Bassane Maliandred. One of Merise’s Warders. He was Cairhienin, 5'8" tall, with dark hair and eyes and a sun-dark face. Bassane was quite stocky, and appeared slow and placid. He was just short of his middle years.
Bastine, Adelorna. See Adelorna Bastine
Battle Ajah. The Green Ajah, so named because their primary purpose was to hold themselves ready for Tarmon Gai’don.
Battle of Cuallin Dhen. A famous battle in which Queen Modrellein of Andor established her bravery against the Tairens, seven hundred years before the Last Battle.
Battle of Kolesar, the. A battle from Mat’s memories in which Classen Bayor lost his cavalry in the marsh.
Battle of Maighande. A key defeat of the Trollocs that led to the cessation of the Trolloc Wars. Rashima Kerenmosa died in the battle; when it was over she was found surrounded by her five Warders and a vast wall of Trollocs and Myrddraal which contained the corpses of no fewer than nine Dreadlords.
Battle of the Priya Narrows. A battle from Mat’s memories. In it, Mat led forces against the Hamarean army; the Hamareans dammed the river that Mat was planning to use to trap them.
Battle of the Shining Walls, the. The battle outside Tar Valon between the Aiel and the Grand Alliance in 978 NE that ended the Aiel War. It began on the morning of the day before Danshu. The Alliance’s force numbered approximately 170,000 men; the Aiel fielded seventy to eighty thousand, although some sources claimed that it was much larger. For three days the armies fought furiously on both sides of the River Erinin, both armies hampered by snow. Late on the third day, the Aiel succeeded in their goal of killing King Laman of Cairhien. The Aiel then began to gather their forces east of the Erinin, and by sunrise on the fourth day, they were heading back to the Waste. Alliance forces gave pursuit, and engaged the Aiel rear guard in skirmishes, some large. When the Aiel entered Kinslayer’s Dagger, the Alliance gave up the chase. The battle was also called the Blood Snow, the Battle of the Nations, the Battle of the Red Snows, the Battle of Tar Valon and the Battle of the Blood Snow.
Bavin Rockshaw. Perrin’s Cairhienin quartermaster. He had blond hairs speckled through his graying brown and a pale face. He was spindly but had a round paunch, had been a quartermaster since the Aiel War and was an expert at all facets of the job, including taking bribes.
Bay of Remara. A body of water between Tear and Mayene. Godan was a Tairen town on the bay.
Bay Road. A road in Ebou Dar running west along the side of the bay from the city to Westpoint Lighttower.
Bayanar, Sheriam. See Sheriam Bayanar
Bayle Domon. The captain and owner of the Spray. He was about 5'10" tall and 230 to 240 pounds, with a round face and thick hands and arms. Some might have thought him fat, but he was all muscle. He was about forty-five years old at the time of the Last Battle. He had a dark brown beard that left his upper lip bare, and brown hair. He was also a smuggler, and a rough customer when he had to be. He was fascinated by old objects and odd sights; in Maradon he bought one of the seals of the Dark One’s prison, not knowing what it really was. Shortly thereafter, Domon noticed that he was being pursued. Rand, Thom and Mat boarded his ship when escaping Shadar Logoth and disembarked at Whitebridge.
In Illian, Domon was offered a mission to Mayene; the pay was good, but he learned that completing it would have resulted in his death. To escape, he sailed to Falme, where his ship was captured by Egeanin of the Seanchan. She took his seal and gave it to High Lord Turak. Buying his entire cargo, Turak kept Domon as a storyteller. Min, Elayne and Nynaeve met with him in Falme, and he agreed to arrange passage for their escape, but he was forced to flee when the battle began. Elayne and Nynaeve met him again in Tanchico, where he had amassed a fleet of more than a dozen smuggling ships and underwrote a soup kitchen for the poor. Domon assisted them in their search for the Black Ajah and in entering the Panarch’s Palace. While doing so, he met Egeanin again, and revealed that she was Seanchan.
After Nynaeve acquired the male a’dam, he and Egeanin sailed away to dispose of it; they were hailed and boarded by a Seanchan ship. Egeanin turned over the a’dam, but Domon tried to resist. He was put up for sale. Egeanin bought him and made him so’jhin. They returned to Ebou Dar, where they met with Mat and escaped with him and Valan Luca’s circus. Domon and Egeanin married in Runnien Crossing; when Mat left Luca’s show, they accompanied him and remained with him until they reached Caemlyn.
