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The Warrior's Destiny (The Annihilation Saga Book 2)

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “They will insist that we abandon the Realm’s Universe and move all of our forces back to the Dark Dimension.”

  “What do you think about that, Lola?” Tag asked.

  Lola was still angry but answered, “I must admit that what I’ve just seen is terrifying and I feel the urge to run away and hide, but that would be extremely shortsighted.”

  “Go on,” Tag encouraged.

  “The Black and Yellow Civilizations will not be coming here anytime soon. Their war will have to be resolved before our universe is attacked.” Lola hesitated a moment and then looked at Jimmy before continuing, “We came here to find an answer to the DECs and if we can’t do that, we’ll probably end up fleeing back to the Dark Dimension and leave the DECs to handle the eventual winner of the Black and Yellow war. I don’t see any other possibility.”

  “If that’s the case, why would we choose to remain here, Jimmy?” Danielle asked calmly.

  “Because we’ve promised to defend Ross and a thousand other planets in the Realm. We’re going to need those planets to build up the forces necessary to take on the winner. It doesn’t make good sense to just abandon them now. The DECs can’t get through our planetary fields so we have some time.”

  “What would you say to the Bristone Emperor if he insisted we leave the Realm?” Tag asked.

  Jimmy shrugged, “Tag, I’d ask him if our roles were reversed, would he flee to Dark Dimension and leave the Bristone Allies to be attacked.”

  “He’d say we could just remove the galaxies and move it back to our universe,” Danielle remarked.

  “No, that won’t work if the Yellow Civilization wins and arrives with a billion-warships.”

  “Why not?”

  Jimmy lowered is eyes, “Danielle, didn’t you see the blue and yellow field being emitted by the Yellow Warships during that battle?” Danielle nodded. “That field prevented the Black Warships from using their teleport fields and universal drives. I suspect it would also prevent our universal and dimensional drives from functioning. The damaged Black Warships had no option but to remain and fight to the death…they couldn’t escape.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened, “How do you know that?”

  “If you look closely at the damaged Black Warships in the battle, you’d see their teleport fields slightly flickering and failing to operate. It’s clear they didn’t function inside the blue and green field. I think it’s also a good bet their universal drives were inoperative as well.”

  Grace interrupted their conversation, “Jimmy is right. I’ve taken a second look and it’s clear that the Black Ship’s teleport fields barely flickered inside that field. They wouldn’t operate.

  Tag looked at Danielle, “We missed that.” Danielle nodded and Tag turned to Jimmy, “Is there anything we can do about that field?”

  “Make sure our forces aren’t defending a fixed position.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Danielle, the Black Ships were defending a planet against the Yellow Attackers and couldn’t run. They were defending a fixed position and couldn’t run away; the planet would have been destroyed. If the battle took place in open space, they could have run and escaped; the Yellow Ships are giants but they aren’t very fast. The Black Warships, as well as our Primes and Glod Warships, are much faster.”

  Tag glanced at Danielle and she nodded; she understood what Jimmy was saying. He turned to Lola and Jimmy, “You will be going to Bristone in the morning with all of our Senior Military Leaders and will be representing the Realm at the meeting to discuss the contents of what you’ve seen.”

  Jimmy’s eyes flew wide open and Danielle quickly asked, “What do you think would happen to the survivors on Ross if they learned Tag and I left them to go to Bristone?”

  Lola saw Jimmy considering the question and she answered first, “They would panic and believe you really don’t have their welfare at heart. It’s too early for you to abandon them.”

  “We are not up to this!” Jimmy interrupted.

  “Assume we’ve been killed and you have to take control. It’ll make it easier for you to accept it,” Tag said with a smile.


  Tag interrupted Jimmy, “There is going to be widespread panic in the meeting after those present view this information. You awoke from seeing it, remained calm, and saw things that we missed. It will be up to you to make sure the meeting doesn’t get out of control and the right decisions are made.”

  “But we might miss some critical information.”

