Janira. A Saldaean Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was such that she would not have been allowed to test for Aes Sedai, and she was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. She was lean with graying hair, sharp cheekbones, and a beak of a nose. When Elayne and Nynaeve met her, she wore the red belt of a Wise Woman. She went with Elayne and Nynaeve to the Rahad in search of the Bowl of the Winds and was killed by a gholam.
Janny. Elenia Sarand’s personal maid for twenty years. She was a plump-cheeked Andoran. When she felt particularly good, Elenia bought new dresses for Janny, each one of fine quality, as a way to ensure her loyalty and discretion. Janny ran interference for Elenia when Nasin came on to her; when Nasin raised his fist to her, she did not back away.
Janwin. A man of the Degalle sept of the Shiande Aiel who was clan chief of the Shiande. He was married to the roofmistress Corida, his Wise One was Baellin, and his hold was called Nine Stones. He was 6'7" tall and weighed 240 pounds. His blue-gray eyes and hair as gray as storm clouds had a face to go with them; it looked to have been carved from hardwood. He was an even-tempered man with a mild way of speaking, which was definitely at odds with his appearance. Janwin was with Rand in Cairhien, and Rand sent him to deal with the Shaido; Rand later sent him and others to Arad Doman for strategic reasons.
Janya Frende. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 816 NE, she went to the White Tower in 832 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and twelve years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 851 NE. Slender and about 5'4" tall, Janya was pretty except that even when she was talking to someone she always seemed to be squinting in thought about something else. She was neat, unlike most Browns, with not a hair out of place. Janya talked quickly, as though she had no time to get words out, sometimes talking for an hour if no one stopped her. Janya was raised as Sitter for the Brown in 993 NE. After Siuan was deposed, she left the White Tower on her own, the only then-current Sitter who left without an order from the head of her Ajah. She left because of a firm belief that deposing Siuan was highly questionable, that stilling her was illegal and that Elaida’s election also was greatly suspect. In her view, these things made Elaida a usurper and dangerous enough for her to overcome the natural Aes Sedai tendency to accept change in order to preserve unity, in appearance if not reality. She was the second oldest, next to Romanda, among the rebel Sitters, and among the first to stand for raising Egwene Amyrlin. She was also first to stand in favor of the war vote, speaking uncharacteristically forcefully on the topic, and one of the first to stand in favor of the vote to form an alliance with the Black Tower. She was the only “old” Sitter who joined neither Romanda nor Lelaine.
Janya was very disappointed that she couldn’t learn to make ter’angreal or cuendillar.
Jaq Lounalt. Arymilla’s Taraboner secretary whose true talent was torture. He used cords as a specialty. Lounalt was a lean man with a veil covering his thick mustaches and a conical cap that pushed the hood of his cloak high. In Elenia’s opinion, he smiled too much. After Arymilla was taken prisoner, he was hired as a secretary by Sylvase. Elayne used him to question Mellar and the captured Black sisters, but he was a Darkfriend and helped them plot an escape. He died during the escape attempt.
Jar Silvin. A man serving Gareth Bryne in Kore Springs, Andor; he went with Bryne to find Siuan. Jar was gray-haired and kicked Thad Haren on the ankle to stop him from mentioning Morgase to Bryne.
Jara Doweel. A woman who ran a farm in the Black Hills. Toveine served penance under her for twenty years. Mistress Doweel believed in hard work and tight discipline and was a very strict taskmistress. Toveine exacted some sort of revenge on her.
Jara’copan. An Ogier-built city in Manetheren, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Jaramide. One of the Ten Nations. Its capital was Deranbar, which later became Maradon; other cities included Barsine, Allorallen (Bandar Eban), Canaire’somelle and Nashebar. High Queen Egoridin ruled when the Compact was signed.
Jarath, Lisaine. See Lisaine Jarath
Jared Aydaer. A young man in the Two Rivers. He joined Perrin’s band hunting Trollocs, and was killed in a Trolloc ambush.
