Elenia Sarand. An Andoran noblewoman and the wife of Jarid. He was the High Seat of House Sarand, but all the ambition came from her. She was a shrewish woman about 5'5" tall, with honey hair and a vulpine face. Elenia was a pseudo-populist who in truth despised the common people, though she never actually thought that she did. She believed that a High Seat, or a queen, stood atop a tower, the bottom layers of which were made of the common people; they were of a base clay, but if enough of them crumpled, the tower would fall. She had opposed Morgase during the Succession; Elenia wanted the Lion Throne herself. She seldom missed a chance to point out her knowledge of Andor’s history, especially in areas where not much was known, often adding justifications of her claims to the Lion Throne. She declared for the throne after hearing of Colavaere’s coronation in Cairhien; Dyelin had her arrested and imprisoned. Arymilla freed her, but forced her to sign a letter supporting Arymilla for the throne. After Elayne defeated Arymilla, Elenia was imprisoned; Jarid planned to free her but lost his mind and men. Elayne stripped her of her titles and properties, but intended to give her properties elsewhere.
Eleyan al’Landerin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah of ancient times. A statue of her and her Warders was located on the southwestern side of Tar Valon.
Elffin, Aleria. An author of humorous tales.
Elfraed Guitama. A leader who tried to seize Hawkwing’s empire after his death. He was the third leader whom Jalwin Moerad, Hawkwing’s advisor, advised shortly after Hawkwing’s death; those three came closest to seizing all of Hawkwing’s empire.
elgilrim. A horned animal. A chair could be fashioned from its horns.
Elidar, Mistress. An alias used by Egeanin in Tanchico.
Elienda. A Maiden of the Spear who accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan. She had wide shoulders, green eyes and graying hair and was about 5'9" tall. Though she looked almost motherly at times, Perrin saw her knock a man down with her fist. She went with Sulin and was killed while taking out the Shaido sentries to the northwest of Malden so the carts could get through.
Elin Warrel. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Born in 953 NE, she went to the White Tower in 971 NE. After spending fifteen years as a novice and fourteen years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 1000 NE. Skinny and short for an Andoran, she was still taller than Moiraine. Elin was on duty in the anteroom of the Amyrlin’s apartments when Gitara had her Foretelling and died. Before being raised, she was the oldest Accepted that Nynaeve knew, and was seen walking with Marris Thornhill and Doraise Mesianos in the White Tower.
Elinde Motheneos. A supporter of Amalasan who tried to free him from the White Tower; he failed and died.
Eliris Mancuri den Rhomin. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine.
Elis. A maid in Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor. She was pale-haired and overly solicitous when escorting Moiraine through the palace.
Elisa al’Seen. A motherly-looking Two Rivers woman. She was the wife of Jac.
Elisa al’Vere. Egwene’s third-eldest sister. She was born in 973 NE and wasn’t allowed to braid her hair until 992 NE. Elisa was given to offering advice and homilies. After Perrin left the Two Rivers, she married a maker of musical instruments from Tarabon who was twenty years older than she, and took to wearing Taraboner clothes when she wasn’t wearing Domani. She also might have been able to learn to channel.
Elisane Tishar. An Aes Sedai at the formation of the White Tower. She was mentioned in public records as the Amyrlin Seat, the first to hold that title, which she apparently had held for at least several years at that point.
Elise Marwin. A girl from Two Rivers with the ability to channel. She was about sixteen, and was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She was later taken to the rebel camp.
Elise Strang. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 223 to 244 NE. Elise was a very weak Amyrlin who had to literally beg to get most things she wanted from the Hall.
Eliya. A Seanchan morat’raken flying over the Kin’s farm when Elayne and her party were leaving. She fell off the raken and died when the gateway exploded. The woman with her, Chulein, survived.
Ella. Daughter of Soong, mother of Covril, thus Loial’s grandmother.
Ella. A serving woman at The Bunch of Grapes in Cairhien. She informed the innkeeper, Zera, that two of Barthanes’ men had been asking after Thom the previous night.
Ellaine Mariseidin Alshinn. The translator of The Karaethon Cycle: The Prophecies of the Dragon.
Elle. A girl from Watch Hill with the ability to channel who was quite fair-haired for someone from the Two Rivers. She was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. Elle was one of three born with the spark—the other two being Bode and Jancy—who, in Verin’s estimation, would be quite strong.
