The Foregate once surrounded the city from riverbank to riverbank. A maze and warren of streets crisscrossing at all angles, it was full of hawkers, peddlers, shopkeepers, barbers, all calling their wares and services. The streets were dirt, and peoples’ clothes were often shabby, but colorful and a mix of clothes from every land. Most buildings here were made of wood; some were seven stories high and swayed slightly. There were many theaters and a constant carnival atmosphere. The Foregate was burned during the siege by the Shaido.
An Illuminator’s chapter house lay not far outside the walls, to the north, until it was destroyed.
Until King Laman cut down Avendoraldera, Cairhien had a land-trade monopoly on silk, brought from Shara along the Silk Path across the Aiel Waste. Cairhien was also known for cheese, producing over one hundred kinds. The nation produced clocks that were among the finest in the world. It was also well known for mirrors and looking glasses, blown glass, rugs, books, wine, linens and lace. Cairhien grew olives and produced olive oil for cooking and lamps.
The Academy of Cairhien was a center of learning and invention established in Lord Barthanes’ palace in the city of Cairhien. Its headmistress was Idrien Tarsin.
Cairhienin. Of Cairhien, both singular and plural.
Cairlyn Nesolle. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). She was born in 936 NE and went to the White Tower in 952 NE. She spent ten years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, and was raised to the shawl in 972 NE. Assigned to the party sent to kidnap Rand, she was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand and had done so before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.
Caisen Hob. The name for Old Hob, or the Dark One, in Shandalle, the place of Artur Hawkwing’s birth.
Cal. A footman in Aesdaishar Palace, Chachin, Kandor. Siuan, as Suki the maid, met with him and tried to canoodle information out of him about Lady Ines Demain. She told him that she had been fired by Moiraine, and he offered to help her get a job with Lady Ines.
Caldazar. The Old Tongue for “Red Eagle.” When Rand was about to meet the Amyrlin for the first time, Lan pinned the red eagle on him, which Rand thought of as Caldazar, the Red Eagle of Manetheren. He wore the pin again later, in an effort to hang on to a part of himself.
Calder, Mistress. A woman in Emond’s Field. Her house survived the Trolloc attack on Winternight, and she housed other people who lost their homes.
Caldevwin, Aldrin. See Aldrin Caldevwin
Caldin. A Goshien Aiel and a member of the Hama N’dore (Mountain Dancer) warrior society. Caldin was graying and leathery; he led the group of Hama N’dore who accompanied Rand as an escort to see the Saldaean horse display outside Caemlyn. On the way back to the city, they were attacked by Whitecloaks.
Calian the Chooser. A Hero of the Horn who wore a red mask. She was the sister of Shivan the Hunter. Having been born again shortly before the Last Battle, she and her brother did not participate as Heroes of the Horn.
Calindin. A Taraboner Accepted among the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 31(19). Born in 960 NE, she went to the White Tower in 977 NE. After twelve years as a novice, she was raised Accepted in 989 NE. In Salidar she shared a house with Nynaeve and Elayne. She had to struggle for everything she learned, but she easily entered the circle led by Anaiya the night the bubble of evil struck.
Calison. A member of the Queen’s Guard. He brought word to Kaila of the Queen’s Guard of an intruder at the Plum Gate of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.
Callandor. A male sa’angreal that was also known as The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the Sword That Cannot Be Touched. According to the Prophecies of the Dragon, one of the major signs of the Dragon’s Rebirth and the approach of Tarmon Gai’don would be the Dragon Reborn taking Callandor. Constructed during the War of Power, toward the end of the technological age, it was considered one of the most powerful devices ever made in the Age of Legends. A manufacturing flaw was discovered when it was used during the War of Power; it lacked a buffer, which made it possible to draw too much of the One Power while using the item. It was housed in the Stone of Tear until Rand removed it; he later replaced it. Narishma fetched it for Rand, and Rand used it against the Seanchan, in the process killing some of his own men. At the cleansing of the taint, Jahar Narishma, in a circle with Merise and Elza, used Callandor in defense against the Forsaken. Cadsuane took it to retired sisters she trusted for more study. Rand retrieved it, and used it to great effect in the Last Battle, subduing the Dark One and resealing him by forging a shield on the Bore from the True and One Powers, channeled through Callandor.
callbox. A small gray cube that Sammael, posing as Caddar, gave to Sevanna to summon him.
