Emond’s Field was the hometown of Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nynaeve and Egwene. Trollocs attacked the village in 998 NE, shortly after the arrival of the Aes Sedai Moiraine and her Warder Lan. In 999 NE, the Children of the Light arrived in the Two Rivers and arrested the Luhhans and Natti Cauthon and her daughters. Tam al’Thor and Abell Cauthon escaped being arrested, but were forced into hiding. Trollocs came again to trouble Emond’s Field; the Whitecloaks were of some assistance in fighting them, but were more trouble than they were worth. Perrin Aybara returned and organized a resistance that freed the Whitecloak prisoners and defeated the Trollocs. Perrin became lord of the Two Rivers, much to his surprise and dismay. A large number of refugees from other lands arrived in Emond’s Field, bringing new ideas and customs to the village, and it grew and prospered accordingly.
Emond’s glory. A plant having purple flowers. It was found in the gardens of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.
Emry, Chesmal. See Chesmal Emry
Emry Lewin. A buxom Two Rivers girl with the ability to channel. When she was fifteen years old, she was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She was later taken to the rebel Aes Sedai camp.
en Shereed, Mabriam. See Mabriam en Shereed
Enaila. A woman of the Jarra sept of the Chareen Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She was about 5'2" tall, which was very short for an Aiel, and was sensitive about it. Her fiery red hair matched her temper. Along with Somara, Enaila was one of the worst of those who mothered Rand, although she was no more than a year older than he. She spent a lot of time guarding him, and her concern for him was evident. She liked jokes, although she didn’t understand Rand’s. Min saw a wreath of some sort for her in Caemlyn. Feran tried to attract her interest, but Leiran, who thought a joke of Enaila’s funnier than his own, succeeded. The other Maidens thought it was really his strong hands that attracted her. She laid a bridal wreath for him during the Last Battle, but she was killed by Trollocs before the marriage took place.
Endara Casalain. Artur Hawkwing’s governor in the province of Andor. Her daughter Ishara was the first queen of Andor.
Endelle, Caren. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 37(25). She was part of the expedition to kidnap Rand; she escaped with Covarla.
Endersole. A village located on the southern border of current-day Cairhien. It was the site of the Battle of Jolvaine Pass, where Artur Hawkwing fought Guaire Amalasan.
Enid. The head cook at The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar. She was a very round woman with olive skin and dark eyes. Enid wielded a long-handled wooden spoon like a scepter and directed three other people at the cooking and baking. Her marriage knife bore a full dozen stones.
Enkara. A famous battle in the history of the Borderlands, mentioned by Birgitte to Uno.
Enkazin. A skinny Saldaean soldier at the Black Tower. Just short of his middle years, he had a broad nose, tilted eyes and something of the look of a clerk about him, a bit of a stoop as if from hunching for long hours over a writing table. Enkazin was at the gate of the Black Tower when Pevara and the other Red sisters arrived.
Eram Talkend. An Andoran nobleman who was High Seat of his House. His sign was a golden Winged Hand. He supported Elenia Sarand for the Lion Throne.
Eramandos, Medanor. See Medanor Eramandos
Eran. A Saldaean soldier who served under Bashere in Bashere’s first command. Bashere later made him his daughter Faile’s footman. Eran taught her knives and other fighting techniques.
Eri. A member of Jarid Sarand’s personal guard. Eri had been loyal for many years, but became critical of Jarid as his insanity grew. Eri mocked Jarid, and Jarid threatened to cut out his tongue, stripped him of his pay and put him on latrine duty; Eri left the camp.
Erian Boroleos. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 951 NE, she went to the White Tower in 966 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 978 NE. Erian was 5'5" tall, with pale skin and long black hair. Sarene thought of Erian’s face as “pale marble framed by raven’s wings.” Galina lusted after her, though Erian was not aware of this. She was part of the mission to kidnap Rand. When he tried to escape he killed two of her four Warders; Rashan and Bartol survived. Her anger caused her to beat Rand severely before he made his getaway at Dumai’s Wells. She was captured there and named da’tsang, but swore allegiance to Rand. She accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and then to Shadar Logoth, where during the cleansing, she was made to protect the nonchannelers, such as Harine and Moad, a task that did not make her happy. After saidin was cleansed, Erian was part of Cadsuane’s group that rested at the Pendaloan estate in Tear. She was one of many Aes Sedai tasked with maintaining the shield on Semirhage after her capture, and was present when Cadsuane spanked the Forsaken.
