Careme Mowly. The Murandian mother of the girl Ellya, who was identified in a census of newborns being conducted by Accepted under Tamra’s orders in the search for the Dragon Reborn.
Caren Endelle. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 37(25). She was part of the expedition to kidnap Rand; she escaped with Covarla.
Carenna. An Aes Sedai of the rebel contingent. She went to the White Tower at age seventeen, spent thirteen years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, and was raised to the shawl at forty-one. Upon learning of the eavesdropping weave that Nynaeve had from Moghedien, Carenna said it made her think of how to adapt it for another supposedly new weave, which turned out to be a way to talk to someone two or more miles away. With inverted weaves, that weave was very secure. Elayne was suspicious of how quickly she came up with this.
Caressing the Child. A weave used by Aiel Wise Ones to determine the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus. While being used, the weave also had the ability to cure minor problems.
Carewin Damodred. Moiraine’s great-grandmother and a queen of Cairhien. She ruled for more than fifty years; in her reign, Cairhien grew rich and fought few wars. She was not a nice woman, though; many years later her name was still used to frighten children.
Cargomaster. An individual who worked with the Sailmistress aboard an Atha’an Miere ship, managing trade and defense. He wore three earrings in each ear. The Cargomaster was sometimes married to the Sailmistress.
Cariandre Temalien. A Ghealdanin Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 35(23). She was born in 932 NE, the daughter of a shoemaker, and went to the White Tower in 947 NE. After thirteen years as a novice and twelve years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 972 NE. Plump, full-bosomed and 5'5" tall, she was good-looking, though not a beauty. She had dark eyes and dark hair which she wore cut rather short, exposing most of her ears. Her complexion was quite pale. She cultivated a cool, reserved air—the sort of attitude she imagined a noblewoman would have—but she possessed a temper which sometimes got her into trouble. She snapped at people she shouldn’t have, such as sisters who stood above her, and when angry said things better left unsaid. Cariandre was raised Aes Sedai after Moiraine and Siuan were entered as novices, and she had some jealousy of their potential, and later of their swift rise. Cariandre took part in the male channeler pogrom, sometimes called “the great work” by very hardcore Reds, but her enthusiasm waned quickly. It had seemed a great idea at first, but then she found herself killing men, and even boys, on suspicion. Increasingly, she hung back and did nothing she could avoid. She did as she was told, however. She was one of Mattin Stepaneos’ frequent escorts in the Tower, and also stood watch on Egwene.
Carilo. A Warder attached to one of the Aes Sedai who kidnapped Rand. He guarded the tent where Min was held captive.
Carin, Mistress. A dark and grim-faced serving woman in the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar, short of her middle years. She wore a marriage knife. Mat was handed over to her when he visited the Tarasin Palace by the front door. She was the third of seven servants that Mat encountered in that visit, each one a little older and more senior than the one before.
Carivin, Boreane. See Boreane Carivin
Carleon. A High Lord of Tear. He had graying hair, a pointed beard and a thick body. Self-effacing around Rand, he was part of the group that Rand chastised for not obeying his orders to lower taxes, deal with Mayene and ship grain to Illian. He thought that there were too many farmers, because the granaries held more grain than needed—Cairhien was no longer buying grain from them, being temporarily engaged in civil war. Rand was frustrated with Carleon’s and others’ ignorance of how farming and agricultural commerce were conducted. Carleon was Alteima’s lover, and Thom forged a compromising note to be found by her husband Tedosian. Carleon was killed by Tedosian, in what was said to be a hunting accident.
Carlin. Perrin’s uncle, the husband of Neain, who died before Perrin left Emond’s Field with Moiraine.
Carlinya Sorevin. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 15(3). Born in 954 NE, she went to the White Tower in 969 NE. After five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 979 NE. Carlinya had no Warder. She was 5'5" tall, with pale skin, dark hair and brown eyes. She was of moderate build, neither slender nor stout. After her hair was burned in a nightmare in Tel’aran’rhiod, she wore it cut short.
Carlinya had a cold manner. As a novice and Accepted, she committed a minor offense once a month in an effort to convince her fellows that she was not a prig. She was very strong in logic, but weak in common sense.
