Marillin was coopted by Moghedien and sent to Caemlyn, where she was assigned to work for Lady Shiaine. At first she attempted to put herself in control of the situation, or at least to resist taking orders. She came to realize, partly because of how Falion was being punished, that it was in her own interest to swallow her pride and take orders from Shiaine. She was with Lady Shiaine at the house on Full Moon Street when Elayne arrived to take the Black Ajah prisoner. When the tables were turned, she was part of the group that took Elayne prisoner. She was captured when Birgitte’s forces rescued Elayne and freed by Jaq Lounalt when Elayne was trying to get information from the captives.
Marin al’Vere. An Emond’s Field woman who was the wife of Bran al’Vere and with him ran The Winespring Inn. About 5'4" tall, she had a graying braid, a motherly smile and kind eyes. Born in 940 NE, she married Bran al’Vere in 964 NE. Marin and Bran had five daughters: Berowyn, Alene, Elisa, Loise and Egwene. They lived in rooms at the back of the whitewashed second floor of The Winespring Inn. She also might have been able to learn to channel.
Marind. A Da’shain Aiel man from after the Breaking. His parents were Adan and Siedre, and his siblings Elwin, Jaren, Rhea and Sorelle. Marind married Sarilin, and they had two children, Lewin and Maigran. He and his mother were killed in a raid by bandits; his sister Rhea was kidnapped.
Maringil. A Cairhienin nobleman from a major House. Tall for a Cairhienin, he was whip-slender with white hair to his shoulders and dark predatory eyes. He believed in the Prophecies but hated Rand deeply for many reasons: because he ruled and was not Cairhienin; because he saved Cairhien from the Shaido when the Cairhienin could not; because he brought Aiel to Cairhien; and because he intended to give the Sun Throne to Elayne. Maringil wanted the throne, and maneuvered as much as possible for personal advantage. He was poisoned at Colavaere’s order just after Rand was taken out of Cairhien by the Tower Aes Sedai.
Marinna. One of Rand and Aviendha’s quadruplets, seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean; she was small with a round face.
Marinye, Beonin. See Beonin Marinye
Marisa Ahan. A Two Rivers girl with channeling ability who set off with Verin and Alanna for the White Tower, and saw and was terrified by Rand at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She became a novice in the rebel camp. About sixteen, she was pretty. She always clapped her hands to her face when surprised.
Marisa Ayellin. A Two Rivers girl (originally Neysa; changed in later editions).
Marishna, Mistress. A young Kandori woman in Manala. Moiraine, seeking the infant Dragon Reborn, spoke to her when she was looking for Avene Sahera; she told Moiraine that she knew Saheras in Manala and South Hill, but none named Avene.
marisin. An herb used to make a tea that helped one sleep without grogginess.
Marisin Valley. A site in Coremanda where a battle was fought; Mat had memories of leading a cavalry charge in the valley.
Marith Jaen. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Born in 700 NE, she went to the White Tower in 717 NE. She retired to the country in 973 NE to write her memoirs. There were rumors that her decision was influenced by personality clashes with Tamra Ospenya and disappointment that Tamra was raised Amyrlin rather than she. Marith had a reputation as a stainless-steel bitch long before she was called back from retirement to take the Amyrlin Seat in 984 NE after the death of Sierin Vayu. The Hall felt that they had little choice, however; the previous two Amyrlins had died suddenly, and a large number of senior sisters had died in the prior few years. There were rumors in the outside world of Aes Sedai involvement in the deaths of men and even boys, and while most people didn’t believe them, the Hall had indications that they might be true. Her methods of putting paid to the male channeler pogrom while keeping the whole affair secret cemented her reputation as someone to make the Dark One himself walk on tiptoes. During her short reign, the Hall was in her grasp like a collection of dolls. Her death in 988 NE was entirely natural, though at a younger age than might have been expected. The Tower’s influence increased under her.