Eriff, Demira. See Demira Eriff
Erim. A man of the White Mountain sept of the Chareen Aiel who was clan chief of the Chareen. He was 6'7" tall and weighed about 235 pounds. He had red hair with white streaks, green eyes and a pugnacious jaw. His Wise One was Morena. Sulin thought that Morena had a great deal of influence with him. Erim battled the Shaido in Cairhien, and he participated in the invasion of Illian.
Erinin Inn, The. An inn in Maerone, Cairhien. When Mat and Edorion went there while making the rounds of drinking halls to visit men from the Band, a gleeman was declaiming The Great Hunt of the Horn.
Erinin, River. A river beginning in the far north and flowing south through Tar Valon, Aringill and Tear into the Sea of Storms. See also Osendrelle Erinin and Alindrelle Erinin
Erith daughter of Iva daughter of Alar. An Ogier from Stedding Tsofu. She was shorter than Loial, about eight feet tall, but with the same broad nose and big eyes, the same wide mouth and tufted ears; although her features were more delicate, and her voice was the softer rumble of a smaller bumblebee. Loial met her at Stedding Tsofu and was quite taken by her. She gave him a flower and said that he was handsome. Loial said he thought her ears were beautiful, which was akin to a man saying a woman had beautiful breasts. She, Covril and Haman went looking for Loial; when they found him, Erith and Loial were married. They fought together in the Last Battle.
Eronaile, Mierin. Lanfear’s original name.
Ershin Netari. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine. He fought against the Seanchan; in the last engagement, he was under the command of Semaradrid.
Esandara. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Escanda, Suilin. See Suilin Escanda
Escape, the. The name the Sea Folk used for their exodus from Ebou Dar, begun by Mat releasing a Sea Folk damane, and ending with the death of many people and the destruction of many ships.
Escaralde Hamdey. A Far Madding Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 23(11). Born in 927 NE, she went to the White Tower in 942 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 959 NE. Although she was only 4'10" tall, she seemed to loom by sheer force of will. She was a stubborn woman who refused to believe that anything was beyond her until she had proved it to her own satisfaction. Escaralde was raised Sitter for the Brown in Salidar in 999 NE. Although it was very rare for a woman to be raised Sitter at an age under one hundred, Escaralde, at just over seventy, was the oldest of the Sitters raised in Salidar. She insisted on trying to learn to make ter’angreal when she was not strong enough. Escaralde, Malind and Moria proposed an alliance with the Black Tower.
Eschede, Meidani. See Meidani Eschede
Eselle Najima. A Kandori girl whose mother was interviewed by Moiraine in her search for the Dragon Reborn. A young teen, Eselle had long black hair and blue eyes that were level with Moiraine’s. Her father and brothers had been killed by the Black Ajah.
Esmara Getares. A woman who tried to conquer Andor and re-create Hawkwing�
�s empire in the War of the Hundred Years. She failed, and spent the last twelve years of her life as the “guest” of Queen Telaisien of Andor. Esmara was later assassinated for reasons unknown.
Esne. A serving woman in Aesdaishar Palace who served Lan when he visited. She had a square face; Lan thought she might be one of the daughters of Anya, another servant in the palace. Edeyn coopted her loyalties.
Esole. A Jenn Aiel child during the Breaking. She was the daughter of Jonai and was still young enough to play with dolls when they left Paaran Disen. She fell ill during their journey, and because there was no Aes Sedai to Heal her, she died.
Espara Soman. A woman from Toman Head who sought refuge in the Two Rivers. She was an herbalist, and sought Faile’s permission to work as a healer. Faile sent her to the Women’s Circle to determine if she was able enough to be apprenticed to a Wisdom.
