The Wheel of Time Companion

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The Wheel of Time Companion Page 32

by Robert Jordan

  In 981 NE Doesine was raised to Sitter in the Hall. It was rare for a sister to be chosen as a Sitter at such a young age; her choice was an indication of her political astuteness as well as the Ajah’s regard for her intelligence and capabilities. She stood to depose Siuan in the truncated Hall arranged by Elaida. Doesine was one of the half dozen Sitters to whom Elaida doled out penances of Labor. In her case, it was working in the laundry. For that alone, if no other reason, she wanted to see Elaida replaced. When Doesine strayed too near the Red Ajah quarters, she was roughed up. Doesine, Saerin, Talene and Yukiri confronted Seaine and Pevara about their secret meetings; after Saerin worked out that they were seeking the Black Ajah, all reswore their oaths and declared that they were not Black Ajah, with the exception of Talene, who was Black Ajah. As the only one with the ability to work the Chair of Remorse, Doesine used it to torture Talene and get more information. The five sisters continued to work together until Verin’s notebook revealed all of the Black Ajah. Doesine went on to fight in the Last Battle, where she was killed.

  dogfennel. A long weed with a feathery brown tip.

  dogweed. A plant that was given as a tea, despite tasting terrible. It was considered a cure for moping.

  dogwort. A medicinal herb for knitting flesh.

  Doilaine Barmellin. A Cairhienin nobleman. He was about 5'8" tall and slender, languid and quite foppish in his manners, for a Cairhienin, anyway. He was not a fool, though, and wore almost as many stripes as Semaradrid, to below the waist. He wore the front of his head shaved and powdered after the fashion of Cairhienin soldiers. He fought in the Illian campaign.

  Doilan. A man of the Shaido Aiel who was taken gai’shain when the Shaido were defeated at Cairhien. He served breakfast in Amys’ tent.

  Doile. An armsman of Bertome Saighan, gap-toothed with seamed scars on both cheeks. Bertome was not sure if his name was Dalyn or Doile.

  Doilin Mellar. See Daved Hanlon

  Doinal, Cera. See Cera Doinal

  Doirellin. A Cairhienin Child of the Light. He was nearly as wide as he was tall, there was barely an ounce of fat on him, and he could put walnuts between all of his fingers and crack them by clenching his fists. He had a high voice. After Galad’s duel with Valda, Doirellin agreed that it was permitted to ally with Aes Sedai in order to fight the Dark One.

  Doirellin, Lirene. See Lirene Doirellin

  Doirlon Hills. Forested hills located in northeast Illian, just off the rolling Plains of Maredo. Lord Brend (Sammael) established hillforts there against Rand’s invasion force.

  Doirmanes. A slender Cairhienin nobleman taken gai’shain by the Shaido. He was young and pretty, but very skittish, having a habit of biting his lip nervously. Faile was convinced that if he learned of people swearing fealty to her, he would tell Sevanna immediately, so he would need to be killed.

  Dolera Mantear. A queen of Andor who ascended to the Lion Throne on the death of her mother at 78 in 944 NE. She was Mordrellen’s mother.

  Domai. A sept of the Shaido Aiel.

  Domanche, Rasoria. See Rasoria Domanche

  Domani. Of or from Arad Doman.

  Domani Wench’s Kiss, The. An inn in Lugard. Its sign bore a coppery-skinned woman, bare to the waist, with her lips puckered. Siuan passed this place while on her way to another inn.

  Dome of Truth. The center of Whitecloak power and bureaucracy in the Fortress of Light in Amador, Amadicia, before they were driven out by the Seanchan. The exterior was pure white; on the inside gold leaf cast down the light of a thousand hanging lamps. Glistening thick white columns ringed the chamber. The dome itself stretched a hundred paces across unsupported and rose fifty paces at its peak. It contained a simple white marble dais on the white marble floor; the Lord Captain Commander stood on the dais to address the assembled Children.

  Domeille. An Aiel Maiden of the Spear who helped bathe Rand before he went to meet the Sea Folk in Cairhien. She was lean with gray hair and a thrusting chin. Domeille felt that Rand was not pretty enough to do without a scar to set off what beauty he had.

  Domination Band. Semirhage’s name for the male a’dam.

