She was born in 974 NE; her mother died when she was nine. She loved her father desperately, in part because her mother had been a cold woman, and in part because he returned her affection. She became High Seat of House Paeron and First of Mayene in 984 NE and had a regent/guardian until her sixteenth nameday in 990 NE. Her younger brothers and sister were all Second Lords and Ladies, though none was a High Seat, of course. She banished her regent/guardian on attaining her majority at sixteen; he was a dour, strict man, not at all compatible with a high-spirited and flirtatious young woman like Berelain. She brought this man back when she departed Mayene, to watch over the Second whom she left to rule while she was gone. Dour and strict as he was, she also knew that he was painfully honest, that he would do his duty no matter what the cost to himself—he had known for a fact that she would exile him upon reaching her majority—and, just as important, that he supported her firmly and would not allow anyone to usurp her position or authority. Annoura was her Aes Sedai advisor and Gallenne the commander of the Mayener Winged Guards.
After Rand took the Stone, Lanfear sent Berelain with a message to Moiraine; Berelain announced that she would dine with the Dragon Reborn that night. When she went to his rooms to try to seduce him, a bubble of evil struck, causing Rand’s reflections to come out of mirrors and attack him; Berelain was scared silly and avoided Rand after that. She flirted with Perrin in front of Faile; angered, Faile tried to pick a fight with Berelain. Rhuarc broke it up, but not until after Berelain swore that she would have Perrin. When Rand went to Cairhien after leaving the Waste, Berelain set out to join him. Rand put her in charge of Cairhien. When Perrin joined Rand in Cairhien, Berelain made a concerted effort to seduce Perrin, without success. After Rand vanished, she searched his room and found his sword and belt; rightly believing that he had been kidnapped, she sent Nurelle and the Winged Guards to help rescue him. Her thief-catchers found evidence that Colavaere had murdered Meilan and Maringil. She stayed for a while on a Sea Folk ship; when she was returning to the palace, a man with a knife attacked her, but the Winged Guards protected her. Rand ordered her back to Mayene for her safety, but she refused; instead, he sent her with Perrin on the expedition to Ghealdan. Rand chose her because she knew how to deal with royalty and because she very much wanted something to do rather than return to Mayene. When Perrin collapsed after Faile was taken by the Shaido, Berelain had him brought to her tent; her maids spread the word and many believed that they had been intimate. All Berelain’s amorous designs on Perrin were put aside once she laid eyes on Galad; the two fell deeply in love. During the Last Battle, Berelain set up a large Healing station based at her palace in Mayene. She was reunited there with the wounded Galad.
Berengari, Myrelle. See Myrelle Berengari
Berenicia Morsad. A Shienaran Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 19(7). Born in 838 NE in the Border Marches, she went to the White Tower in 854 NE. After eight years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 868 NE. A plump woman with a grave expression, she had, at times, an acid tongue. When she had to defer to another Aes Sedai, she bristled before bowing her head. Berenicia was a member of the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn. She was later sent as part of a group to escort the Two Rivers girls back to Salidar while Kiruna and the others pursued Rand. Berenicia leaned toward Romanda’s faction. She had a Warder.
Berewin, Lady. A lesser Cairhienin noblewoman whom Aviendha intercepted trying to enter Rand’s bedchamber. Aviendha tore half her clothes off and dragged her down the hall by her hair.
Berg. The ugly bouncer at The Seven-Striped Lass in Caemlyn. He did not like Mat talking to Melli, the innkeeper.
Bergevin. A quartermaster of the Band of the Red Hand from whom Olver stole a knife.
Berin. A character featured in the song “Berin’s Retreat.”
Berin Thane. One of the miller’s brothers from Emond’s Field. His house was burned by the Trollocs on Winternight. He participated in the defense of Emond’s Field, joined Perrin’s army at Malden and stayed with him in the aftermath of the battle against the Shaido. He fell asleep on guard duty near Jehannah Road.
