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The Warrior's Destiny (The Annihilation Saga Book 2)

Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

  “Did you mean it?” He asked quietly.

  “I did.”

  “Do you think revealing our ships to the Yellow Civilization is a good idea?”

  “Our ships will not be seen behind their masking fields.”

  “Just how do you know that, Danielle?”

  Danielle’s cocked her head to the side and thought about the question. Finally, she said, “I guess I just assumed they wouldn’t.”

  “Well, I guess no harm, no foul,” James replied.

  “I guess but you’re right, James. I made a mistake.”

  “At least the Black Ship Commander believed you.”

  “He saw my thoughts and saw I believed it to be true.”

  “What happens now, Danielle. Will they be coming back?”

  “I don’t know; desperation can make one make bad decisions. They’re losing the war against the Yellow Ships and they desperately need raw materials to build their ships.”

  “I do hope you keep me informed in the future. It seems like, I’m always hearing about it after the fact.”

  “James, I was teleported on board the Kosiev, then instantly teleported out to the Black Ship fleet’s location, where Tag told me to communicate with them. I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”


  “She works best in the dark and under pressure, James.”

  “We’ll do our best, James,” Danielle replied. However, events seem to come at us at an ever-increasing speed.”

  “I understand. Come and see me. We can sit down and catch up on everything.”

  “We will,” they answered as the connection ended.

  Tag shook his fingers, “He was hot!”

  “You can’t blame him, Tag.”

  “Then tell him to get his butt back here in the Realm’s Universe and try to keep up.”

  “Tag, you know that’s not going to happen.”

  “Why not? The DECs are no longer a threat and the Black Ships will think long and hard before coming back. There are galaxies that were allies of the Bristone Empire that would welcome their return. They could assist in building up our fleets.”

  Danielle considered the idea, but finally, shook her head, “They’ve become too accustomed to hiding.”

  “Perhaps they’re tired of seeing a sky empty of stars as well.”

  Danielle tilted her head, “James is right, we need to go see him.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  JP entered the huge throne room in Castle Bristone and saw his parents sitting on their thrones. He walked up in front of them and saw no one else was present. He turned to them and asked, “Is this an official meeting?” He quickly noticed that his father wasn’t happy.

  Annette answered, “Yes, it is. We’re here to discuss your future.”

  “And this isn’t something we could do at home?”

  “No, this is serious, JP.”

  JP came to attention, “Yes, Your Majesty. Please educate me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, JP.”

  “You’re the one assuming your Royal titles for this meeting and I assume you’re about to start issuing instructions that I will be forced to follow.”

  Annette glanced at James and saw him frowning, before she turned back to JP to said, “You are your father’s chosen successor and it will be your duty to marry a member of the Royalty.”

  JP remained at attention, “Is that what this is about?”

  “You have your Royal responsibilities!” Annette responded in a louder voice.

  “You’re against my having a relationship with Rose.”

  “She is not Royalty!” JP stared at his mother in silence for a very long moment. “You must do what your title demands!” Annette added.

  JP glanced at his father and turned back to his mother, “I never knew you were so driven by ambition.”

  “WATCH YOUR MOUTH PRINCE GARDNER!” his mother said sternly.

  JP glared at her and said slowly, “I will do exactly that, Queen Robbins! I will enunciate my words carefully, so there is no misunderstanding. I hereby formally abdicate and vacate my title. I will be moving out of the Castle immediately and will join the Navy in the morning, Your Majesty!” JP turned and walked out of the Throne Room with his shoulders back.

  “WAIT!” Anette yelled.

  JP didn’t even look back, “Arrest me for disobedience!”

  Annette turned to James, “You have to stop him!”

  James looked at the two-guards standing at the doors to the room and shouted, “Arrest him.”

  A guard stepped in front of JP and said quietly, “I apologize, JP. I’m required to do my duty.” JP held out his hands and was marched to the holding center.

  James looked at Annette, “I was against this but you and your arrogance won the day. I have never been more ashamed of you than at this moment. JP was right, we should have handled this at home.” James stood up and walked out of the room.

  Annette stayed on her throne and couldn’t stop seeing the hatred and rage in her son’s eyes. She knew him; this was not something he would forgive. She put her head in her hands and wept at her incredible stupidity.

  • • •

  “How’s the food?” JP heard in his mind.

  JP smiled even though he didn’t want to do it, “I’m in jail and you ask about the food.”

  Rose chuckled, “I’ve always wondered.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I’ve always thought I might be arrested one day.”

  JP shrugged, “It’s not bad.”

  “Weren’t you a mite hasty, JP?”

  “NO!” He thought sternly and then waited for Rose to respond. After a few moments of silence, he sighed, “What do you mean?”

  “You could have just walked out and still gotten yourself arrested without giving up your title.” JP was silent and Rose added, “You haven’t graduated and you can’t join the Navy without a diploma. Also, you can’t attend our school as a mere commoner.”

  “YOU DO!”

  “At a special Royal request from Queen Gardner.” JP’S anger began dissipating and he sighed, before admitting, “You’re right. I was stupid.”