From Caemlyn, Teslyn, Joline and Edesina traveled to the White Tower, and Domon and Egeanin accompanied them. Domon bribed someone in the Tower so that he and Egeanin could Travel to Merrilor. During the Last Battle, when the Sharans appeared, Domon accompanied Egeanin on a successful mission to rescue Egwene.
Bayor, Classen. A military leader from Mat’s memories; he lost his cavalry in the marsh at the Battle of Kolesar.
Bayrd. An Andoran soldier in Jarid Sarand’s service as one of his personal guardsmen. His family had been stoneworkers, but his father became a butcher, and Bayrd followed in his footsteps before becoming a soldier. Bayrd’s grandfather taught him stoneworking. When a bubble of evil made all the metal in their camp melt, Bayrd made a spearhead of stone. Faced with Jarid’s growing insanity, Bayrd and other soldiers rebelled and tied him to a tree. Bayrd went off to fight in the Last Battle as a mercenary soldier in Tam’s unit. He was killed in the Last Battle and eaten by a Trolloc.
Be’lal. A Forsaken known as the Envious and the Netweaver. His name in the Age of Legends was Duram Laddel Cham. His strength level was ++4. He was tall, with close-cropped silver hair. Not much was known of his life in the Age of Legends. He represented people in courts of law, and did it well enough to earn a third name. Before he turned to the Shadow, he was a leader in the fight against the Shadow. When he awoke in the Third Age, he placed himself in Tear as the High Lord Samon. He used the Black Ajah to capture Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve as bait for a trap to lure Rand to Callandor. He also sent them with the hedgehog ter’angreal to take Moiraine out of the picture. Faile was trapped instead, and Moiraine went to the Stone and used balefire to kill him.
Beaks. The name given by Ituralde’s troops to Trollocs with the features of hawks.
Behar, Velina. See Velina Behar
Beidomon. A male Aes Sedai and scientific genius from the Age of Legends. He was involved with Lanfear on the project that led to the drilling of the Bore, conceived of as a way to provide sustainable energy to all people. Their activities caused great damage, and the research team was blamed. Beidomon sought privacy from the opprobrium, and committed suicide when he was unable to achieve it.
Beira. An Aiel woman held gai’shain by Bair who refused to put off the white at the end of her term of service, even after Bair beat her.
Bekkar, Battle of. The battle where King Aemon won a victory over the Shadowspawn; it was also known as the Field of Blood.
Bel Arvina. A feast held in the month of Choren to celebrate the first day of autumn.
Bel Tine. A spring festival celebrating the end of winter, the first sprouting of crops and the birth of the first lambs.
Bela. A shaggy brown mare that originally belonged to Tam and Rand al’Thor. She was stout and stout of heart. Bela had many adventures and traveled widely, visiting Falme, the Waste, Tar Valon, Salidar and the Blight. She fell in battle against a horde of Trollocs, while helping keep the Horn of Valere away from the Shadow. She was thought to be dead, but unaccountably survived. In the first years of the Fourth Age she gave birth to a strong colt and a splendid filly and retired to green pastures in the Two Rivers.
Belairah. A former queen of Saldaea who married and put her husband away four times. Faile used her as an example to Perrin when she was arguing that no leader was perfect.
Belcelona, Carlon. See Carlon Belcelona
Beldair, Mistress. The head cook at the Sun Palace in Cairhien. She was on duty when Loial and Karldin arrived there. Almost 5'6" tall, she was plump and graying.
Beldeine Nyram. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the lo
yalist contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 966 NE, she went to the White Tower in 982 NE. After seven years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 997 NE. Beldeine was 5'5" tall, with a medium build, pretty with high cheekbones, slightly tilted brown eyes and dark hair falling down to her shoulder blades. She knew that men liked looking at her, and she enjoyed that, too, though it was certainly in no way a consuming passion with her. Beldeine’s parents were prosperous weavers, living only a day’s ride from the Blight. She saw her first Trolloc when she was six. She was a dedicated Green, in many ways—almost a prototypical Green in outlook. Early on she showed some ability in administration and management, and the Green Ajah marked her out as possibly someone who would do well in their hierarchy. She herself did not much like that idea; she wanted to be off adventuring, like every other Green.