Ellid Abareim. A beautiful Accepted with golden hair and sapphire eyes. She wanted to join the Green Ajah and bond six Warders. She went to be tested for the shawl shortly after the end of the Aiel War; she never emerged from the ter’angreal.
Ellisande. See Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan
Ellisar, Lord. A nobleman who had an encampment outside Tar Valon west of the River Erinin during the Battle of the Shining Walls. Willa Mandair had given birth to a son in his camp on the day of Gitara’s Foretelling.
Ellisor, Chin. See Chin Ellisor
Ellizelle. A queen of Ghealdan. After the Prophet went to Ghealdan, the nation fell into chaos. King Johanin was killed in a supposed hunting accident, and Ellizelle took the throne. She ordered the army to disperse the crowds that came to see the Prophet, but his followers routed her army. After the humiliating defeat she died of poison; it was said to be a suicide.
Ellorien Traemane. An Andoran noblewoman and High Seat of House Traemane. She was about 5'5" tall, with dark hair and brown eyes, and plumply pretty, or would have been, if not for her determinedly stony face. She was a few years older than Morgase and was Morgase’s first supporter in the Succession. Morgase under Gaebril’s influence exiled her and had her flogged because she demanded to know why she was being exiled. These events poisoned her attitude toward House Trakand and she wanted Dyelin to take the throne. She and three other nobles—Dyelin, Luan and Pendar—met with Rand, when Rand told them he wanted Elayne on the Andoran throne. Even after all the other powerful Houses stood for Elayne, she refused to and left in a fury.
Ells, Lady. A Saldaean noblewoman with the Borderlander forces in the Last Battle. Lan saw her and Agelmar speaking.
Ellya Mowly. A girl child born to Careme Mowly close to the Battle of the Shining Walls.
Elmindreda. A woman in a story who sighed after men, and vice versa, for whom Min Farshaw was named.
Elmindreda Farshaw. Min Farshaw’s full name.
Elmora. A town in Tarabon, west of Serana and the Amadician border. It was about halfway between Tanchico and Amador.
Elnore. 1) Nynaeve’s mother. She was, in Nynaeve’s opinion, a very difficult woman to live with, especially as a mother. Elnore never raised her voice; she didn’t have to. She told people what to do, and they obeyed, even the Coplins and the Congars; she asked, and people complied. The Women’s Circle always asked her to speak first, so everyone else could hear her opinion before opening their mouths. Every woman in the district wanted her advice, and most of the men, too. Elnore never ever lost her temper, but even Doral Barran, the old Wisdom, jumped to apologize as soon as one of Elnore’s rare frowns appeared. 2) Nynaeve’s daughter in her Accepted test.
Elonid, Lydel. The woman in Ebou Dar who purchased The Wandering Woman from Setalle Anan.
Elora. An Ogier. The daughter of Amar daughter of Coura, she wrote Men of Fire and Women of Air.
Elricain Tavolin. A young Cairhienin lieutenant who escorted Rand from Tremonsien to Cairhien. His con was a blue field crossed by two white bars. He wore the front of his head shaved
, and it looked as if he had dusted the front with white powder. The farther south they rode, the stiffer he grew, and he spoke disgustedly of the peasants in the Foregate. While riding he used a quirt to move peasants out of the way.
Elsalam. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Elsbet. The queen of the whole world, in a tale from the Age before the Age of Legends. Legend said that she fought wars with Mosk and was the sister of Anla the Wise Counselor.
Else Grinwell. A flirtatious Andoran farmgirl whose family Rand and Mat stayed with while heading for Caemlyn. She went to the White Tower and became a novice before Egwene and Nynaeve, and was soon known as a girl who spent all of her time—including time when she should have been studying—at the Warder’s yards, watching the men practice. Else was very much taken with Galad, as was every other woman in the White Tower, including even Reds, but he did not notice her. She didn’t want to work at learning. Her potential was very low, though, which was the reason the Tower was willing to let her go in under a year. She was impersonated by a Forsaken, and Mat posed as her brother to Rahvin.
Elsie. A maid for House Matherin in Andor, a House loyal to Elayne, who saw a ghost.
Elswell. An Aes Sedai who after the Last Battle told Rodel Ituralde that he had to take the throne of Arad Doman.
