Evon. The cook in the Arene household in Amador. He was fat and balding, and Liandrin thought he had piggy eyes. Liandrin didn’t like him looking at her, so she spoke sharply to him and made sure he sweated bullets while avoiding looking at her. Once she was turned over to his employer for punishment by Moghedien, though, he was not only able to do considerably more than look, he was encouraged to do so.
Ewal Coplin. A young man in Emond’s Field. Rand once punched him in the nose for making fun of his gray eyes. When the Whitecloaks first came to the Two Rivers, Ewal liked them, but he later accompanied Luc to tell them that Emond’s Field was closed to them.
Eward Aybara. Perrin’s stout paternal uncle. He and his wife Magde had three children. Fain killed them along with the rest of Perrin’s family, although it was believed that they were killed by Trollocs.
Eward Candwin. A stout cooper from Emond’s Field. During the Trolloc attack on Winternight, he received a slash down his back; Moiraine Healed him. He later took part in the defense of Emond’s Field.
Eward Congar. An Emond’s Field man who looked down his nose at others. He once fell off the Wagon Bridge and had to tramp home dripping wet, which took him down a peg for a month or so. Eward sucked up to the Whitecloaks when they came to the Two Rivers.
Ewin Finngar. A young man from Emond’s Field. Ewin shared the news of Moiraine and Lan with Mat and Rand; Moiraine gave him a silver penny. When Perrin returned to the Two Rivers, Ewin had grown a great deal, and helped Perrin in the defense of Emond’s Field. Later, with Dav Ayellin and Elam Dowtry, he ran off to see the world.
exchanger. A hollow cylinder from the Age of Legends found in Sammael’s room by the Asha’man. It kept the air pleasantly cool. The user had to supply the power, but his or her presence was not required to keep it running.
Exile, Long, the. See Long Exile, the
Eyal in the Marches of Maighande. A battle from Mat’s memories.
Eye of the World, the. A concentrated pool of pure saidin, created by Aes Sedai, using both saidin and saidar, during the Breaking. Many Aes Sedai died in its making. It was ultimately located in the Blight and guarded by the Green Man. It was destroyed when it fulfilled its purpose related to the Dragon Reborn.
Eyeless, the. See Myrddraal
eyes-and-ears. Each Ajah had informants, networks of agents in various parts of the world. In addition, some individual Aes Sedai had personal networks of varying sizes, and there was also an Amyrlin’s network. Some of these agents sent messages by merchants’ trains, others via pigeon. These informants were not very numerous, and were all extremely cautious, as it would not have been very healthy to be discovered working for Aes Sedai. Because of these informants, Tar Valon sometimes learned of events before closer cities, but because they were scattered, few and cautious, most information reached Tar Valon slowly, by more usual methods. News traveled faster in spring and summer than in autumn or winter, which was the slowest of all. Snows, rains and storms could all slow the speed of news.
Eyndel. A member of the Band of the Red Hand. In one of their attacks on the Seanchan, Mandevwin ordered Admar and Eyndel to take their crossbowmen up the north slope of a hill, where they would face off against Seanchan lancers.
Fade. See Myrddraal
Faeldrin Harella. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 937 NE, she went to the White Tower in 952 NE. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 962 NE. Standing 5'4" tall, she had dark hair in braids with colored beads to her shoulders. She had three Warders. Faeldrin was a member of the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn and followed after Rand when he fled them in Caemlyn. Forced to swear fealty to him after Dumai’s Wells, she was considered and treated like an apprentice by the Wise Ones. She intended to keep her oaths of fealty to the best of her ability, however reluctantly, but she could not stand up to Cadsuane, at least not openly. In one of Min’s visions, she saw that Faeldrin was in the palm of Rand’s hand and could be trusted. She accompanied Rand on his visit to the Sea Folk. Later, Rand sent her, with others, to negotiate with the rebels in Haddon Mirk. Faeldrin was killed by Hessalam (aka Graendal) in the Last Battle.
Faeral din Rao. A Sea Folk Windfinder with a strength level of 19(7). She accompanied Renaile to the Tarasin Palace, then to the Kin’s farm, where she observed the use of the Bowl of the Winds. She fled to Caemlyn with Elayne and her companions when the Seanchan attacked.
