Jennet. A big-eyed, pretty Murandian noblewoman who became a novice with the rebels. She was one of those who asked if the novice books would be opened to all. She had a Talent for the new style of Healing.
Jennet Cobb. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 18(6). She was born in 851 NE; her parents were innkeepers in Caemlyn. In fact, they kept The Queen’s Blessing; Basel Gill was descended from one of her brothers. She had three sisters and two brothers, all long dead before the Last Battle. She went to the White Tower in 866 NE, where she spent ten years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, and was raised to the shawl in 885 NE. She was 5'4½" tall, with dark red hair that she wore flowing down her back, and green eyes. Jennet was not beautiful, but most men would think her pretty except that her manner was very reserved—not cool, just very private and self-contained. She had a considerable temper, though, which she learned to master with quite some difficulty as a novice; usually she controlled it very tightly, but it could flare, though rarely, particularly over what she perceived as injustice. She expressed reservations concerning Siuan’s age when Siuan was raised to the Amyrlin Seat and was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Jennet was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. Jennet was coopted by Seaine and Pevara to aid in their search for the Black Ajah.
Jennshain. An Ogier-built city in Almoren, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Jenric. An Aielman with whom Mat played a knife-throwing game in Rhuidean. He was built like a bear and considered himself a wit.
Jenshin, Stedding. A stedding located in Haddon Mirk.
Jentoine, Stedding. A stedding located in the Black Hills.
Jeorad Manyard. The governor of the province of Andor for the High King, Artur Paendrag Tanreall. He translated the Prophecies of the Dragon.
Jeordam. An Aielman who was the son of Lewin, one of the first Aiel to use a weapon. Jeordam grew up knowing only the tents and guarding the Jenn; he and his father would help the Jenn if they came to them. Morin, a Jenn woman, did come to them, and wanted to go with them to rescue her daughter; Jeordam shortened a spear for her and taught her to use it. He realized that a shortened spear could be more effective, and it became the traditional weapon of the Aiel. Morin, the first Maiden of the Spear, bore Jeordam’s child. Later in life, Jeordam and his greatson Rhodric were part of an Aiel group who were allowed to take water as the price of digging wells in an area that became part of Cairhien; the men who gave them water told them that the Jenn, whom the Aiel were following at a distance to protect them, were heading past the Spine of the World.
Jeordwyn Semaris den Tropan. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of the Nine. He was beardless with a narrow jaw, making his head look like a forester’s splitting wedge. In Rand’s final battle against the Seanchan, he fought under Bashere.
Jeorg Damentanis. A stout Illianer merchant buying gems in Saldaea. He was dark-eyed with gray in his pointed beard. He and his partner Pavil Geraneos were bargaining with Weilin Aldragoran just before Nynaeve arrived to drum up support for Lan.
Jer al’Hune. A boy in the Two Rivers whom Mat, as a teen, had saved from drowning.
Jera. A serving girl at The White Ring in Maderin, Altara. She served Mat, Tuon and Selucia; Mat tipped her a silver penny, causing her to beam.
Jeraal Mordeth. The name used by Padan Fain when he was in Cairhien advising Toram Riatin.
Jeral. A young soldier in the Children of the Light who was sent with a message from Carridin to Geofram Bornhald. He wore a cloak of Domani cut, not the white cloak of the Children of the Light. Very upright and by-the-book, Jeral was discomfited when Bornhald said that he had no need of the Questioner’s compliments.
Jeral Florry. The innkeeper of The Good Queen in Aringill, Andor. Thom and Mat stayed in the stable at his inn, although they had to pay a steep price for it. He also made the mistake of gambling with Mat and lost two horses. It was in his stable that Mat met and saved Aludra.
Jeramel. An Amadician town approximately one hundred miles west of Abila. It was the site where King Ailron joined battle against the Seanchan and lost, removing all nobility from Amadicia and giving the Seanchan control of the country.
Jeranem. A place in Seanchan with cold winters.
Jerasid. A Cairhienin farrier in Perrin’s camp in Ghealdan. He was just short of his middle years. He had broad shoulders and thick arms, and seemed nearly as wide as he was tall, though as a Cairhienin, he was not very tall. Like the other farriers, he grew nervous when Perrin tried to tend to his own horse.
