Davian. A false Dragon who could channel. His last name was never discovered. Before his rise, Davian was a moderately common name for men; after, it was believed to have been almost five hundred years before anyone again gave that name to a child. The most reliable sources say that he declared himself on the second day of the Feast of Lights, the first day of the year of FY 351, and was allegedly killed on the first day of the Feast of Lights, the last day of FY 351. Some considered this suspicious symmetry even more suspect than that reported around Yurian Stonebow. Other sources, less often quoted and widely disputed for reasons that have nothing to do with Davian, placed his date of declaration in FY 350, as early as the spring, and the date of his demise as late as 352, well into fall or even early winter. No two of these disputed sources agreed on the dates, however. Although his cause swept through the nations like wildfire almost overnight, with riots in every major city, several of which were seized in his name, the rebellion lasted less than a year before he was assassinated by one of his advisors, who wanted to take his place. With Davian’s death, the rebellion died out, yet in its short span it managed to seize control of two countries and involve most nations in riots as well as in sending troops against him.
Daviena. An Aiel Wise One with the ability to channel and a strength level of 30(18). She had green eyes and reddish-yellow hair. Following Dumai’s Wells, she had to link with Losaine to shield Turanna, one of the sisters who had kidnapped Rand, after Verin finished questioning her.
Davies, Lord. An Andoran nobleman who sided with Jarid Sarand. Faced with Jarid’s growing insanity, Lord Davies and Jarid’s other men rebelled against Jarid, tied him to a tree and went off to fight in the Last Battle.
Davindra. A noblewoman in Ebou Dar. Beslan killed her husband, Nevin, in a duel and, per custom, had to pay a condolence call to Davindra. Tylin advised him to keep it short so that he wouldn’t end up comforting her and having to marry her or kill her brothers.
Davram t’Ghaline Bashere. Lord of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona, Guardian of the Blightborder, Defender of the Heartland, Marshal-General to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea, and her uncle and heir. He was considered one of the five great captains. The sign of House Bashere was three kingspennies on a field of blue. Davram was married to Deira; their children were Faile, Maedin and at least two other sons, who died. When Faile married, he became father-in-law to Perrin. Bashere was about 5'7" tall, and slender, with a hooked beak of a nose on a dark face and nearly black tilted eyes. Gray streaked his black hair and thick mustaches like down-curved horns wrapped around his wide mouth. His sword was ring-quilloned with a curved serpentine blade. He brought nine thousand Saldaean light cavalry to Caemlyn for Rand’s use. Bashere’s continued absence from Saldaea after being sent to find Taim put him at odds with his queen, Tenobia. He trained the Legion of the Dragon, many of whom came from Black Tower recruiting parties, and with Mat’s help developed them into a sizable infantry force, fielding fifteen thousand of them in the Illianer campaign in addition to his crack Saldaean cavalry. Bashere was one of the leaders in Rand’s campaign against the Seanchan, and was forced to tackle Rand when Rand lost control of Callandor and began killing their own troops. He continued to be of great help to Rand, negotiating with the Seanchan and addressing problems in Arad Doman. His army was part of the rescue of Ituralde’s army at the battle of Maradon. In the Last Battle, Bashere commanded Elayne’s troops as they faced the Shadowspawn in Andor and Cairhien. Graendal laid Compulsion on him so that he would be strategically ineffectual, which would have destroyed their army at the city of Cairhien. Tam and Talmanes knew that Bashere had been compromised, and he was removed from command. After Tenobia died in battle, Bashere became king of Saldaea, but he refused the crown, shaken by having his mind tampered with. He and his wife were later killed in battle at the Field of Merrilor.
Dawlin Armaghn. An Andoran man who was High Seat of a minor House that supported Naean. His sign was the Oak and Axe.
Dawlish. A family in Caemlyn. See Jaem and Melfane Dawlish
Dawn, Cliffs of. See Cliffs of Dawn
Dawn Runners. An Aiel warrior society, also known as Rahien Sorei.
Dawn Wind. Elenia Sarand’s long-legged bay horse.
Dawn’s Gate, Generals of. A group of seventeen generals who swore fealty to Lews Therin in the Age of Legends.
Dawnweave. Ituralde’s white gelding, a warhorse that was a gift from one of his men. He died in the fighting at Maradon.
Dawtry, Jaim. See Jaim Dawtry
Day of Reflection. See High Chasaline
Day of Repentance. A feast observed in Cairhien on the day of the first half moon after High Chasaline. It was a day of especial somberness during which no food or drink was taken between sunrise and sunset. The first meal of the day was always bitter bread and water tinged with herbs to make it bitter as well. It was believed to be in some way a reaction to the excesses of the Feast of Lights in Cairhien, though any connection was certainly never mentioned.
Day of Return. A day awaited by the Forsaken when the Dark One would be released from the Bore to rule the world.
Daylight. Faile’s horse.