Berisha Terakuni. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was lean and hard-eyed, with a narrow face and a voice full of the accents of her homeland. She had a reputation for the strictest, and often harshest, interpretation of the law—always to the letter, of course, but never with any sense of mercy. She curtsied to Alviarin; it was not required for the Keeper, but she was trying to hedge her bets. Like many others, she thought that currying favor with Alviarin might stand her in good stead if she fell under Elaida’s evil eye, no matter how much currying favor grated on her. She was one of the sisters, along with Katerine Alruddin, Baratine, Felaana and Pritalle, who rode back to the White Tower in the coach with Egwene a prisoner. During the Last Battle, when Faile and her party were leaving from the Traveling grounds at the White Tower with the Horn of Valere secreted away, Berisha made a gateway just as a bubble of evil struck and crystal spikes emerged from the ground, impaling her foot; she also had a wound in her stomach that Faile believed to have been made by a knife. The gateway took Faile and her group into the Blight. There was some question afterward whether Berisha meant to send them to the Blight all along.
Bernaile Gelbarn. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 919 NE, she went to the White Tower in 936 NE. After seven years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 952 NE. She was 5'5" tall, and stocky, with hazel eyes and pale brown hair worn in beaded braids hanging well below her shoulders. Her manner was usually cool, aloof and withdrawn, though she could let her hair down with close friends, telling jokes and laughing, but that face was reserved for friends. She had no Warder. Bernaile was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Bernaile was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. She was the second of the ferrets coopted by Seaine and Pevara to help search for the Black Ajah.
Berndt Crossroads. A location in the Borderlands, near the Saldaea-Kandor border.
Bernherd. The proprietor of The Dead Man’s Breath in Caemlyn. He was a greasy-haired Tairen.
Beron Goraed. A wealthy Ghealdan merchant dragged from his bed to marry Queen Teresia and so disqualify her for the throne. That incident occurred before Alliandre became queen, and indicated how politics were conducted in Ghealdan.
Berowin Doraisin. A Cairhienin Kinswoman who became a Wise Woman in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was 42(30), strong enough for her to have tested for Aes Sedai, but not strong enough for her to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 758 NE, she went to the White Tower in 775 NE. After twelve years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, she failed her test for Aes Sedai. She was 5'1" tall, stout and tanned, and appeared to be about forty years old, though she was much older. Despite her very low strength, shielding was always a Talent for her. When Nynaeve and Elayne went to the Kin house in Ebou Dar, Berowin shielded the pair with no trouble, her shield bending and ballooning, which it should not have done, without breaking. She was one of those who dreamed of somehow returning to the White Tower one day, somehow becoming Aes Sedai. She actually felt more ashamed that she had disappointed Sereille, the Mistress of Novices, than about anything else. Berowin was part of the group that went to Caemlyn with Elayne after fleeing the Kin farm outside Ebou Dar.
Berowyn al’Vere. Egwene’s eldest sister. She was born in 965 NE. Berowyn was considered to be the prettiest of Marin al’Vere’s daughters. She married a young man of the Lewin family in 989 NE, and had one daughter. Her husband and infant child died of fever in 990 NE, after less than two years of marriage. She couldn’t r
emain on the farm any longer, trying to work it alone, so she sold the farm to her in-laws and moved home; she never got on with her husband’s mother. She later married an outlander, one of the refugees who entered the Two Rivers. It was possible she could have learned to channel.
Bertain Gallenne. The Lord Captain of the Mayener Winged Guards. He had gray hair, worn shoulder-length. He was about 5'10" tall and sported a red eyepatch, worn with style and panache, as other men might wear a plume. His helmet was worked with wings on the sides and had several thin red plumes. Gallenne had an old soldier for a servant, a lean and balding man, whom he called his dogrobber, and his favorite horse was a heavy-chested black gelding. Gallenne fiddled with his reins when deep in thought. He always saw the worst possibility first. He was all-soldier, always ready, always preparing for any contingency. Elyas told Perrin that Gallenne could be trouble, because he only knew attack and didn’t stop to think; but that he wouldn’t go against Perrin or behind his back. Gallenne respected Perrin in a comradely way. He acted gruff and macho with everyone except Perrin and Berelain. Gallenne was killed in the Last Battle.
