As Bao he exploited Sharan prophecy and became their leader in the Last Battle against Mat’s troops, convinced that no one but Lews Therin could be such a worthy opponent. After killing Gawyn, defeating Logain, and severely wounding Galad in single combat, he died at the hands of Lan Mandragoran.
Demasiellin, Nelavaire. See Nelavaire Demasiellin
Demetre Marcolin. The First Captain of the Companions of Illian. He was a commoner who rose through the ranks. Lantern-jawed and clean-shaven, he had dark, deep-set eyes and an impassive face and stood about 5'10" to 5'11" tall. At the behest of the Council of Nine he brought the Companions to Rand as King of Illian. Marcolin had served under Tam al’Thor when Tam was Second Captain of the Companions, but what he thought of Rand al’Thor as King of Illian, he did not let on. He was surprised to find himself in agreement with Rosana, a Tairen, about the fact that Rand could be killed by one arrow and was taking a foolish risk in battle. He was unhappy about going into battle against the Seanchan with only six thousand men; he did not understand what the Asha’man could do. In the Last Battle, attached to Egwene’s army on the Kandori plains, Marcolin was killed when the Sharans came through gateways and slaughtered many of Egwene’s troops.
Demira Eriff. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 930 NE, she went to the White Tower in 947 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 964 NE. Her Warder was Stevan Gedarien. Standing 5'10" tall, she had coppery skin, and was gracefully beautiful. She wore Domani dresses and was constantly surprised and somewhat irritated to find men looking at her—because their gazes attracted unwanted attention; not because of any dislike of men—and she constantly said she must stop wearing the clinging, barely opaque Domani dresses, but she had had the same copied for years because it was easy. Her real attention was elsewhere.
Demira was a member of the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn; she approved of his starting a school. While in Caemlyn, Demira planned to meet with her eyes-and-ears, Milam Harnder, the Second Librarian of the Royal Library of Caemlyn. He did not show, and Demira was attacked and nearly killed by a group of men dressed as Aiel; they were actually Whitecloaks corrupted by Padan Fain. Demira and the other members of the embassy then went to Rand to demand that he lift his restrictions prohibiting Aes Sedai from entering the Inner City without permission, limiting the number who could visit him to three, and forbidding them from channeling when with him, but he rebuffed them. Kiruna then delegated Demira, along with Kairen Stang, Valinde Nathenos and Berenicia Morsad to escort the Two Rivers girls to Salidar.
den Balgar, Mattin Stepaneos. See Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar
den Lushenos, Gregorin Panar. See Gregorin Panar den Lushenos
Dena. A young Cairhienin woman who wanted to be the first female gleeman. She was pretty, with fair skin and dark hair. Thom was her lover; after he spent time with Rand and appeared to be playing the Game of Houses, Dena was murdered by Galldrian’s men. In retribution, Thom killed Galldrian.
Denal, Master. An Ebou Dari man whom Derys wanted to marry. The Kinswoman was forced to act as a maid, for penance.
Denezel. The innkeeper of The Happy Throng in Caemlyn. Tall, with a lean face and a shaved head, he commissioned a picture of Rand to hang in the common room of his inn.
Denharad. A Cairhienin who served as Lady Ailil’s lance-captain. A pale little man, he took part in the attack against the Seanchan. After Anaiyella’s horse master was killed, Denharad took over command of her men as well as Ailil’s.
Denhold. A cavalry captain fighting under Bryne in the Last Battle.
Denhuir. A village east of the Black Hills on the Maradon Road, above the headwaters of the Antaeo and the Luan. It was the location where Mazrim Taim was freed from the Aes Sedai, supposedly with help from his followers, but really by Demandred.
Deni Colford. A woman who was a member of Elayne’s Queen’s Guards; she was the only Andoran among the first eight of Elayne’s guard. About 5'6" tall, she had a placid face, wide shoulders, strong arms, dark hair liberally streaked with gray and calm blue eyes. Deni was a former bouncer in a tavern for wagon drivers in Low Caemlyn, a very unusual job for a woman. At first she did not know how to use her sword, but she was quite adept with a pace-long, brass-studded cudgel; she had lessons and did improve with the sword. Deni had no concept of fighting fair. She was interested in a man in the Queen’s Guard. After Mellar’s capture, Deni was one of those who beat him severely.
Dennel. A dragon captain in the Band of the Red Hand. He helped Talmanes retrieve the dragons in Caemlyn, and helped later with their repair.
Denton. A Cairhienin nobleman taken gai’shain by the Shaido. After he was freed, he refused to resume his normal station and acted as Perrin’s serving man in the absence of Lamgwin.