Fager Neald. A Murandian man who was born very nearly on the border with Andor; he went to the Black Tower. He was a fop and a dandy, his pitiful mustache waxed to a semblance of points. When he did something with the Power, he posed and postured as if expecting applause. He was three or four years younger than Perrin, and maybe ten years younger than Grady. He was especially strong in Earth, and he could make a gateway for Traveling. After Dumai’s Wells, Neald was chosen to accompany Rand, and then traveled to Ghealdan with Perrin. Neald showed the beginnings of a Talent with “reading” weaves, though at first it was just that seeing the weave in the sky made by the Bowl of the Winds made him think of wind. He and Gaul captured Galina at Malden, and took her to Perrin. During the pursuit of the Shaido, Neald exhausted himself making gateways; he was also bitten by a black snake in a bubble of evil. Neald worked with the Wise Ones to figure out how to link; he linked with them when Perrin was creating his hammer and produced a Power-wrought weapon. In the Last Battle, Neald worked with Talmanes to use the dragons through gateways, preventing them from being easily taken.
Faile. Old Tongue for “falcon.”
Faile ni Bashere t’Aybara. A young Saldaean woman whose birth-name was Zarine, she was the daughter of Davram Bashere, Marshal-General to and uncle of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea. Born in 981 NE, she was six years younger than Tenobia. She had high cheekbones, a mouth that some might have called too wide, dark, tilted eyes and a slightly hooked nose that some might have called too prominent. She was beautiful, but in an exotic way; it took Perrin a little while to decide whether she was or not. She stood about 5'7" and had several small scars, none that showed with her clothes on.
When Perrin met her, she was seeking adventure as a Hunter of the Horn. She joined his group, which included Moiraine, Lan and Loial. In Tear, she set off a hedgehog trap that had been meant for Moiraine, and became stuck in Tel’aran’rhiod, until saved by Perrin. Faile was enamored of Perrin, but she was jealous of Berelain’s flirting with him. Faile and Perrin traveled to Emond’s Field to defend it against the Trollocs; while there, they married. Perrin was later tasked with going to Ghealdan to deal with Masema; Faile accompanied him. Queen Alliandre pledged herself to Perrin there, and Faile and Perrin took on Morgase and her entourage, traveling incognito, as servants.
A group of more than two dozen men and women from Tear and Cairhien had also attached themselves to Faile and were called Cha Faile; she used them as spies.
While Perrin was meeting with Masema, Faile and her companions went hawking. Cha Faile arrived and alerted Faile that Masema was meeting with the Seanchan. Faile’s party was attacked by Shaido; Faile’s horse was hit by an arrow and broke her leg. Rolan, a Mera’din with Sevanna’s Jumai, captured Faile and carried her to Sevanna’s camp, where she was made gai’shain. Captured along with her were Alliandre, Maighdin (Morgase), Bain, Chiad, Lacile and Arrela; Berelain escaped and carried word to Perrin of the kidnapping and of Masema.
During their captivity, Galina, who had been held captive by the Shaido since the battle at Dumai’s Wells, induced Faile to procure a binder in Therava’s passion, a ter’angreal that had come from Sammael through Sevanna. A number of Sevanna’s gai’shain swore fealty to Faile, and one, a young man named Theril, was able to steal it. Faile and her companions, except for Bain and Chiad, met with Galina in a building marked with a red handkerchief to hand over the binder; Galina trapped them in the basement of the building. Maigdhin used her small ability with the
One Power to cause the scarf to wave; Theril saw it and went for help. Rolan, Jhoradin, and Kinhuin rescued Faile and her companions; Perrin arrived then and killed Rolan. Lacile and Faile stabbed Jhoradin and Kinhuin in the back.
Shortly afterward, Faile and Cha Faile killed Masema. Faile accompanied Perrin and his troops through Andor; they eventually reached the Field of Merrilor, just at the start of the Last Battle. Faile was chosen to secretly get the Horn of Valere from the White Tower and take it to Mat; soldiers of the Band of the Red Hand, Aravine (a former gai’shain who had sworn to her) and Olver went with her. As they were leaving the Traveling grounds in Tar Valon, a bubble of evil struck, and the gateway they rushed through led them to the Blight. Posing as a supply caravan to the Shadowspawn, they Traveled back to Merrilor. Aravine betrayed them to the Shadow’s forces, and they were captured. They managed to break free, and the Shadowspawn chased after Faile and the Horn. She doubled back and gave the Horn to Olver and led the Shadowspawn away. After the battle at Merrilor, Perrin found her near death on the battlefield, and took her to Nynaeve, who Healed her. With the deaths of Faile’s father and Queen Terobia, she and Perrin were to become the monarchs of Saldaea.
