Masema gained some control over the northern part of eastern Amadicia after an altercation with the Whitecloaks over the seizure of a vessel for Nynaeve’s use that led to rioting in Samara, but in many ways his conquest had not been as quick or as smooth as in Ghealdan. There was strong resistance from Whitecloaks, and to some people’s surprise, from the King’s soldiers too, as well as locally raised militias and levies. Thus that quadrant of Amadicia resembled a quilt, with regions that were firmly in Masema’s control, regions firmly in the control of Whitecloaks or the King’s soldiers, and regions that were no-man’s-lands.
Once Masema and his troops followed Perrin, they lost control of Amadicia to the Seanchan. Aes Sedai who had sworn to Rand were still objects of distrust and dislike for Masema, but in some ways he was easier toward them than toward others, supposedly because Seonid and Masuri could say right out that they had sworn fealty to Rand and meant to keep their oaths.
The Prophet disapproved of money gained through trade as much as he did of carousing or what his fellows called lewd behavior. He disapproved of many things and made his feelings clear with sharp examples. He was assassinated before the Last Battle by Faile and Cha Faile.
Masenashar. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Maseta Peninsula. The center peninsula of Tanchico in Tarabon, one of the three peninsulas on Tanchico Bay; the King’s Circle, an assembly arena, lay on it.
Mashadar. The evil residing in Shadar Logoth which came about after everyone in Shadar Logoth had killed one another. Suspicion and hate made something that fed on that which created it, something locked in the bedrock on which the city stood. Appearing as a faintly luminescent silvery-gray mist, Mashadar killed anyone it touched. It came out at sunset and could sense food. Mashadar ensnared Mordeth, who alone survived the destruction of Shadar Logoth, confining him to the ruined city until he could consume the soul of another and escape.
Mashera Donavelle. An Aes Sedai from history who went against her inclinations in obedience to the White Tower and bore seven children for a man she loathed.
mashiara. Old Tongue for “beloved of heart and soul.”
Mashinta, Naorman. A third-generation cobbler in Tar Valon. Egwene met with Siuan in his shop in Tel’aran’rhiod.
Mashong, Stedding. A stedding located in the Spine of the World.
Masic. An Ebou Dari man who was killed in a knife fight with Baris. Asra tried to Heal him, but was not successful.
Mask of Mirrors, the. A weave, also known as Illusion or Mirror of Mists, which allowed one to change one’s appearance.
Maslin, Narvais. See Narvais Maslin
Masond, Jak. See Jak Masond
Masoon, Cormalinde. A famous sculptor from the Age of Legends whose works were found in the Ansaline Gardens resort.
Master of the Blades. A Sea Folk officer, appointed by the Mistress of the Ships, who had authority over all Swordmasters, and was responsible for defense and security of all Sea Folk. Though the Master of the Blades was frequently the husband of the Mistress of the Ships, it was not always so. The Master of the Blades rated a fringed blue parasol of three tiers. Baroc served as Master of the Blades for Nesta din Reas Two Moons; they were executed by the Seanchan for rebellion. When Zaida became Mistress of the Ships, she appointed Amel as her Master of the Blades.
Masuri Sokawa. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 935 NE, she went to the White Tower in 950 NE. After spending five years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 962 NE. Her Warder was Rovair Kirklin. Masuri was 5'4" tall, and slim, with merry brown eyes. She always spoke quietly, but unlike many Browns, she always spoke straight to the point. She was also an untypical Brown in that she took some interest in clothes and men, and liked to flirt, though she could sometimes ignore the man she was flirting with, because of something interesting, such as a book or just a sudden interesting thought. She was an expert on Darkhounds. Masuri was part of the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn and was one of the first three to approach Rand there. She followed after Rand when he fled Caemlyn and was forced to swear fealty to him after Dumai’s Wells. She was treated as an apprentice by the Aiel Wise Ones.
Masuri and Seonid were sent to Ghealdan with Perrin, under orders to obey him as they would Rand, something that left room for interpretation, as she, Seonid and Perrin were all aware. Masuri, like Seonid, considered the Dragonsworn to be mad dogs, Masema included, but she thought the mad dogs could and should be leashed and bound so that they could be used. This was one of the ways she thought she could meet her obligation to serve the Dragon Reborn. Or, she thought so in the beginning; she changed her mind over time.