  “You’re going to have to get your temper in check and start using your intelligence. I know you’re brilliant.”

  “You don’t need to butter me up, Rose.”

  “Get over yourself, JP. You’re smarter than your father and possibly the smartest person I’ve ever met. I’m stating facts, not something to make you feel better. What do you think attracts me to you so much?”

  JP smiled, “My amazing good looks?”

  “Other than that?”

  JP laughed, “What am I going to do? I’ll tell you right now that I will not accept anyone but you.”

  “I must confess that I am flattered more than I can say at what you did; it showed me your heart.”

  There was a long moment of silence and JP finally said, “Rose.”


  “I was frightened out of my mind at the thought of losing you. I couldn’t think clearly.”

  “I felt the same thing as I watched what was happening. It took me a while to shake off my fear.”

  “That surprises me.”


  “You’re never wrong.”

  “JP, our emotions come from another place. You, and I, are not to blame for what happened. But now you’re going to have to think clearly to get out of this mess.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you think your father is going to take this lying down?”

  “He can just keep me in jail, Rose, this is not something I will ever agree to do.”

  “He was against this from the start. He knows you well enough to know how you’d react to it. You need to talk calmly with him.”

  “I will not agree to another!”

  “Just talk to him, JP. Promise me you’ll do that?”

  “I will.”

  “Good. I love you, JP.”

; JP’s eyes flew wide open as the contact ended and he fell back on the bunk bed. Suddenly, it didn’t feel quite as hard. She finally told him!

  • • •

  The next morning, James and Annette entered the jail dressed in civilian clothes. The guards led them to JP’s cell and JP’s eyes narrowed when he saw his mother. James walked in and led Annette to the end of the bed and patted it beside him. She sat down with her eyes lowered. “Son, I’m sorry we placed you in the position you found yourself in yesterday. You were right, we should have discussed this at home.”

  JP forced himself to remain calm and asked, “Why didn’t we?”

  Annette raised her head, “Because I badgered your father into doing it.”


  “Because I thought I was doing the right thing to make sure of your future happiness.”

  Annette lowered her head and James looked at JP, “Part of this is your fault.”

  JP jumped up from the bed as his eyes narrowed. He glared at his father as he said forcefully, “How do you get off saying that?!” He suddenly remembered his promise to Rose and raised a hand, sat back down on the bed, and looked at his father, “I’m sorry,” he said in a softer voice. “Tell me why you feel that way.”

  James smiled slightly at JP’s sudden transformation, “I asked you about Rose and what did you tell me?”

  JP thought a moment and remembered, “I told you she was listening to me.”

  “What exactly does that mean? Everyone you, and I, know listens to you.”

  JP stared at his father and said, “It means that the one you’re interested in is also interested in you.”

  “And you expected us to understand that?” JP sighed and lowered his head. “Your mother thought you weren’t so involved with Rose that now would be a good time to discuss it with you before you were.” James paused and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you loved her?”

  JP shrugged as he kept his head down, “I guess I’ve sort of refused to say it. I wasn’t certain of her feelings at that time.”

  “And you’re certain now?”

  JP looked up into his father’s eyes, “I am.”

  “She’s a few years younger than you. How do you know her love is lasting and mature?”

  “Dad, there are somethings that I’m not certain about; Rose’s love is not one of them.”

  “And you believe she would make a good queen?”

  JP looked at his mother staring at him and saw her thoughts. She was terrified at possibly losing his love. He took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and turned back to his father, “I can say with absolute certainty that she would be a better Monarch than I could ever be.”

  “You’re positive about that?” James pressed.

  “Absolutely!” He looked at his mother and reached out to take her hand, “Mom, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. I did not intend to hurt you. You will never…ever…lose my love.” Annette raised her eyes to him and JP said, “NEVER!”

  Annette jumped up off the bed and rushed around James to hug JP, “I’m so sorry! I was so stupid!”

  JP returned her hug and rocked her slowly back and forth. James put his arm around them and smiled, “I guess Danielle was right about Rose.” JP stared at James as Annette turned around and looked at him. “Danielle said that when she picked Rose up during the tour on Earth, years ago, that she felt Rose’s heart. She said it was the strongest she ever saw. Her heart must have rubbed off on you, JP. I’ve seen your stubbornness before and I don’t see it now.”

  “So, you won’t stand in the way of our being together?”

  “I only ask that both of you take the time to make sure of your feelings.”

  JP looked at his mother, “Mom?”

  “Go where your heart leads you, JP. I should have trusted you.”

  “I’ve abdicated my title.”

  “I refused to accept it,” James replied. JP put an arm around James and hugged his parents.

  • • •

  Rose sat on a bench outside the school and wept. She remembered when Danielle picked her up during the tour and now knew that Danielle almost saw her for who she was. Her fear of being wrong disappeared and she smiled through her tears. Cassie sat beside her with her arm over her shoulders. Rose looked up and said, “Cassie, I love your mother.”

  Cassie replied with a bit of a smirk, “Get in line, Rose. Everyone does.”