Marith Riven. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a potential strength level of 18(6). Born in 968 NE near the Andoran border, she went to the White Tower in 984 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 999 NE, shortly after the Tower split. She had a habit of making observations about people and events that might have been better kept to herself. Marith was 5'6" tall. When she went to the Tower, Marith Jaen was Amyrlin, or became Amyrlin soon after; it was decidedly uncomfortable being a novice and having the same first name as an Amyrlin like that. When she was Accepted, Elayne threw a cup at her; Elayne was switched. Since she had not attained the ageless look, Marith was one of the three new sisters sent to help take Rand. Captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand and had done so before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She had no Warder.
Marithelle Camaelaine. A leader who tried to seize Hawkwing’s empire after his death. Within days of Hawkwing’s demise, Jalwin Moerad, Hawkwing’s advisor, was advising Marithelle Camaelaine. She was assassinated, but was still counted as one of the three who came closest to seizing all of Hawkwing’s empire.
Market Sheran. A small village in Andor, west of Caemlyn and between Four Kings and Carysford. A small village, its only inn was a sprawling building, all on one floor, with the look of having had rooms added in bunches over the years without any particular plan. When Mat and Rand were working their way to Caemlyn they stayed at the inn there, though it was very expensive. The next morning at breakfast they were confronted by a young Darkfriend, Paitr, who Rand punched in the nose when he persisted in bothering them.
Paitr later offered to help Morgase and her group escape from the Whitecloaks detaining them in Amador; Paitr and his uncle were found chanting a catechism to the Shadow and hanged by the Whitecloaks.
Marks. A hound who ran away when Mandevwin was just seven, in Mat’s elaborate fiction concocted to enable him and his men to sneak into Trustair.
Marks and Remarks. A history book that Min read.
Marle, Beryl. See Beryl Marle
Marlesh. Vasha’s Warder. They had a casual relationship, much like that of a brother and sister. He was a short, narrow man and good with his sword. Marlesh fought at Dumai’s Wells and escaped with the Aes Sedai who returned to the Tower and were sent to Dorlan. He and Sleete teamed up to spar against Gawyn, and were defeated three times.
Marli Noichin. A captured sul’dam, held by Elayne’s group in Caemlyn. Plump with dark eyes, she wore plain brown wool. She was defiant, though she wept when forced to look at weaves too long, because she could see them. Still, like the other sul’dam, Marli denied that she was tainted in any way and claimed that the a’dam didn’t really work on her, saying that her captors were using the Power to make her think so. Elayne witnessed an attempt to make her admit she could see the weaves.
Marline. A Wise One of the Taardad Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 28(16). Marline was 5'8½" tall, and looked to be about the same age as Rand, Mat and Perrin, but she was more than twenty years older. She had dark brown hair of which she was inordinately proud as it was rare among the Aiel. Her eyes were a very deep, dark blue, like the purple of twilight. Marline was one of the Wise Ones sent with Perrin to Ghealdan to keep an eye on Seonid and Masuri. She went to battle against the Shaido at Malden. Marline assisted in the forging of Mah’alleinir, and accompanied Perrin’s forces into the Last Battle.
Marne, Arymilla. See Arymilla Marne
Marne, House. A noble House in Andor. Its High Seat was Lady Arymilla until she was removed by Elayne; its sign the Four Moons.
Marodred, Cerilla. See Cerilla Marodred
Marriage Knife, The. An inn in Altara that Mat, Elayne, Nynaeve and their party stayed at on the way to Ebou Dar from Salidar.
Marris Thornhill. An Andoran Aes Sed
ai of the Brown Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. She was of the loyalist contingent and had a strength level of 44(32). Plump-chinned, she usually seemed mild and absorbed in study. She had no Warder. Marris was named as Black Ajah by Atuan Larisett, who was a member of her heart along with Karale Sanghir. She was captured and broken by the Black Ajah hunters in the Tower, and gave the oath of obedience to Yukiri.
Marshal-General: A temporary rank sometimes given to a Seanchan Captain-General put in charge of a war.
marshwhite. An herb whose leaves made a bitter tea to calm a queasy stomach.
Marsial. A novice in the White Tower who Egwene sent to fetch forkroot that could be administered to Egwene herself, so that Barasine and another Red sister could tend to Red Ajah business.
Marsim of Manetheren. An ancient scholar who compiled the Annals of the Final Nights about the War of Power. She was considered reliable.