Bertome Saighan. A Cairhienin nobleman who was Colavaere’s cousin. He wore stripes down his coat to below his waist. He was 5'7" tall, and stocky, but it was muscle, not fat. Ruggedly handsome with a square face and the front of his head shaved, he looked as if he should be stolid and methodical, but he had a quick brain and a quick wit. He became High Seat of House Saighan on Colavaere’s death, and was said not to mourn her; in truth she had been his favorite cousin, but he felt she had been ambitious beyond reason. In Cairhien, he had a smile that had neither mirth nor pleasure in it. Rand had him brought to his army against the Seanchan. Elayne met with Bertome and other Cairhienin nobles; she stripped Elenia, Arymilla and Naean of their titles and properties and offered one to Bertome as part of her plan to take the Sun Throne.
Beryl Marle. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 520 to 533 NE. Beryl was a weak Amyrlin, a compromise candidate chosen after the Hall had deadlocked on others; she turned out to have little interest in the world at all. The Tower’s influence waned considerably during her reign; she was not so much under the control of the Hall as she was willing to let them do whatever they wanted.
Berylla Naron. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah in public and of the Black Ajah in truth. Her strength level was 27(15). Born in 933 NE, she went to the White Tower in 948 NE. After seven years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 960 NE. She was 5'4" tall, and almost scrawny, with black hair and dark brown eyes. She was among the thirteen members of the Black Ajah who fled the Tower. When given orders by Moghedien, she showed little expression.
Beslan Mitsobar. The son of Queen Tylin of Altara. He was 5'10" tall, and slender, with large liquid dark eyes. He and Mat became friends. Beslan swore the oaths when the Seanchan arrived, but he believed an oath taken under duress did not bind, and he created what trouble he could. He was aided in this by his friends, and by Noal Charin. He postponed his rebellion a month and then started it to help cover Mat’s escape. After his mother’s death, Beslan was crowned king. He continued to plot against the Seanchan until Tuon confronted him and convinced him to swear loyalty to her. She then raised him to the High Blood. During the Last Battle, Beslan stayed in Ebou Dar to maintain order there; he was not happy about it, but he acquiesced to Tuon’s wishes.
Bethal. A good-sized town in the south of Ghealdan, close enough to the Amadician border that Whitecloak raids sometimes reached its vicinity. Bethal was walled, with slate roofs and many tall stone buildings owned by merchants or noblemen; the people were apathetic and did not go out much. Perrin, Faile, Berelain, Aiel and their forces camped outside Bethel to see Queen Alliandre of Ghealdan, who had sent Rand a message offering possible support. He sent Berelain and two others to see the Queen and persuade her to pledge support openly. Here also, Perrin saved Morgase, posing as Maighdin, and her party from an attack by the Prophet’s men. Morgase and her group were taken into service by Perrin and Faile. Berelain’s group returned from town with the Queen, who pledged her loyalty. Faile convinced Alliandre to accompany them south, to ensure her loyalty.
Bethamin Zeami. A Seanchan sul’dam. She was about 5'7" tall, with dark, wavy hair worn shoulder-length, and a very dark complexion, as dark as the Sea Folk’s. She also had dark, pleading eyes and filled out the low neckline of an Ebou Dari dress nicely, although she considered those dresses indecent. Bethamin deserted at the Battle of Falme. She was captured and then released by Egeanin, who had been under orders to capture or kill the deserters. A Seeker involved her in a plot to spy on Egeanin, prompting her to escape Ebou Dar with Mat’s group, which included Egeanin and Domon. She continued to travel with Mat and the Band of the Red Hand. At first she behaved as if the Aes Sedai were damane somehow off the leash. She attempted to discipline Joline, Joline channeled to stop her, and Bethamin, fearing for her life, channeled in turn. Thereafter, she was taught about the Power by Joline and, more reluctantly, by Edesina. Teslyn refused to take any part, being quite willing to let Bethamin die. She left the Band of the Red Hand and went to the White Tower with the group that included Teslyn, Joline and Edesina.