  Dominion, Nine Rods of. See Nine Rods of Dominion

  Domon, Bayle. See Bayle Domon

  Donalo Sandomere. A Tairen Dedicated Asha’man. He had a creased, leathery face and an oiled beard cut to a point in imitation of a Tairen noble. Sometimes he attempted the languid pose he thought a noble would use. His receding hairline gave him a very high forehead above his dark eyes, and what black hair he had, like his beard, was heavily streaked with gray. He wore a garnet in his left ear. Donalo was present when Rand went to bestow the sword and Dragon pins. When the Aes Sedai tried to take the Black Tower, he bonded Ayako Norsoni, a White. Toveine saw him waiting outside Logain’s house at the Black Tower. He used farmer’s phrasings in his speech and had the Talent of reading residues. Donalo was raised to full Asha’man and accompanied Rand to the meeting with the fake Daughter of the Nine Moons. His arm was injured there, and Nynaeve Healed him. Taim turned Sandomere to the Shadow; he was captured in Stedding Sholoon by Androl and his allies, including some elderly Ogier.

  Donavelle, Mashera. See Mashera Donavelle

  Donel do Morny a’Lordeine. A Murandian lord who was one of the nobles from Murandy and Andor to confront the rebel Aes Sedai on the ice in Murandy, near the Andoran border. He was about 5'10" tall, with a medium build, black hair, narrow brown eyes and curled mustaches, which he sometimes twisted. He wore more lace than most women.

  Dongal. A soldier in the Band of the Red Hand. He served under Mandevwin in one of the attacks against the Seanchan; he and Madwin went up the south slope of a hill.

  Doni. An urchin in Tear who, along with his friend Com, talked to Rand about the steamwagon. Rand gave each of them a gold coin. Min looked after them with a miserable expression indicating that she had seen something sad in their future.

  Doniella Alievin. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 306 to 332 NE. Doniella was a quiet Amyrlin, not particularly strong, but not in the control of the Hall, either; her benign neglect did leave the Hall pretty much in control of the Tower. Doniella quite voluntarily resigned as the Amyrlin Seat in order to spend more time on her studies; she was a Dreamer who made much-discussed notes on the Prophecies of the Dragon. She spent the next thirty-one years studying happily, but she was not allowed to return to the White Tower, and she was strongly discouraged from letting anyone know that she had been the Amyrlin Seat. She died in 363 NE.

  Donjel. A scout with Ituralde’s army. His voice was hoarse, as someone had tried to hang him when he was young. He was stout with iron-gray short-cropped hair and a dark leather patch over his missing right eye. Before battles, Ituralde often gave Donjel a packet to carry to Ituralde’s wife if he died.

  Doomseer. A title that Tuon gave Min.

  Dorailla. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 15(3). She was 5'7½" tall. She fought at Dumai’s Wells alongside Sevanna, where she was knocked down and dazed by the near miss of a lightning strike.

  Doraille, Javindhra. See Javindhra Doraille

  Doraise Mesianos. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She had a plump chin. Doraise was one of those named by Elaida as adhering to the law when she announced the discovery of illegally possessed angreal, implying that Doraise was one of those—along with Kiyoshi and Farellien—who turned in Josaine and Adelorna, the pair who were birched. Like the other two, Doraise received a horse as a reward. Elaida acted at Alviarin’s urging; Alviarin was trying to cause dissent in the Tower. Doraise’s Warder was a heavyset Shienaran with a round face and a dark topknot.

  Doraisin, Berowin. See Berowin Doraisin

  Doral Barran. The Wisdom in Emond’s Field prior to Nynaeve al’Meara. She was white-haired and frail, but still clear-eyed and straight-backed. She apprenticed Nynaeve after her then-apprentice died of some sickness even Mistress Barran could not cure. Nynaeve was new
ly orphaned, and many people thought Doral should have sent her to her relatives in the country after her mother died, and taken on someone years older. Doral switched Mat when he opened a firework.

  Doreille Torghin. A queen of Aridhol who signed the Compact of the Ten Nations. She was also a poet.

  Dorele. A young Sea Folk woman on Wavedancer. She was slender with only one ring in each ear. When she brought tea to Elayne, Nynaeve, Jorin and Coine she was topless, and as punishment was set to clean the bilges because they weren’t out of sight of land.