  “Alex and Grace will be there to assist you.”

  “WHAT!!!” erupted from the wall-speaker.

  Relax, Alex. We’re moving to the Grang, while you’re gone, and you’re going with Jimmy, Lola, and our senior military leaders. You’ll be back in no time.”


  “Having Jimmy and Lola show up with you will add to their prestige and they’ll need all they can get for the meeting.”

  “Well, if you think we’ll be seen in that light, perhaps we should go.”

  “Get over yourself, Alex!” Grace responded.

  Alex snorted, “Hey, I’ve got a rep around here. You were gone and didn’t see it happen.”


  “Danielle, does the Emperor know you aren’t going to attend?”

  “No, Jimmy. You can break that news, when you arrive, but you must take control of the meeting and don’t give it up. Get the meeting’s attendees into their transfer modules and be ready for mayhem to follow.”

  “Easy for you to say. The Emperor outranks me.”

  “The Successors to the Realm have always had a standing higher than any other Royalty in this universe. Keep that in mind and, even though James is brilliant, he is a victim of history. Demand respect and you’ll get it.”

  “When is this going to happen?”

  Danielle looked up, “Alex, notify all our naval and ground forces senior officers to pack a bag and to teleport here at eight am in the morning.”

  “And if they ask why?”

  “Tell them it will be explained upon their arrival.”

  “This should prove to be interesting.”

  Danielle chuckled, “You’re right, Grace. Just make sure you support Jimmy and Lola to the best of your abilities.”

  “We’ll do our best.”


  Jimmy looked at Lola and then turned to Danielle, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take another look at those recordings.”

  Tag smiled, “Bravo!! Recline your chairs and get started, however, I have one favor to ask before you start.”

  “What is that?” Lola asked.

  “I need you to get James to help us with a personal issue.”


  “Cassie will be going with you.”

  Lola looked at Jimmy and knew this wasn’t something small, “Why is that?” Lola inquired.

  “We want James to take care of her and enroll her in school on Bristone.” Danielle handed a small message cube to her. “Please give him this and thank him for helping us.”

  Lola took the cube and put it in her bag. They reclined their chairs and Jimmy looked up to say, “Start it again, Alex.” The transfer began and they closed their eyes.

  Danielle immediately turned to Tag, “I’m concerned that both of us and Atlas missed the purpose of that blue-green field used by the Yellow Warships.”

  “Hey, give yourself a break! They’re in their twenties and we’re well past forty-thousand years old and Atlas is probably a million-years old. They have a decided advantage with their youth.”

  Danielle lowered her eyes as she stared at Tag’s serious expression for a long moment…and then, she saw the corner of his mouth turned up slightly. She punched him on the arm saying, “You big goofball!!”

  “Well, they saw it and we missed it. Perhaps we should take another look at it, too?”

  Danielle nodded, “Grace, send a copy of Atlas’ recordings to the Gra

  “I’ve already sent one to him.”

  “While you’re at it, please ask Grang what quarters he wants us to use and, if you’ll teleport our things to them, I’d greatly appreciate it.”

  “You aren’t going to be around in the morning to meet with the ones going to Bristone?”

  “No, this is Jimmy and Lola’s show now.”

  “I’ll coordinate with Grang and move their clothes to the quarters next to yours.”

  “That would be good, Grace, thank you.”

  “So, you’re just going to the Grang and leave Cassie, without saying good-bye in the morning.” Alex asked.

  Danielle rolled her eyes and sighed heavily, “I’m an idiot! Ask Grang to prepare a room for her, Alex. I’ll have Lola teleport her back here just before they leave.”

  “I’m going to leave her things here. She can pack what she wants to take with her, while the meeting is taking place.”

  “That would be good, Grace. She needs to stay busy,” Danielle said, I’ll go and get her to pack an overnight bag.”

  Tag looked around the bridge and sighed, “Hurry back, Alex and Grace! I’m already missing you and you haven’t even gone.”

