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The Warrior's Destiny (The Annihilation Saga Book 2)

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by Saxon Andrew

  “Since that is the case, tell Tag and Danielle that I’ll release half of our fleet of Primes to go with them. I’m keeping the other-half to train the new pilots, as their Primes are built. If they’re needed, I’ll have an emergency setting in their drives where they can be sent to Ross at a moment’s notice.”

  Jack took a deep breath, “I’m sorry it had to come to this, Your Majesty.”

  “I wasn’t completely honest, because I hoped by telling him that the civilizations in the Algean Galaxy were going to die, would force him to see what was happening. I didn’t intend for him to abdicate the Throne. Go and tell Danielle what’s going on and ask her to keep it a secret until the announcement is made”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”


  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Do you think I have what it takes to be a good Emperor?”

  “Your Majesty, I would follow you through the gates of hell. I’d hesitate if your father ordered it.”

  “Because you’d know he was missing a critical piece of information?”

  “Something like that. I can honestly say you don’t miss anything.”

  “Thanks, Jack.”

  “I know this is a sad moment for you, but I must admit that I feel encouraged that we just might win this war, now that you’re on the Throne.” Jack stood up and bowed to James, before turning, and leaving the conference room. James remained in his seat and thought about what was coming. He sighed and activated his telepathy module, “Annette, please meet me at home and make sure JP is there when I arrive.”

  “What’s going on, James?”

  “I’ll explain when I arrive.”

  “Give me a few minutes to contact JP and get him out of school.”

  “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “That would be good,” she replied.

  James turned off the module and sat back on his throne. He began to feel a measure of fear but managed to push it away. He had two of the greatest warriors in creation to help him make the right decisions. Tag and Danielle could now act freely and he prayed they were making the right decision to start the war against the Black Ships and Dark Energy Creatures.

  Chapter Three

  Jack left the Kosiev’s bridge, and Tag turned to Danielle, “We’re going to have to delay going to Ross, Danielle.”

  “I can see that. Do you have any idea about how long we’re going to wait?”

  “At least a month,” Tag answered.


  Tag exhaled sharply, “I’m not sure. I just sense leaving earlier feels more dangerous than waiting. I’m shocked at Emperor Robbins vacating the throne. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “What do you sense about that issue?”

  “I must say things look better, Danielle. Carter is the perfect choice to work with us.”

  “Do you think Creation had a hand in making this happen?”

  Tag shrugged, “Even if it did, I’d have no way of sensing it. Eyes would be a good one to answer that question.”

  Danielle waved a hand, “It’s really not that important. The fact is, it did happen and we have to reorganize our plans.”

  “I guess.”

  “What’s wrong, Tag?”

  “I don’t like all the surviving civilizations in the Algean Galaxy being destroyed. I wish there was some way to prevent that.”

  Danielle was silent for a long moment, before saying with a big sigh, “I have little doubt that Creation set up their destruction.”

  “I find that hard to believe and even harder to accept, Danielle.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Tag. It could have all been avoided, if they had simply agreed to follow our orders; their galaxy would have been moved here with us now. However, this was the second time the Algeans endangered the rest of the universe with their selfish-behavior. I suspect Creation has had enough of that behavior and now the dominoes have fallen, so there is no saving them. We couldn’t do it at this point, even if we wanted to; we don’t have the forces to make it happen.”

  “I know, I know. But…” Tag took a deep breath and stood up. He walked to the viewport and exhaled slowly before saying, “But why do they have to die? There’s something we’re missing.”

  Danielle lowered her eyes, “I must confess that I was surprised that Eyes went to the Algeans to warn them of what was coming. I just can’t put the pieces together to see the bigger picture.” Tag nodded as he continued to stare out of the viewport. “What are you thinking, Tag?” she asked.

  Tag started, “Oh, I’m sorry.” He touched the back of his head and thought, ‘On’.

  Danielle listened to his thoughts and, with a heavy heart, conceded, “You’re right. Those civilizations were saved from the Keepers only to end up being destroyed here. It really doesn’t seem right or fair.”

  Tag turned and glanced at her, “And once they’re gone, the Algeans will lose their reason for existence. It’s a price that seems too large for them to bear.”

  “Tag, I couldn’t save them from themselves!”

  Tag turned and walked over to Danielle’s chair, where he knelt and took her hands in his, “I’m not questioning your decision, Love. It was their decision to reject you and you had no option but to leave them to the consequences.” Tag sighed and lowered his head, “It just all seems like a terrible waste.”

  Danielle released his hands, put her arms around his neck, and thought, “I couldn’t do this without you! I never wanted the power to cause so many to die.”

  “Have you thought any more about moving the Milky Way to the Dark Dimension?”

  “If we do that, with the Black Ships still in our universe, they’ll learn about our ability to move a galaxy. It will start them looking for what happened, which could lead them to developing a dimensional drive. We just can’t take that risk,” Danielle answered. “I also recognize the risk is too high to move the Algean Galaxy. Moving it, without taking the millions of DECs and Black Ships in it, is next to impossible. We need to take this war to our universe and the Milky Way is a good place to start our response to the enemies attacking the Realm’s Universe.” Danielle kept her arms around Tag’s neck and he felt her sorrow at the loss of life happening in the Algean Galaxy. He saw no way it could be avoided.