Fain, Padan. See Padan Fain
Fairheart, Cowin. See Cowin Gemallan
Faisar, Asidim. See Asidim Faisar
Faiselle Darone. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 20(8). Born in 829 NE, she went to the White Tower in 845 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 865 NE. Copper-skinned, Faiselle was stocky with a square face. She was raised Sitter for the Green in 981 NE. Faiselle had two Warders.
In 999 NE, Adelorna Bastine ordered her to join the rebellion to control and defuse events. Faiselle did not make any great effort to go against Lelaine since following her countered Romanda and helped assure stalemate in the rebel Hall. Faiselle believed the reports concerning Logain and Red sisters, possibly including Elaida, and by implication thus had suspicions regarding the Reds and other false Dragons. That put considerable strain on her purpose. But she felt that the problem of the Seanchan took precedence over all else. She was against any alliance with the Black Tower and worked to delay an embassy to it; she also opposed bonding Asha’man. She was part of the group, with Magla, Saroiya, Takima and Varilin, who negotiated with the White Tower to try to end the split. In the Last Battle, when it was discovered that Bryne was under Compulsion, Faiselle suggested that the Aes Sedai take over battle leadership.
Fal Dara. A heavily fortified city in Shienar near the Blightborder. The sign of the city was the Black Hawk; it was the seat of Lord Agelmar Jagad. The city of Mafal Dadaranell was built by Ogier, destroyed in the Trolloc Wars, and rebuilt by men; the name changed over the centuries. The city was built on hills higher than the surrounding land and was surrounded by a fifty-foot austere gray stone wall, with high towers topped by wooden hoardings and bedecked with pennants. The East Gate, the King’s Gate to the south and Malkier Gate to the north gave access. The streets were stone-paved. The architecture was plain and simple in contrast to Ogier work which had been destroyed: wood-shingled rooftops, tall stone chimneys and taller towers. A fortress was centrally located on the highest hill, surrounded by a deep and wide drymoat, the bottom of which was forested by man-high steel spikes. Inside the second defensive wall was a large square courtyard paved with huge stone blocks and surrounded by crenellated towers and battlements.
Around the city the land was clear-cut a mile out from the wall in all directions. A Waygate was located a few miles southwest of the city. Farms outside the city had wood-shingled, steep-pitched roofs that came near the ground. The city was burned by Lan’s troops in the Last Battle to slow down the advance of the Shadowspawn army.
Fal Eisen. A city in Shienar, the seat of Lord Kayen Yokata. The Asha’man set fire to the city during the Last Battle, and Yokata and his cavalry unit were killed by Trollocs nearby during a battle that went wrong for them.
Fal Moran. The capital of Shienar and seat of the Shienar monarch, King Easar of House Togita. Fal Moran was considered to be the heart and soul of Shienar. It was not as close to the Blightborder as Fal Dara. Fal Moran was razed during the Last Battle to impede the progress of the invading Trolloc armies.
Fal Sion. A fortress was located in this Shienaran town. Agelmar was to join other armies from Shienar, including Fal Sion, on the way to meeting the Trollocs at Tarwin’s Gap, at the same time Rand went to meet the Green Man.
Falendre. A sul’dam accompanying Anath/Semirhage when she met with Rand. She was honey-skinned, with dark tilted eyes and gray-streaked hair. After capturing Semirhage, Rand sent Falendre back to Ebou Dar to tell the Daughter of the Nine Moons that he would still like to meet with her. He also tasked her with telling Tuon that Anath was one of the Forsaken; she eventually did.
Falin Deborsha. An Ebou Dari merchant, possibly fictional, with whom Basel Gill claimed to be dealing, when the Whitecloaks detained his group on the Jehannah Road.
