Iva. An Ogier woman who was the daughter of Alar and the mother of Loial’s wife, Erith.
Ivara. A Kin Elder and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was 39(27); she was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. She was a dark woman with a Tairen look to her; she had plump hands and her hair had some white in it. Born in 664 NE, she went to the White Tower in 680 NE. She was twelve years a novice and was put out of the Tower after she refused the test for Accepted three times. Varuna Morrigan was Amyrlin when she went to the Tower. At the time the Seanchan invested Ebou Dar she was a prosperous and respected goldsmith. Ivara traveled with Elayne to Caemlyn’s Royal Palace.
Ivo, River. A river flowing west from the Black Hills, where it formed, into the River Arinelle.
Ivon, Child. A soldier in the Children of the Light. He was with Dain Bornhald in the Two Rivers and reported to Bornhald that Fain had been talking to three Tinkers and all three had disappeared.
Ivon, Master. A Cairhienin knifemaker. He made some knives for Dena, Thom’s lover.
Ivonell Bharatiya. A woman, possibly apocryphal, who supposedly wrote about Darkhounds before the Trolloc Wars. She was cited by Masuri.
Jaalam Nishur. A young Domani soldier sworn to Rodel Ituralde. He accompanied Ituralde to his meeting with Domani Dragonsworn and Taraboners to find a way to defeat the Seanchan. Jaalam fought in the raids against the Seanchan in Tarabon, and was killed.
Jac. A man pitching hay in a song sung at The White Ring in Maderin, Altara.
Jac al’Caar. A shepherd in Emond’s Field.
Jac al’Seen. A Two Rivers farmer. His wife was Elisa. Stocky and square-shouldered, he had less hair than Bran, and it was as gray as Bran’s. His farm lay between Emond’s Field and Watch Hill; at Perrin’s urging, he moved his family into Emond’s Field and helped to defend it against the Trollocs.
Jac Coplin. A Two Rivers man who, along with Len Congar, stole a cow from Master Thane. After being shown proof of the incident, Perrin meted out justice by having them strapped.
Jac Wynn. A Murandian soldier who died just before the Battle of the Shining Walls; he slipped on a stone and broke his head. He was the husband of Susa and father of Cyril, who was one of the children Moiraine investigated while looking for the Dragon Reborn.
jack-fool. A term synonymous with idiot, as in “to act like jack-fool.” It was also used as an adjective, with a similar pejorative meaning. See also Jak Fool
jackleg. A term for a con artist.
Jadein. An Atha’an Miere woman who was the deckmistress of Harine din Togara. She was lean and leathery and had leather lungs as well. She took Harine and Shalon to the meeting of the First Twelve in Illian, where the Bargain with Rand was discussed.
Jadranka. A Seanchan soldier who was the senior of Karede’s three captains. He was short and thin with a prominent nose and had airs. During a battle with Rand’s forces, Karede killed Jadranka after Karede learned that Jadranka stupidly had told their scouts to press on until they found the enemy; the scouts were taken out and Karede’s army, lacking intelligence, was attacked while unprepared, forcing them to withdraw to minimize casualties.
Jaem. 1) Vandene’s Warder. Born in 922 NE, he was bonded by Vandene in 949 NE. He had thinning gray hair and was stringy, gnarled, wiry, lean, bony and as tough as old roots. He died after Vandene was killed at Lady Shiaine’s house on Full Moon Street. 2) The subject of a song called “Jaem’s Folly.”
Jaem the Giant-Slayer. A character in a gleeman’s tale bearing the same name.
Jaem Dawlish. The son of Melfane, Elayne’s midwife, in Caemlyn. His first paid job was mucking out stables, which he hated because it made everything taste like manure. He sometimes helped his mother, but wanted to be an armorer’s apprentice.
Jaen, Marith. See Marith Jaen
Jaerecruz lace. Lace used as trim on nice dresses. Nynaeve appeared in Tel’aran’rhiod in such a dress, and Min wore one at the White Tower.
Jaern Rift. A sept of the Codarra Aiel.
Jagad, House. A noble House of Fal Dara in Shienar. See Agelmar and Amalisa Jagad
Jagged Spire. A sept of the Taardad Aiel.
jagwin. An animal found in Seanchan that pounced from the high rocks.
Jahar Narishma. An Arafellin cobbler’s son who went to the Black Tower. Narishma was born in 977 NE. He had big dark eyes, a pale face, and dark hair in two long braids with silver bells at the ends. He had the spark, but it hadn’t come out when he was found by Taim. He was chosen out by Rand after Dumai’s Wells. He accompanied Rand to see the Sea Folk in Cairhien and to Illian for the attack on Sammael, after which he was raised to Dedicated and returned to Cairhien. He fetched Callandor for Rand during the Seanchan campaign.