Deoan. A man who served under Tam al’Thor in the Last Battle. He was from Deven Ride and had served in the Andoran army. Tam had Deoan lead half of the Two Rivers men against Trollocs.
Deosin. A Murandian family. See Eadwin and Saera Deosin
der’morat. A phrase used by the Seanchan, placed before the name of an animal; it meant “trainer” and/or “handler” of the animal. For instance, a der’morat’raken was a trainer of raken, and a der’sul’dam was a trainer of sul’dam, a sul’dam in charge of other sul’dam and their damane.
Derah din Selaan Rising Wave. The Sailmistress of the soarer White Spray, where Rand met with the Sea Folk delegations Derah brought up the Erinin to Andor and Cairhien. She wore four small rings in each ear and one in the left side of her nose, with a fine gold chain supporting a row of tiny medallions. She was younger than Harine, her clan Wavemistress. Derah departed Cairhien after Rand left, heading downriver toward the gathering of Sea Folk ships at Tear and carrying word of the agreement made by Harine din Togara.
Deranbar. The capital city of Jaramide, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking. It lay on the site of Maradon.
Dermid Ajala. A Tairen blacksmith who gave Perrin a hammer as repayment for work done in his smithy. He had graying hair, blue eyes and thick arms and shoulders.
Dermon. An ancient male Jenn Aiel. He was gaunt, white-haired and blue-eyed. At the sept chief meeting at Rhuidean, he spoke for the Jenn.
Derne. The square-faced captain of the Swift. Mat and Thom traveled on his ship from Aringill to Tear when they were chasing Comar.
Derowin. A Cairhienin boy who was a childhood friend of Toram Riatin. He rode one of Toram’s horses without permission; Toram pushed him down the stairs and broke his back.
Derry. A soldier with the Band of the Red Hand who was a victim of the gholam. It was suspected that the gholam questioned him before killing him.
Deryl. An Ebou Dari guard at the ring seller’s stand Mat visited. He was one-eyed and very tall, with a long cudgel studded with nail-heads propped between his massive knees. The ring seller called for Deryl to get the greasepot, and Deryl looked as if he did not know what a greasepot was.
Derys Nermala. A Kin in Ebou Dar who was serving as a maid in penance for wanting to marry Master Denal. Her strength level was 41(29); she could have tested for Aes Sedai, but she was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 911 NE, she went to the White Tower in 926 NE, where she was ten years a novice. Being a discipline problem, she was not allowed to test for Accepted. Her offenses had to do with men; the third time she was caught with a man, she was put out. Kirin Melway was the Amyrlin Seat while she was there. Derys was slender and pretty, except for a sullen expression. She went to Caemlyn with Elayne and her group; there Derys found Mirane’s favorite doll, which led to Vandene’s realization that the Kin were being murdered.
Desaine. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. She went with Sevanna and Therava to visit the loyalist Aes Sedai under Galina and Coiren before they kidnapped Rand. Desaine spoke against Sevanna being made a Wise One since she had not been to Rhuidean; she also thought that as the
widow of two clan chiefs, Sevanna might be bad luck. Desaine felt that the best way to deal with Rand al’Thor was to slip a knife between his ribs. Sevanna had her killed in a way that had to have been done with the Power in order to rouse the Shaido against the Aes Sedai holding Rand.
Desala Nevanche. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was beautiful, with large dark eyes and a voice like chimes. She had an unfortunate temper; the surest way to make her give it free rein was to harm or threaten a child. Desala despised wilders and purely hated women who falsely claimed to be Aes Sedai. She liked dancing and was known to dance any number of men off their feet in a night. Desala and Melare questioned Leane the night she was captured; Desala beat her. Desala was one of the five Reds who accompanied Pevara to the Black Tower with the intention of bonding Asha’man. She was Turned to the Shadow by Taim and his group.
Desandre Alraed. A Ghealdanin Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 15(3). Before being raised Aes Sedai, she spent six years as a novice and seven as Accepted. About 5'5" tall, she was willowy, with brown hair and large brown eyes. Part of the expedition to the White Tower, she was captured and bonded by an Asha’man. As one of the two strongest sisters captured by the Asha’man, she commanded the Aes Sedai group as much as the Asha’man allowed.
Desartin. A lord in Murandy who was deservedly overthrown by a group of farmers.
Desautel. An Asha’man Dedicated who was big as a blacksmith. At Logain’s behest, he looked for and located Sakarnen, Demandred’s sa’angreal.
Deselle Aybara. One of Perrin’s younger sisters. She was plump; at twelve years of age, she was killed by Fain.
