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Uniform Behaviour

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by Lucy Felthouse

  Title Page


  Steamy Stories About Men And Women In Uniform

  Selected and edited by

  Lucy Felthouse

  Publisher Information

  Published in 2013 by Andrews UK Limited

  See the House of Erotica range at

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Lucy Felthouse 2010, 2013

  The right of Lucy Felthouse to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.


  As I mentioned in my call for submissions for this anthology, I’d wanted to edit an anthology for some time. For a long time, the opportunity never presented itself. Then, I almost edited a book for a publisher but it fell through. So I was back to square one. Eventually, I thought - what the hell! - I’ll do it myself. It’s something I’ve always had a passion for, so I figured I should just go out and do it.

  The theme wasn’t too difficult to come up with - I have a thing for men in uniform myself and I know I’m not the only one. Plus, I’m the editor, so I can do what I like, right? And so Uniform Behaviour was born.

  Reading through the submissions was great fun. I love to see what ideas other writers come up with and on more than one occasion I wished I’d thought of their idea myself! I originally intended not to have any stories in the book that were about the same uniform. However, some of them - as I hope you’ll agree - were just so hot I couldn’t turn them down!

  On these pages you’ll find smutty stories about firemen, soldiers, sailors, police, security guards and even waiters, priests and cleaners! I hope you enjoy these titillating tales and get as hot beneath the collar as I did when I was reading them!

  I was surprised and delighted to see how far the reach of this anthology had gotten - this book even contains an erotic story from a soldier currently serving in Afghanistan!

  And that, of course, is what it’s all about. As well as writing and editing, another of my passions is raising money for charity. I’m not taking an editor’s fee for compiling this anthology. Instead, the proceeds raised will be split equally amongst the authors. On top of this, the UK charity Help for Heroes will also receive the same cut as the writers. It may only be a small amount, but in my opinion, every penny that goes to help those who have been wounded in current conflicts is a penny well spent.

  I don’t want to get maudlin; we all know what these wonderful people do in the forces. I just want to say that they do a brilliant and selfless thing and that if I can give just a little something back to them by releasing this anthology, then it’s worth it.

  On that note, I want to thank the people that have helped to make this anthology possible. First and foremost, the authors. Thank you for bearing with a first-timer and patiently letting me muddle through this anthology. I hope you’ll all agree that the end result has been worth it.

  Thanks also go to my wicked proofreader. The comfort of having your eagle eyes cast over the manuscript was immense.

  Other notable mentions go to my other half, who came up trumps with lots of valuable and helpful suggestions and let me talk his ear off about my plans for anthology. Also, thanks to writing and non-writing friends who have let me pick their brains about spellings, grammar, cover design, distribution and much more. You know who you are.

  Last, but certainly not least, thank you to you. Yes - you! If you’re reading this, you’ve bought a copy of the anthology (unless you’ve acquired it illegally, in which case I hope your computer explodes), so thank you. You’ve made a virgin (stop laughing) editor very happy. And you’re helping to donate money to a worthwhile charity - so feel good about that. Keep reading, though, and I’m sure you’ll feel even better (*nudge nudge wink wink*).

  Please tell all your friends about this fab anthology. Share links, write reviews and generally spread the word. I’ll be forever grateful. And I’m sure your friends will too.

  I’ll shut up now, anyway. I’m sure you’re desperate to get to the dirty bits. You haven’t got long to wait, I promise. So, without further ado, I give you... Uniform Behaviour - steamy stories about men and women in uniform.

  Fireman’s Lift

  Rebecca Bond

  I blinked twice, doing a double-take as I watched him disappear into the lift, shock etched upon my face. Biting my lip in bewilderment I followed behind, wedging the pointed toe of my stiletto in between the doors as they were about to close. Smiling at him sheepishly I pushed my way into the elevator, making sure I got direct eye contact with my handsome neighbour.

  Giving me a shy smile of his own, he truly was the picture of perfection. How was it that I had lived next door to him for so long and yet never really ‘seen’ him before?

  He worked nights, I knew that much, but I hadn’t got a clue what he did. Until now that is. He stood before me dressed head to toe in uniform, his dirty complexion still covered in ash and battered helmet in hand.

  I drank in the sight of him; the thin white T-shirt stretched taut over his broad chest, biceps straining to escape the confines of his sleeves. Tough yellow Nomex of his trousers tucked into heavy black boots, scuffed and dirty from the hot coals they have to endure day in, day out. Thick black coat slung loosely across his shoulders as if ready to be shrugged at any minute. My pussy began to moisten as I surveyed him, the harsh uniform coupled with his boyish good looks stirring a desire within me that I hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  Breaking the awkward silence I extended my hand. “Susie. I believe you live in the apartment next door?”

  Clasping my hand in a strong paw, he responded, “Yes Ma’am, I’ve seen you around. I’m Bryan by the way, pleasure to meet you.” He nodded shyly.

  “The pleasure’s all mine,” I responded confidently, my words laced with a little schoolgirl cheekiness that I still had in me.