  Alex responded, “Get in line!” Tag laughed and went to help Danielle get their new daughter ready.

  • • •

  Jimmy stood in the Kosiev’s conference room the next morning and asked Grace, “Are they ready to teleport in?”

  “All but two. They’ll be ready in about five-minutes.” Jimmy glanced at the wall clock; eight-fifty-five. Jimmy chuckled. The two running behind had to be the most experienced officers. They learned early on how to maximize their sleep and still arrive on time. He thought to Lola, “Are you ready?”

  “Hey, you don’t have to do all the things a woman has to do to get ready. Sometimes I want to punch you for that! It’s not fair.”

  A moment later, Lola appeared and Jimmy’s eyes widened, “You are beautiful!”

  Lola rolled her eyes, “You seem to know how to say just the right thing to make me forgive you.”

  Jimmy and Lola were dressed in the Royal Uniforms worn by the chosen successors of the Realm. They decided they needed to make the attendees see the Uniforms first and them second. “Teleporting them on board,” Grace announced. Jimmy was impressed with Grace’s organizational skills. The highest-ranking admirals and Generals were on the front row and the lower ranks were seated behind them.

  Fleet Admiral Solomon looked at Jimmy, “Good morning, Prince Gardner.”

  “Good morning, Admiral. I have some orders for all of you and you will follow them to the letter.”

  Solomon’s eyes narrowed as he glanced around the conference room, “Where are the Gardners?”

  “They will not be making the trip.” Solomon’s eyes narrowed some more and Jimmy walked up in front of his chair and said forcefully, “Admiral, do you have a problem following orders issued by us? If you do, you are relieved of your command and I’ll teleport you back to Ross!”

  The conference room was as silent as a tomb. Solomon straightened his shoulders, “No, Prince Gardner. I have no problems obeying your orders.”

  Jimmy stared at him for a moment and then looked around the room, “This same applies to everyone here.” The room remained silent and, after a very long moment of silence, Jimmy said, “We are going to Bristone to attend a meeting where you will view recordings taken from the Black Ships’ Universe.” The gathering was stunned and a few whispers were heard.

  Lola said sweetly, “You will remain silent.” The whispers ended abruptly.

  Jimmy didn’t smile but he had to fight it; Lola’s tone was perfect for the situation. “I will not answer any questions about the information but I can tell you that it is going to be a shocking revelation. It is critically important that all of you maintain your composure and silence once you view the recordings. I’m certain that you’ll want to express yourself but you will wait until we are going back to Ross.”

  Kellie Mongovie raised her hand, “Would it be possible for us to start viewing the material now?”

  “No, Admiral. I am going to tell the leaders at Bristone that none of you have an advantage over them by having seen it. We must act like we’re all together on this.”

  Jack raised his hand and Jimmy nodded, “Your Highness, I mean no disrespect, but why are the Gardners not attending something this important?”

  “What would happen on Ross if the Gardners left now?”

  The room was silent until Solomon replied, “The survivors would panic and question their loyalty.”

  Jimmy smiled, “You’ve nailed it Admiral.”

  Junior Admiral Gibbons raised his hand, “Why are you ordering us to be silent?”

  “The Gardners are concerned that all of our forces will be ordered by the leaders at Bristone to abandon the Realm and move back to the Dark Dimension if they give in to their fears.”

  Jack asked loudly, “Is it that bad?!”

  Lola looked at him, “Worse.” The forty-six officers looked at Lola and she said softly, “We expect you to be professional and maintain your composure. We represent the Realm and we will not allow our fear to cause Ross to be abandoned. Anyone who doesn’t follow our orders will be reprimanded severely.”

  Solomon looked over his shoulder at the gathering and said, “I think remaining calm and silent is something we’ve all learned to do during combat. We will make you proud of us.”

  Jimmy nodded and said, “You are free to move about the ship. We’ll be jumping out to Bristone in fifteen-minutes.”