Narishma was bonded as a Warder by Merise Haindehl after the attack on Rand there, when Narishma, Eben and Damer decided they did not dare return to the Black Tower, for they had been placed on the deserters list. Narishma went with Merise and her other two Warders when she accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and later to Shadar Logoth. He was raised to full Asha’man by Rand after Shadar Logoth, though Merise withheld the Dragon pin for a time, saying that he should accept things only from her. His strength began increasing again after Shadar Logoth, which worried Merise. At Rand’s order, Narishma and Merise went to the rebel Aes Sedai camp to offer them the chance to bond forty-seven Asha’man. While there, Narishma detected the use of saidin, leading to the understanding that Halima and Delana were Darkfriends. Narishma went with Rand to his meeting with the fake Daughter of the Nine Moons; he was injured, and was Healed by Merise. He also went with Rand for the meeting with the real Daughter of the Nine Moons. Narishma fought in Lan’s army at the beginning of the Last Battle, and later fought alongside Egwene against Taim. He performed some preliminary Healing on Lan after Lan killed Demandred.
Jaichim Carridin. An Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light, Ambassador to Ebou Dar, and a Darkfriend. Tall, with a touch of gray in his hair, he was fit and hard with dark, deep-set, knowing eyes. Posing as Bors among the Darkfriends, he attended a meeting of Darkfriends where he was shown images of Mat, Perrin and Rand and given orders. He commanded the Whitecloaks in Tarabon, and told Niall that Geofram Bornhald was responsible for the failure in Falme. Carridin took control of the Panarch’s Palace in Tanchico, after negotiating with King Andric to help Amathera become Panarch. He was under pressure to kill Rand, and a Fade took one of his sisters to punish him for his failure. Liandrin and the Black sisters complicated life for him when she told him she would be taking care of Amathera. Carridin was sent to Ebou Dar by the Whitecloaks as an ambassador and to cause mischief in the region, such as by organizing bands of “Dragonsworn” to cause atrocities and turn the public against them. Carridin got conflicting orders from the Forsaken about whom to kill and whom not to kill, and he was finally eliminated by Lady Shiaine for his failures.
Jailin Maran. A minor Andoran nobleman. His sign was the crosshatched Red Wall. Jailin supported Elenia for the Lion Throne before she was taken by Arymilla.
Jaim. 1) An old soldier who served with Lan in the Aiel War. Lan caught him sleeping standing straight up with his eyes open while on duty and threatened to tell his friends if it happened again. 2) The subject of the song “Jolly Jaim.”
Jaim Adarra. The captain of the Snow Goose, which took Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and Faile from Remen, where Perrin had rescued Gaul from a cage, to Illian. Jaim was short and slight.
Jaim Aybara. A Two Rivers boy who was sort of Perrin’s cousin. During the defense of Emond’s Field from Trollocs, he brought Perrin news of movement in the Westwood that turned out to be Loial and Gaul, and news of the arrival of men from Deven Ride. He was very excited when Perrin called him “cousin” and ran to tell his friend Had.
Jaim Dawtry. A farmer in the Two Rivers. In Egwene’s Accepted test, he told Rand of a big battle involving people called the Shawkin or Sanchan or something like that. In real l
ife, he joined Perrin’s army and guarded Perrin’s tent.
Jaim Thane. A boy from Emond’s Field. When Perrin and his men returned to Emond’s Field after being ambushed by Trollocs and staying with the Tinkers, Jaim ran to the people cutting wood to let them know that Perrin had arrived.
Jaim Torfinn. A young Two Rivers man who was considered a good shot. He was spindly, with dusty brown hair. His family’s farm lay between Emond’s Field and Watch Hill. When Perrin persuaded the Torfinns to go to Emond’s Field, Jaim joined Perrin and his band. After they rescued the Luhhans and the Cauthons, Perrin sent Jaim with them back to Emond’s Field. Jaim was not particularly happy about being left in Emond’s Field while Perrin and the others were off being heroes; he missed the ambush in the Waterwood and was thereafter reluctant to join the Companions, the men who followed Perrin.
Jaim participated in the defense of Emond’s Field, and was later recruited by Taim for the Black Tower. There Androl saw him leading a group of men digging a canal with the One Power, and gave him some advice on how to do it right.