  Rose managed a giggle through her tears, wrapped her arms around Cassie, and hugged her tightly

  • • •

  Danielle looked up from her desk and saw Pero, her assistant, enter the room, “Your Majesty, the event preparation is completed and we’ve scheduled it for seven in the evening tomorrow.”

  “When did the invitations go out?”

  “That was done two-weeks ago and all have responded.”

  “Thank you, Pero. I appreciate all your hard work.” Pero bowed and backed out of her office. Danielle touched the back of her head, “Tag.”

  “I’m teleporting down shortly.”

  “This will be our first night in our old home.”

  “We’ll have to make sure it’s memorable.”

  “I look forward to it.” Danielle looked at the notes she had written and tore them up. Tag was right, she was best on the fly.

  • • •

  All the invited guests to the opening of Castle Gardner were in awe of the giant throne room. It was a more than a hundred-yards wide and seventy-five yards to the ceiling. It impressed the attendees as a place for giants and most of those present recognized that the ghosts of the Realm’s Legends lived and thrived in this room. But none of them were close to the stature of the King and Queen that established the Stars Realm so long ago. And today, they were living legends back to reclaim their Realm.

  The room was packed with the invited guests but everyone in the Realm was going to witness the day’s events; it was being broadcast to every planet in the Realm. Thousands of those planets hated the Realm for the oppressive behavior and brutal taxation imposed upon them. But they tuned in and watched anyway; they would find out their future on this day. The Citizens on Ross and the thousand planets defended by the Realm during the DEC crisis were joyous and celebrated the christening of the new Castle.

  • • •

  At precisely seven, the horns began playing the Stars Realm’s anthem. The assembly came to their feet and remained standing when it ended. The orchestra began playing softly in the background as the Herald announced over the PA system; Prince and Princess James and Lola Pickney-Gardner, the chosen successors to the Stars Realm Throne. The doors in the rear of the room opened and Jimmy and Lola began the long walk down the center aisle toward the huge thrones a hundred-yards away.

  They wore the solid crimson colored uniform and gown that the chosen successors were required to wear at official events. The huge gathering bowed to them as they passed, while Jimmy an Lola nodded. Lola’s gown was incredible; she looked gorgeous. They finally arrived at the front and turned to the left of the two-center thrones. Jimmy assisted Lola to her small throne and then he sat down beside her.

  The citizens of Ross watching their monitors cheered loudly. Jimmy and Lola had won their hearts when they insisted they have food delivered ahead of building defenses. The people loved them.

  The music continued playing in the background, as the Herald announced, “Princess Cassandra Lenora Gardner, Duchess and Defender of Castle Gardner. With her is Her Highness Rose Amethyst Gill, Duchess and Defender of Earth.”

  There was a giant gasp, when Rose was announced. Everyone expected Eric Gardner to be chosen the Ruler of Earth but he refused the title. He insisted that the one chosen to rule Earth had to be an unknown chosen by the Realm. Danielle refused to accept his refusal at first, but he finally convinced her that Earth had to learn that the Realm was in control and learn to accept the new order. He was connected to the previous rulers and that made him unacceptable. She finally gave in but commanded him to accept
the title of Prime Minister and would rule until Rose came of age. He reluctantly agreed.

  Convincing him was child’s play compared to convincing Rose; she absolutely refused to accept a Royal Title. It finally came down to Danielle challenging her, “DO YOU TRUST ME!” Rose glared at her and finally gave a quick nod. “YOU WILL DO THIS, ROSE!!”

  Rose had lowered her head and sighed. Cassie said, “Hey, it’s just a title, do you think I’m going to defend Castle Gardner?!”

  Rose looked up at her, saw her expression, and started snickering. She finally turned to Danielle, “I don’t want to have to move to Earth.”

  “Who said you have to move? I rule Earth and I don’t live there. You will be required to visit and attend official events.”

  Rose finally relented and now she was wearing a royal blue colored gown with a deep navy-blue sash trimmed in red piping that was covered in Stars, as she walked down the long center aisle with Cassie. She walked with precision and kept her shoulders back.

  Eric Gardner interrupted the Broadcast on Earth to announce, “Rose was the young child Danielle picked up during the tour, years ago. She is one of us and I will be governing as Prime Minister until she comes of age.”

  The citizens of Earth moved as close to their monitors as possible to get a good look at their new Duchess. She made quite an impression. Her hair was blonde and her features looked very much like Queen Gardner. They were impressed at how the young girl handled herself among the high-powered attendees. She was also quite pretty.

  Cassie wore the royal blue gown with a Crimson Sash of a Stars Realm Princess. Danielle watched her walking down the aisle from outside the doors and was overcome with immense pride. She squeezed his hand and Tag said, “You were right.”

  Danielle looked at him, “About what?”

  “Rose does look like her.”

  Danielle watched Rose walking toward the thrones and felt something deep inside her. She looked exactly like her first daughter, Rose, did at that age. Suddenly, she heard the Herald announce her name, as Tag took her hand and took a Step. She lifted her gown, walked up the final steps, and entered the Throne Room to thunderous applause.


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