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The Wheel of Time Companion

Page 5

by Robert Jordan

  Alarys. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel (but not Jumai) with the ability to channel. She was about 5'8" tall with black hair, which was rare among the Aiel. She often ran her fingers through it, apparently absentmindedly, but it was her way to remind people that she had black hair instead of common yellow or red. She was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. In Sevanna’s opinion, she usually tried to ignore what she did not want to see. She took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine. Alarys was one of those who accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten. Alarys was at the meeting with “Caddar” and “Maisia” and was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells. She helped question the Seanchan prisoner in Amadicia, while the Jumai were settled at a captured estate approximately ten days after their arrival. Alarys sided with Therava when Therava took some power from Sevanna.

  Alcair Dal. In Old Tongue, Al’Cair Dal, the Golden Bowl. It was a round canyon in the Aiel Waste, three to four days from Cold Rocks Hold, that was the meeting place of Aiel clan chiefs.

  Alcruna. A flyspeck village straddling a river in eastern Tarabon, near the northern border with the Almoth Plain. Pedron Niall sent some Children of the Light to Alcruna. It was pacified by Questioners, meaning that the people of the village were probably all killed by them.

  Aldael Mountains. A mountain range in Seanchan.

  Aldan, Captain. The officer in charge of recruitment for Bryne’s army.

  Aldazar. Furyk Karede’s horse, a bay. The name was Old Tongue for “eagle.”

  Aldecain Damodred. Laman’s brother and Moiraine’s uncle. He was cruel and vicious and held Moiraine’s father in contempt. He was killed at the end of the Aiel War, along with his brother Laman.

  Aldeshar. A nation that rose after the Trolloc Wars and was taken by Artur Hawkwing.

  Aldiaya. A noble House of Tear that included Nalesean.

  Aldieb. Moiraine’s mare that she rode when she went to the Two Rivers. The name was Old Tongue for “West Wind,” the wind that brings the spring rains.

  Aldin. An Amadician bookkeeper who was taken gai’shain by the Shaido. Aldin was tall and square-shouldered, which made him look more like a soldier than a bookkeeper. At Malden he swore to Faile and became enamored of Arrela, who had no interest in him. He gave up on her, and started pursuing Aravine.

  Aldin Miheres. A mercenary commander working for Arymilla. He attacked Caemlyn and was killed by Birgitte with an arrow through the neck.

  Aldorwin, Lacile. See Lacile Aldorwin

  Aldragoran, Alida. The wife of Weilin Aldragoran; he thought that she would have loved to meet Nynaeve. See also Weilin Aldragoran

  Aldred Gomaisen. A Cairhienin mercenary captain who took service with Elayne. He shaved and powdered the front of his head and wore stripes of color halfway down his chest though Elayne doubted he was entitled to do so. He turned traitor and took money from Arymilla to seize the Far Madding Gate and let her into the city. The attempt to gain control of the Far Madding Gate failed, and Elayne signed his death warrant, leading to his execution.

  Aldrin Caldevwin. A captain in the Cairhienin army in charge of excavating the male Choedan Kal statue. Rand met him in Tremonsien, at The Nine Rings. He was a very minor noble with a single slash of red and one of yellow across his chest. The front of his head was shaved, though his black hair hung long in the back. His con had a single white star on a blue background. He was very suspicious of Rand and tried to trick him with a question about Gareth Bryne. He was loyal to Cairhien and adaptable. Once he learned that Rand was the Dragon Reborn, Caldevwin saw him as a necessary evil, both in his saving of Cairhien from the Shaido and for saving the world. He was surprised to learn that the Dragon Reborn was the same young man he had encountered in Tremonsien.

  Aldwyn, Sybaine. See Sybaine Aldwyn

  Aledrin Malenry. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 24(12). Born with the spark in 950 NE, she went to the White Tower in 964 NE. After nine years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 979 NE. Aledrin had no Warder. She was stout and despite her dark golden hair and chocolate-brown eyes, she didn’t look all that pretty until she smiled, but then she looked quite beautiful. She stood between 5'4" and 5'5" tall, and sometimes wore her shoulder-length hair caught in a lacy white net. As Accepted, she was considered rather excitable. She was considered to have a prototypical White logic, but also a degree of practicality and worldliness that was for the most part foreign to Whites. These qualities might have weighed against her choice as a Sitter at any other time, but under the conditions in Salidar, they were considered useful. Despite her youth, she was elected Sitter in 999 NE. As the youngest after Kwamesa, she had certain responsibilities in the Hall, such as enjoining those reporting to the Hall. She was part of a group of rebel Aes Sedai that went to the Black Tower to bond Asha’man Warders in keeping with Rand’s offer to let them bond forty-seven.

