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Uniform Behaviour

Page 6

by Lucy Felthouse

  Her sated body tingled with anticipation, wanting more of what he had to offer. Her fingers reached for his buttons, moving automatically as if not under her control. Stroking her fingers across the stiff material covering his chest, the heat of her skin was more pronounced against the cool buttons.

  She slowly loosened them, partially due to the satisfaction that permeated her body and partially to heighten her own anticipation. Finding him naked beneath the garment, she stroked her hands down the smooth dark skin of his chest.

  Sitting up as he began to shrug it from his shoulders, Philomena helped him remove the jacket to throw it over a chair by the bed. Nathan showed that he didn’t have similar patience when it came to removing her clothes, forcing her to raise her arms as he lifted her dress straight over her head. She was pleased at her failure to wear a bra; though it had only been for comfort, it turned into source of pure pleasure.

  Encircling his arm around her waist, he took the erect tip of her breast into his warm mouth; he pulled firmly, making her gasp as intense heat streaked through her body. It filled her with a renewed energy that made her drag at his fly, desperate to caress the erection she felt twitching from beneath his trousers.

  The weight of the solid flesh that sprang from his trousers made her heart thump, leading her to explore further by sliding her hand along his shaft. Tightening her grip made a groan rumble up from his throat, making him release her breast to return to her lips. She caught the growl that came as she stroked his cock with a loose fist.

  Pulling away from her, his demanding mouth left her lips feeling swollen and bruised as he let his trousers drop to the floor. The removal of his arm made her roll back onto the bed, her body trembling with a slight trepidation as he climbed onto the bed. The first sight of his imposing cock came as he straddled her body, impressive enough to draw her gaze and prevent her from looking away.

  Nathan nestled himself between her thighs, his powerful build forcing her legs further apart as he thrust his tongue between her lips. The bulbous head of his stiff cock pressed against her clit as he manoeuvred his hips, quickly finding her entrance. His thick flesh spread her labia, giving her a thrilling taste of what was to follow and causing a cascade to flood her walls. Hot moisture aided his passage as he slid deep, effortlessly filling her like she had never felt before.

  Enjoying the heat of his skin beneath her fingers, she reached up to grip his cheeks, her nails digging into his skin.

  Nathan looked into her eyes as he smoothly rolled his body, reaching further with each thrust until he took her breath away. The intensity of the sparks that flared deep in her pelvis grew, spreading through to every part of her body. It was powerful enough to make her back arch but, almost mesmerised by him, she found herself forced to continue looking into his eyes.

  Holding him tightly, she felt the rhythm of his body rocking hers, strong enough to rock her pelvis despite being pressed to the bed. The sinews in his arms bulged as he held himself above her, his gleaming skin twitching as the muscles moved underneath.

  Her vulva contracted around his flesh, tightly gripping his cock as electrifying sensations crashed into her body.

  The heat from his skin as he pressed his body to hers increased her temperature, fuelling the fire ablaze within her.

  Somehow, holding his body wasn’t enough and she transferred her grip to the sheets beneath her. Tightly twisting the fabric in her fists, she braced herself as pressure swelled within her. It led to an explosion, her back arching as she cried out, a piercing sound that seemed to shake the walls.

  Her body bucked as a growl vibrated from deep in his throat, holding the full length of his shaft deep between her walls.

  He slowly withdrew from her pulsating pussy, leaving just the tip inside her before plunging deep, the pressure to her engorged clit raising a breathy moan.

  Sliding his fingers into her hair, Nathan held her tightly as his hips continued to move, his rapid pace pounding her body. His deep grunt reverberated through her body like the echoes of her powerful climax, making her body quiver.

  Collapsing onto her, he held her with a fierce embrace, his chest rapidly rising and falling. After several long moments of being weighed beneath him, he rolled over and pulled her on top of him.

  Lying on his chest, comfortable against his hot, moist skin, a feeling of pure gratification filled Philomena’s body.

  Their bodies remained moulded together as the sound of their heavy breathing mingled as they recovered.