Calle Coplin. A roundheels from Emond’s Field. As many merchant guards knew her birthmark as knew her face. Faile chased her away with a stick when she flirted with Perrin.
Callie. A Wise Woman in Ebou Dar. She was put out of the Tower in 995 NE and tried to take a ter’angreal with her. She also tried to find out other novices’ secrets. She was captured by Ispan and Falion, questioned about a stash of objects of the One Power and murdered.
Callswell, Lord. A Domani lord to whom Ramshalan boasted he could manipulate Rand.
calma. A ruffled, tall shrub having big red or white blossoms.
Calpene Peninsula. A peninsula on the west side of Tanchico in Tarabon, one of the three peninsulas on Tanchico Bay.
Calwyn Sutoma. An Ebou Dari bellfounder. Cadaverous, with long black hair, he had a commission from Suroth.
Camaelaine, Marithelle. See Marithelle Camaelaine
Camaille Nolaisen. A young Cairhienin member of Cha Faile and Barmanes’ sister. She was about 5'2" tall, with dark eyes, dark hair worn in a long, mannish cut and tied back at the nape of the neck with a dark ribbon. She was one of those who kept some feminine touches even in men’s clothing. Faile considered that Camaille and Arrela had the quickest minds in the bunch, though Parelean and Selande were brighter. She was not one of those sent into Bethal.
Camar. A man of the Bent Peak sept of the Daryne Aiel, and a leader of Seia Doon. Rangy, gray-haired and half a head taller than Rand, he led a contingent of two hundred Seia Doon on Rand’s visit to the Sea Folk.
Cambral, Naorisa. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. She was chosen to replace Delana in the rebel Hall of the Tower.
Caminelle, Sheraine. See Sheraine Caminelle
camp fever. A fever that hawkers claimed could be cured with an ointment they were selling.
Camrin, Master. An Altaran lacquerware merchant who played a long-popular dice game called Match, a version of Piri, in The White Ring, an inn in Maderin, Altara.
Camron Caan. A fortress in Shienar. Camron Caan was one of the armies that was going to join Agelmar at the battle at Tarwin’s Gap while Rand went to see the Green Man.
Can Breat, the. A place name used in an expression to indicate an impossible alternative: “or I’ll be buried in ___.”
Canaire’somelle. An Ogier-built city in Jaramide, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Candeiar. A member of the Children of the Light who acted as a healer. He tended to Galad’s injuries.
Candraed, Danine. See Danine Candraed
Candwin clan. A family from Two Rivers. See Ailys, Darea and Eward Candwin
Canford, Adine. See Adine Canford
Caniedrin. A Kandori soldier who was in Lan’s company at the end of the Aiel War. Though young, he was an efficient and experienced soldier, an archer of rare skill, a cheerful killer who often laughed while he fought. He was paid ten Cairhien gold crowns to kill Moiraine and Lan. He was told to kill her first, but he shot Lan, allowing Moiraine to block further arrows and tie him up in Air. Ryne and Bukama each hit him with an arrow, and he died.
Canin. The captain of the Darter on the River Erinin. Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne boarded his ship in Jurene and traveled on it to
Canler, Taril. See Taril Canler
Canluum. A city of hills in Kandor. High gray walls surrounded the town. A drymoat surrounded Canluum’s wall, fifty paces wide and ten deep, spanned by five broad stone bridges with towers at either end as tall as those that lined the wall itself. The Red Stag of Lord Marcasiev waved above every tower. Canluum was made of stone and brick, its paved streets twisting around tall hills. Marcasiev’s palace sat on the highest hill in the city, Stag’s Stand. Gemstones mined in the surrounding hills made Canluum wealthy. And, strangely enough, Canluum had some of the finest clockmakers anywhere. The streets teemed with activity. No palaces rose in the hollows toward the north wall, only shops and taverns, inns and stables and wagon yards. Bustle surrounded the factors’ long warehouses, but no carriages came to the Deeps, and most streets were barely wide enough for carts. They were just as jammed with people as the wide ways, though, and every bit as noisy. Here, the inns were slate-roofed cubes of gray stone with bright signs out front. Bukama and Lan, having been in the south fighting the Aiel, were on their way north again to the Blight, and stopped over in Canluum. Lan was attacked by six men here, whom he killed. Still looking for the mother of the Dragon Reborn, Moiraine went to Canluum to interview Jurine Najima. At her inn, Moiraine ran across Merean, Larelle and Cadsuane. The latter ordered the other two to accompany Moiraine to Chachin, and Moiraine slipped away. While still in Canluum, Moiraine made contact with Siuan, and learned from her that all the sisters who had been hunting for the Dragon Reborn were dead.