Part of the expedition to kidnap Rand, she was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear to Rand, and was one of the first five sisters to do so. She accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and then to Shadar Logoth. During the cleansing, she linked with Nesune, Daigian and Eben; they fought off Aran’gar, although Beldeine was injured, and Eben killed. Beldeine bonded Karldin Manfor; they were both killed in the Last Battle.
Beldemaine. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 25(13). She was plump and wore silver bells in her hair; she grilled Nynaeve extensively after Nynaeve Healed Logain.
Belevaere Osiellin. A Cairhienin noblewoman, ten years older than Rand. Her clothing’s stripes reached below her breasts. She was forward with Rand at Barthanes’ party. Her husband’s name was Amondrid; they had estates in the south. Her House was one of the smaller Houses that met with Colavaere to support her designs on the throne.
Belinde. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 18(6). She was about 5'8" tall, and skinny, with bony fingers, pale blue eyes, and hair and eyebrows bleached nearly white by the sun. Belinde was once Far Dareis Mai, and she claimed to have softened even Stone Dogs with her cooking. She was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. She took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine and was one of those who accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten. She was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and at the meeting with “Caddar” and “Maisia.” Belinde was the Wise One slapped by Galina; she was guarding Galina when the Aes Sedai was forced to swear on the binder and was not present at the questioning of the captured Seanchan. She sided with Therava when Therava acted to take some power away from Sevanna. She, Therava and Modarra led a large number of Shaido back toward the Three-fold Land after the rout at Malden.
bellfruit. A tree and the fruit it produced.
Bellon. A village in Amadicia that lay about twenty miles east of Amador on the River Gaean. It was visited by Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom and Juilin. Nynaeve, posing as Elayne’s maid there, was forced to serve Elayne and be the model servant, which caused much friction between the two in private.
Bellon Ford Inn. An inn in Bellon, Amadicia, where Elayne and Nynaeve stayed posing as Lady Morelin and her servant Nana while on the way to Tar Valon. Its innkeeper was Mistress Alfara.
Belman. A family in Caemlyn. See Nan and Perwyn Belman
Belmondes, Meralda. See Meralda Belmondes
Belvyn. A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. He was killed when Moghedien balefired the boat in which he, Lawtin and Nynaeve were traveling.
Bendhuin. A scarred Shaido Aiel who was the leader of Far Aldazar Din and the chief of the Green Salts sept. At Dumai’s Wells he wanted to maintain screens of scouts and a reserve. At Malden he hoped to be sent to Rhuidean, to become the next clan chief of the Shaido, and he received permission from the Wise Ones to head for Rhuidean with twenty algai’d’siswai. Sevanna was furious when she learned that he had left without her knowing.
Benish. A soldier in Lan’s army in the Last Battle. He wore a Taraboner veil with a hadori above it.
Benji Dalfor. A Youngling killed by Shaido; he was the first to die at Dumai’s Wells. He managed to return from a scouting mission with a warning of the Shaido ambush before succumbing to his wounds.
Benly Coplin. A disturbed Two Rivers man who starved himself to death because he thought someone was trying to poison him.
Bennae Nalsad. A Shienaran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 37(25). She went to the White Tower at age sixteen, and spent thirteen years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted before being raised to the shawl. She had dark hair liberally streaked with gray which she wore in a silver net, and sharp blue eyes. Bennae had a cluttered sitting room and taught history in the White Tower, although when she tried to teach Egwene, she ended up learning about the Thirteenth Depository. She invited Egwene to join the Brown Ajah.
Bent, Kaila. A lanky, fire-haired member of the Queen’s Guard who brought word to Birgitte that there was a disturbance at the Plum Gate.
Bent Peak sept. A sept of the Daryne Aiel.
Bent Valley. A geographical feature, as well as a hold in the Aiel Waste.