Jain Charin. See Jain Farstrider
Jain Farstrider. A legendary traveler who wrote about his peregrinations and adventures. He was born in 925 NE. While still young, he brought to justice the traitorous Malkieri Darkfriend Cowin Gemallan Fairheart. He arrived in an Ogier stedding shortly after the Aiel War, appearing near death, saying that the Dark One was going to blind the Eye of the World. He stayed in the stedding and recovered before leaving. Farstrider disappeared north of the Blasted Lands in 981 NE. He became disillusioned after his wife died and he realized he had been made a tool of Ishamael, and began using the identity of Noal Charin, claiming to be Farstrider’s cousin. Graendal, knowing his true identity, picked him up because he was famous, to use his age like a beauty spot among her pets; when that proved unsatisfactory, she decided to make other use of him rather than disposing of him or tossing him out, but she never thought of him as any sort of key player in her plans. She sent Farstrider off to Ebou Dar under very subtle Compulsion, not really believing that there was much chance of a cache being there. She chose to use him instead of Darkfriends because she had control of Farstrider; none of the other Forsaken knew that, and if Farstrider were to find anything, she wanted it all to herself. Farstrider managed to work out an excuse subconsciously as to why he was in Ebou Dar chasing after a cache of angreal. He knew that there were gaps in his memory; he hoped that the memories would return because he felt that the gaps were important in some way. While there, he spied on Jaichim Carridin, Falion Bhoda and Ispan Shefar. Mat encountered him while he was spying on Carridin; Jain later helped to save Mat from the gholam and accepted Mat’s offer of rooms in the Tarasin Palace. By that time, Farstrider was much the worse for wear; he was scrawny and white-haired, his hands had been so badly broken that he could no longer handle a sword, his beak of a nose appeared to have been broken several times and he had gaps in his teeth. Farstrider escaped Ebou Dar and traveled with Luca’s show with Mat. He accompanied Mat and Thom to the Tower of Ghenjei to rescue Moiraine. He died holding off the Aelfinn so that the others could escape.
Jair. A wife to Mandelain, an Aiel of the Daryne clan. Her sister-wife was Corehuin.
Jaisi Trakand. The name used by Lady Caraline for Min when introducing her to Darlin.
Jak. A strongarm at The Dancing Cartman in Four Kings, Andor. He was hard-faced, big, and had arms that were thick enough for legs. His crooked teeth were yellow. Jak and Strom threw people out of the inn if they caused trouble, and the two also planned to help Hake, the innkeeper, rob Rand and Mat. Howal Gode gave Jak, Strom and Hake something to make them sleep while he tried his pitch on Rand.
Jak Fool. A figure of speech meaning a foolish person. As Elyas said, “More fools know Jak Fool than Jak Fool knows.” See also jack-fool
Jak Masond. A commander in the Legion of the Dragon. He was short and stocky and moved with surprising speed. He came to Illian prior to the attack on the Seanchan, and was part of the fight against them.
Jak o’ the Mists. Reference to something ephemeral, as in “chasing…,” or an expression of speed, as in “before you can say…” A variant was Jak o’ the Wisps.
Jak o’ the Shadows. A name for death in a song sung by Mat and the Band of the Red Hand.
Jak o’ the Wisps. Reference to something ephemeral, as in “chasing…,” or an expression of speed, as in “before you can say…” A variant was Jak o’ the Mists.
Jak, Old. A man in the song “Old Jak’s Up a Tree.”
Jakanda. A town in Arafel where silver bells to be worn in one’s hair were made.
Jakob Hernvil. Arymilla’s secretary. He was small and lean, as if all the fat had been boiled from him. Arymilla ensured his loyalty by paying him enough that only the largest bribes could be of interest, far more than anyone would offer a scrivener.
Jala Bandevin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was very short, about five feet tall, gray-haired and imposing. She had two Warders at the time of the Aiel War. One was a round-faced man playing a stately melody on a flute while Jala taught the other the steps of a court dance; the latter was a new Warder at the time, a blushing, pale-haired boy of no more than twenty. She was part of the group of Aes Sedai who captured Egwene at Northharbor. She and Merym galloped back to the Tower when they learned who they had caught.
Jalanda. 1) A city of the Age of Legends. 2) An Ogier historian whose information about Be’lal was quoted by Loial.
Jalani. An Aiel woman who was Far Dareis Mai. Jalani was sixteen when Mazrim Taim arrived in Caemlyn. She had short red hair, green eyes and baby fat in her cheeks. Her smile was a little too innocent, sometimes. She frequently accompanied Rand, and treated him like a brother—a younger one, usually. Along with Nandera, she acknowledged toh to Rand when a Gray Man came into Rand’s presence in Caemlyn without her seeing him. She was also with Rand in Cairhien. In Shadar Logoth in the search for Liah, she remained with Rand and the Ogier. She and Dedric had an interest in one another. Jalani was part of the force sent to Bandar Eban to restore order.