  Jimmy and Lola teleported to the bridge and Alex said, “That wasn’t so bad.”

  “I’d have hated busting Fleet Admiral Solomon!”

  “He knew you chose him to make an example.”

  “Oh?” Lola replied.

  “If you’d bust him, no one was immune. He understands why you did it.”

  “Grace, contact Danielle and tell her that we’re leaving in fourteen-minutes. She needs to send Cassie.”

  “Will do.”

  • • •

  Cassie arrived eight-minutes later and Lola immediately noticed how red her eyes were. She rushed up to her and hugged her tightly. “I don’t want to go!” Cassie said in a shaky voice.

  “You must go.”

  “Why?” she whispered.

  “What is the first important thing a baby learns to do?” Cassie’s eyes narrowed and Lola smiled, “It learns to walk, so it can explore the world around it. Have you even thought about who you are?”

  Cassie eyes widened, “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re Tag and Danielle’s adopted daughter. Tell me what that means.” Cassie shook her head and tried to focus on the question. Jimmy smiled and said, “That makes you one of the prime candidates in the line of succession. Your adoption made you a Princess of the Realm.”

  Cassie’s eyes went even wider as Lola knelt in front of her. “Sending you to Bristone for your education was not randomly decided. You are going there to learn everything you can about our most powerful ally. This is where you’re going to learn how to walk as a Royal. There’s no other way to prepare you for your future role in the Realm. I know that Tag and Danielle hate sending you more than you hate going; they love you very much. But they know it must be done. If you can’t accept your role in the Realm, then tell them.”

  “They would be so disappointed if I did that.”

  “Yes, they would, but they would still love you.” Lola added.

  Cassie wiped her eyes and stood up straighter, “Being Royal means doing things you’d never want to do. I will not disappoint my parents.”

  “I think you’re really going to look back on this time and see it as one of the best times in your life if you approach it as a learning experience,” Jimmy said with smile.

  Cassie looked at Jimmy, “Only time will tell about that.”

  Jimmy looked up, “Grace, jump us in to Bristone.”

  “Jumping now.”

  Lola looked at Cassie, “I need you to go to your quarters and pack the things you want to take with you.”

  “Do you mind if I wait until I see Bristone?”

  Lola smiled, “Not at all.” Jimmy and Lola went to the command chairs and Cassie sat down in her chair between them. Lola noticed she was no longer crying and she had a determined expression. Good! She was ready.

  Chapter Nine

  The thing about modern teleportation and dimensional drives is that travel to distant places is almost instantaneous. It took the Kosiev longer to move into a fixed orbit above the Castle on Bristone than it did to arrive from Ross.

  Jimmy waited until ten o’clock and heard Alex announce, “The Bristone Leaders are in the conference room. Teleporting everyone down to the planet.”

  “Alex, delay sending us down.”


  “Do you have the coordinates we’ve been assigned in the conference room?”

  “You’ve been assigned to arrive at next to one of the transfer modules.”

  Jimmy smiled, “Scan the room and teleport us to the front of the room in five-minutes.”

  “Why are you delaying?”

  “Our officers should have a few minutes to say hello to old friends.”

  “That’s very considerate of you, Jimmy.”

  “I suspect things might get a little tense when we show up.” Jimmy looked at Lola, “Are you ready?”

  “I guess.”

  “I’m depending on your help.”

  “I’ll follow your lead.”

  “Good enough.” Jimmy took Lola’s hand and a few minutes later, Alex announced, “Sending you down, good luck.”

  • • •

  Lola hugged Cassie before she disappeared and Cassie continued to stare out of the viewport. “You should start packing, Cassie.”

  “I have at least four-hours to get it done. Give me a little time to enjoy the view.” Cassie walked up to the front viewport and stared at the forested planet below them and was mesmerized by its beauty. She softly said, “There are Zord here.” She knew this was where the first Scotty Robbins founded his empire. So much history. She finally turned and went to pack. Maybe she’d meet a Zord on the planet.


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