Carlinya was a member of Sheriam’s council in Salidar, which ran everything until the selection of a rebel Hall of the Tower and the ascension of Lelaine and Romanda removed the council’s power, if not entirely its influence. Egwene used her knowledge of the ferrets who had been sent to the White Tower by the council without the knowledge of the Hall (because of fear that some of the rebel Hall might be Black Ajah) as leverage to make Carlinya swear personal fealty to her.
Carlinya was killed in Tel’aran’rhiod at the White Tower by the forces of the Shadow.
Carlomin. A young Tairen nobleman, tall and slender, with a dark, luxuriant pointed beard. He had a sardonic humor, smoked a pipe and with others played cards with Mat in the Stone, becoming frightened when Mat’s cards came to life and attacked him. He later joined Mat’s Band of the Red Hand and became an officer leading the Fourth Squadron, which was known as Carlomin’s Leopards.
Carlomin’s Leopards. The informal name of the Fourth Squadron of Mat’s Band of the Red Hand.
Carlon Belcelona. A Tairen member of Cha Faile. He had a long nose and a narrow chin. Perrin thought he probably regretted shaving his beard, which the Tairens in the group did to emulate the Aiel.
Carlya. Elaida’s maid.
Carlys Ankerin. An Andoran noblewoman and High Seat of her lesser House. She had curly gray hair, an open face and a devious mind. Carlys opposed Morgase and was pardoned for it afterward. She was one of Gaebril’s sycophants and loyal to Elenia Sarand when Elenia declared for the Lion Throne. Her sign was paired white leopards.
Carmera. A place where Carridin’s sister Vanora lived; she liked to ride in a forest nearby.
Carn. One of Bayle Domon’s crewmen on the Spray. Yarin, whose room had been broken into, reported Carn dead, having been worked over with knives in Illian. This was about the time Domon had accepted money and a sealed parchment from Cairhienin men in Illian; the sealed parchment was a signed death warrant from King Galldrian.
carneira. The term for a Malkieri’s first lover.
Carnel, Aravine. See Aravine Carnel
Carniele Emares. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). She was 5'6½" tall, with a medium build. She had a fair complexion for a Tairen, blue eyes and black hair. Carniele was part of the Black Tower expedition under Toveine Gazal and was captured and bonded by an Asha’man. After Toveine was roughed up by the other sisters, who blamed her for their capture, Logain had Carniele Heal Toveine’s welts and bruises.
Carney. The captain of the Bluewing, the ship young Moiraine took passage on when sneaking out of Tar Valon.
Carpan girls. Females from an earlier Age who were apparently noted for their impulsivity and lack of common sense. Birgitte referred to them in an expression directed at Nynaeve, who had run ahead impulsively when they left Valan Luca’s show: “women who rushed off like Carpan girls leaping from a river cliff.”
Carridin, Dealda. Jaichim Carridin’s youngest sister. She was taken from her bridal feast by a Myrddraal to punish Jaichim for his failures.
Carridin, Jaichim. See Jaichim Carridin
Carridin, Vanora. See Vanora Carridin
Cary, River. A river flowing south between Four Kings and Caemlyn, through Carysford and into the River Manetherend
Caryla, Mistress. An alias used by Elayne while traveling between Cairhien and Tear, aboard the Darter.
Carysford. A village in Andor on the River Cary, halfway between Market Sheran and Caemlyn on the Caemlyn Road, two days from Caemlyn. Carysford had neat, vine-covered brick houses and narrow lanes, except for the Caemlyn Road itself, and was quiet and outwardly peaceful. The River Cary was a bare thirty paces wide there. The ford had long ago been bridged over, and its stone abutments were well worn, as were the wooden planks of the bridge. Rand and Mat passed through the village on their way to Caemlyn.
Casalain, Endara. Artur Hawkwing’s governor in the province of Andor. Her daughter Ishara was the first queen of Andor.