Eltring, Lini. See Lini Eltring
Elvaine Martan. A gray-haired Andoran noblewoman who was the wife of Brannin, High Seat of House Martan. They were relatively poor, living in a manor that was more like a large farmhouse. They were loyal to Elayne and brought armsmen to help her win the throne. A third of their armsmen were family.
Elver Shaene. A longboat captain in Cairhien harbor. He was skinny, with only a fringe of gray hair, and wore a coat of Murandian cut. Elver took Rand, Aes Sedai and Asha’man to meet with the Seafolk on the River Alguenya. He told Rand that he was honored, but he was obviously terrified.
Elward, Moria. See Moria Elward
Elwin. A Jenn Aiel boy who lived after the Breaking. His parents were Adan and Siedre; his brothers and sisters were Rhea, Malind, Sorelle and Jaren. Elwin died of hunger at age ten.
Elwinn Taron. The Wisdom of Deven Ride. She was a round person and had a motherly smile that she wore even when she was making people do what they did not want to.
Elyas Machera. A wolfbrother called “Long Tooth” by the wolves, for his knife/shortsword. Elyas was about 5'10" tall, and rawboned, with golden eyes and graying brown hair which hung to his waist, gathered at the nape of his neck with a leather cord. A thick beard fanned across half his chest, and a faint, age-faded scar from a knife ran along his jaw, given to him by a Saldaean woman named Merya. A long knife, almost a sword, hung at his belt. He also carried a bow and quiver. Elyas was born in 943 NE in Tear, the son of poor farmers. In 957 NE, he ran off to the Borderlands seeking adventure. By 959 NE he had become a soldier in Shienar, serving along the Blightborder, and was bonded by Rina Hafden in 965 NE. He met Lan in 969 NE, during the last year of Lan’s training in Shienar. Rina allowed him to go because of the circumstance of his becoming a wolfbrother, but she never freed him, and she masked the bond so he wouldn’t know if she was coming. She may actually have been his wife. Elyas did not really approve of Aes Sedai being apprenticed to the Wise Ones, though he tried to pretend it made no difference to him. Elyas was always uneasy about meeting any sister, since if she recognized him as a renegade, she could very well make his life hell until she could hand him over to Rina. The Seanchan angered Elyas; he didn’t like the idea of leashing women who could channel. His feelings about Aes Sedai, despite his pretense of being rather coldhearted and practical, were very divided, and without much real animus toward any sisters except perhaps Reds. Elyas thought there were some sisters who could do with a swift kick in the rear now and then, but on the other hand, they were Aes Sedai and he was still a Warder.
After Perrin and Egwene became separated from the rest of their party at Shadar Logoth, they met Elyas and his wolf friends. Perrin, Egwene and Elyas traveled with Raen’s band of Tinkers for a time, and then Elyas led them south. After being chased by hordes of ravens, they made it to the stedding where Hawkwing’s great city was to have been and took shelter. When the Whitecloaks arrived, Elyas was injured but escaped, and Perrin and Egwene were captured.
Elyas rejoined Perrin in Ghealdan; Gaul and Elyas became friends after Elyas sneaked up on Gaul undetected. Elyas was much respected by all of the Maidens, too. Elyas counseled Perrin about Saldaean women, and helped in the rescue of Faile at Malden. Just before the Last Battle, he headed north to join the wolves. Perrin encountered him in the wolf dream and told him of Graendal’s Compulsion of the great captains. Elyas and the wolves saved Ituralde’s forces during a Myrddraal attack, and kidnapped him before he could cause too much damage.
Elynde. One of Setalle’s married women friends. Elynde told Setalle that she was not firm enough when Jasfer spoke out of line and that she needed to provide a good example for her daughters.