Masuri had a certain animosity toward Perrin. Actually, it was toward Rand, for putting her in the position in which she found herself with the Wise Ones—doing chores, and so forth—but Rand was not there while Perrin was, as Rand’s representative. In fact, she would very much have liked to skin Perrin. Masuri believed that Perrin, like Masema, needed to be leashed and bound. Whether she had decided this because she thought it was another way to meet her obligations to the Dragon Reborn, or because of her animus toward Rand and Perrin, was unclear, perhaps even to her. She and Rovair secretly met with Masema, sometimes accompanied by Annoura; Masuri thought that Masema could be used in some way to further the cause of the Light. During the Last Battle Masuri was stationed at Berelain’s palace in Mayene, and Healed Perrin after he sustained an arrow wound from Slayer.
Masuto. A Shienaran soldier with a long nose who went with Rand and Ingtar to reclaim the Horn of Valere. He stirred soup as Min and Perrin talked in the Mountains of Mist.
Mat Cauthon. See Matrim (Mat) Cauthon
Match. See Piri
Materasu. A noble House in Kandor. See Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu
Materese the Healer. Mother of the Wondrous Ind, featured in one of Thom Merrilin’s tales.
Mathena. A woman from history who shied away from men until she was kissed. Birgitte told Nynaeve that she was like Mathena, and to watch out for the first man to kiss her.
Matherin. A Royal House of Andor. See Aedmun and Nelein Matherin
Mathwin, Verin. See Verin Mathwin
Matilde. A serving woman in the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar. The fourth of seven servants to guide Mat on his first visit to the palace, she was skinny and wore a marriage knife.
Matoun. A lancer with Bashere’s army. After Rand had his hand blasted off by Semirhage, Bashere and his men arrived through gateways and Bashere ordered Matoun to form the lancers.
Matrim (Mat) Cauthon. A young ta’veren man from Emond’s Field. He was born in 978 NE, the son of Abell and Natti, and had two younger sisters, Bodewhin and Eldrin. Approximately 5'11" tall and weighing 170 pounds, he had brown eyes and brown hair long enough to reach his coat collar. Mat was always mischievous as a child; he and Dav Ayellin seemed rivals to see who could get into the most trouble. Mat never could figure out how his mother always seemed to know what he was doing; it never occurred to him that his sisters were keeping her informed.
In 998 NE, Mat saw a stranger in a black cloak on a black horse; his friends Rand al’Thor and Perrin Aybara did as well. On the next night, Winternight, Trollocs attacked Emond’s Field. Moiraine Sedai and her Warder Lan were visiting, and they helped fight off the attack. Since the attack was focused on the homes of Perrin, Rand and Mat, Moiraine persuaded them that it was necessary for them to leave Emond’s Field. They attempted to leave secretly, but Egwene al’Vere realized that they were up to something and went along, and the gleeman who was in town for Bel Tine joined as well.
The group started for Tar Valon, with Draghkar, Myrddraal and Trollocs chasing them; Perrin, Rand and Mat began being troubled by dreams involving a man with eyes of fire who called himself Ba’alzamon. Moiraine and Lan were able to keep them just a step ahead of the Shadowspawn. Finally they were forced to shelter in Shadar Logoth. Mat persuaded Rand and Per
rin to explore the city; they encountered Mordeth, but did not help him escape. Mat stole a dagger with a ruby in its hilt from Mordeth’s cache of riches. Against all expectations Trollocs entered the ruined city, and the group gathered itself to flee. Mashadar, a deadly fog, appeared. Mat, Rand and Thom, separated from the others, found refuge on Bayle Domon’s boat, and fled Trollocs downriver to Whitebridge. Mat and Rand separated from Thom there during an encounter with a Myrddraal. Village by village they made their way to Caemlyn, sometimes performing to earn their keep. They were chased by Darkfriends and Fades, and Mat grew increasingly distrustful and hopeless; in Caemlyn Mat seemed ill. There they were reunited with the rest of their party; Moiraine revealed that the dagger that Mat had stolen was causing his distrust and illness; she Healed him as much as she could. They then traveled via the Ways to Fal Dara, and from there made their way through the Blight to the Green Man and the Eye of the World. Aginor and Balthamel appeared; they had been able to follow the dagger. The Green Man killed Balthamel, and Rand killed Aginor. In the empty Eye, they found the Horn of Valere, a broken seal of the Dark One’s prison and the Dragon banner.
They returned to Fal Dara, but Trollocs and Fades attacked and stole the Horn and the dagger; Mat would die if the dagger was not recovered and his connection to it broken. Perrin, Loial, Rand and Mat joined a group of Shienaran soldiers to pursue those who stole the items; Rand, Loial and Hurin, a sniffer who could smell the trail, vanished, and Perrin used his wolfbrother talents to lead the rest in pursuit. Rand was able to take the Horn back, but it was stolen again by Padan Fain, who took it to Falme. Mat, Rand and the rest followed using a Portal Stone, but something went wrong and they all saw all the lives that they could have lived, and lost four months in the process. They eventually made it to Falme, and took the Horn and dagger again. The Seanchan and the Whitecloaks were battling, and Mat blew the Horn; they all managed to escape, with the exception of Ingtar, a Shienaran solder who was also a Darkfriend.