Jaren. A Jenn Aiel boy from after the Breaking. His parents were Adan and Siedre; his brothers and sisters were Rhea, Malind, Sorelle and Elwin. When he was nineteen, he learned he could channel and threw himself off a cliff.
Jarene. The eldest daughter of Queen Ethenielle and Prince Brys of Kandor. She was born in 966 NE and married a Kandori lord.
Jaret Byar. A Whitecloak officer. He was tall and gaunt with dark deep-set eyes. He would follow orders whatever they were, and gave his primary, and indeed secondary and tertiary, allegiance to his commander rather than to the Whitecloaks as a whole. That commander was Geofram Bornhald first; then it became Geofram’s son Dain. Byar would do anything he was ordered to do—kill or torture men, women, children—but he had one balking point: rape was abhorrent to him. Byar was with Geofram Bornhald when Egwene and Perrin were captured; he pretended to encourage them to escape, hoping that they would try and he could kill them, but they were rescued by Lan, Moiraine and Nynaeve. Byar went to Falme with Bornhald, who told him to stand aside and take word back to the Children of the Light. Byar saw Perrin near Falme, and blamed Geofram Bornhald’s death on him. Byar went with Dain Bornhald to the Two Rivers. He supported Galad in his duel with Valda. He was very angry when Perrin’s punishment was delayed by Galad; Perrin’s rescue of the Whitecloaks from Trollocs did not ameliorate that anger—not surprising, given that he had been Compelled by Graendal—and he attempted to kill Perrin, but was killed by Dain.
Jargen. A sergeant of the watch at Heeth Tower at the Blight border in Kandor. He wore a forked beard and his black hair was dusted with gray. The day after his fourteenth nameday, Jargen joined the Blightwatch; he killed nearly fifty Trollocs. Jargen reported to Malenarin that there had been a flash from Rena Tower.
Jaric Mondoran. A male Aes Sedai during the Breaking who went mad and threatened Tzora. Ten thousand Da’shain Aiel linked arms and sang, trying to remind him of who they were and who he had been, trying to turn him with their bodies and a song. Jaric Mondoran stared at them as though at a puzzle, killing them, and they kept closing their lines and singing. He listened to the last Aiel for almost an hour before destroying him. And then Tzora burned, one huge flame consuming stone and metal and flesh, leaving only a sheet of glass where the second greatest city in the world once stood.
Jarid Sarand. An Andoran man who was High Seat of House Sarand and the husband of Elenia; she was the ambitious one in the family. His House sigil was golden boars. About 5'10" tall, he was jovial, dark for an Andoran and square-faced. When Bashere threw a knife at Rand, Jarid drew his sword, and ran toward Bashere yelling “Die!” Jarid never stopped being supportive of Elenia, and he was ready to fight even with Elenia imprisoned. When he lost his mind just before the Last Battle and began behaving erratically, his men deserted him and left him tied to a tree.
Jaril. A six-year-old boy taken to Salidar as one of Marigan’s (Moghedien in disguise) children; Seve was his brother. At first, they clung to each other and seemed frightened of everything and everyone and would not speak a word. Later, they laughed and shouted as loud as the other children.
Jarna Malari. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly but of the Black Ajah in truth. Born in 760 NE, she was 5'6" tall, with liquid brown eyes and black hair with white at her temples. While she had a saintly reputation and was much loved and respected, she was the head of the Supreme Council of the Black Ajah. She had Tamra Ospenya tortured (and killed) in 979 NE to try to learn more about the Dragon Reborn. Ishamael killed her in 983 NE, in his wrath at discovering the male channeler pogrom. Although she had never shown any interest in studying a certain ter’angreal for which no one knew a use, she apparently became trapped in it. For ten days no one could reach her; all they could do was
listen to her scream as she died. When what could be recovered was buried, every sister in Tar Valon and every sister who could reach the city in time attended the funeral.
Jarr. A mercenary who joined Perrin’s army along with Turne. Jarr had had a horse, but they ate him.