  Aleis Barsalla. The stately First Counsel of Far Madding. She was 5'7" tall, with long black hair heavily winged with white, and an unlined face. Compassion and wisdom filled her large dark eyes, and it was command that she radiated, not simple authority. She had a mellifluous voice that was deep for a woman. Cadsuane had corrected a bad habit of Aleis’ around the time of the Aiel War. After Nynaeve channeled in Far Madding and Rand was imprisoned, Cadsuane persuaded Aleis to let him go. Aleis was deposed shortly after that.

  Aleis Romlin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 890 to 922 NE. Aleis was chosen after Cadsuane Melaidhrin fled the Tower rather than be chosen. Aleis was a weak Amyrlin. It was not that she did not have a strong personality; she just did not know her way in the politics of the Tower, a fact that may well have played its part in her selection. The secret records say that the Sitters realized their close call after Cadsuane fled—they had nearly lumbered themselves with another Sereille—and so went to the other extreme, choosing a woman who had no interest in running the White Tower and no ability in administration or consensus making. Aleis herself wanted only to be out in the world; the secret records say that she was watched closely and several times stopped from leaving Tar Valon—in effect, from sneaking out—and that, coupled with her knowledge that she was entirely unsuited for the position, forced her to cooperate, if somewhat sullenly, with being a puppet of the Hall and mouthing the words given her by the Hall.

  Alene al’Vere. Egwene’s second-eldest sister. She was born in 969 NE and allowed to braid her hair at sixteen, for she was considered very levelheaded. She was a bookworm, always reading about far-off lands. She never married, as some people suspected she might not. Alene accepted suitors, but she felt none were satisfactory for a husband. Some thought she’d run off to see the world. She wanted to be tested by Verin and Alanna, who refused because of her age, and put up enough of a fuss that Marin had to take a firm hand with her. It would possibly turn out that she could learn to channel, with a fair potential.

  Alentaine, Teire. See Teire Alentaine

  Aleria Elffin. An author of humorous tales.

  Aleshin Talvaen. The leader of the Ghealdanin contingent at the Battle of the Shining Walls, and a Lord of the High Crown Council in Ghealdan. He was flogged by Masema for having expressed contempt for the word of the Lord Dragon.

  Alesinde. The daughter of Ishara, and her successor to the throne of Andor. She reigned from FY 1020 to 1035.

  Alesune Chulin. A woman who served as shatayan to King Easar of Shienar. She was the head housekeeper responsible for directing the servants in the operation of the estate, but she had further duties similar to a minister of state. Alesune was about 5'5" tall, and slim, pretty and fiery. She had determined eyes and thin white streaks in her long black hair. Alesune seemed born to her silks. Taking her at first glance could be a mistake; she was very sharp-witted, and anyone who thought her title as shatayan of the royal household meant her influence was restricted to ordering the maids and cooks and victualers was making a
grave mistake.

  Aleth nin Taerin alta Camora. The Breaking of the World, by an unknown author, cited in the epigraph at the beginning of The Eye of the World.

  Aleth-Loriel. A place whose fall was a result of Mordeth’s evil in Aridhol. It was the subject of a song in a gleeman’s tale, “The Fall of Aleth-Loriel.”

  Alfara, Mistress. The innkeeper at The Bellon Ford Inn in Amadicia, where Elayne and Nynaeve stayed as Lady Morelin and Nana. She made Nynaeve take care of Elayne’s needs instead of having her staff do it.

  algai’d’siswai. Old Tongue for “the spear fighters” or “fighters of the spear.” The name was given to those Aiel who carried the spear and regularly took part in battle, as opposed to those who followed crafts.

  Algarin Pendaloan. A Tairen Lesser Lord of the Land, whose channeling brother Emarin was captured by Cadsuane. Rand and his group stayed at Algarin’s manor house. He went to the Black Tower to be tested, and there took the name Emarin. Taim attempted to Turn him, but he resisted and went on to fight in the Last Battle.

  algode. A plant fiber used by the Aiel.