Casban, Galina. See Galina Casban
Caseille Raskovni. An Arafellin woman who was a merchant’s guard for nearly twenty years, which made her a rarity of rarities. She was about 5'6" tall, with dark eyes, a narrow face and dark hair cut off above the shoulder and tied back with a black ribbon. She had rather mannish mannerisms, and a brisk way of talking; she seemed tightly coiled. She was not young, but was as lean and hard as any Maiden. Caseille’s accents were not those of a cultured or educated woman, but they were brisk and no-nonsense.
She became an under-lieutenant in the Queen’s Guards and part of Elayne’s female bodyguard. She was reticent about her past; Birgitte thought she was a natural bannerman, though Elayne wanted her to command, saying a bannerman could handle twenty or so, the number she hoped to hold the bodyguard to. When Doilin Mellar (aka Daved Hanlon) was named captain, Caseille was appointed his second. She later became a lieutenant, with two knots of rank.
Casolan, Salindi. An Aes Sedai Sitter who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.
Cassin. A Goshien Aiel of the Aethan Dor warrior society with yellow hair who stood an inch taller than Rand. He guarded Rand in Caemlyn and was with him when Rand went to meet Elder Haman, Covril and Erith.
Cassin, Romanda. See Romanda Cassin
Cat Dancer. Lan’s horse at the time he met Moiraine.
Cat’s Paw. A dice game. There was one dicer, with a crowd of onlookers betting against or for his tosses. In other lands it was called Third Gem and Feathers Aloft.
Catala Lucanvalle. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 197 to 223 NE. Catala was strong, though not as strong as her predecessor; she was, however, even more arrogant. Catala did not die while Amyrlin, though this was put about; she resigned, supposedly of her own free will, and went into retirement. This was the result of one of those rebellions buried in the Tower’s secret histories. Approximately half the Hall was forced to follow Catala into retirement, though not all of them were kept under guard. Catala was guarded until she died in 250 NE.
Catalyn Haevin. A young Andoran who was High Seat of House Haevin. Her House sign was the Blue Bear. She was born circa 985 NE. She had dark eyes, plump cheeks and a cool face, and was one of four young nobles Dyelin brought to help Elayne win the throne. The others were Perival Mantear, Branlet Gilyard and Conail Northan. Her contingent, twelve hundred men, was the largest by far among the four, which totaled over three thousand men, mainly crossbowmen and halberdmen. Though she had a good mind, Catalyn’s abrasive manners dissuaded most people from wanting to spend much time with her. Dyelin took her under her wing; Catalyn started showing respect but a certain amount of wariness toward Dyelin after she began sharing a bed with her and Sergase. She was fascinated by Aviendha and wanted to be taught to use a spear.
Catelar, Clan. One of the Atha’an Miere clans.
catfern. An acrid herbal concoction that was administered to those who lied. It was powdered for use in tea with powdered mavinsleaf. When the powder was boiled in water, it produced a sickly, green liquid.
Cathal Devore. A Ghealdanin Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 942 NE, she went to the White Tower in 957 NE. After nine years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 974 NE. She had a Cairhienin Warder, a man in his forties who was only 5'8" tall, though muscular and wide in the shoulders for his height. He looked after her when she was absentminded with an amused sort of affection, like a brother. On the surface Cathal seemed rather shy and retiring, as dreamy as any Brown—somewhat diffident, at least for an Aes Sedai. She often seemed easily startled, as if pulled from a waking dream.
Cathal was tall for a woman at about 5'9" to 5'10", and she was lanky and bony in build. She was awkward, physically, often dropping things. She had dark brown hair that she wore drawn back with combs, and hazel eyes. She blinked a great deal, as if she could not understand. In fact, she was a keen observer with an analytical mind—at least, when she had a reason to be interested in what was going on—and not nearly so retiring and half-asleep as she seemed. She could recall every word she heard, word for word, even after a considerable time, a gift useful mainly when she could not take notes right away. She was a historian, with possibly as wide a knowledge of false Dragons as anyone living at the time, perhaps wider than anyone else.