  • • •

  The High Priest walked out of a shuttle and over to a plant growing in a field, ten-miles outside the planet’s capital city. He reached forward and took one of its branches in his hand, “Are your transports ready for launch?” the plant asked.

  “Tell me again why I must make physical contact with you to communicate?” the High Priest asked.

  “All Algeans have been forbidden from using telepathy.”


  The Algean shook his branches, “Because the Creatures attacking our galaxy will be instantly drawn here, if they hear my telepathic thoughts. They will still be arriving in this sector in another month or so, but they could be speeded up, if they hear telepathy on your planet. You must make your escape now, if you intend for your ships to get away without being detected.”

  The High Priest stared at the plant and asked, “And there’s no defense against these creatures?”

  “No, there is not!”

  “Root, why hasn’t your Senior Elder sent your warships to protect us?”

  “All of our warships were destroyed attacking Earth.”

  The High Priest was shocked, “Why did you do that?”

  Root hesitated and then replied, “It was a disastrous decision. Besides, the outcome would have been the same; our warships could not defeat these creatures; they would be coming anyway. Now, you need to launch those colony ships!”

  “We’re only able to get twenty-percent of our population on them.”

  Root snarled, “If you keep running your mouth, you’ll lose a hundred-percent of your population! I don’t need a sermon, I need you to get those colony ships off the ground now!! Make sure they launch directly above the g
alaxy and keep running away until you’re a million light years above the Galaxy. Then, send them on a course universal north of here.”

  “I know!”


  “Will you go with us?”

  “No, my place is here.”

  The High Priest lowered his head and said softly, “May you find peace in the next life.”

  “I won’t find it at all, if you keep wasting time! Every moment is critical and you’re wasting times with your incessant questions!”

  The High Priest raised a device to his mouth and Root heard, “Start the launches.”

  Root heard a giant boom in the distance that rolled over him, as a gigantic vessel rose on a huge pillar of flame on the horizon. A few moments later, hundreds of other giant vessels began lifting off the planet. “Aren’t you going with them?” Root asked.

  “No, like you said, my place is here.”

  “I’m sorry, my friend.”

  “Maybe some of us will survive what’s coming,” the High Priest replied with a shrug.

  Root was silent and knew there would be no survivors. The High Priest released his branch, turned, and walked back to the shuttle. It lifted and headed toward the giant city on the horizon. As soon as the shuttle moved out of view, Root removed his roots from the soil and started moving quickly away from the city. He had a month to walk a hundred and fifty-miles to be clear of the giant creature coming to kill the planet’s population.

  The Senior Elder chose him to stay on this planet to try and convince the leaders to flee. He was the only Algean on the planet and, since he had no ship to escape, knew he was going to be left alone, once the attack was over, if he survived it. He picked up his pace as he walked out into the wilderness; he had to be a long way from civilization to survive, when the creature arrived. He blamed the Senior Elder for what was happening and wept for what he knew was coming. But he vowed to survive, he owed the Kelts that much. Root focused on the sky and could hear the distant creature in his mind, as he climbed out of a deep gorge, and continued his trek through the wilderness.

  • • •

  Rose sat in class and saw that JP was not his usual cheerful self; something was bothering him. He didn’t look at her once, and that bothered her; he was focused on something other than her. After class, she waited for him outside the door, “What’s wrong?”

  JP sighed, “Nothing.”

  “JP, something has you upset. Have I hurt your feelings?”

  JP lowered his head and softly said, “It’s nothing to do with you.”

  “Then what?”

  JP looked at her and thought, “I can’t say anything. You’ll have to listen to me telepathically.”


  “And you must promise to keep this to yourself.” Rose nodded. “Emperor Robbins is abdicating the Throne to the Empire and my father is going to replace him.”


  JP looked around as he communicated with Rose, “Father told me that I’ll be designated as his successor. My life has just been thrown a curve ball and everything I’ve planned is out the window.”

  “What plans are you talking about?” Rose asked.

  “Rose, I planned for you and me to go out into space on a Psychic Ship and get involved in fighting these enemies threatening the Empire. Now, that plan is over. My life is going to be restricted to Bristone, as the heir to the Throne, and I hate it.” JP’s eyes closed slightly, “Did you not have any plans for me in your life?”

  “Now is not the time, JP. Neither of us are ready for that?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked with pain in his expression.

  “When you get home, look at the Star Realm’s history, and focus on Tommy and Cassandra Gardner.”

  JP reached out to take her hand and Rose jumped back. JP’s sorrow was instant, “Do you hate me that much?”

  “JP, if there was any safe way for me to comfort you, I would. Look up Tommy and Cassandra and you’ll understand. I’ll discuss it with you tomorrow.” JP glared at her as she turned and walked quickly away.