  From where she lay, Philomena didn’t notice him looking at his uniform from the corner of his eye, neither did she see the smile that arose.

  His brother had shown him photos of the house with a view to him buying it, but he was unconcerned when it was sold. It was an area where he grew up - he saw no reason why he should live there again.

  Fortunately, his brother had found another house nearby - he was considering the street when he saw her, lost in her own world as she added to a neat stack of newspapers.

  Suddenly, he had changed his mind about the area.

  Also Available from House of Erotica

  Sin City

  Rebecca Bond

  My eyes roll back in my head as the familiar buzzing begins and the needle pierces my flesh. I am here again, in the tattoo parlour that has become the only place that provides solace in the hours I’m not out there on the beat, pounding the pavements of New York whilst fighting crime with the rest of my brothers in blue. Tonight I am here to seek forgiveness after the sin I have committed. The sin that goes against everything I know as a cop, against everything I stand for, everything I believe in.

  As the needle of the tattoo gun continues to snake its way down my hipbone, etching the word ‘SINNER’ into my flesh, my mind flashes back to the circumstances that led me here, to this dark, dingy salon in the back streets of Sin City. Five hours ago I was racing through the busy streets of downtown Manhattan, the concrete sidewalk hard and fierce beneath my feet. The pursuit lasted fifteen minutes, a long, agonising fifteen minutes of tearing through the city. I was pissed, not only because the punk I was chasing gave me an aerobic workout I would have much rather carried out in the gym, but because I was still frustrated that my early knock-off to meet a date had been interrupted to chase this fucker down.

  Ten minutes into the chase I was closing in nicely, twelve minutes down and I was nearly on this guy’s back. Fifteen minutes and there he was, on the floor nestled snugly between the cold, stone sidewalk and my strong thighs as I tried to restrain him beneath me. Pulling him off the ground I shoved him against the wall of the alley.

  “Get off me bitch!” he grunted as I twisted his arms in an attempt to slap the handcuffs on his wrists.

  Feeling my anger rise I retaliated, “Do not fuck with me tonight, mister, I am not in the mood for your shit!”

  Before I had a chance to stop him he whirled from my grasp and pinned me against the wall, quickly ripping the baton from my waistband and forcing the heavy object to my throat. I was shocked by the finesse of his movements and paused instantly, not wanting to constrict my airway any more than he was already doing. It was then that I took a chance to look at the man I’d been chasing, to really look at him.

  I studied his face, the way his nostrils flared and his thick, full, lips parted as he tried to suck in as much air as possible after the struggle of the chase. His neck was thick, a deep white scar winding its way from just below his chin until it disappeared into the neck of his white T-shirt. Suddenly the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins began to subside and my breathing, despite being so constrained, evened out. And that’s when it happened, that’s when I fell. All resolve now gone, I no longer saw a criminal in front of me, but a man, the hard muscular planes of his chest, the sharp edges of his jaw, the lustful longing in his eyes.

  As I continued my visual ass
essment of my captor, drawing my gaze from haunting blue eyes to plump, smooth lips, along stubble that peppered his chiselled jaw and again, down to his deep, puckered scar I found my mind wandering to the realm of fantasy. Images of this handsome stranger naked before me, being shackled naked beneath him, open and wanton, ready to submit myself to whatever plan he had marked out for me.

  He awoke me from my erotic reverie by pushing the baton into my neck just a little more firmly.

  “Oh, how the tables have turned.” A malicious smirk covered his face. Everything about this situation screamed danger and I knew I should escape the confines of his grip. Strength wasn’t a problem; I graduated top of my class at police academy. I’m fast, strong and can pack one hell of punch. But somewhere in the depths of my mind the darkness had begun to cloud my thoughts and I was beginning to enjoy the power-play that was unravelling.

  My nipples hardened, scratching deliciously under the cotton of my standard kit bra as he continued to scrutinise my form. He leaned closer, breath hot against my ear.