Cantoine, Stedding. A stedding located just north of the River Iralell.
Cantorin. One of the Aile Somera, a chain of Sea Folk islands west of Toman Head. It was also the name of the main harbor on the island. Suroth consolidated the Seanchan forces there after their defeat at Falme. Sailmistress Coine told Nynaeve that it was one of her destinations.
Canvele. A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light. After Niall’s death, he sided with Asunawa, believing that Morgase should be given to the Questioners because the law must be obeyed. But Valda wanted Morgase kept alive until she turned Andor over to the Whitecloaks. In a show of strength, Valda brought half a legion into the Fortress of the Light, and Canvele switched his allegiance to Valda.
capar. An animal resembling a large, hairy boar with a pointed snout and toes with claws. It came from the Aiel Waste.
Captain-General. 1) The name for the head of the Green Ajah in the White Tower. At the time of the Tower split, Adelorna Bastine held this position in the White Tower and Myrelle Berengari held it among the rebels. 2) The head of the Queen’s Guards in Caemlyn. This position was held for many years by Gareth Bryne; Rahvin took his place, and Birgitte Trahelion followed him. 3) A Seanchan officer rank, highest in the Ever Victorious Army except for the Marshal-General, the leader in wartime. A Captain-General commanded a Great Legion, made of a variable number of legions, and wore five thin plumes. It was the rank held by Kennar Miraj. 4) A rank in the Band of the Red Hand.
Captain of the Air. Also known as Air-Captain, the rank of the commanding general of an army’s or a Great Legion’s fliers. It was a temporary rank given to a Lieutenant-General or Banner-General of the Air.
Captain of the Gold. The rank of a Seanchan who commanded a fleet of ships. A Captain of the Gold wore three golden plumes and ranked with a Captain-General.
Captain of the Green. The rank of a Seanchan who commanded a greatship or a small squadron of ships. A Captain of the Green wore three green plumes and ranked with a Banner-General.
Captain of the Lance. Also known as Lance-Captain, it was the Seanchan rank of the commanding general of an army’s or Great Legion’s cavalry. It was a temporary rank given to a Lieutenant-General or Banner-General.
Captain of the Seas. A Seanchan temporary rank given to a Captain of the Gold. The Captain of the Seas was in command of combined fleets and ranked with a Marshal-General.
Captain of the Silver. The rank of a Seanchan who commanded a large squadron. A Captain of the Silver wore three white plumes and ranked with a Lieutenant-General.
Captain of the Spear. Also known as Spear-Captain, it was the Seanchan rank of the commanding general of an army’s or Great Legion’s infantry. It was a temporary rank given to a Lieutenant-General or Banner-General.
Car’a’carn. An Aiel title meaning “chief of chiefs.” According to the Prophecy of Rhuidean, the Car’a’carn would be born of a Maiden and come with the dawn from Rhuidean to unite the Aiel and destroy them, all but a remnant of a remnant. The Car’a’carn would be marked with red and gold dragons on both arms. He was not the equivalent of a king, but was more of a first among equals.
Cara. An Andoran maid serving Tairen Lady Alteima while Alteima was in Caemlyn.
Carahuin. An Aiel Maiden of the Spear with flaxen hair, sapphire blue eyes and a rough sense of humor. After Dumai’s Wells, she sent a naked Shaido woman, a gai’shain, ostensibly to ask whether Perrin wanted water, but actually to see if he would react to the gai’shain’s nudity.
Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar! Ancient battle cries of Manetheren meaning “For the honor of the Red Eagle! For the Red Eagle!”
Carai an Ellisande! An ancient battle cry of Manetheren meaning “For the honor of the Rose of the Sun!”
Caraighan Maconar. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah with a strength level of 3(+10), born circa 212 AB. She was legendary, the heroine of a hundred adventures and exploits that even some Aes Sedai considered improbable despite their inclusion in the records of the White Tower. She supposedly single-handedly put down a rebellion in Mosadorin and quelled the Comaidin Riots at a time when she had no Warders. She once brought a man who could channel nearly two thousand miles to the Tower by herself; that man intended to proclaim himself the Dragon Reborn and was very strong. She had to sneak up on him when he was already wary (he had killed her two Warders), shield him while he was asleep and struggle to keep him shielded the whole way to Tar Valon. She was considered by the Green Ajah to be the archetype of a Green sister.