  A blush crept up his face as he averted his gaze, embarrassed by such brazen flirtation. I couldn’t help it; I might be pushing forty, old enough to be his mother perhaps, but my neighbour was a fine specimen of a man and coupled with the sight of him in that uniform, dirty soot still covering his face and clinging to his hair, how I could I resist a bit of playful teasing?

  As the lift began to climb, a heady ascent to our floor, level fifteen, I nodded towards his attire. “Looks like it’s been a long night...?”

  He looked tired, the exertion of his shift causing exhaustion to rest heavily upon his shoulders.

  “Yeah,” he responded. Still the shyness was there.

  Just as I was about to speak again the lift lurched and ground to a halt, the lights flickering erratically before finally losing steam and failing completely, plunging us into darkness. I was silent, the shock of the jolt blowing any conversation from my mouth. I felt the pounding in my chest as my heart began to race faster and faster. I did not like lifts at the best of times, but fuck, this was going to kill me!

  With darkness enveloping us in a suffocating blanket I felt my chest begin to constrict and my breath become strained. He was there in seconds, fumbling for me in th
e darkness and taking hold of my trembling hands.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?” he asked in concern. It was sweet really.

  “I... er... I...” I stammered, all previous class and elegance seeping from my pores as I crumbled pathetically against the wall of the cage.

  I felt his hands inch towards my face, cupping my cheeks gently as he spoke. “Ma’am, listen to me, concentrate on the sound of my voice, okay? Breathe,” he instructed, his manner now completely confident and calm.

  “Breathe... breathe... breathe...” he repeated and it wasn’t long before I found myself breathing in time with his words, the pounding in my chest subsiding into a controlled rhythm.

  His hands remained at my cheeks, fingers grazing gently back and forth across my flushed skin. As he continued to whisper the comforting mantra I felt him inch closer, lips descending onto the flesh at my temple. So, it seemed my sweet neighbour wasn’t so shy when the lights were out.

  Dragging a hand from my face to my hair, Bryan began running fingers through my shoulder length cut, all the while still muttering incoherently against my skin. I bucked against him as his lips moved to my ear, nipping firmly at my lobe, feeling his length thickening within his trousers.

  I sighed deeply, winding my arms around his neck, crashing his lips to mine, forcing him apart with my tongue and delving deeply inside. He chuckled against my lips, my eagerness apparently a cause for his amusement.

  “Been a long time has it Ma’am?” he taunted against my lips, pressing his weight further into me and pinning me against the side of the lift.

  Opening my mouth to respond into the darkness, my words were ripped from my throat and replaced with his tongue, lapping across my lips, my teeth, my tongue. I moaned into him, grinding against his body as he nibbled at my lips. I panted into the darkness as his mouth worked me into a frenzied state of arousal.

  His hands moved from my hair, working on the buttons of my blouse before ripping it off completely and following suit with my skirt, no longer caring about the world outside of our little suspended cabin of passion. Without warning my silk panties were pushed aside and my pussy fed with expert fingers.

  “Fuck!” I groaned on a heavy breath as he pumped in and out, in and out.

  “Louder,” he commanded, his tone firm and forceful, matching the thrusting of his fingers.

  Confusion flew through my mind, what was going on? Here I was, a middle-aged divorcee submitting to the wiles of a young, horny fireman. Never once had I given up my dominant nature before. But here, now, with him... fuck, I could smell smoke clinging to his skin as I inhaled his scent, and my pussy clenched even more tightly around him.

  My mind wandered to realms of fantasy as his fingers continued to manipulate my cunt, juices seeping from my core in response. I won’t lie, I’d always had a thing for uniform, but damn... if I’d known it was this good I would have dabbled in costume many moons ago. I wondered for a moment how good I would look if I were dressed in uniform; a sexy twist on the heroic fire-fighter... a kinky little French maid... a strong, dominant cop. Or maybe even a middle-aged naughty schoolgirl needing to be taught a lesson by her much older headmaster.

  No, I shook the thoughts from my head, all too clichéd, all too seedy.

  “Jesus!” I yelled as his free hand pinched down on my nipple, squeezing it firmly, exquisite pain coursing its way through my veins. I continued to clench around his fingers, another surge of arousal slipping from my core, heated juices spilling from my engorged and swollen cunt, coating his hands with my slick. I yelped in surprise as he forced his fingers into my mouth to taste the musky sweetness of my snatch.

  “See how fucking good you taste?” he rasped against my ear, his words sending another surge of arousal whizzing around my body. All I could do was nod, words stuck in my throat as I succumbed to the feelings this fireman was invoking within me.

  I have to admit, I did taste good, never having sampled the delights of pussy before now. Without warning there I was on bended knee, the image of myself drinking from another woman’s cup, lapping at her centre with long, luscious strokes whilst she writhed beneath my tongue.