  “Listen Officer, I’m not out to hurt anyone...” He eased the pressure at my neck and brought a hand to my cheek, trailing his fingertips down my skin and across my plump, tinted lips. “I want you,” he mumbled against my lobe before sucking it softly into his mouth, nipping gently at my flesh.

  Electricity rippled through my body, my vision growing hazy as his lips moved from my ear, kissing their way down my neck, across my collarbone and finally snaking back up to rest upon my own waiting mouth, welcoming the graze of his lips as at last my submissiveness was rewarded with a kiss.

  His breath was thick and smoky; dark cocoa with a hint of liquor. I was eager to taste more of this dangerous stranger. He felt delicious, the familiar buzz within me being awoken with every guilty caress of his skin. My eyes closed as my body now visibly yearned for the touch of this man.

  I felt his hand on my face, pinching my cheeks slightly and forcing me to look at him. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he repeated.

  “I know,” I nodded in understanding.

  He looked at me quizzically. “It’s just you... in that fucking uniform, it’s hot.”

  I nodded again, silently this time, speech difficult as my arousal grew.

  Grabbing his arms I pulled him to me, pressing our bodies together, relishing the delicious friction it caused to build in my snatch. I felt hands glide over me, moving slowly from the sides of my chest, fingers lingering dangerously close to my budded nipples. A rough stroke of my peaked nubs through my shirt enticed a reluctant whimper from my throat, my body betraying me against my effort to quell the sensations running through my veins and straight to my pussy.

  His hands continued their exploration of my fully clothed form, frisking me through my uniform, settling at my hips. I shuddered as he caressed the bare flesh of my waist, rubbing enticing circles on my skin underneath my shirt.

  His hands moved higher under my shirt, fingers splayed wide as they travelled from the slenderness of my waist to the fullness of my breasts. A smirk plastered his face as his hands closed around my tits, cupping them firmly, squeezing in a menacing manner. This was wrong, but somewhere deep inside I no longer cared. It was sinful and I was going to see this deed through to the bitter end. I closed my eyes, taking a moment to compose myself before opening them to stare this criminal directly in his sinister orbs. He acknowledged the challenge, now acutely aware that I was ready for this dance of danger, a willing participant in this devilish game of dare.

  Without warning strong hands ripped my shirt, buttons flying into the night as the nip of the cold air chilled my skin. I inhaled sharply as the icy blast wound its way around my body. Breathing deeply, my chest heaved with lust, my nipples standing tall, proud and expectant. Gentle fingers began to play with the bottom of the ugly bra I was forced to squeeze myself into as part of my uniform. Unclasping the offensive garment from the front it slipped open instantly, my eager breasts bursting from their confines in an enthusiastic manner. I was displayed before him, bare and begging for his touch.

  I began to wriggle out of my shirt before a tight grip landed on my wrist. He shook his head. “No, the uniform stays on.”

  I nodded as his free hand made its way down to my hip, scraping painfully against my swollen teat as it went. His hands hooked around the metal hanging from my belt. With a quick flick of the wrist the metal was free and he was now dangling it enticingly in front of my face.

  I tried to control my breaths whilst thinking of what was to come, the nibbling of my lip giving away my nervous arousal. He grabbed my other wrist and drew them both slowly above my head, the movement causing my back to arch and my breasts to protrude further, pressing firmly against his chest.

  The metal was cool against my skin as he bound my wrists together and now with my restraints firmly in place the real fun could begin. I felt his lips clamp down sweetly on my erect nipples. A moan of pleasure escaped my throat, encouraging him to continue to ravish me with his mouth, sucking sharply on my buds. The gentle pain sent waves of pleasure surging through my body, my pussy now grinding itself frantically against the tight seam of my panties.

  “You like that, Officer?” he chuckled.

  “Mmmmmm, yes Sir...” I began before my words were swallowed by a kiss. Sir? When did I become so subservient? His lips appeared brutal and punishing but were sweet and spongy against my own. He nipped lightly on my bottom lip, forcing me to open wider. I felt consumed, overpowered and perhaps most significantly, I felt controlled, my body waiting and eager to do anything at his command.