Martan, House. An Andoran noble House. See Brannin and Elvaine Martan
Martan. A handsome young clerk in the White Tower. He and Mistress Wellin were sent to copy names of mothers and babies off the lists Accepted had made; he smiled at the young Siuan and Moiraine until Mistress Wellin called him down for it.
Marthea. A Shaido Maiden of the Spear who was Arrela’s protector and lover while she was gai’shain. Though she did not like what the Shaido were doing, she stayed with them out of loyalty to her clan. Marthea was killed in the battle at Malden.
Marthera. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who Adelorna saw captured by the Seanchan during the attack on the White Tower.
Martine Janata. A Borderlander Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah with a strength level of 14(2). Born in 902 NE, she went to the White Tower in 917 NE. After spending five years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 926 NE. Although she was Brown Ajah, her friends joked that she should have chosen Green. Martine was happiest in her researches and studies, but she truly did display many characteristics of Green sisters, including a liking for travel and adventures and a real interest in men. She herself often said at least half seriously that she would like to have three or four Warders, and not just for extra hands to carry books and research materials.
She was the last sister who made a regular business of studying ter’angreal no one knew the use of. In 973 NE, she was discovered unconscious on the floor of the sitting room in her apartments, burned out. Martine was unconscious for three days. There were a number of ter’angreal in her apartments that she had been studying, but she could not remember which she had been working on when the accident occurred. In fact, she had no memory of the entire week preceding the accident. Her Warder was killed by the shock when she was burned out. In all the years afterward, no one was willing to have anything at all to do with any of the ter’angreal that were in her rooms. As soon as Martine recovered enough to slip out of the White Tower, she vanished from Tar Valon completely. She made a new life as Setalle Anan. See also Setalle Anan
Martna Baily. A fictional pie maker in Hinderstap.
Martyn Tallanvor. A Guardsman-Lieutenant in Morgase’s Queen’s Guards in Andor. About six feet tall, he had dark eyes and broad shoulders. There was often roughness in his voice and heat in his eyes when he looked at Morgase. He was born in 971 NE and in 988 NE joined the Queen’s Guards. From 988 to 993 NE he was involved in on-and-off border skirmishes between Andor and various Murandian lords, which were more frequent than usual at that time. Tallanvor served with distinction, was commissioned in 991 NE, and assigned to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn in 993 NE. At his first sight of Morgase he fell in love immediately, though he did not recognize it at first. From 995 to 997 NE Tallanvor served on the borders of Altara before returning to the palace. He thought that Elayne used her position to get her own way many times when for perfectly good reasons she should not have had it, and that she used her position to make Guardsmen disobey or bend orders and/or rules. He was not averse to seeing her snubbed up short now and again.
When Morgase resisted Compulsion from Gaebril and fled Caemlyn, Tallanvor accompanied her. While she was Queen, he had looked on her from afar and thought there could be no more. After some time on the run together, with her disguises and very much not acting the Queen, his personal feelings came more into the open, his love only partly mitigated by anger over her mistakes, especially one he didn’t admit to himself, that she had taken Gaebril as a lover. He began more and more to challenge her openly when he thought she was wrong, and to hide his feelings less. When Morgase, using the alias of Maighdin, and her party were taken into service by Faile, he became an armsman. After Morgase was taken gai’shain by the Shaido, he tried to find her, and instead found the Seanchan. Tallanvor arranged for Perrin to meet Tylee Khirgan and obtain Seanchan assistance in freeing the captives. He and Morgase were married by Perrin before the Last Battle.
Marushta, Rabayn. See Rabayn Marushta
Marwin clan. A family in the Two Rivers. See Elise, Hu and Teven Marwin
Marya Somares. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. Tall and slender with dark deep-set eyes, Marya was chosen to represent the White Tower on the Council of the Grand Coalition during the Aiel War. She supposedly died in her bed but was actually killed by the Black Ajah in their purge of anyone who might have knowledge of what they had dragged out of Tamra Ospenya regarding the birth of the Dragon Reborn.
Maryim, Mistress. A nom de route used by Nynaeve when traveling from Tar Valon to Tear, and in Tear.