Jarra. 1) A sept of the Chareen Aiel. 2) A one-inn village in Ghealdan, just north of the Amadician border. Jarra consisted of a few muddy streets and stone houses with slate roofs, situated on a hillside above a little stream spanned by a low wooden bridge, with a sloping village green. Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial stayed there while on the trail of Rand, who had passed through and left in his wake a series of strange events: a flurry of weddings, and Whitecloaks who had behaved erratically, signs that Rand had been there, which was confirmed by people at the inn. Simion and his brother Noam, a man showing wolf-like tendencies, lived there. Moiraine was asked to see and Heal Noam, but he was incurable, so he was let go. Perrin had dangerous wolf dreams in Jarra.
Jasfer Anan. The husband of Setalle. He was square-faced and gray-haired and wore the double earring of the Ancient and Honorable League of Nets in Ebou Dar. Two white stones in the lower hoop of the earring indicated that he owned vessels besides the one he captained. He wore a work knife stuffed behind his belt, as well as a longer curving knife. His long blue-and-green vest revealed arms and chest crisscrossed with dueling scars. Most of the men who had scarred him were dead. He had a dark face and a deep voice, and when speaking normally seemed to be barking commands on a fishing boat. He found Setalle starving on the streets of Ebou Dar and took her home to his mother. Half a year later, they were married. Together they had eight children—five daughters and three sons. After the Seanchan took Ebou Dar, Jasfer sailed all his fishing boats to Illian with his family and his crews’ families, with plans to meet Setalle there later.
Jasin Natael. Asmodean’s identity as a gleeman. He appeared dark-haired and in his middle years. He was taller than most, moderately handsome to women, and had an oddly apprehensive way of holding his head to one side as if trying to look at one sideways. As a gleeman he was not flashy, didn’t flourish his cloak and didn’t seem at all eager to perform, although he was competent when he did. See Asmodean
Jasmen. A novice in the Tower. She was among the strongest that Egwene recruited to help fight against the Seanchan; Egwene taught her to link.
Javindhra Doraille. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 25(13). Born in 842 NE, she went to the White Tower in 858 NE. After spending six years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 869 NE. About 5'5" to 5'6" tall, she had a bony frame, with an angular face hard enough to hammer nails, a harsh voice and a thin, narrow mouth. Javindhra was raised Sitter for the Red Ajah in 985 NE, replacing one of those unchaired for their involvement with the male channeler pogrom. She stood to depose Siuan Sanche, one of only eleven needed to give the greater consensus under the circumstances, and served as a member of Elaida’s advisory council when Elaida was first raised to the Amyrlin Seat. She was, if not exactly broken, then reined in tightly by Elaida, which she resented heartily, not only because she was Red, like Elaida, but because of her early support. Javindhra was very aware of what happened to Teslyn, so she did not show resentment. She dragged her feet in the Hall sometimes to show her independence of Elaida, but only where and when Elaida was not likely to find out; if Elaida could see, however, she in effect came running when Elaida crooked a finger. Even so, given a chance to balk Elaida, she would snap at it. Tsutama ordered Javindhra to go to the Black Tower with Pevara to bond Asha’man. She was Turned to the Shadow while there.
Jeade’en. Old Tongue for “True Finder.” Rand’s dappled stallion bore this name.
Jeaine Caide. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 912 NE, she went to the White Tower in 928 NE. After spending six years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 940 NE. She had black hair, dark brown eyes, a swan-like neck and coppery skin and wore thin, clinging dresses. She did not like men, but did not love women. What she liked best about choosing Green was that she could have a number of men figuratively on a leash, which was where she believed they deserved to be. She was one of the first thirteen members of the Black Ajah identified. She burned a hole through both sides of a ship while testing the black fluted rod that produced balefire; she also tried to use it against Nynaeve in the Panarch’s Palace in Tanchico. She was coopted by Moghedien, and sent off on a task that caused her to look horrified when it was given to her. She impersonated Cadsuane at Shayol Ghul in the Last Battle, and was killed by Thom Merrilin because she did not walk like Cadsuane.
Jearom. The greatest blademaster in history. Jearom fought over ten thousand times, in battle and single combat. He was defeated once, by a farmer with a quarterstaff.
jegal. A scaled, chameleon-like creature from the Age of Legends. Sammael thought that Graendal had as many shades as a jegal had scales; in other words, there was a lot more to her than met the eye.