Falion Bhoda. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the White Ajah publicly and the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 873 NE, she went to the White Tower in 889 NE. After spending seven years as a novice, she ran away to Ebou Dar before being caught and returned to Tar Valon. Her brief stay in Ebou Dar was not pleasant. After six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 902 NE. She was about 5'5" tall and had a long, cold face and dark hair. Despite her outward coolness, inside she was a furnace of angers and slights. She had little or no patience with anyone’s faults or quirks but her own, and was contemptuous of others while never seeing her own faults or peculiarities. Other Whites were the only people she considered good company, and even then, they did have their faults, particularly in certain questions of logic. Falion was quite willing to use the Power to torture someone, even torture them to death, and was quite dispassionate about it. Her only vexation came if they didn’t give her the answers she wanted. She was one of the first thirteen members of the Black Ajah identified.
Under Moghedien’s orders she and Ispan Shefar traveled to Ebou Dar in search of objects of the One Power. They both came to believe that the cache did not exist. She and Ispan attacked Nynaeve and her party when they went to fetch the Bowl of the Winds.
Falion escaped, but as punishment by Moridin for past failures, she was used as a servant by Shiaine, and also made available for Daved Hanlon. She and Hanlon worked out an accommodation and information exchange because he did not want to be on the bad side of an Aes Sedai. Shiaine just wanted sisters to use, but saw to Falion’s punishment because otherwise she herself would be punished. Falion was shielded in such a way that the shield would dissolve over time, but was commanded to obey Shiaine.
When the shield dissolved, nothing changed, though Falion thought it would and should. She believed that the Chosen, while very far above everyone else, behaved illogically at times. When Elayne tried to capture the Black Ajah members at Lady Shiaine’s house, Falion was present. She was captured when Elayne was rescued, but freed when Daved Hanlon attacked Elayne in the prison. She then joined Graendal, and was later killed by Aviendha in the Last Battle.
Fall of Pipkin, the. A battle from Mat’s memories.
Falling Shale. A history book that Min studied.
Falme, Fifth Treaty of. See Fifth Treaty of Falme
Falme. The largest town on Toman Head, though not as big as a major city; its population was around twenty-five thousand. It stood on a spit of land at the very tip of Toman Head, on the Aryth Ocean. High cliffs ran to the harbor mouth on both sides, and atop one of those, where every ship running into the harbor had to pass under them, stood the towers of the Watchers Over the Waves, where the Watchers kept a lookout for the return of Artur Hawkwing’s armies. Falme rose from stone docks up the slopes of the hollow that made the harbor. The houses were dark stone with slate roofs, larger and taller as the cobblestone streets climbed up from the docks. At th
e top of the incline, the town gave way to hills. There was no town wall.
The Seanchan Return landed at Falme, and High Lord Turak had a house there; Fain went to him there, and Egeanin took Domon. Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne and Min were tricked by Liandrin into going to Falme, and Egwene was collared by the Seanchan and kept in the town. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Ingtar and Hurin tracked Padan Fain there to retrieve the Horn of Valere and the dagger from Shadar Logoth. Rand retrieved the Horn by killing Lord Turak, a Seanchan blademaster. The captured damane were housed in Falme, including Egwene.
Rand battled Ba’alzamon over the battlefield at Falme, while Mat, caught between the fighting Whitecloak and Seanchan armies, blew the Horn of Valere, calling out the Heroes of the Horn.
Some time later, Rand met the Daughter of the Nine Moons there in a failed attempt to arrive at a truce.
Faloun, Blasic. See Blasic Faloun
Falton. A Cairhienin farrier in Perrin’s camp in Ghealdan. Only a fringe of white hair remained on his head; he had broad shoulders and thick arms, and seemed nearly as wide as he was tall, though as a Cairhienin, he was not very tall. Like the other farriers, he grew nervous when Perrin tried to tend to his own horse.
Famelle Juarde. A Taraboner Kin and member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was 38(26); she was strong enough to have been allowed to test for Aes Sedai, but not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 658 NE, she went to the White Tower in 672 NE, where she spent eleven years as a novice. She began her test for Accepted the first time it was offered, but could not make herself enter the ter’angreal the third time. Slender and pretty, with large brown eyes and pale honey hair worn loose, she was one of the few among the Knitting Circle with no gray in her hair. When Elayne and Nynaeve first learned of the Kin, Famelle was working as a goldsmith in Ebou Dar. Famelle survived the gholam’s attack in the Rahad and was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace. On orders from Elayne and Nynaeve, she took part in manipulating them.
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