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The Warrior's Destiny (The Annihilation Saga Book 2)

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’ve always been highly impressed with your species ability to get things done. We’ll drop one off at the Defense Facility and then take the other to your galaxy.”

  “Take it to the former Holy Planet.”

  “Former?” Danielle inquired.

  “No planet our species live on is more important than any other, Your Majesty.”

  Danielle smiled, “I’m impressed. How is the uniting coming along?”

  “We were limited by having just a few planets where it could be done. However, the Black Transports have cleared huge areas on thousands of planets and the process has accelerated.”

  Danielle nodded, “At least some good comes from this decision.”

  “The Black Ships have offered to share their teleport field technology with us.”

  “They have?”


  Danielle looked at Jimmy on the monitor and said, “Stay with the Kosiev. I might be sending you to share some of our technology with them.”

  “Is that a good idea, Your Majesty?” James asked.

  “I’ll need to have a discussion with their leaders. I do think they’ve examined their actions and might be open to changing their ways. I’ll make sure before I do it,” she assured him. James nodded. “Tag, your thoughts on this?”

  “For the moment, we’re dead in the water until we develop the necessary weapons to use against the Yellow Ships. Do you see it differently?”

  Danielle sighed, “No.” She turned to Seedel, “Contact us if any more information comes in from Kogo.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  • • •

  The meeting broke up and JP rushed out. Danielle kept her eyes on him until he left the room. Tag saw her and asked, “What’s going on?”

  Danielle tilted her head slightly and replied, “I’m not sure. There’s something about James’s son that’s…different.”

  “I sensed something as well. Should we question him?”

  “Not yet. Just keep an eye on him.” Tag nodded.

  • • •

  JP left the control room and hurried out of Bristone Castle. He arrived in a small park and sat down on a bench, “WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!”

  “JP, Queen Danielle was getting suspicious and was sensing my presence. I’m going to have to refrain from mental contact whenever you’re near her and Tag.”

  “They’ve never sensed you before.”

  “Your psychic talents are getting stronger. They didn’t see me. But it was a very close thing.”

  JP exhaled slowly as he calmed down and then asked, “I saw her staring at me as I left the room.”

  “She knows something about you is different but she’s not certain what it is.”

  “I’ll follow your lead on this, Rose.”

  “We have some time. Just be cool.”

  “I don’t think cool is an adjective ever used to describe me.”

  “You need to get out more. Everyone, including me, think you’re one of the coolest people around.”

  “Oh?” he teased.

  “Don’t let it go to your head. You know you’re special.”

  “To who?”

  Rose chuckled, “You’re trying to make me say it.”

  “Say what?”

  “You’re the most incredible man I know, JP. You always have been.”

  “Thank you, Rose. I need to hear you say that occasionally.”

  “Shame on me for not telling you.” She giggled.

  JP hesitated and said, “Rose.”


  “Something happened yesterday.”


  “I was in the kitchen cutting some vegetables and my hand slipped.”

  JP was silent and Rose closed her eyes before asking, “What happened.”

  “I cut my index finger down to the bone. I wrapped a towel around it and started to rush out of the kitchen. Then, I noticed that there wasn’t nearly enough blood on the towel. I removed it and I watched my finger close-up and, in less than ten-minutes, I couldn’t see where I cut myself. There wasn’t even a scar. Does this have something to do with the psychic talents I’m developing. I’ve never read anything about this in the history I’ve studied.” Rose was silent and JP asked, “Did you hear me?”

  “I did something that caused it to happen, JP.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I asked Atlas to extend your lifespan.”

  JP was silent for a minute and then asked, “Like the Gardners?”

  “Exactly like them.” Rose hesitated and thought, “I also had him extend mine, as well.”

  “Why did you do this without telling me?”

  “Because I couldn’t bear the thought of living without you.”

  “I love you, Rose.”

  “I love you, too, JP. I won’t keep any more secrets from you.”

  “I understand why you did it. Is this necessary for your plan?”

  “It is.”

  “That’s all I need to know,” he replied softly.

  • • •

  Kogo focused on the wall monitor studying the most recent data they collected, while Dela stared at him for a long time. She finally placed one of her hands on his upper arm. He turned to her and she sighed before saying, “You’re delaying.” Kogo was silent, so Dela continued, “We’ve pretty much collected everything possible without getting close to one of those Yellow Warships.”

  “I’m worried about losing you, Dela.”

  “What you’re not saying is that you will also die in the effort.”

  Kogo waved his lower hand, “That’s not something that concerns me.”

  “I know what you’re thinking, Kogo.” Kogo’s eyes narrowed slightly. “You’re going to suggest I take one of the Primes and go back to the Dark Dimension before you try it.”

  “It would remove a huge weight from me, Dela, if you would.”

  “Kogo, you weren’t around when I thought you had died in the DEC galaxy. I didn’t want to live and I vowed to die at the first opportunity. I vowed I will never live like that.” Kogo lowered his head and nodded slightly. Dela saw his sorrow and pulled his chin around to her, “I came here to die with you. I knew there would be no escape from this mission. I knew what I was getting into.”