Jeren, Sea of. Found to the south, before the Breaking.
Jerid Najima. A Kandori infant who was on Moiraine’s list of potential Dragons Reborn. He and his father were killed in a barn fire. The explanation for the tragedy was that his father was too lucky—things always came easily to him, including the livery stable that was given to him, the one in which he was killed.
Jerilin al’Caar. A skinny Two Rivers girl with the ability to channel. She was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She eventually ended up with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Jerinvar Barstere. The mayor of Watch Hill, Andor. He was wide-nosed, leathery-faced and white-haired. He was among the Watch Hill men who helped defeat the Trollocs, and told Perrin that they would take care of seeing the Whitecloaks on their way.
Jerum Nus. A young Whitecloak soldier. In the battle when the Trollocs attacked the Whitecloak camp on Jehannah Road, he was trapped under the body of a Trolloc. Perrin fought off the Trollocs alongside the Whitecloaks. After the battle, Perrin heard Jerum crying for help, rescued him and took him to a Wise One to be Healed.
Jesain. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel. Very short for an Aiel, no more than 5'2" tall, she had a mass of fiery red hair and a temper to match. She stared toward Shadar Logoth at the huge flows of saidar that were used in the cleansing of saidin, and slapped people who walked in front of her and blocked her view.
Jesamyn. A member of the Kin. She was golden-haired and young-looking. Jesamyn and three other Kinswomen were left in Caemlyn when Elayne went to the Field of Merrilor; none could make a gateway on her own, but they could when linked. Darkfriends killed two of the other Kinswomen, leaving her unable to get a message to Elayne. She Healed people during the attack, although she could not Heal Talmanes; she also helped defend Caemlyn, attacking Trollocs with the One Power.
Jesse Bilal. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 752 NE, she went to the White Tower in 768 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 789 NE. She served as a Sitter in the Hall of the Tower from 905 to 927 NE and later served as head of the Brown Ajah Council. About 5'1" tall and wiry, she resembled a sparrow, but she was much stronger physically than she looked. Her hair was gray with a little black, and her eyes were small and dark. She had a habit of tilting her head to one side when she was studying something in front of her, and a habit of tapping two or three fingers on her lips while thinking. She was very intent on whatever she focused on; some thought she focused so intently as not to notice other things around her, but they were mistaken. She was a very forceful woman, especially for a Brown. She was involved in sending Ajah heads to infiltrate the rebels, and was very displeased that Janya Frende went on her own. After the Seanchan attack on the White Tower, Jesse, Adelorna, Ferane, Serancha and Suana met and decided to support Egwene for the Amyrlin Seat of the reunited Tower.
Jestian Redhill. A historical Aes Sedai that Faile used as an example of Aes Sedai doing whatever the White Tower ordered.
Moondancer. Birgitte’s name in another life. In that life, Gaidal Cain received a head wound and she took him to the Tower of Ghenjei to save him. Although she had prepared well, she wandered lost until her supplies were gone and she died.
Jezrail. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was dark with a square face. She was with Katerine when Egwene was given her second dose of weak forkroot, and seemed uncomfortable about it; either she disliked being a serving woman even by association, or she disliked having anything to do with forkroot. Egwene dividing her flows fourteen ways impressed Jezrail. She objected to Katerine continuing to strike Egwene with flows of Air in an effort to force her to run to Silviana’s study. Jezrail was one of those who accompanied Pevara to the Black Tower to bond Asha’man. The reason she was chosen was that she kept a painted miniature of the boy she almost married rather than coming to the White Tower and spoke fondly of him still, though his grandchildren would be grandparents. She was Turned to the Shadow in the Black Tower.
Jhamara. A battle of the Children of the Light against Murandy and Altara. Because of a tickling in the back of his head, Niall set a third of his army to watch mountains said to be impassable; an Illianer army that was supposed to be a hundred miles away came out of those impassable passes.