Cathal was raised Accepted the year before Elaida came to the Tower, and she watched Elaida rise through novice and Accepted to become Aes Sedai a year ahead of her. She had no jealousy of Elaida’s advancement, or not a great deal, but she disliked her personally; on the other hand, she was somewhat in awe of Elaida and, in a way, afraid of her. Cathal was Accepted over Moiraine and Siuan from their arrival late in 972 NE until she was raised Aes Sedai in 974 NE. She took pride in their quick advancement, because she did part of their training. She was uncertain about Siuan being raised Amyrlin so young, but she supposed the Hall must know what it was doing. Her uncertainty was well known, however. Unlike many Browns, though, she paid close attention to political matters, and felt that the deposing of Siuan clearly amounted to a coup. She was part of the rebel fifth column (aka ferrets) sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower. Like all of the sisters chosen for the ferrets, Cathal was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. Cathal was coopted by Seaine and Pevara to aid in their search for the Black Ajah.
Catlynde Artein. An Aes Sedai Sitter who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.
Catrelle Mosenain. An ironmonger’s daughter from Maerone whom Daved Hanlon murdered and threw down a well after she disclosed that he had impregnated her.
Catrine. A serving girl at The Nine Rings in Tremonsien. She dropped a lamp when Captain Caldevwin asked Selene her name, afterward speaking of a sudden twinge in her arm.
Catrona. A Seanchan sul’dam with Tuon, black-skinned and pretty, though her face was normally stern. She held Mylen’s leash. She could smile for a damane that pleased her, though, and she wasn’t cruel or harsh in behavior. As part of Karede’s group she searched for Tuon when she was missing. When Min went to the Seanchan camp during the Last Battle, Catrona led her to Tuon.
Causeway, Altara. A wide, packed dirt road leading from Illian to roads reaching Altara and Murandy. It lay on the other side of the River Manetherendrelle and was reached by ferry.
Causeway, Maredo. A wide, packed-dirt road that led two miles north out of Illian through the marshes that surrounded the city. The road continued in an easterly direction toward Tear.
Causeway of the Northern Star. A wide, packed-dirt road, broken by flat stone bridges, that led directly north from Illian through the marshes that surrounded the city.
Cauthon clan. A family in Emond’s Field. See Abell, Bodewhin, Eldrin, Matrim and Natti Cauthon
Cavan Lopar. The rotund innkeeper of The White Crescent in Tear. He suggested that Mat take Thom to Mother Guenna for his cough.
Cavandra. An Aes Sedai of the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 31(19). She was advisor to Queen Tylin in Ebou Dar, and had been so to Tylin’s father when he was ki
ng. She had limited influence, since she had been advisor to a minor throne for so long. She returned to the White Tower upon receiving Elaida’s summons following the schism there.
Ceandevin, Merilille. See Merilille Ceandevin
Cedora. Reanne Corly’s serving woman at the Kin house in Ebou Dar. She had graying hair, a square jaw, shoulders like a blacksmith and a steely eye.
Ceiline Noreman. The wife of a trader killed in Canluum, Kandor. The trader had been guarded by Ryne Venamar.
Cein. The wife of Thom Merrilin’s nephew, Owyn.
Celebrain. A Guardswoman in Elayne’s bodyguard who accepted a suicide mission to protect Elayne when Demandred announced his intent to hunt Elayne on the Field of Merrilor in the Last Battle. Birgitte rode off with Elayne in one direction; Celebrain, carrying Elayne’s banner, rode off in another.
Celark. A Youngling who wished to join the Tower Guard. He assisted Gawyn in fighting the Bloodknives, and was killed.
Celestin Eguilera. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 19(7). Born in 960 NE, she went to the White Tower in 976 NE. After five years as a novice and four as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 986 NE. Celestin was about 5'6" tall, with a somewhat supercilious manner. Her hair was black and straight, worn above the shoulder at a length that suggested she couldn’t decide whether to wear it long or short. Her eyes were gray, though they seemed almost pale blue at times. Her nose was perhaps a little too prominent; it made her seem to be looking down on people; then again, perhaps she was. She was part of the rebel fifth column (aka ferrets) sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower. Like all of the sisters chosen for the ferrets, Celestin was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. Celestin was coopted by Seaine and Pevara to aid in their search for the Black Ajah.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 22