  I was brought back to the present by sharp pain in my breast as Bryan twisted a swollen teat, relishing in the pleasurable pain that spilled from my throat. He shifted closer to me in the darkness, pressing his thick erection against my pussy and grinding gently. With his cock still snugly tucked inside his trousers I had only the scratchy material of his uniform to contend with. My core ached for affection and I ground against him as hard as I could, rubbing myself against him like a wild feline in the throes of heat.

  My cunt began to throb at the delicious friction his trousers caused against my clit. Soft mews spilled forth from my mouth as his fingers worked my chest, expertly tugging each engorged bead in tandem, fierce pinches followed by tender rubs. I was on the edge. A cliff edge so fucking high that I was afraid of being catapulted off at any second. Scared of tumbling to the ground in a squidgy bundle of lust.

  As if reading my thoughts through the darkness, Bryan let go of my bust and eased away from me slightly. Panic flashed through my mind and I wondered if it was all a game... or worse still, a dream. A dream that would leave me unsatisfied as I awoke without climax.

  I heard rustling in front of me and imagined my sexy neighbour divesting himself of the final barriers that remained between us. He was back on me in seconds, pushing against me again, this time pinning my arms above my head as he kissed me furiously. His lips were brutal and punishing, commanding my mouth open and demanding me to let go. Demanding me to submit myself to this moment completely.

  The harsh texture of his trousers was rough against the smooth skin of my thighs, scratching my flesh as he ground against me. Opening my eyes I was greeted with darkness; even the eyes of my handsome neighbour were concealed by the blackness of the lift, our lift. The lack of light caused my senses to heighten and suddenly sex was no longer just sex any more. It was more sensual, more exotic, more powerful, every touch causing a wave of new sensation to course through my veins, my body writhing in rapture beneath his touch.

  “Fuck,” I uttered for what seemed like the thousandth time as I felt his breath against my neck. Gooseflesh coated my skin as his mouth descended onto me, teeth nipping at my neck before he clamped down onto my pulse, suckling as if I was the juiciest of peaches.

  My head slammed against the cold steel wall, the cool metal chilling my heated flesh. One of his hands left the spot where they pinned my hands above my head and moved down towards my centre, grazing teasingly over the tortured nub of my clit. I bucked against his touch and spread my legs wider, allowing him as much entry as he needed.

  His fingers pressed on me firmly, enticing a healthy throb within my little bead. He was relentless, keeping me on the edge of orgasm but never quite allowing me the release I so longingly craved.

  “No,” I panted through heavy breaths as his fingers disappeared. I cursed into the darkness at the loss of his touch.

  His lips were at my ear. “What is it Ma’am, what do you want?” His voice was thick velvet against my senses, another surge of wetness gushing from my cunt at his words.

  “You,” I murmured as his tongue flicked out to tease my lobe.


  “Uh huh,” I nodded as he reached between our bodies and grabbed hold of his cock, dragging it slowly along the length of my slit. We groaned in unison, overcome by the sensations each intimate touch invoked.

  “Wider,” he commanded and I lifted one leg at his request, wrapping it around his body and opening myself up to him. He shifted closer with the new position, his thick penis now nuzzling eagerly at my entrance.

  He dropped my wrists and grabbed each leg in his hands, forcing my feet off the floor and pinning me to him wholly. I yelped and wound my arms around his neck, my head dropping onto his
shoulder as the movement caused him to push into me painfully.

  After a moment of reprieve, allowing my tight hole to adjust to the size of him, he began to pull out slowly before plunging back in, burying himself to the hilt. My pussy was greedy, sucking him in further with each thrust. The friction caused by his trousers on my bare skin was electric, a harsh contradiction against the silky touch of our heated flesh, sliding together with our mingled slick.

  Leaning further into his neck I inhaled the deep smokiness of his flesh, the stench of burnt ash and rubber still evident on his skin. I lapped at him, my tongue dipping into the crevasse between shoulder and neck to add taste to scent, letting him waft throughout my senses and stir me up into a state of blissful pleasure. He moved faster, his balls now free and slapping against me as his cock hammered on.

  “Let go,” he whispered, removing my arm from his neck, causing me to panic slightly in my vulnerable state.

  He clutched my hand and brought it down between us, resting it against my pussy and encouraging me to find my little bundle of nerves.

  “Touch yourself, play as you feel me inside you, hard and thick and so fucking relentless.”

  My god! I thought, astonished at how pliant I was in this young man’s arms. Astounded at how easily I acquiesced to his commands. Delving into my silky folds I coated my fingers with my thick juice and began to rub circles against my clit. The sensations of his rigid cock driving in and out of me coupled with the tender movements of my own fingers dancing across my clit caused me to hurl over the edge and into oblivion, climax rippling through my body in waves.

  I screamed into his neck, the fluttering of my snatch milking him into his own release. He grunted, collapsing against me in satisfaction as the elevator heaved, springing back to life with a whirring noise. Blinding light washed through the carriage, throwing us into the spotlight.

  I felt him slip from my core, letting out a frustrated sigh at the loss, our juices coating my thighs with his release.


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