Dead Man’s Breath, The. A tavern in Caemlyn, owned by Bernherd. Mat diced there and learned of the gholam’s activities in Caemlyn.
Dead Sea, the. A body of water off the west coast of the Blight, north of the Aryth Ocean and the peninsula formed by the Mountains of Dhoom.
Deain. The Aes Sedai inventor of the a’dam in Seanchan. She created it to curry favor with Luthair but was herself leashed; her screams were said to shake the Towers of Midnight.
Dealda Carridin. Jaichim Carridin’s youngest sister. She was taken from her bridal feast by a Myrddraal to punish her brother for his failures.
Dealings with the Territory of Mayene, 500 to 750 of the New Era. A tattered leather volume that Egwene moved from a chair while visiting with Rand in Tear. Rand studied it and learned of the red doorframe ter’angreal in the Stone of Tear.
Deane Aryman. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Born circa FY 920 in Salidar, Eharon, she went to the White Tower in FY 934. After spending five years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in FY 943. She was raised to the Amyrlin Seat circa FY 992. At the time of her selection, she was the youngest woman who had ever been raised Amyrlin. She saved the White Tower from the damage done by Bonwhin in attempting to control Artur Hawkwing and was credited with convincing Souran Maravaile to raise the siege of Tar Valon (which had begun in FY 975) at Hawkwing’s death. Deane restored the Tower’s prestige, and it is believed that at the time of her death in FY 1084, in a fall from a horse, she was on the point of convincing the nobles warring over the remains of Hawkwing’s empire to accept the leadership of the White Tower as means of restoring unity to the land.
Dearn. A family in the Two Rivers. See Athan Dearn and Laila Dearn Lewin
Death of Ten Thousand Tears. A particularly horrible method of execution for those who displeased the Empress of Seanchan.
Deathgates. The weave for a gateway, Spirit touched with Fire, with added touches of Earth, causing them to open and shut continuously, slicing anything in their path. Deathgates were useful in fighting Trollocs; if the gateway didn’t slice the Trolloc, passing through the gateway would kill it.
deathshead mushroom. A poisonous mushroom.
deathswarm. Insects in the Blight that swarmed and killed.
Deathwatch Guard. The personal guard of the Seanchan Imperial Family, composed of both humans and Ogier. Each human member of the Deathwatch Guard was da’covale, marked with the ravens on his shoulders as property of the Crystal Throne. They took pride in that marking and flaunted their ravens. Ogier members were called Gardeners. Deathwatch armor was painted red-and-green, and they carried what appeared to be black tasseled spears and black-lacquered shields. The black was actually a very dark green, and the Guard themselves thought of it as green. They served as protectors of the Empress, the Empress’s family and those appointed
personal representatives of the Empress. The Deathwatch Guard were considered the elite troops, the best shock soldiers, in fact the best soldiers overall, in the Ever Victorious Army. They would kill or die with equal fervor, whichever was necessary.
Deborsha, Falin. An Ebou Dari merchant, possibly fictional, with whom Basel Gill claimed to be dealing when he was questioned by Galad.
Decume, Latra Posae. See Latra Posae Decume
Dedicated. The second rank of the Asha’man, above soldier and below full Asha’man. A Dedicated wore a silver sword on the collar of his black coat.
Dedric. A man of the Jaern Rift Codarra Aiel and the Aethan Dor society. He was about 6'4" tall and had yellow hair. He and Jalani acted as Rand’s guards on a trip to visit Herid Fel. He had eyes for Jalani, and she for him.
Deepe Bhadar. An Andoran Asha’man with Ituralde in Maradon. When the city wall was destroyed by channelers, Deepe lost a leg but was Healed by Antail. He later fought alongside Lan at Tarwin’s Gap in the Last Battle. He was killed by Taim.
Deeps, the. An area composed of hollows near the north wall of Canluum, Kandor. It was a seedy part of the city.
Defane, Kara. See Kara Defane
Defender of the Dragonwall, The. An inn in Cairhien where Rand, Loial and Hurin stayed when they arrived with the Horn of Valere. The inn’s sign bore a crowned man with his foot on a red-haired man’s chest and his sword at the man’s throat. It was an upper-class inn, situated in a tall stone building. The innkeeper was Master Cuale. The inn was set afire when the Horn was stolen.
Defenders of the Light. Loial’s name for the armies fighting the Shadow in the Last Battle.
Defenders of the Stone. See Tear
Deindre. An Aes Sedai at the time of the Breaking of the World. Deindre had the Talent of Foretelling; one of her Foretellings led to the creation of the Eye of the World. She and other Aes Sedai met with Someshta in the Hall of the Tower to give him a final task.
Deira ni Ghaline t’Bashere. Faile’s mother and the wife of Davram. She was about 5'10" tall, three inches taller than her husband, and large to boot—not fat, but definitely a full-figured woman. She had long black hair with wings of white at the temples. She was attacked by two men in her tent near Caemlyn; she injured both, but was also injured herself. Deira rode with Davram in the Last Battle; both were killed.