  Dorelle Caromon. An Ogier-built city in Eharon, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking. Illian later occupied the same site.

  Dorelmin, Silene. The best seamstress in Chachin, Kandor. She was slim with a haughty air and a cool voice. Moiraine had Silene make dresses for her.

  Doressin Chuliandred. A Cairhienin lord, High Seat of a moderate House, who supported Colavaere for the Cairhienin throne, and later was made to join Rand’s army fighting against the Seanchan. He was about 5'9" tall, and bony, and kept the front of his head shaved and powdered. Because he had supported Colavaere, he thought that Rand meant for him to die. Bertome, Doressin’s childhood friend, thought that Doressin had become unhinged. Doressin was the husband of Alaine and brother of Meneril.

  Dorile din Eiran Long Feather. The Windfinder on Windrunner, thus Windfinder to Malin din Toral Breaking Wave, Wavemistress of Clan Somarin, who doubled as Sailmistress on the Windrunner. Dorile’s strength level was 19(7). She was a slender, handsome woman who wore only four earrings in each ear, and fewer medallions on her chain than did Malin din Toral. She went to Caemlyn with Elayne’s group and left Caemlyn with Zaida. She rode poorly; in Ebou Dar, two people had to help boost her into the saddle while a third held the horse’s head.

  Dorindha. 1) An Aiel woman of the Jindo sept of the Taardad Aiel and Far Dareis Mai who won the first forfeit when Mat played Maiden’s Kiss. She also was one of the scouts who reported the arrival of the peddlers in the Waste. She was red-haired and about Egwene’s age. 2) An Aiel woman married to Bael, clan chief of the Goshien. She was the roofmistress of Smoke Springs Hold and first-sister to Melaine. Dorindha was a solid, motherly woman, much nearer handsome than pretty, with creases at the corners of her blue eyes and much white in her pale red hair. Her manner was quietly commanding—usually, at least; she could make gestures upon occasion that seemed quite flamboyant, though she usually made even those in a casual, quiet manner.

  As a roofmistress, Dorindha held a position of considerable power and respect—in some ways above and in some below a Wise One—but a good part of her command was her personality, not her position. Melaine’s deference might have been because Dorindha was the senior sister-wife and the roofmistress, but not wholly. Deira Bashere’s obvious respect, and a deference which surprised Deira herself, came from Dorindha’s intelligence, perspicacity and personality.

  Her relationship with Melaine grew very close after Melaine married Bael; it was a combination of close sisters and best friends. Dorindha gave Bael sons, but no daughters; she and Melaine knew he would very much like to have daughters, and they were very pleased with Min’s viewing regarding Melaine’s pregnancy.

  Dorine, Jurith. Right Hand to the Queen of Almoren, and the author of Commentaries on the Prophecies of the Dragon in 742 AB, the Third Age.

  Dorje, Anath. Tuon’s Truthspeaker, or Soe’feia; she was actually Semirhage in disguise. See Semirhage

  Dorlain. A family that lived on one of Morgase’s estates in Andor.

  Dorlain, Maighdin. Morgase’s alias while on the lam.

  Dorlan. A small hamlet east of the bridge towns outside Tar Valon. There were fifteen slate-roofed houses there, each with a cow barn behind it. The village supplied cheese to Tar Valon. Its mayor was Garon Burlow. After the debacle at Dumai’s Wells, Elaida sent Covarla Baldene and the sisters who returned with her to Dorlan; the Younglings, having been denied entry to Tar Valon, went there as well. Since there was no inn in the village, the sisters stayed with residents, and the Younglings in the cow barns. Narenwin Barda, Tarna Feir and Katerine Alruddin also stayed there for a time.

  Dormaile, Ilain. See Ilain Dormaile

  Dormin. A stocky Cairhienin bootmaker who was gai’shain to the Shaido at Malden. He swore fealty to Faile.

  Dorn, Lamgwin. See Lamgwin Dorn

  dornat. A hunting animal from the Age of Legends, recalled by Graendal.

  Dosera. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. She fought at Dumai’s Wells for Sevanna and was killed by a wolf.

  dosun. A term used in Bandar Eban for the head housekeeper of an establishment.