  I found myself wanting to please this forceful stranger, a vision of myself on bended knee in front of him flashing into my mind, settled on rough ground with his long, thick cock buried deep within my hot, wet mouth.

  Our kissing became frenzied, his solid body now flush against mine, pinning me to the wall with no room for escape. Another groan left my lips as his hips rocked firmly against mine, arousal obvious beneath his jeans. How I longed to break into his pants and grasp hold of his turgid manhood, wrapping my fingers around it and rubbing in long, smooth strokes. But alas, my arms were shackled high above my head so all I could do was buck against him in earnest.

  Whilst lips ravished my breasts, his hands trailed a path of tantalizing destruction down my body, calloused pads scraping roughly across goose-fleshed skin and stoking the fire within. Then, without warning, buttons were popped, zips were yanked and before I could process what was happening through the lustful haze of our kiss, he was rubbing my throbbing pussy through the textured fabric of my lace panties. I was truly bound for him, wrists cuffed above my head and ankles shackled with my own uniform pants.

  My breath hitched as his tongue continued to plough into my mouth, fighting for dominance. I pushed against him whilst he pinned me against the wall, eager to maintain some semblance of control, to let him know that I was a willing participant in his game of erotic torture. A soft chuckle escaped his throat as my hips continued to jerk against his hand rhythmically, the wet lubricant of my snatch now seeping through the thin material.

  “Someone’s eager,” he whispered against my ear before suckling softly on my lobe. His teeth nipped at the flesh, tugging lightly before his tongue returned to lap the pain away. Another involuntary moan eased its way from my throat, words now redundant in my heightened state of excitement.

  He kissed his way down my neck, along my collarbone, through the valley of my breasts, across my torso, finally stopping at the top of my French knickers, where lace met skin. His breath was hot, warming against the cool city air. I looked down at him through hooded lids, seeing utter devotion etched upon his face. Meeting his gaze as he knelt on the dirty ground before me, his hands gently cupping my hips, thumbs dipping inside my underwear, I saw something within his glassy depths. At that moment, this perp was on bended knee before me with the sole purpose of bringi
ng pleasure at all costs. Finally breaking eye-contact the suspect dropped his gaze to my hips and tugged gently on my panties, sliding them sensuously over my pert cheeks and down my long, slender legs. With all barriers now broken he felt his way back up my legs, smoothing his palms lovingly over my calves, around the backs of my thighs and finally to the taut, round globes of my arse. His breath hitched as he drew his face level with my pussy, inhaling my scent deeply.

  Another quick glance up at me earned another silent nod. He started slowly, bringing his mouth to the top of my mound. A kiss planted against my bare crotch, waxed smooth for ultimate pleasure. His hands kneaded the flesh of my backside as further kisses were adorned across my smooth, wanton pussy before his hands travelled from my arse to rest at my aching core.

  His fingers gingerly grazed the length of my outer lips, his breath tickling the skin in their wake. My hips bucked towards his touch, encouraging him to continue this torturous pleasure. Prising my puffy labia apart with his thumbs he leaned in close, his tongue flicking out and finally making contact with my heated flesh. I jumped at the contact, the spark of ignited passion roaring through my body, heating me with its delicious warmth.

  I was surprised at my reaction; I can’t remember ever being this responsive to a single touch. Sensing how close I was to the edge he drew his tongue along the length of my slit, sucking my juices into his mouth before settling on my exposed clit. My eyes clamped shut as he suckled at the small bundle of nerves. God, it felt amazing and I was close. So close. My breathing became frantic as the excruciating pressure continued to build in my cunt.

  His lips released my begging pearl as his fingers boldly explored my opening, sliding through my slick folds with ease. He beckoned forth with his digit, finding the ultimate spot inside me as the tip of his tongue returned to my clit, flicking back and forth across it enticingly. He added a second finger and then a third as he continued to fuck me, his fingers thrusting to a long, hard rhythm whilst his tongue flicked over my engorged nub, encouraging me to let go and fall over the ledge into oblivion.


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