Jharen, Mistress. The innkeeper of The Light of Truth in Sienda, Amadicia. She was plump, with gray hair in long curls and a warm smile, and her dark eyes were quite searching. Nynaeve and Elayne stayed at her inn. Mistress Jharen believed that if the Horn of Valere were not found, the Last Battle could not start.
Jheda Palace. The royal palace of Ghealdan in Jehannah.
Jheran. A man of the Haido sept of the Shaarad Aiel and of the Sovin Nai society who was clan chief of the Shaarad. He was married to the roofmistress Turolin. Jheran was 6'3" tall and weighed 180 pounds, a slender man, as a steel blade is slender. He had gray-streaked brown hair. The water at Chain Ridge Stand was one of the bones of contention between him and Bael, but he was always calm once the Shaarad’s four-hundred-year blood feud with the Goshien Aiel ended with Rand’s coming. He had been with Rand since the beginning, in the Waste, and was sent to Tear with his spears. Jheran was a signer of the Dragon’s Peace at the Field of Merrilor before the Last Battle.
Jhirad. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.
Jhondar, Eldrith. See Eldrith Jhondar
Jhoradin. A Mera’din who joined the Shaido and was Rolan’s friend. Squat for an Aielman, with blue eyes and red-gold hair, he caught and bound Lacile and also canoodled with her later. He helped rescue Faile and her people from Galina’s trap at Malden, but when Perrin appeared, Jhoradin reached for his spears and Lacile stabbed him in the back.
ji’e’toh. Aiel term meaning honor and obligation (ji = honor, e = and, toh = duty or obligation). There were no excuses under ji’e’toh. If saving your child brought an obligation to a blood enemy, you paid the price without quibble. The most honor came from touching an armed enemy warrior and leaving him or her unharmed. Less honor came from taking an enemy captive, making him or her gai’shain. Least honor came from killing, because any child or fool could kill. Like Shienarans, the Aiel believed that shame was worse than guilt, the worst thing there was. And yet, shame had to be endured if required to meet toh. Failing to meet toh was the greatest shame of all; any other shame was preferable.
It was not possible to live one’s life without occasionally incurring some sort of toh. There was no shame in incurring toh, only in failing to meet it properly. Lying, for whatever reason, incurred considerable toh. Just letting someone believe a lie incurred no toh, not at all like telling the lie directly. You could be told or be reminded that you had toh, though this was shaming, but asking whether you yourself had toh meant you did not know, and that was deeply shaming, and considered embarrassing to hear. An Aiel might well have pretended not to have heard the question at all. You decided whether or not you had toh, no one could decide that you had and require you to meet it. On the other hand, others could and usually would know that you had toh, so even if no one told you that you had it, if you failed to meet it, you suffered a loss of respect and of ji. You had to decide how to meet your toh, in effect, how much your honor was worth. Setting too high a worth on your ji for yourself was considered boasting. Setting it too small, however, meant that you did not consider your honor to be worth much. To stop someone from meeting their toh was to shame them deeply. There were a few ways to incur toh toward a gai’shain, but that was considered the hardest obligation of all to meet. Sulin chose to meet it by accepting a greater shame, in Aiel eyes, than she had given; that is, by becoming a wetlander servant. Shaming somebody, in and of itself, did not incur toh except in certain defined instances.
Speaking to a man of his father-in-law or to a woman of her mother-in-law—second-father and second-mother, in the Aiel way—was considered hostile enough to justify drawing weapons unless they had mentioned them first. If the offended party instead touched you after you spoke, it was the same as touching an armed enemy without harming him. That gained much ji and incurred much toh, but the one touched could demand to be made gai’shain to lessen the other’s honor and their own obligation. By ji’e’toh, a proper demand to be made gai’shain had to be honored, though one that was considered improper could be denied. This denial was shaming to the one denied. The shame was greater than being beaten publicly, and about equal to being forced to appear nude in public.
Jianmin. A place in Seanchan that came up in conversation between Almurat Mor and Karede. Mor referred to Karede’s honors for serving during the Jianmin Incident.
Jidar. A Saldaean soldier under Bashere in Caemlyn. He had odd ideas about Aes Sedai, as did his friends Vilnar and Rissen; they all thought they knew what Aes Sedai were like and looked like, but none would have recognized one if he saw her. Jidar thought Aes Sedai were all so beautiful that they could kill a man by smiling.
