is inked onto my skin in the same place that she has on her. I know she’s waiting patiently for me to tell her what happened, but I know that it’s going to break her heart.

  "The run didn't go as expected." I close my eyes for a second as I try to find the words. "We lost a few of our own." She still doesn't say a word, and I hate that I have to be the one to tell her. "We lost Trace, a prospect, and…" I see the tears start to fall down her face.

  “Please don’t say it," she whispers. I pull her to my chest, and she begins to sob into my chest. Her old man rejoined the club four years ago when he found out that me and her were together. A year after that, her mom left him because she couldn't be around our dangerous lifestyle.

  In a way, he was the only family she had left beside her sister, and now he's gone. I tried to keep him home, but he refused to stay behind.

  “What happened?” she asks, tears covering her cheeks, hair matted to her wet face.

  "I took a header off my bike when someone tossed a molotov cocktail at me. They ambushed us, and once I was on the ground, bullets were flying at me." I stop right there. Her nails are digging into my sides, and the tears only fall faster.


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