Elza Penfell. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. A member of the loyalist contingent, she had a strength level of 25(13). Born in 874 NE near the Altaran border, she went to the White Tower in 891 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 913 NE. Shortly after being raised, she joined the Black Ajah. She was a very dissatisfied woman at that time, because of her slow progress, and had been considered ripe for recruiting for several years. Her Warder was the Darkfriend Fearil; Elza led people to believe that she and Fearil were married so they would not find odd her wish to be private with him. She was 5'5" tall, with brown hair and brown eyes, and was a pleasant-faced woman, usually cool, but fervent, even rabid, when it came to Rand. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Compulsion from Verin, she found a reason to swear oath to Rand; she was one of the first five to do so. She traveled with Cadsuane to Far Madding and then to Shadar Logoth. During the cleansing, Elza linked with Merise and Jahar and used Callandor to fight off the Forsaken; Elza killed Corlan Dashiva, not knowing that he was one of the Forsaken. Under orders from Shaidar Haran, Elza took the Domination Band to Semirhage, who used it on Rand. He touched the True Power, and killed both Semirhage and Elza.
Emain, Renna. See Renna Emain
Emar Dal. A city during the Age of Legends.
Emara. An Illianer Accepted with the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 30(18). Born in 968 NE, she went to the White Tower in 985 NE. After spending nine years as a novice she was raised Accepted in 994 NE. A slight woman, she had gray eyes and a quick grin. Her voice was high-pitched. She did not like Siuan and Leane, but aside from that was pleasant. Emara was one of those who tried harassing Siuan and Leane when they first arrived in Salidar; she was made to weep for it. She shared a bed with Ronelle in a room with Mulinda and Satina, a pair of serving women, in the same house with Elayne and Nynaeve in Salidar. She didn’t resent Elayne and Nynaeve’s extra space or the maids. In the bubble of evil, she and Ronelle were wrapped in the bedsheets and had to be unwound, which made her too ill to join the circles to combat it. Egwene called Emara down for not showing proper respect to Theodrin; Emara did not approve of Theodrin’s raising by decree.
Emares, Lord. A Tairen nobleman who fought in the Aiel War. Emares sent Lan word that he was following five or six hundred Aiel, and asked him to form an anvil with his men so that Emare’s men could be the hammer and take out the Aiel. There were actually two thousand Aiel, and though Lan formed the anvil, Emares never showed. The Aiel did not engage, and Lan spoke of his intention to have words with Emares.
Emares, Carniele. See Carniele Emares
Emares, Rosana. See Rosana Emares
Emarin Pendaloan. A Tairen nobleman. He was the younger brother of Algarin; the two were very close. Emarin could channel and was captured by Cadsuane and gentled at the White Tower. He lived for ten years after that; Algarin credited Cadsuane f
or making that possible. Algarin assumed Emarin’s name when he went to the Black Tower. See also Algarin Pendaloan
Emela. A doll that belonged to Tuon when she was a child. She gave it to Karede for saving her life; he lost it in the Great Fire of Sohima.
Emerald Cliffs. A geological feature of Seanchan.
Emerys. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 22(10). She was about 5'6" tall, with large, pretty gray eyes. She was one of Sevanna’s inner circle. Emerys was one of two Shaido Wise Ones who accompanied Sevanna on her trip to the tents outside Cairhien, where Sevanna tormented Egwene. She went with Sevanna when they saw Rand beaten, and took part in, or at least was present at, the murder of Desaine. At Dumai’s Wells, she went with Therava. She also sided with Therava when Therava took some power from Sevanna.
Emond’s Field. A small one-inn farming village in the Two Rivers. It lay at the juncture of the old Quarry Road, leading from a forgotten quarry somewhere in the mountains, and the North Road. The village was bounded by Westwood on the west and Waterwood on the east. The main street opened out on to the Green, covered with grass. The Winespring on the west end of the Green gushed water to create streams flowing east past the inn to the swampy Waterwood. Two low footbridges crossed the water at the Green, as well as a larger bridge that could accommodate horses and wagons. Most dwellings were frame houses with thatched roofs. Aemon fought his last battle on the site that the town grew upon. While the Two Rivers was technically a part of Andor, the village had not seen a tax collector in six generations, nor the Queen’s Guards in seven. Few people in the Two Rivers knew that they were supposed to be part of Andor, and even those seldom thought about it.
The government in Emond’s Field consisted of the Village Council headed by the Mayor, and the Women’s Circle headed by the Wisdom. The vote for Mayor was by secret ballot; women chose the Women’s Circle by consensus, and they chose the Wisdom the same way. The Women’s Circle always included two or three women from the surrounding area, but the number fluctuated, as did the number of women in the Circle. The Village Council always had the same number of men, and one was always from outside the village, to speak for the surrounding farmers.
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