  Kogo fought his emotions and Dela went to his chair, sat down on his lap, and wrapped her arms around his neck, and softly said, “But I’m going to take that Prime and go back.” Kogo’s eyes flew wide open and he leaned back so he could see her face. Dela lowered her eyes, “The signs were small initially, I wrote them off to the stress of this mission. But they’ve grown and I can no longer ignore them…Kogo, I’m pregnant.”

  Kogo pulled her tightly into his arms and she placed one of his hands on her belly. He felt the small bulge and started crying. Dela held on to him until they were silent. Finally, Kogo said in a whisper, “The voice in my head told me to do this.”

  “And what you’re doing will save countless lives. I know I can’t persuade you to stop and go back with me.” Kogo looked into Dela’s eyes, as she continued, “You are a warrior, the finest warrior I’ve ever known, Kogo. I’ve loved you long before I admitted it to myself. I still want to die here with you, but our baby deserves to know about his father. I no longer question the voice you hear. I know that whatever happens, it is leading you in the right direction. Having our child to share my loneliness will help my struggle to deal with the loss if you don’t make it back. If I thought being here would increase the chances of your surviving, I’d stay…but all I’ve been so far is a witness.”


  She placed a finger on his lips, “Our species are warriors, Kogo. If every female tried to stop their mates from leaving to fight our enemies, we would have died out long ago. If it were only me, I would never leave you.”

  Kogo smiled softly, “Our mates are the strongest warriors, Dela.”

  Dela lowered her head and said softly, “We have to deal with the loss o
f those we love and smile as they go out to fight against powerful enemies. I will not dishonor your duty by begging you to walk away. I will honor you and make sure our child knows how brave and courageous you are.”

  Kogo held her tight and they were silent again. After a long time, Kogo asked, “How do you know I won’t survive?”

  “You told me Creation had one more task for you to do before you died. I’ve also been hearing something that tells me to be at peace. I think that voice is what’s allowing me to keep from falling to pieces. I also believe this child is a gift for you being faithful to your destiny.” She straightened up and looked deep into his eyes, “I will be with you again, one day, if the worst happens.”

  Kogo lowered his head on top of hers before saying, “I know. I keep remembering you fishing by the river when the Gardners showed up. I was so happy then; I loved you so much. But I wouldn’t change anything that’s happened since we left with them. All any true warrior wants is to make a difference. I know I will.”

  “Creation chose well, my Darling.” Dela hesitated and with a big sigh, said, “I think I should leave tomorrow.”

  Kogo smiled, “Be sure to tell everyone not to be angry at me for leaving without orders.”

  “I will but I won’t be going back immediately.” Kogo’s eyes narrowed slightly as he turned to her. “I will remain in the dimension and witness what takes place. Our child deserves to know what happens. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll manage to escape. I will not leave until it’s over one way or another.”

  Kogo looked up, “Grang?”

  “I don’t know whether to congratulate you on your child or just leave here and take the decision out of your hands.”


  There was a moment of silence and Grang replied, “I will do as you ask, Dela.”

  “I hate that you might die, Grang.” Kogo said to his best friend.

  “Kogo, that’s why warships are built. I’m at peace with it.”

  Dela smiled, “Said like a true warrior. Thank you for defending my mate.”

  “Make the most of the time you have. I’ll program the scanner to make an active scan as quickly as possible.”

  Kogo nodded and stood up with Dela. They walked off the bridge and the Grang decided that there was one more thing he could do before the next day arrived.

  Chapter Twenty

  Dela was aboard a Prime in a very dismal dimension. No galaxies were visible and the darkness appeared to extend into infinity. What an appropriate place for what was coming. The probe was just outside the dimension in the universe the Grang was about to jump into. It had a tiny antenna extended out of the universe into the dimension, so Dela could watch what was about to happen.

  She had said her goodbye to Kogo before she boarded the Prime and was now listening in as he discussed what he wanted done with the Grang. She knew she should be out of control but she felt at peace. She put a hand on her stomach and smiled; part of Kogo would always be with her. She closed her eyes and laid her head back and listened to the probe’s signal.

  • • •

  “Grang, what’s the shortest time possible to do a full active scan of the blue and green field and a Yellow Warship?” Kogo asked.

  “A full scan will take fifteen-seconds. A regular scan will take five-seconds.”

  “Make a full scan.” Kogo ordered and then asked, “Will you be able to remain outside the Yellow Ship’s suppression field?”

  “I’m faster than it is; I should be able to do it. I’m not really worried about the ship we choose to scan. It’s the ones that jump in when we’re detected. I won’t be able to run until the scan is complete,” Grang replied.

  “Have you selected a ship?”

  “I have.”

  “Count it down, Grang”

  “Jumping in three, two, one…”

  • • •




  The Group Commander started to call in assistance but stopped. At the eight-second mark, fifty-Yellow Warships teleported in, surrounded the huge white vessel, and opened fire.