Betrayer of Hope. The meaning of “Ishamael.”
Betse Silvin. A serving girl at the Golden Stag, in Maerone, Cairhien. She was short, pretty and slim, with dark curls nestled on her shoulders, and dark eyes. She had a precise, musical Cairhienin accent that made her voice into chimes and gave off a faint smell of lavender-scented soap. Mat flirted with her, and she started asking questions. He persuaded her to dance with him, and taught her a dance from his memories.
Bevaine, Felaana. See Felaana Bevaine
Bhadar, Deepe. See Deepe Bhadar
Bhagad, Sulamein so. Author of The Wheel of Time and Chief Historian at the Court of the Sun in the Fourth Age.
Bhan’sheen. A Trolloc tribe. Its symbol was a dagger-pierced skull.
Bharatine. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 33(21). Born in 921 NE, she went to the White Tower in 936 NE. After nine years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 952 NE. She made rail-thin look gracefully slender and a long nose look elegant. She was a member of Anaiya’s circle fighting the bubble of evil in Salidar. She was also one of the Aes Sedai who crowded into the room after Nynaeve Healed Logain.
Bharatiya, Ivonell. A woman, possibly apocryphal, who supposedly wrote about Darkhounds before the Trolloc Wars. She was cited by Masuri.
Bhoda, Falion. See Falion Bhoda
Bhuran, Narasim. See Narasim Bhuran
Bihara, Nesune. See Nesune Bihara
Bilal, Jesse. See Jesse Bilal
Bili Adarra. A young Two Rivers man. He was a distant cousin of Perrin, and was almost as wide as Perrin but a hand shorter. He was one of the Two Rivers men who went through the aqueduct to enter Malden.
Bili al’Dai. A Two Rivers man, the son of Hu. He joined Perrin’s band and was killed by Trollocs.
Bili Congar. An Emond’s Field man who liked his drink. He once named the Dark One, and soon afterward his fields were infested with cutworm and his household infected with yelloweye fever. He participated in the defense of his town against the Trollocs.
Bili Mandair. A boy born near Dragonmount on the day Gitara had her Foretelling that the Dragon was reborn.
Bili Sidoro. The bouncer at Easing the Badger in Illian. The nephew of the owner, Nieda Sidoro, he was big enough to carry a man out with either hand, and indeed he did when he carried dead Gray Men out two at a time. Nieda said that she did not think he was too bright because he said he had the same dreams she did.
Bili Under the Hill. A children’s tale about a boy who went searching for a purse that was full of gold and received three answers. The next day, he found that ten years had passed.
Binde. An Asha’man with Ituralde in the Last Battle. His madness made him think an enemy was try
ing to take his hands.
binder. A device mentioned by the Forsaken that could control channelers. The one that Caddar (Sammael) gave to Sevanna felt and looked exactly like the Oath Rod, except that the flowing marks on one end were the numerals used in the Age of Legends for “one hundred and eleven,” not the “three” on the Oath Rod. He claimed it would only work on women who could channel, and that it could also be used to release someone from any oaths. Caddar claimed there was a thing called a binding chair which could be used on people who could not channel—if any had survived the Breaking, that is. He told the truth on this.
binding. Use of the Power to assume control over another, such as binding (bonding) a Warder or making another channeler obey. The Forsaken used the term as well to mean controlling the form of another, such as Moghedien saying that she would use a binding that would turn Nynaeve into a horse whenever she entered Tel’aran’rhiod. See also bonding
Biranca Hasad. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.
bird-of-delight. A brilliantly plumaged bird found in Seanchan. Suroth had a robe worked with images of them.
birdcall signals. A series of signals used by Two Rivers combatants that had a variety of meanings:
Bluetit’s trill: A large body of men were coming, not necessarily peaceful.
Crookbill’s trill: Men were coming who were friends.
Larksong: A signal that the Seanchan were leaving the woods.
Mocker’s cry of alarm: Men were coming who were clearly unfriendly.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 16