  Dovarna, Norine. See Norine Dovarna

  Dovie’andi se tovya sagain. Old Tongue for “It’s time to roll the dice”; it was the motto of the Band of the Red Hand.

  Dovienya. Old Tongue for “luck.”

  Doweel, Jara. See Jara Doweel

  Dowtry clan. A family from Emond’s Field. See Bar, Buel, Elam and Jonneth Dowtry

  Dragand, Suana. See Suana Dragand

  Draghkar. A creature of the Dark One, made originally by twisting human stock. A Draghkar appeared to be a large man with bat-like wings, too-pale skin and too-large eyes. The Draghkar’s song, a crooning, could draw its prey to it, suppressing the victim’s will. There was a saying: “The kiss of the Draghkar is death.” It did not bite, but its kiss consumed first the soul of its victim, and then his life. The wind of its wings felt slimy, and one flying close overhead could make horses scream and rear.

  Dragon banner. The banner of Lews Therin Telamon, flown during the War of the Shadow. It was found at the site of the Eye of the World, and Moiraine gave it to Rand. It was long and white, neither woven nor painted nor dyed. On it was a figure like a serpent scaled in scarlet and gold, golden-maned with eyes like the sun and five golden-clawed toes on each foot. A stirring of the banner in the wind made the figure seem to move and live, the scales glittering like precious gems and metals. The Dragon banner, as well as the Banner of Light or al’Thor’s Banner, became associated with the Dragon Reborn. See also al’Thor’s Banner

  Dragon, false. A man who falsely claimed to be the Dragon Reborn. There had been many throughout history. Some began wars that involved many nations. Most were unable to channel, but some could. All, however, disappeared, were captured, or were killed without fulfilling any of the Prophecies of the Dragon.

  Six false Dragons were generally considered the most powerful and the most nearly successful. Historically, stretching back some two thousand years prior to Rand’s ascension, these men were Raolin Darksbane, Yurian Stonebow, Davian (last name unknown), Guaire Amalasan, Logain Ablar and Mazrim Taim. In fact, in the three thousand years following the Breaking there were other men who matched their successes, but their histories could only be found in the secret records of the White Tower. As they were forgotten by history, the White Tower, not wanting to publicize false Dragons, let them fade into obscurity.

  Dragon, Legion of the. See Legion of the Dragon

  Dragon, People of the. See People of the Dragon

  Dragon, Prophecies of the. See Prophecies of the Dragon

  Dragon Reborn. According to prophecy and legend the Dragon would be born again at mankind’s greatest hour of need to battle the Dark One and save the world. This was not something people looked forward to, both because the prophecies said the Dragon Reborn would bring a new Breaking to the world, and because Lews Therin Kinslayer, the Dragon, was a name to make men shudder, even more than three thousand years after his death.

  Dragon Reborn, The. A book by Loial son of Arent son of Halan of Stedding Shangtai.

  Dragon Scepter. A term used by the Maidens for the two-foot length of a Seanchan spear that Rand carried. Semirhage destroyed the spear when she burned off Rand’s hand, which was holding the spear.

  Dragon, the. 1) The name by which Lews Therin Telamon was known during the War of the Shadow. In the madness which overtook all male Aes Sedai, Lews Therin killed every living
person who carried any of his blood, as well as everyone he loved, thus earning the name Kinslayer. The sayings “taken by the Dragon” or “possessed of the Dragon” indicated that someone was endangering those around him or threatening them, especially if without cause. 2) The Aiel name for the constellation known by wetlanders as the Snake.

  Dragon’s Fang. A stylized mark, usually black, in the shape of a teardrop balanced on its point. Scrawled on a door or a house, it was an accusation of evil against the residents.

  Dragon’s Peace, the. A treaty created by Rand to stop the nations from warring with each other after the Last Battle.

  Dragonmount. A gigantic mountain near the River Erinin. After slaying all whom he loved, Lews Therin Telamon was given a moment of sanity. In his grief, he Traveled to a deserted area and destroyed himself with a great blast of the One Power, raising a huge volcanic mountain many miles high. It also created a large island in a nearby river. The mountain came to be known as Dragonmount and the island became the city of Tar Valon. Prophecy said that the Dragon Reborn would be born on Dragonmount.


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