Jalid Magonine. A craftsman in Ancarid, Seanchan, who owned Karede as a boy.
Jalindin. A Seeker for Truth in Seanchan. She had a severe face with dark eyes. When she accompanied the Lady Morsa on an outing in Seanchan, they encountered Rand and Aviendha, who had Traveled there. Jalindin ordered Morsa’s arrest after discovering that Morsa knew more than she should have about Rand and events east of the Aryth Ocean in Falme.
Jalwin Moerad. An advisor to Artur Hawkwing who was really Ishamael on the second occasion he was spun out into the world. He became Hawkwing’s advisor in FY 973. He was said to be more than half insane and never appeared to age at all in the forty years he was active. He caused Hawkwing to turn against the Aes Sedai; after Hawkwing’s death, he advised those who came closest to seizing all of Hawkwing’s empire: Marithelle Camaelaine, Norodim Nosokawa and Elfraed Guitama. See also Ishamael
Jame. A Seanchan man, married to Kathana, innkeeper of The Yearly Brawl in Ebou Dar. Jame was a blademaster.
Jameine. A seamstress in Valan Luca’s show who was admired by Olver. Olver thought her neck was graceful as a swan’s. She was willowy and hot-eyed. Men sometimes fought over her, and she watched them.
Jamilila Norsish. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Her name was not on Verin’s list, and either she was taken by the Seanchan, or she disappeared following the Seanchan attack on the White Tower. She was one of those that Egwene thought might possibly be Mesaana in disguise.
Jan. One of Min’s aunts. Jan worked as a seamstress, and never married. She was very proper.
Janata, Martine. See Martine Janata
Jancy Torfinn. A girl from Two Rivers with the ability to channel. She was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. Fourteen and small, with a high voice, she was one of three born with the spark—Bode, Elle and Jancy—all three of whom would
be quite strong in the Power, in Verin’s estimation.
Jander Parentakis. A member of the Academy of Cairhien. He was working on building a paddlewheel riverboat.
Janduin. A man of the Iron Mountain sept of the Taardad Aiel. Rand’s biological father, he became clan chief of the Taardad at a very young age. He had a way about him that caused people to listen to him; he ended the blood feud between the Taardad and Nakai after two hundred years, and made alliance not only with the Nakai, but with the Reyn. He led four clans of the Aiel over the Dragonwall to avenge Laman’s cutting of Avendoraldera. After the death of Rand’s mother, he resigned as clan chief—the first ever to do so. While in the Blight to hunt Shadowspawn, he encountered a man who looked like Shaiel, his deceased wife, and Janduin refused to raise his spear against him. The man, Luc, ran him through.
Janduin was also the name of one of Rand and Aviendha’s sons seen during Aviendha’s second trip through the crystal columns in Rhuidean.
Janevor, Kelwin. The High Seat of his Andoran House. A vinegary old man, he was loyal to Elayne and brought ten armsmen to her service.
Jangai Gates. Gates in the eastern wall of Cairhien.
Jangai Pass. A major passage through the Spine of the World just south of Kinslayer’s Dagger and east of Cairhien.
Janina. A Wise One of the Miagoma Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 23(11). She had flaxen hair and pale sky-blue eyes, and stood 5'7½" tall. She looked to be no more than a year or so older than Rand, Perrin and Mat, but was in fact more than thirty years older. Janina and other Wise Ones were sent to Ghealdan with Perrin to keep an eye on Seonid and Masuri. She was with Perrin’s army and went to battle against the Shaido at Malden. Janina was the most accomplished in Healing of the Wise Ones with Perrin; she also assisted in the forging of Mah’alleinir, and accompanied Perrin’s forces into the Last Battle.
Janine Pavlara. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Born in 963 NE, she went to the White Tower in 978 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 998 NE. She was 5'3" tall, and plump, with large dark eyes and luxuriant black hair, which she wore pulled into a bun on the back of her neck in an attempt to look more mature. Being newly raised, she had not achieved the ageless look, and was wary and distrustful of men, but hadn’t been a Red long enough to learn to hate them. She was one of the new sisters who went to Cairhien to help trap Rand, and was captured at Dumai’s Wells. Janine was treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she had done before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She and the other Reds were the last of the captives to swear.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 50