Desora. A Maiden of the Musara sept of the Reyn Aiel. Golden-haired and blue-eyed, she always hid her smiles behind her hand. Desora accompanied Rand and Taim to the farm and was later killed in an apparent Whitecloak ambush in Caemlyn. Rand added her name to the list of women who had died for him.
Devaille. A major city in the Age of Legends.
Deven Ride. The first village south of Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers on the Old Road. Rows of thatch-roofed houses surrounded a green and a pond fed by a spring that was walled around with stone. The inn at the head of the green, The Goose and Pipe, was roofed with thatch, too. Deven Ride was the same size as Emond’s Field. The Village Council of Emond’s Field sent men here to watch for trouble. An apprentice Wisdom here died of channeling sickness. Wil al’Seen, cousin of the al’Seen clan, was from Deven Ride, and in a wolf dream, Perrin visited the village to check for Trollocs. Men from Deven Ride helped to defend Emond’s Field from Trollocs.
Devore, Cathal. See Cathal Devore
Devore Zarbayan. A Saldaean Bannerwoman of Elayne’s Guardswomen in Caemlyn. She was slim and cool-eyed, her eyes dark and tilted.
Deyeniye, dyu ninte concion ca’lyet ye. A phrase in the Old Tongue meaning “Majesty, by your summons do I come.”
Dha’vol. One of the Trolloc bands; its symbol was a horned skull.
Dhael. An Aiel Maiden of the Spear. Dhael helped rescue Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene from brigands and Myrddraal.
Dhagon, River. A river flowing west from the northern reaches of the Mountains of Mist to meet the River Akuum east of Bandar Eban.
Dhai’mon. A Trolloc tribe; its symbol was an iron fist.
Dhallin Forest. A location in Ghealdan where major battles were fought against Logain, when he was a false Dragon.
Dhana. A to’raken that Mat desperately flew on to Shayol Ghul. Her rider was injured and her wing struck by an arrow; they crashed.
Dhearic. A man of the Two Spires sept of the Reyn Aiel and the Duadhe Mahdi’in who was clan chief of the Reyn. He was 6'5" tall, weighed about 250 pounds and had blue eyes, a prominent nose and lighter streaks in his golden hair. He was sent to Tear, and took part in the invasion of Illian. He was contemptuous of the Tairens and Cairhienin, who he said refused to listen and heard only the wind.
Dhjin’nen. A Trolloc tribe; its symbol was a skull cloven by a scythe-curved sword.
Dhoom, Mountains of. A mountain range running east-west, north of the Borderlands.
Dhoran, Kumira. See Kumira Dhoran
Dhowlan. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Dhulaine, Lady Arilyn. See Arilyn Dhulaine
Dhurran. A breed of large draft horses from a region or town in Ghealdan.
Diadem of the First. A crown bearing a golden eagle in flight; it was worn by the First of Mayene.
Diademed Battle Lord of the Malkieri. See Lan
Dianatkhah, Nikiol. A former king of Saldaea who had a drinking problem.
Dilham, Master. Innkeeper of Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. He was bulky, with three chins. After Rand came in, was bonded by Alanna and scared the girls from the Two Rivers, Dilham fell to his knees, but soon recovered enough to ask Verin if he could tell people that the Dragon Reborn patronized his inn.
Dill, Mistress. A round innkeeper in Harlon Bridge, Andor. Elayne and her party stayed with her on the way to Caemlyn from the Kin farm outside Ebou Dar, after using the Bowl of the Winds, evading the Seanchan army. Mistress Dill was extremely pleased to have a full inn in bad weather, so pleased that she curtsied at everyone.
Dimana Corrand. A Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. She had bright blue eyes and red hair with streaks of white. Although her true age was 323, she appeared to be well into or just past her middle years, on the edge of being called old. Her strength level was 46(34); she would not have been allowed to test for Aes Sedai, nor was she strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 677 NE, she grew up in a village in the Black Hills, which she sometimes joked was as isolated as the storied Seleisin. She went to the White Tower in 694 NE, where she was three years a novice before being put out because she could not become Aes Sedai. Cemaile Sorenthaine was the Amyrlin at the time. When the Seanchan invaded Ebou Dar, she was a prosperous seamstress with a number of other seamstresses working for her, catering to the wealthier merchants and mid-rank nobles. Dimana traveled to Caemlyn with Elayne. She led the damane Marille through the palace gardens and encountered Gawyn with a Bloodknife.