Essande. Elayne’s maid at the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, chosen after Elayne’s return to Caemlyn. She was slim, dignified, white-haired and slow-moving. She knew the job and did not waste time on chatter; in fact she said little beyond suggesting clothes, and made the same comment every day: that Elayne looked like and reminded Essande of Morgase. She wore Elayne’s Golden Lily embroidered large on her breast, and her gray skirts were trimmed in red. She reserved certain tasks for herself, such as dressing and undressing Elayne. Elayne thought that Essande’s joints ached, though she denied it and refused Healing. Her niece, Melfane, became Elayne’s midwife.
Essanik Cycle. Seanchan prophecies akin to The Prophecies of the Dragon.
Essays of Willim of Manaches, The. An ancient book known by many in the world; the author influenced the Saldaean philosopher Shivena Kayenzi.
Essays on Reason. A book from the Royal Library in Cairhien that Min found intriguing. Its author was Daria Gahand.
Essenia. One of the Ten Nations. Its capital was Aren Mador (later Far Madding); other cities included Delsande and Tear. First Lord Cristol was the ruler at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.
Essonde. A senior der’sul’dam in Ebou Dar. Bethamin asked Renna, when they were checking the kennels, “Do you want to be reported to Essonde for laziness yet again?” and later told Renna to take her writing board to Essonde when she took her own reports to her.
Estair. An Aiel who was a Wise One apprentice to Aeron. She was a slender redhead with serious gray eyes. She seemed to look for rules to obey and always behaved as if a Wise One were watching her, which was odd, considering that Aeron was easygoing for a Wise One. She spoke reverently of the Car’a’carn; Egwene thought she could put on the siswai’aman headband.
Estalaine. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. She was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and was killed by lightning.
Estanda. A High Lady of Tear. Rand gave Tedosian into her care when he sent Alteima, Tedosian’s wife who had tried to poison him, to Cairhien. An agent of Sebban Balwer working for the Whitecloaks later persuaded Estanda to join Darlin in open rebellion. Merana and Rafela negotiated a settlement with Estanda and the other rebels; that settlement made Darlin king.
Estean Andiama. A Tairen nobleman who was the son of High Lord Torean. He was plain-faced with a large nose and ears and lank hair that fell over his forehead. He looked like a farmer’s son although he was incredibly wealthy. He drank as much as any three men. When he was playing cards with Mat and the cards came to life, he was frightened. Trapped in Cairhien when the Shaido attacked, he and some others managed to escape and went to Rand for help. He joined the Band of the Red Hand and became an officer. Estean was anxious to please Mat, but he was not terribly swift nor bright, although he was not exactly stupid. He was excitable and did not learn from his mistakes. King Roedran of Murandy hired the Band to help him gain control and build an army; Talmanes left Estean in charge of the horse there while they completed their mission and moved north into Andor, because Estean would listen to the more capable Daerid, who was in charge of the foot. In the Last Battle, he led the Band’s cavalry.
Ester Norham. A hairdresser in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn who was uncovered as a spy by Reene Harfor. Reene knew that she wasn’t stealing, but that she had over fifty crowns of gold hidden under her floorboards. Instead of firing her, Reene and Elayne saw that she was given incorrect information.
Ester Stepashin. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 955 NE, she went to the White Tower in 972 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 987 NE. Her father was a shipowner in Illian; she came from a line of shipowners, ship captains and shipbuilders. She was under five feet tall, with large brown eyes, a short cap of dark brown curls and a small, upturned nose. She was cute, almost doll-like, which she did not like having pointed out, any more than she enjoyed anyone referring to her height. Ester arrived in the White Tower a few months before Moiraine and Siuan, but was quickly outstripped by them. In fact, she admired both women, though when Siuan was raised Amyrlin she expressed her doubts concerning Siuan’s youth openly enough to earn her a stiff penance. She did not resent this, having decided that she had indeed overstepped the bounds, that discipline had to be maintained. Ester had one Warder to whom she was married, a man in his early forties, a little younger than she. She was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Ester was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. In addition, the general belief was that she harbored resentment because Siuan rose so much faster than she herself did, a belief aided by her comments back then and the penance they earned her.
Estevan Tonarma. A Tairen Lord of the Land sworn to Sunamon. A lanky man, he had a hard jaw, harder eyes and a peremptory manner with servants. He was with the army gathering to invade Illian.
Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu. Her Most Illumined Majesty, By the Blessing of the Light, Queen of Kandor, Protector of the Land, Shield of the North, High Seat of House Materasu. Standing about 5'4" tall, and buxom, with blue eyes and a few gray hairs dusting her black hair, she was stately with a considerable regal dignity. She was born in 946 NE and married Brys Noramaga in 963 NE. It was a love-match in large part, though there was a political consideration, of course. She ascended the Throne of the Clouds in 966 NE. She and Brys had eight children, seven of whom survived. Diryk, their second-eldest son, was killed along with his father in 979 NE. Ethenielle was a wise ruler who considered that her job was to think, lead and command; she left the soldiering to those who had the skill to do so. She married a second time just before the Last Battle; her husband was Tenobia’s uncle, Kalyan Ramsin. She took part in the Last Battle, attached to Lan’s army.
Ethin. An old serving man at Lord Algarin’s manor in Tear. He was bony and white-haired, and had trouble with his joints. Ethin disapproved of Logain’s manners.
Eurian Romavni. The Kandori author of A Journey to Tarabon, a book Egwene used as a guide to Tanchico.
Eval Ramman. Balthamel’s name in the Age of Legends.
Evanellein Lorn. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah in public but of the Black Ajah in truth. Part of the loyalist contingent, she had a strength level of 20(8). Born in 855 NE, she went to the White Tower in 872 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 885 NE and raised Sitter for the Gray in 997 NE. About 5'4" tall with a medium build, she had dark brown hair, which she wore in ever-changing styles, and thought one of her best features. Her eyes were large and brown, which she also took pride in. She wore low-cut dresses because she also admired her bosoms; they were not large, but they had a very good shape. She was very concerned with her looks, and with clothes. Evanellein often wore the latest fashions, though only when they were flattering, as she saw it. She was a fairly pret
ty woman, though not among the prettiest of the sisters. She was far more concerned about whether other women saw her as beautiful than whether men did, despite the low-cut gowns. She worried about the size of her bottom, though no man who saw it had ever complained; in fact, her worries were all in her head, and her bottom was just fine.
Despite what might have seemed overconcern with her looks and clothes, she had a first-rate mind and was a good mediator, though only fair at negotiation. Evanellein was considered politically very astute even for a Sitter. Before the tensions began among the Ajahs, she used her mediating ability to advantage in the Hall. She stood to depose Siuan, and was a member of the council advising Elaida. Her name was not in Verin’s book, but she disappeared with the other members of the Black Ajah. She was killed by Egwene in Tel’aran’rhiod.
Evard Cordwyn. An Andoran mercenary captain who was hired by Elayne. He was square-jawed and wore a ruby in his left earlobe. A pair of swords on his back indicated he had spent time in Arafel. Arymilla bribed him with gold to turn traitor, and he died from wounds sustained while trying to seize the Far Madding Gate.
Evasni. A Far Dareis Mai who went with Rand to Maradon. She was lanky with dark red hair.
Evelle, Lady. An aunt of Catalyn Haevin. She told Catalyn to leave the swords to men.
Evening Star, The. A respectable inn in Chachin, Kandor, with a female innkeeper. It catered to merchants of middling rank, especially women unwilling to be bothered by noise or rough sorts in the spacious common room. Siuan and Moiraine stayed there while searching for the infant Dragon Reborn.
Ever Victorious Army. The not-quite-accurate name the Seanchan gave their army.
Evin Vinchova. A young Asha’man Dedicated from Kandor. He was a pretty, pink-cheeked lad; Toveine doubted he shaved twice in the week. He was about sixteen years old when he went to the Black Tower. He mistakenly believed Logain and Taim were close until Logain set him straight. He associated himself with Logain, and was with Logain when the latter took Toveine. Evin was angry about two recruits, boys of maybe fourteen years, among the Two Rivers men. Logain told them all to watch out for the Two Rivers men, but not too much, so the others wouldn’t turn on them. Evin was trapped in the Black Tower by the dreamspike and captured and broken by Taim’s men. He was Turned to the Shadow, but his taint madness made him vulnerable to paranoia, which Androl used to make him attack Abors, another Darkfriend Asha’man. Taim killed Evin.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 37