Maryl Harke. A member of the Academy of Cairhien. A lanky young woman, she was tongue-tied when she tried to explain her project to Rand. Maryl had made a study of birds’ wings in flight, and she displayed a shell of paper secured by strings and held aloft by heat rising from a brazier fire. She made huge kites she called gliders and, attached to them, threw herself off hills. She broke her arm when one folded up on her.
Marza, Therille. See Therille Marza
Masadim, Noane. See Noane Masadim
Masalin. A gray-haired Shaido Wise One who could not channel. Faile saw her giving advice to a man about his horse’s ailment. All of the Wise Ones who could channel were gaping at the display created by the cleansing of the taint; since Masalin couldn’t channel, she didn’t notice it.
Maseen. A site in Arad Doman where Ituralde once triumphed in battle.
Masema Dagar. A common Shienaran soldier who began calling himself the Prophet of the Lord Dragon. Masema had deep-set, almost black eyes that looked like twin caves and seemed to burn with a dark fire. He never made jokes, or laughed at any, even before he renamed himself the Prophet. He was filled with zealotry, and might have been mad. About 5'10" tall, he had a pale triangular scar on one cheek and wore a topknot as a soldier but shaved his head when he became the Prophet. He hated or at least was contemptuous of Rand until he learned that Rand was the Dragon Reborn, at which point he became an increasingly fanatical supporter. After he and the other Shienarans under Uno were sent away by Moiraine, Masema began to preach the coming of the Lord Dragon in Ghealdan, and eventually became known as the Prophet. He in effect abandoned his Shienaran compatriots while making this change, for they were insufficiently ardent in following the Lord Dragon. Possibly only the fact that they were his former companions kept him from making examples of them. He became so rabid that people were flogged for using the wrong tone of voice in referring to Rand, or indeed for referring to Rand al’Thor instead of the Lord Dragon. He became so powerful through his mobs of followers that he had nobles flogged with impunity and even coerced the Queen into handing over her jewelry. Masema had no wish for self-aggrandizement; he ate and dressed simply, and if he sometimes stayed in the finest house available, it was largely because it was offered to him and he could use the space as a headquarters. The large gifts he was given—and those he in effect extorted—he used to feed the hordes that followed him. He was solicitous of the welfare of women, by and large, especially widows of his supporters, and of children, but he could be harsh even with the women if they
showed signs of lacking the proper ardor. Children alone seemed immune; though it made him angry, he said that children were too young to know so could not be held accountable.
Masema amassed a ragged army of upward of ten to twelve thousand men, the Dragonsworn, and they established themselves in Ghealdan. He had what might be called both a tight and a loose control of Ghealdan. That is, neither he nor his mobs of people were in constant control of Ghealdan, so a good deal went on that he might not have approved of. On the other hand, when he wasn’t there, there were a great many people who truly believed his message, and a great many afraid to let anyone know that they didn’t; a number of his senior followers could whip up a mob in short order. This happened upon occasion, sometimes for fairly base motives on the part of the one whipping up the mob. As a result, despite the Prophet’s absence, nobody did anything too far from what they thought he would approve, at least not out where it could be seen. This included commoners, nobles and Queen Alliandre herself. Masema sometimes slept in leaky farmhouses and drank only water; he always hired a poor widow and ate what she cooked, fair or foul, without complaint. Masema knew about Perrin riding behind Manetheren’s banner and assumed Perrin was out for personal glory, for which he excoriated him. It was dangerous to use Masema’s name instead of saying the Prophet, and also of calling Rand anything but the Lord Dragon, possibly with added honorifics.
Masema distrusted everyone. He despised the Aes Sedai, who he believed intended to try to control Rand. Perrin was not respectful enough of Rand, nor were the other Two Rivers folk. Or any of the others, for that matter. The Asha’man were men who could channel, and touching the Power was blasphemy for any mortal. The Wise Ones also could channel, which made them as bad as the Aes Sedai, and besides, they, the Maidens and Gaul were Aiel savages—Masema had served three years at Ankor Dail, and hated Aiel. Masema would not Travel because it was blasphemy for anyone except the Dragon Reborn to touch the One Power, and him only because he was the Light-made-flesh. He changed this position, unexpectedly, when it was necessary to keep up with Perrin.
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