  Algoran. A noble House of Amadicia; Lady Marande was the sister of its High Seat.

  Alguenya, River. A river situated east of Tar Valon flowing south to meet the River Gaelin just above Cairhien, then joining the River Erinin at Aringill.

  Algwyn. The last man to sit on the Crystal Throne of Seanchan; he ruled over a thousand years before the Seanchan returned to the lands east of the Aryth Ocean. He was considered insane by some because he let his Soe’feia live and continue in her post after she slapped his face before the entire court.

  Alhandrin Torelvin. A nobleman of a minor Cairhienin House and an officer in the Band of the Red Hand. He commanded the Third Banner of Horse.

  Alhanra. A scout in the Children of the Light. Alhanra found Gawyn, badly injured, in the Last Battle, and led Galad to him.

  Alharra, Furen. See Furen Alharra

  Aliane Senican. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 332 to 355 NE. Aliane began as a strong Amyrlin, but her notions of running things according to logic—and her rages when others failed to see her logic—led by 339 NE to her becoming not so much a puppet of the Hall as ignored by them except when she had to be trotted out for ceremonies.

  Alianelle Spring. A source of water and an oasis four days’ ride from Dumai’s Wells, between Cairhien and Tar Valon.

  Alida Aldragoran. The wife of Weilin; he thought that she would have loved to meet Nynaeve.

  Alievin, Doniella. See Doniella Alievin

  Alight in the Snow. A book read by Graendal.

  Aligning the Matrix. A Talent described by Moghedien as a way to make metals stronger.

  Alijha. A young Jenn Aiel man who accompanied Lewin to rescue their sisters from bandits. They killed the bandits, and were disowned by their families.

  Alin. A cavalry leader in Ituralde’s army at Maradon.

  Alin Seroku. A Kandori officer who commanded Lord Varan’s guards at Canluum. Seroku had soldiered forty years along the Blight. Lan and Bukama met him while he was guarding the gate of Canluum; he warned them to keep the peace. He was bluff and graying with a white-scarred face.

  Alind Dyfelle. A legendary Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. Merana thought her impressive, and felt that when Kiruna and Bera first saw Cadsuane, it must have struck them the same way seeing Alind would strike her.

  Alindaer. A large bridge village just southwest of Tar Valon on the bank of the Alindrelle Erinin, on the road to Caemlyn. Alindaer was practically a town, with brick houses of two or even three stories roofed in blue tiles, and its own inns and shops and markets. It was burned at least three times during the Trolloc Wars, once during the War of the Second Dragon and twice during Hawkwing’s siege of Tar Valon. Moiraine and Siuan gathered information there on women who had given birth near Dragonmount during the Aiel War.

  Alindaer Gate. The most southerly bridge gate to the west out of Tar Valon; it led to the town of the same name.

  Alindrelle Erinin. The southwestern split of the River Erinin that bifurcated at Tar Valon.

  Alindrelle Gates. The southernmost gates of the White Tower.

  Alis. A plump maid in the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar who Olver thought was sweet; she helped him move into his rooms.