Jillari. A captured damane from Seanchan who was sent to Elayne in Caemlyn. She stuck to the party line: Women who could channel needed to be collared, must be collared, for their own safety and everyone else’s as well. Her stance softened over time, but she still could not be trusted.
Jillie Lewin. A girl from Emond’s Field. When Egwene first carried water for the annual shearing, Jillie was seventeen and her long dark hair was braided. She helped fold fleece.
Jillien. A plump Ebou Dari goldsmith who was at the Kin’s farm outside Ebou Dar. She fled along with Elayne and Nynaeve when the Seanchan arrived. Since she was late and one of the last ten to be ready to leave the farm, she was made to do kitchen duty.
Jimar Chubain. High Captain of the White Tower Guard. He was a good soldier and a good enough general, but overly impetuous. He always thought he deserved more glory and more recognition than he received; he was a great believer in glory. He served in Illian, as a mercenary, before entering the Tower Guard, and fought in the Whitecloak War and the Aiel War. Elaida wanted to replace him with Gareth Bryne. Chubain was injured when the Seanchan attacked the Tower, but was Healed. After the Tower was unified, he kept his position as High Captain, although he worried that Gawyn would try to take his place. Gawyn disabused him of this notion, and Chubain agreed to take unbonded Younglings into the Tower Guard. He fought in the Last Battle.
Jindo. A sept of the Taardad Aiel.
Jini. A Seanchan damane who belonged to the Lady Morsa. Rand and Aviendha encountered her and other Seanchan when they Traveled to Seanchan. She had short yellow hair and looked almost motherly. Along with everyone else in the party, she was taken into custody by the Seeker to be put to the question.
Jinjin. One of two damane present at Morgase’s meeting with Suroth. The other present was Pura.
Jinsiun, Stedding. A stedding located in the Mountains of Mist.
Jisao Hamora. A Youngling with Gawyn. He had a boy’s grin, but wore the silver tower on his collar that marked a veteran of the fighting when Siuan Sanche was deposed. He was also present at Dumai’s Wells a
nd helped Gawyn scout out Bryne’s troops. After the Tower was reunited, he became a Warder.
jo-car. Short-range transportation from the Age of Legends that used anti-gravitational technology. It came in a four-wheel design and a hovercraft (floater) design, and their shapes were like beetles and flattened water drops.
Joal Ramedar. The last king of Aldeshar, a nation from after the Trolloc Wars, and the father of Endara Casalain.
Joana. A name Birgitte went by in a past life.
Joao. One of the group of Shienaran soldiers who joined Lan in eastern Kandor as he traveled toward Tarwin’s Gap. Andere told the protesting Lan that he had run into Joao and the other soldiers before meeting Lan, and had told them to wait along the southern roadway for Lan and his men to come along.
Joar Addam Nessosin. Asmodean’s name in the Age of Legends.
Joelin. A Child of the Light. Dain Bornhald sent him and Gomanes with Ordeith to find out what he was up to; Ordeith reported that they were the only two killed in a skirmish with Trollocs. Dain suspected correctly that Ordeith had killed them.
Johanin. A king of Ghealdan. He stripped Logain of his land and titles when Logain declared himself the Dragon Reborn. Johanin supposedly died in a hunting accident; he was actually killed because he ignored the Prophet until it was too late.
Joinde. A woman of the Black Rock sept of the Shaarad Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She laid a bridal wreath at her gai’shain Garan’s feet the day he took off white. She was happy with her decision, but her fellow Maidens thought she had gone mad.
Joiya. A child that Egwene had with Rand, during her Accepted test.
Joiya Byir. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 28(16). Born in 828 NE, she went to the White Tower in 844 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 864 NE. She was a handsome woman with a friendly face, dark gray eyes and dark hair and was one of the first thirteen members of the Black Ajah to be identified. She was captured in the Stone of Tear; when questioned she claimed that Liandrin intended to free Mazrim Taim, let him wreak havoc and blame it on Rand. Isam murdered her, but only after nailing her tongue to the door of her cell.
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