Dimir Faral. A soldier in the Children of the Light. He was in Fain’s group of Whitecloaks in the Two Rivers. Faral was the one renegade Whitecloak ambushing Rand in Cairhien that Rand did not hang, instead sending him to Niall with a message that Rand would hang Niall for what had happened.
Diryk. The second-eldest son of Queen Ethenielle and Brys of Kandor. He was born in 971 NE and died in 979 NE, along with his father, supposedly in an accidental fall which also claimed Iselle Arrel. He was actually a victim of the male channeler pogrom, though that was not widely known.
Djevik K’Shar. Trolloc for “The Dying Ground,” it was the Trolloc name for the Aiel Waste.
do Avriny a’Roihan, Elaida. See Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan
Do Miere A’vron. An Old Tongue phrase meaning “The Watchers over the Waves.” It was the name of a group believing that the armies Artur Hawkwing sent across the Aryth Ocean would one day return, and so they kept watch from the town of Falme on Toman Head. This event took place with the arrival of the Seanchan; the Seanchan, however, felt that they had watched for the wrong thing, and had forgotten when they should have been remembering. As punishment, they put the First Watcher in a cage hanging from one of the Towers of the Watchers; when he died, they picked another watcher for the cage, and repeated the process until they themselves were driven from Falme.
Do’in Toldara te, Songs of the Last Age, Quarto Nine: The Legend of the Dragon. Composed by Boanne, Songmistress at Taralan.
Dobraine Taborwin. A Cairhienin nobleman who was High Seat of his House. His con was two white diamonds on blue. He was 5'9" tall, with deep-set dark eyes and leathery skin, and was one of the first of the older men to shave the front of his long, mostly gray hair. The blue and white stripes on his dark coat ran well below his waist. Dobraine was both shrewd and
intelligent, and he kept his word. He would maneuver for personal advantage where he could, but he was loyal to Rand in his fashion, not only because he saw Rand as too strong to oppose, but also because he believed in the Prophecies. In addition, he believed that Rand would not claim the Sun Throne and that it would go to a Cairhienin. He was willing to accept Elayne Trakand as queen of Andor; his only qualm was that she should have been Elayne Damodred and that Taringail should not have let Morgase give the children to her House. Like all the other Cairhienin nobles—and most commoners—he considered the notion of noble marrying commoner to be bizarre if not obscene. Dobraine took five hundred of his personal liegemen with Perrin to rescue Rand from the Tower Aes Sedai at Dumai’s Wells. Rand named him Steward of Cairhien for the Dragon Reborn. He was attacked in his chamber by robbers and was thought dead; Samitsu pulled him through. Rand sent him to Bandar Eban to secure order there; he presented Rand with a secure city and was then sent back to Tear.
Dobser. An Asha’man who was fond of wine and not very bright. Taim Turned him to the Shadow; he kept his love of wine and his intelligence did not increase, making it easy for Emarin to elicit information from him.
Doesine Alwain. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 867 NE to a family of cutlers especially well known for their scissors, she went to the White Tower in 882 NE. After spending six years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 896 NE. Standing 5'5" tall, she was boyishly slim; her face was like that of a pretty, mischievous boy. Her very large dark eyes seemed even darker because of her paleness. A light of naughtiness shone in her eyes sometimes. She dressed elegantly, but when irritated often spiked her talk with casual curses.
Doesine was born with the spark and found by an Aes Sedai very shortly after she first, unconsciously, touched saidar on her own. The sister knew Doesine could channel as soon as she met her, but Doesine didn’t know what she had done, didn’t believe the sister, and didn’t want to go to the White Tower. She went, of course—bound hand and foot most of the way and gagged for the last part of it. Doesine was known to tell this story on herself to novices, to show them their circumstances were not so bad as hers. She held a record of sorts, though not one publicized: Doesine actually tried to run away three times, twice making it out of the Tower grounds, once reaching one of the bridges. Needless to say, given that the Tower wanted novices to believe that the punishment for running away was so severe that a runaway would never think of trying again—and indeed, that was the case for nearly all of them, and those who thought about it almost never worked up the nerve to actually try a second time—given that, it was hardly surprising that Doesine’s record was kept quiet. In truth, on her third and last try, the one where she reached the bridges, she saw two Aes Sedai, was overcome with panic that they were hunting for her and ran back to the Tower, where she turned herself in. The two sisters knew nothing about her, and in fact her absence from the Tower hadn’t yet been noted. The mitigation of her returning on her own meant her punishment was lessened, though the fact of a third offense meant that was from a rather fierce base. Still, she was so grateful for the lessening that she actually thanked the Mistress of Novices afterward, to that woman’s great astonishment.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 31