  • • •

  Kogo ordered, “Open fire on the ships around us.” The Grang’s giant blasters opened fire and Yellow Ships began exploding. A hundred more Yellow Ships teleported in at the twelve-second mark followed by a hundred-fifty more just as the active scan completed. Kogo shouted, “STATUS?!”

  “All of our drives are inoperative. Teleport, universal, and dimensional drives are being suppressed! We may not survive to complete the scan.”

  “Add the psychic force field and start launching slivers.”

  “Started that four-seconds ago. I’ve sending the slivers into the gaps between the enemy ships. Suddenly, the Grang was severely rocked. “A blaster-beam just took out a quarter of our rear hull. More ships are teleporting in and massing their fire on the damaged section of our hull. I can’t out run their field coverage!”

  Kogo felt another explosion as the Grang was shoved violently by the blast.”

  Kogo raised a glass cover from a button on his console and said, “I can’t allow this ship to be captured.”

  “I understand.”

  “Thank you, Grang for coming with me.” Kogo looked up at the monitor and smiled, “Do not weep for me! I die a warrior. I love you Dela. Launch the remaining slivers!!”

  The slivers shot out of the Grang on their tiny motors as Kogo pressed the self-destruct button. He looked back up at the monitor and smiled as he said, “I love you, Dela.”

  • • •

  There were more than three-hundred Yellow Ships surrounding the Grang and they detected the tiny slivers as they launched but chose to ignore them and continued firing at the giant white warship that refused to die. The slivers reached a distance just far enough away, as the Grang went up in an explosion that ripped through the Yellow Ships blowing them apart. The suppression fields were snuffed out by the massive explosion and the slivers teleported out to the probe just ahead of the gigantic shock wave’s arrival. Dela put her head in her hands as the probe received the last slivers and jumped into the dimension with her.

  • • •

  The Supreme War Leader’s giant warship teleported in and he stared at the scene of the recent battle. More than three-hundred-Yellow Warships were on fire and countless others were little more than clouds of debris. The shockwave from the white ship’s explosion rushed out into the fleet of Yellow Warships surrounding it and wreaked havoc. He stared at the reports coming in and opened a channel to the Group Commander, “Where did that vessel come from?”

  “Great Leader, we have nothing in our records of anything like it.”

  “How was it able to get so close to the ship it was scanning?”

  There was a pause and the Group Commander answered, “It appears to be able to avoid our scanners.”


  “It was very close to the ship it scanned and wasn’t detected until it started an active scan. It was only then that it was discovered.”

  “How many vessels did it damage before it was hit?”


  “Was it able to send out the results of the scan it made?”

  “Great Leader, at the end of the battle, hundreds of tiny pieces of metal flew out of its hull.”

  “Were they destroyed?”

  “They were launched into the gaps between our warships and we would have been forced to reduce our fire on the white ship to fire at them. We believe they were destroyed by the shockwave when the ship self-destructed.”

  “But you don’t know that for certain?”

  “No, Great Leader. Once the shockwave blew out there was no organi

  “Why did that ship choose to do the scan here?”

  The Group Commander hesitated and answered, “I’m not sure what you’re asking, Great Leader.”

  “That white ship came to this universe to make that scan. I think it knew it was a suicide mission and I’m almost certain you did not prevent the information it collected from being sent out to whatever civilization sent it here. But why here. They could have done it anywhere they chose, why here?”

  The Supreme War Leader’s question went unanswered until a Junior Fleet Leader spoke up, “I beg your indulgence, but it must have happened here because we represented a growing threat to the civilization that sent it.”

  “You are promoted to replace the Group Commander commanding this fleet that was attacked. Group Commander, you will report to my vessel immediately and will go with me to report to our Council.” The Supreme War Leader was silent for more than twenty-minutes. Finally, he said, “I agree that we were attacked here because we’re getting close to the civilization that built that vessel. I am ordering all fleets currently attacking any universe to cease their attacks and move out into the surrounding universes and search for the builders.”

  “Great Leader, that ship was able to avoid detection,” The new Group Commander commented. “Finding them won’t be easy.”

  “Which means the search will have to be thorough. Each universe will be inspected closely and, if you miss finding it, there will be a heavy price to pay. You will stop attacking here and leave immediately.”

  Kogo’s Scan would immediately spare trillions of lives. The Yellow Fleets would now take more than a year to search each universe they entered and there was no time to waste attacking the inhabitants. Since, they were millions of universes away from the Realm, it would take millions of years to find it.

  • • •

  “OH KOGO!” Dela sobbed uncontrollably. She put her face in her hands and wept. She knew this was Kogo’s destiny but that didn’t make this anymore bearable. Hours passed and, finally, Dela managed to regain some control. She wiped her eyes and forced herself to calm. She pressed a button and connected with the Probe, “Send the slivers to the Control Room, then return to the Dark Dimension, and go to the Defense Facility for processing your data.”


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