Caralain. One of the twenty-four nations wrung from Artur Hawkwing’s empire during the War of the Hundred Years. It weakened thereafter, and the last traces vanished around 500 NE.
Caralain Grass. The grassy plain north of Andor and south of the Black Hills.
Caralin. Lord Bryne’s estate manager. She was slim, about the same age as Bryne, and had sharp dark eyes. When he returned home after having been dismissed by Morgase, Caralin introduced a succession of pretty farmgirls into the manor to make the Lord’s bed, all eager to comfort him in any other way he might desire as well. She wanted Leane brought back for that very purpose, thinking there would be nothing like a young Domani woman to pull him out of his funk.
Caraline Damodred. A Cairhienin noblewoman, High Seat of her House and cousin to Moiraine, to whom she bore a remarkable physical resemblance. Her voice was distinctly different, though—low, husky and sultry. She was about 5'3" tall, and slender, with large dark eyes and dark hair in waves to her shoulders. She was Barthanes’ heir and one of the leaders of the rebellion against Rand. Rand and Min met her as they approached the rebel camp; Min viewed her as fated to marry Lord Darlin. She and Darlin escaped the bubble of evil with Rand and Cadsuane; Cadsuane held them as “guests,” but Dobraine freed them. They went to Tear, where they reached an accommodation with Rand. She was willing to accept Elayne as queen of Cairhien.
Carand. A powerful noble House in Andor; Lady Aemlyn, wife of Culhan, was its High Seat. Its sign was the Arrows. See also Aemlyn and Culhan Carand
cards. There were five suits in the deck: Cups, Rods, Coins, Winds and Flames. The ruler was high, the fool low, in each suit. Who was depicted as what in each suit depended on the country. In the Tairen deck, a High Lord was the Ruler of Cups, the highest suit, while the King of Illian was the Fool of Flames, the lowest. Allied or friendly rulers of countries were generally Rulers of the various other suits. In a Tairen deck, the First of Mayene was sometimes the Rul
er of Flames, sometimes the Fool of Cups, and sometimes her face was on both. In every country except Amadicia, the Amyrlin Seat was one of the rulers; there she was the Fool of Flames. There were ten numbered cards—the numbers usually represented only by the number of symbols on them—in each suit, making a total of twelve cards to a suit and sixty cards in the deck. The cards were made of stiff paper, sometimes varnished.
Careane Fransi. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. She was part of the rebel contingent; her strength level was 27(15). Born in 910 NE, she went to the White Tower in 926 NE. After twelve years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 949 NE. Her Warders were Venr Kosaan, Tavan Shandare and Cieryl Arjuna; only Venr was a Darkfriend. She was 5'5½" tall, and bulky, though she was muscular rather than stout. She had coppery skin, dark hair and dark eyes. Careane was sent to Ebou Dar as part of the rebel embassy to Tylin; there, she served as the Seat of Pardon at Elayne’s trial for approaching the Kin. She went from Ebou Dar to the Kin’s farm with Elayne, and then traveled with her to Caemlyn. Careane accompanied Elayne to Full Moon Street in the search for members of the Black Ajah, and when Elayne’s group was captured, Marillin identified Careane as Black Ajah. Vandene then stabbed and killed Careane before being killed by Chesmal.
Caredwain, Mother. A healer in Tremonsien, Cairhien.
Careen. An Aiel Maiden of the Spear. She was one of the Maidens guarding Rand in the Stone of Tear. After his fight with his mirror images, Careen went to bring Moiraine to him.
Carel, Anaiya. See Anaiya Carel
Carelle. A Wise One of the Daryne Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 18(6). She had fiery red hair, a freckled face and piercing blue eyes, and was about 5'9" tall. She appeared to be about the same age as Perrin, but was in fact fifteen years or more older. She looked as if she ought to have had a temper, but seemed to be very mild-mannered—for a Wise One, anyway. Carelle and other Wise Ones were sent with Perrin to Ghealdan, to keep an eye on Seonid and Masuri; she watched Seonid in particular. She went to battle against the Shaido at Malden. Carelle assisted in the forging of Perrin’s Power-wrought hammer, Mah’alleinir.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 21