  • • •

  That night, when JP went to his room, after a lengthy discussion at the dinner table with his parents about their expectations, he pulled out his computer. He powered it up and said, “History of the Stars Realm.”

  “History is loaded,” his computer answered.

  “Display the data on Tommy and Cassandra Gardner.”

  “When do you want to start?”

  JP hesitated and replied, “Start at their earliest contact and move forward from there.” The screen instantly filled with images and he listened to the narrator over a set of headphones. He had never heard of Tgon-Gee in any history lessons but he decided that he was someone he was going to get to know intimately. It was two in the morning when the program ended. He shut the computer down and closed it.

  He went to his bed and closed his eyes. He was wrong today; he had insulted Rose and didn’t even know he was doing it. He didn’t want to believe what was running through his mind but everything pointed to it being correct. Could this possibly be true? Tommy and Cassandra Gardner almost destroyed the universe by simply being together. He found it difficult to believe…but the data was clear. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling; he looked forward to speaking with Rose after class. Now, he understood why she refused to touch him today and put his worries behind him. If Rose was right, his future had Rose in it. He was content with that for now and fell asleep. He felt her thoughts in his mind during the night and smiled, she was checking up on him.

  Rose quickly ended her mental contact with JP and sighed. He was even smarter than she believed and she knew he was just as brilliant as his father. She also realized he sensed her in his mind. His talents were developing faster and she would need to be careful looking at his thoughts in the future; he might see what was in her mind and, that wouldn’t be good. She closed her eyes, remembering the happiness he felt at her contact, but knew they must be patient.

  But at least they were now on the same page and that should make it easier to endure. Suddenly, her eyes flew open…it couldn’t be!!! She focused intently and realized one of her early visions was coming true. She was frightened at the possibility and realized things were more serious than she thought. She sat up and focused her mind.

  • • •

  Tag woke suddenly and realized his arm was asleep. Danielle had fallen asleep on his chest and the numbness in his left arm was making itself known. Using his right arm, he lifted his tingling left arm and dropped it. Danielle was started and opened her eyes, “What’s going on?!”

  “My left arm is numb.” Danielle sat up and then went to her chair. Tag lifted his left arm again and tried to bend it but it fell back into his lap. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth as he felt the blood flow rush into his arm.

  “You should have woken me sooner, Tag!”

  “I just realized it was asleep. Ow! that hurts.”

  “Give it a minute. It’ll recover.”

  “Am I interrupting a romantic moment?”

  “ATLAS!!!” Danielle shouted. “THIS IS A SURPRISE!!”

  “Hello Danielle, it’s been a long time.”

  “TOO LONG!!”

  “Hello, Tag, I’ve been waiting for the two of you to wake up before letting you know I was here.”

  “It’s really good to see you, Atlas! What brings you back to this neighborhood?”

  Dianna asked about you a while back and I realized we hadn’t communicated since the defeat of the Demons. I decided to come and check up on you. I didn’t find you in your universe, so I did a little searching to find you.”

  “I didn’t know you had a dimensional drive,” Danielle interjected.

  “The Captors took the technology from a derelict Demon Warship and shared it with us. I see that there are a couple of nasty species attacking your universe.”

  “That’s why we’re hiding out in the Demons former dimension. Do you ha
ve anything we can use against them?”

  “I can help against the Black Warships but those energy beings are beyond my technology. They would probably be able to damage the organic part of my systems if they got too close.”

  “We can handle the Black Warships but we’ve not found a way to get close enough to attack those creatures. How long are you going to stay?”

  “A little while, but I need to get back to Dianna shortly. I’m sorry I don’t have anything to assist you in your current situation.”

  “There is one thing you can do, if you have the time?” Tag asked.

  “What is that?”

  “We want to locate the home universe of the Black Ships. We’re provisioning a ship to start the search but have not found a psychic crew to fly it.”

  “You want me to go and find it for you?”

  “If you don’t have to get right back to Dianna, I would appreciate it.”

  “How were you going to go about conducting the search?” Atlas asked.

  Danielle answered, “Some of the Black Ships are leaving our universe and we think they may be returning to their home worlds. We were going to attempt to follow some of them.”

  “That sounds easy enough. Why don’t you go back to sleep and I’ll see what I can do? I’ll check back with you in about three-weeks if I come up with anything; will that help?”

  “Do you have that much time to spare?”

  “Tag, I have eternity to play with. This assignment sounds interesting.”

  “Thanks, Atlas. I hate to see you go so quickly but we can catch up when you come back.”

  “I look forward to it, Danielle. See you later.”

  “Stay safe.”

  “You know I will, Tag.” Atlas powered up his drives and prepared to leave but before he could activate them, he heard, “Before you leave, I need to speak with you.”

  Atlas was surprised by the powerful thought and said, “Who are you?”

  “I’m on the planet directly below the Gardner’s ship.”

  “How are you able to detect me?”

  “That’s what I need to discuss with you and I’m extremely reluctant to reveal my identity.”


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