Deirdru, Lady. Owner of the manor house in Altara, near King’s Crossing, where Rand was to meet the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
Delana Mosalaine. A Shienaran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. Of the rebel contingent, she had a strength level of 18(6). Born in 950 NE, she went to the White Tower in 968 NE. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 978 NE. Delana was 5'6" tall, and somewhat stout, with an ample bosom. Her voice was deep for a woman, though not masculine. Her hair was so light-colored that it was almost white, and her eyes pale and watery blue. She had a disconcerting habit of concentrating on her subject as if nothing else existed; her stare could make a person start thinking of all the things she had done wrong. Delana was held to be a good negotiator; it was said that people signed treaties just to make her stop staring at them.
Delana was friends with Siuan as novice and Accepted, in which time they overlapped but did not proceed in step. Siuan was the stronger in the Power then, and protected Delana; Delana really wanted to be Siuan’s best friend, and was jealous of Moiraine. After she was raised, she was not well liked by novices or Accepted, which she did not understand, not realizing that she was impatient of their faults and let the women see it. She did not snap, or not often, but she did sigh. Delana was raised Sitter for the Gray in Salidar in 999 NE. Although she took on Halima/Aran’gar as a supposed secretary/companion, Delana was actually taking orders from her. Those orders had her using her position as a Sitter to be inconsistent in which faction she supported. The goal was to bring the rebels and the White Tower into open conflict, and battle if at all possible. The first to stand for Egwene as Amyrlin, her support for Egwene was unpredictable; she favored her on one thing and opposed on another. She seemed to flit from one faction to another. When she did support Egwene, she was sometimes overenthusiastic to a point where Egwene wished Delana wasn’t supporting her. Her strongly voiced opinion was that Elaida was Black Ajah. Delana fled with Halima and her serving woman Miesa after Halima reported that Narishma was spilling the beans about a woman channeling saidin. Delana was killed when Rand balefired Natrin’s Barrow.
Delarme, Cetalia. See Cetalia Delarme
Delarn. A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. Delarn accompanied Mat into Hinderstap; in the fighting he was pulled from his horse and wounded. Mat retrieved him and had Edesina Heal him. During the Last Battle, Delarn volunteered to return to Hinderstap and be trapped in its curse; he led the people of Hinderstap to fight.
Delora. A Wise One of the Shiande Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 17(5). She was 5'7" tall, with reddish-gold hair and blue eyes. Her face was narrow and pinched, though, and no one would call her pretty. She looked to be no more than a year older than Rand, Perrin and Mat, but was in fact more than twenty-five years older. Her manner was very cold. Delora was one of the Wise Ones sent with Perrin to Ghealdan to keep an eye on Seonid and Masuri. She went to battle against the Shaido at Malden. She assisted in the forging of Mah’alleinir, and went with Perrin’s forces into the Last Battle.
Delovinde. A noble House of Cairhien. See Talmanes Delovinde
delving. A diagnostic procedure for checking health with the One Power, one of the Talents.
Delving. The Talent of finding ores.
Demain. A Kandori family. See Ines and Rahien Demain
Demalle, Parenia. See Parenia Demalle
Demandred. A Forsaken whose name in life was Barid Bel Medar. He used the name Bao the Wyld, when he was integrating into Sharan society and during the Last Battle. His strength level was ++2, rated against the saidin/saidar scale. Hawk-nosed and passably handsome, he was not someone to make women’s hearts beat faster. He stood about 6'4" to 6'5" tall, just a little shorter than Rand. Barid Bel Medar was without doubt the second most acclaimed man of his lifetime during the Age of Legends, second only to Lews Therin Telamon. Like Lews Therin, he held many high public offices and wrote books on a wide array of subjects that were both critical and popular successes. It was his misfortune that Lews Therin consistently had greater successes in higher offices, and that Lews Therin’s books achieved more success. Barid Bel Medar wanted to be the best, the greatest, the most powerful, and fully believed he had every right to be. Except for this blind spot about his “right,” which he felt stolen by Lews Therin, he was very intelligent, though he did have a tendency to believe what he wanted to believe. He was not an easy man to frighten or to manipulate, as many discovered over the years to their very deep regret. He liked women and sex but didn’t let lust rule him. He had two reasons for going over to the Shadow: one was his hatred of Lews Therin and his belief that Lews Therin had robbed him of the glory and acclaim that was rightfully his, while the other was a cold calculation that the Shadow was the more likely victor.
When they awoke in the Third Age, Demandred, Semirhage and Mesaana became a sort of team, though they moved against one another given a chance.
Demandred rescued Taim from the Aes Sedai and offered him a chance to go over to the Shadow. With the knowledge that refusal meant death, Taim didn’t hesitate.
Demandred, in Tel’aran’rhiod, saw Elayne pledge on the Lion Throne to bond Rand, but misunderstood and thought it was a pledge of revenge against Rand for her mother’s death and perhaps his conquest of Andor.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 30