Beonin Marinye. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and apparently of the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 936 NE, she went to the White Tower in 952 NE. After five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 962 NE. She was a pretty woman with dark honey hair and blue-gray eyes so big they made her appear slightly startled. She had a heavy Taraboner accent. Always quiet, she was sharp and watched everything carefully. Like Morvrin, she required a lot of proof for everything. Her Warder was Tervail Dura. Beonin’s maternal grandmother, Collaris, was an advocate in Tanchico and imbued her with a love for the intricacies of the law. Beonin’s mother, Aeldrine, became a merchant despite Collaris’ disapproval and amassed a tidy fortune buying and selling dyes. Beonin left the Tower and joined the rebels, becoming a member of Sheriam’s council on behalf of Elaida. She was willing to become Elaida’s mole because of personal ambition plus a strong belief that the White Tower must remain whole; that breaking it in any way was treason of the worst sort. She had no access to the secret records in the Tower and so did not know how far previous divisions within the Tower had gone or even that they had existed.
Along with other members of Sheriam’s group in Salidar, Beonin was forced to swear personal fealty to Egwene; Egwene used as leverage her knowledge of the ferrets who had been sent to the White Tower without the knowledge of the Hall because of fear that some of the rebel Hall might be Black Ajah. Beonin had opposed sending them, but she couldn’t stop it. Shortly after Egwene was captured at Northharbor by Elaida’s loyalists, Beonin returned to the Tower and shared with Elaida knowledge of the ferrets and much else that she had learned, including Traveling. She kept some things back because of Elaida not treating her properly, as she saw it. Egwene made her promise to tell the moles that Elaida knew about them.
Bera Harkin. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 14(2). Born in 938 NE, she went to the White Tower in 953 NE. After four years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 961 NE. She was a stocky woman, 5'6" tall, with brown hair cut short around her square face, looking like a proud farmwife, if it hadn’t been for her agelessness. She had three Warders. She and Kiruna had been pillow friends; though both enjoyed men exclusively later, they remained the very closest of friends. Bera and Kiruna and their seven Warders were sent to the Aiel Waste to find Rand; when they were halfway there, they heard that he was in Caemlyn and went there. After Rand told the rebel embassy that he was leaving Caemlyn, Bera and Kiruna took over the embassy and decided to follow after him. All were forced to swear fealty to Rand after Dumai’s Wells. These sisters were treated like apprentices by the Wise Ones. They were also coopted by Cadsuane. All intended to keep their oaths of fealty to t
he best of their ability, however reluctantly, but none of them could stand up to Cadsuane, at least not openly. Bera adapted to the situation with the Wise Ones, and with Rand, much better than her friend Kiruna. Min saw an aura indicating that Bera was in his hand and could be trusted. Bera accompanied Rand when he visited the Sea Folk. He then sent her to negotiate with the rebels in Haddon Mirk. She reported success to Rand in the Stone of Tear. Bera fought in the Last Battle with the forces at Shayol Ghul.
Berab Golever. A lanky, bearded Lord Captain of the Children of the Light. He was largely fair-minded, but he was convinced that Ogier were Darkfriends or Shadowspawn. After hearing Galad’s argument with Asunawa, Golever and other Lords Captain executed Asunawa and proclaimed Galad Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. He fought in the Last Battle, and enjoyed killing the Ayyad.
Beralna. A Maiden of the Spear who stood guard for Rand in Caemlyn and led him through Milisair’s palace in Bandar Eban. She was a bony redhead with blue eyes and a feral grin. In private she would stare at Rand as if considering whether to do him the favor of doing as he asked.
Berana Shemon. A Shienaran Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 28(16). Born in 930 NE, she went to the White Tower in 947 NE. After ten years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 965 NE, and raised a Sitter for the White in Salidar in 999 NE. She was 5'4½" tall, with cold brown eyes and dark brown hair. Very haughty and a fast learner, Berana voted yes in the war vote and for the alliance with the Black Tower. After the Tower was reunited, she stepped down as a Sitter. She had no Warder.
Berden. A Tairen Youngling officer who stood guard for the Aes Sedai in Dorlan.
Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron. The First of Mayene, Blessed of the Light, Defender of the Waves, High Seat of House Paeron. The banner of Mayene was a golden hawk on a field of blue; the crown was a coronet with a golden hawk in flight. Berelain was beautiful and young, with black hair falling in waves to her shoulders; her eyes were large and dark. She was gorgeous, sensuous, sexy, and she knew it and made use of it. She was about 5'7" tall, with a regal air. Berelain was willful, and often behaved in a spoiled or petulant manner, but she was a pragmatist, as any ruler of Mayene had to be to survive. She believed in learning as much as possible about the people she had to deal with.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 15