  Alise Tenjile. A Taraboner Kinswoman. Her strength level was 46(34), just below the minimum at which a woman would be allowed to test for Aes Sedai, and not strong enough for her to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. She was born in 819 NE, went to the White Tower in 835 NE. She was a novice for two and a half years. Parenia Demalle was Amyrlin at the time, and Sereille Bagand was Mistress of Novices. When met by Elayne and Nynaeve, she was a pleasant-appearing woman apparently in her middle years. There were light touches of gray in her dark brown hair. She was about 5'5" tall and of medium build, and carried herself with a straight back. Her face was unremarkable, mild usually, with a jaw that was perhaps a little long. Her smile could be warm and comforting or quite stern. People tended to do what she said without her raising her voice—even those who didn’t know her. Alise ran the farm outside Ebou Dar until forced by the Seanchan to flee. Alise was not the oldest at the farm, but running it was her job, and that put her in charge of women who were older than she. She did not suffer fools gladly, and though she was not so acerbic about it as Nynaeve, she simply did not put up with foolishness, or with bending the rules, much less breaking them. The rules were what had kept the Kin safe all those years. For instance, when a noblewoman balked at being herded inside after the arrival of Nynaeve and her group, Nynaeve shouted at her, but Alise simply grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, hustled her inside despite voluble protests and did something in there to make her squawk like a huge goose that had been stepped on. Reanne considered Alise very intelligent, and also formidable, and she was indeed both. Alise felt that a chance to go back to the Tower was all very well for women like Reanne, who had some chance to become Aes Sedai, but she wondered about why she and the rest should. Alise was not so accepting of the Aes Sedai as the Knitting Circle and most other Kinswomen, in large part because she considered the offer of return mere trumpery in her case. In many ways, she behaved toward them exactly as she behaved toward any other woman—which is to say, she was rather dominant if not exactly dominating—and she rarely if ever allowed any degree of challenge or bitterness to show in it. While she didn’t know how she could manage it, she quickly began coming around to the notion of somehow keeping the Kin going for women such as herself, who simply could not become Aes Sedai. When Elayne approached her with a plan to do just that, she readily agreed. Alise stayed with Elayne and the Kin when they went to Caemlyn, and presumably took part in the Last Battle.

  Alivia. A damane from Seanchan who was captured by Rand’s army. Though she looked in her forties, she had been damane for four hundred years, and was very strong in the Power: her strength level was 1(+12), the top level for women. Alivia had been collared at thirteen or fourteen. She had hawk-like blue eyes with fine lines at the corners, and golden yellow hair with a few threads of white. She was a handsome woman rather than beautiful, with a husky, throaty voice that men found appealing. She was 5'5" tall, of medium build and filled with intensity; she practically bristled with it. Many people found her intimidating, but Sharina had her measure, and became her friend. She was sent to Elayne in Caemlyn, and her collar was removed. She became very loyal to Rand, whom she considered as having given her her freedom. She appointed herself Rand’s protector, told him about the Seanchan and how their military operated, and had a short way with those she considered Rand’s enemies. Once she had come around to embracing her freedom, Alivia said that she wanted to kill all the sul’dam. Slowly. She insisted on going with Nynaeve and Lan when they accompanied Rand. She had no particular interest in being Aes Sedai, and would be surprised to learn that she had no choice, under the agreement that would be made between the Aes Sedai and the Kin. She was just about completely ignorant of
men, and sexual matters. Min had a viewing showing that Alivia would help Rand die, and Min disliked her because of it. Alivia gathered supplies for Rand’s final escape after the Last Battle, thus fulfilling Min’s viewing.

  Alix. A Warder who lost his Aes Sedai in the Last Battle and joined Galad to fight on and avenge her.

  Alkaese, Zarya. See Zarya Alkaese

  Alkindar. A tiny walled town on the west bank of the River Eldar in Altara. Alkindar was made up of tile-roofed stone buildings with half a dozen stone docks. A ferry ran from here to Coramen on the other side of the Eldar; it was an important crossing. The Seanchan had a camp outside the town. Luca’s show took the ferry across the river from Alkindar to Coramen.

  Alkohima, Tamore. A Domani seamstress in Tar Valon from whom Moiraine and Siuan ordered dresses.

  All Summers. A prosperous neighborhood in the city of Tear which was stricken by a bubble of evil.

  Alliandre Maritha Kigarin. The Queen of Ghealdan, Blessed of the Light, Defender of Garen’s Wall and a dozen more titles. Her sign was the Wolfhound, a running dog with a crested ridge of black hair down its back. On her banner, the dog was dark golden except for the ridge of hair, on a red field. She was born in 972 NE. About 5'4" tall, she had dark hair almost to her waist. She was quite lovely despite a nose perhaps too long for beauty. She had an aloof air and bore herself with stately reserve and grace. Alliandre was somewhat under the Crown High Council’s collective thumb, especially the highest-ranking noble. They removed her predecessors in one way or another, and put her on the throne. They stood aside for some time because she seemed to have handled the Prophet well, or at least kept his depredations to a minimum. She learned of the fall of Amador, the Seanchan’s taking of Ebou Dar, and that Rand conquered Illian, all by spreading rumors and by reports from merchants, who learned by pigeon. Consequently, she swore allegiance to Perrin. She was captured by the Shaido and later freed by Perrin. Alliandre rode with her forces in the Last Battle.


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