Jehaan, Stair of. A place where the Borderland armies successfully checked the advance of the Shadowspawn following the destruction of Malkier.
Jehaan Tower. The site where a Fal Daran soldier named Ronan once held off a thousand Trollocs with twenty men; Ronan was later Agelmar’s shambayan.
Jehannah. The capital of Ghealdan. The swift-flowing River Boern ran through the city, which was the site of the Jheda Palace, the royal palace of Ghealdan. Among other things, Moiraine had sent Uno and other Shienarans to Jehannah to collect information after Rand had slipped away from their camp in the Mountains of Mist. Faile and Lord Orban, as Hunters of the Horn, had overwintered there. There was a well-traveled road linking Jehannah and Lugard, Murandy, named the Jehannah Road. News often reached Jehannah by river trade.
Jelande. An Aiel who was Far Dareis Mai. She accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan. Her eyes were gray and her hair was dark brown. The dark hair made her a beauty, by Aiel standards.
Jen, Master. A servant in the Tarasin Palace. He was a short, bullish young man, and the second of seven servants to guide Mat when he visited the palace through the front door.
Jen. A name used by the Darkfriend Torwyn Barshaw. He was alleged to be Paitr Conel’s uncle and a merchant from Four Kings. He planned to free Morgase from the Whitecloaks. See also Torwyn Barshaw
Jenare Balmaen. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 25(13). About 5'4" tall, she was sturdy and had a pale, square face. She was part of the group sent by Elaida to take the Black Tower and was captured and bonded by Welyn Kajima. She was present when Rand met Semirhage posing as the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Along with Welyn, she was Turned to the Shadow at the Black Tower.
Jenda. A sept of the Tomanelle Aiel.
Jendai Prophecy. First spoken after the Breaking, this prophecy held that the Sea Folk were fated to remain on the water until the Coramoor returned, and that the Sea Folk must serve him. In truth, the Sea Folk, most of them anyway, saw the prophecy as being about a bargain. They would provide certain things to the Coramoor, and he would provide things to them in turn. But they did not trust as to what he would give them, so they bargained for it. One reason the Jendai Prophecy was given such weight by the Sea Folk was that it spoke of things that did not exist until after it was first given, sometimes long after.
Jendhilin. A Maiden of the Cold Peak Miagoma who died guarding Rand’s door at the Sun Palace in Cairhien when the rogue Asha’man attacked. Rand added her name to the list of women who had died for him.
Jenje. The site of an ancient battle, from Mat’s memories.
Jenn Aiel. The Aiel who remained true to the Covenant, to serve the Aes Sedai and follow the Way of the Leaf. After the second division of the Da’shain Aiel occurred, caused by some of the young Da’shain rejecting the Way of the Leaf and taking up weapons for defense, those who used weapons lived
in tents and followed the other Da’shain, who lived in their wagons. The ones who had rejected the Way became known simply as the Aiel, and began calling the pacifistic Da’shain the Jenn Aiel, meaning “the only true Aiel,” to mock them. The Jenn pretended that the others did not exist, even though when the split occurred many of the others were their own children. They traveled along the same ways, but kept separate, and both groups were led into the Waste by Aes Sedai who wanted to protect the Jenn from contamination. The Jenn Aiel, aided by Aes Sedai, began construction of the city of Rhuidean. Before the city was completed, it became obvious that the Jenn were dying out, although the group known as Aiel flourished. The Aes Sedai realized that the prophecy from the Breaking, that said that the Aiel would produce someone who would defeat the Dark One, would be fulfilled among those who had abandoned the Way of the Leaf and the covenant to serve the Aes Sedai. They summoned chiefs of the warrior Aiel to Rhuidean to learn of their past in a ter’angreal set up for that purpose; if they could survive that knowledge, they could continue and fulfill prophecy. The Jenn were also known as “the clan that is not.” See also Aiel, Da’shain Aiel and Tuatha’an
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 51