Mat was then taken to Tar Valon, where he was Healed of his connection to the dagger. He found that some of his memories were sketchy, but that did not stop him from teaching Galad Damodred and Gawyn Trakand that a man with a quarterstaff could be a dangerous foe. Although he was not supposed to leave Tar Valon, Elayne, Nynaeve and Egwene were able to provide him with a letter so that he could leave. Before he left, he went on a gambling spree and discovered that he was incredibly lucky.
Mat convinced Thom to accompany him to Caemlyn to deliver Elayne’s letter to Morgase. They went downriver to Aringill, where Mat saved Aludra, an Illuminator, from thugs. She rewarded him with a gift of fireworks. In Caemlyn, he tried to deliver Elayne’s letter, but was turned away at the gate. Like Rand, he went over the wall and overheard someone ordering the deaths of Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve in Tear; he managed to meet with Morgase and her lover Gaebril, and realized that Gaebril had issued those orders. He and Thom set out to Tear to save them. He used Aludra’s fireworks to make his way into the Stone of Tear and rescued the three women. He visited the realm of the Aelfinn using the redstone doorway in the Stone; the Aelfinn told him that he must go to Rhuidean or die, that he would marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons, die and live again, and live once more a part of what was, and give up half the light of the world to save the world. Mat went with Rand via Portal Stone to the Waste, and entered Rhuidean because of what he was told by the Aelfinn. In Rhuidean he entered another doorframe ter’angreal; it took him to the realm of the Eelfinn, where he received a foxhead medallion and other men’s memories, then was hung from an ashandarei tangled in Avendesora’s branches. Rand cut him down and resuscitated him.
In the Waste, Mat acquired a black hat from the peddler Hadnan Kadere and took up with Melindhra, a Shaido Maiden. When he arrived back in Cairhien, he intended to leave Rand and go off on his own; instead, he found himself caught up in the battle against the Shaido for Cairhien. He saved Cairhienin and Tairens from an ambush, and killed Couladin. The next day, Nalesean, one of the Tairens, and Talmanes, a Cairhienin, swore fealty to him and said that he was their general; Mat still tried to get away, but the soldiers followed him and became the Band of the Red Hand. After battling Andorans trying to take Cairhien’s Sun Throne for Morgase, Mat and the Band returned to the city of Cairhien with the news that Morgase was dead and Gaebril King. Rand declared that he was going to Caemlyn to kill Rahvin; he also badgered Mat to use his army. Mat let slip to Melindhra that Rand was going to Caemlyn; she tried to kill Mat, and he killed her. Mat went with Rand to Caemlyn; in Rahvin’s first blast, Mat was killed. Rand finally killed Rahvin with balefire, and Mat returned to life.
Mat fell in with Rand’s plans and took his army to Maerone; there he danced a forgotten dance with Betse and rescued Olver from Murandian lords. The Band headed south toward Tear; before they got there, Rand appeared and redirected them toward Salidar to fetch Elayne to Caemlyn. When Mat arrived in Salidar, he was astonished to find that Egwene was the Amyrlin. He, Nalesean and some Redarms of the Band accompanied Elayne, Nynaeve, Aviendha and several Aes Sedai to Ebou Dar. There he was rather forcefully seduced by Queen Tylin, became friends with Tylin’s son Beslan and with Birgitte, located the Bowl of the Winds, fought a gholam, learned that Moghedien (or at least one of the Forsaken) might be taking an interest in him, remained behind to find Olver when the women left with the Bowl, and was trapped under a collapsing brick wall when the Seanchan took the city. Dug out of the ruins, he recuperated in Tylin’s palace and became known to the Seanchan as “Tylin’s Toy,” or simply “Toy.” Tuon offered to buy him. He befriended Noal Charin, and planned to help Teslyn escape from being a damane to repay her attempt to warn him earlier. He also freed a Windfinder damane and two other Aes Sedai. In escaping, he kidnapped Tuon, learned that she was the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and said three times that she was his wife. He fled to Valan Luca’s show, which was camped outside Ebou Dar, and they began to make their way to Lugard.
While they were traveling, Mat attempted to court Tuon. Renna, a sul’dam who had escaped with him, tried to kill Egeanin and then went to the Seanchan; Mat followed her, and Harnan was able to kill her at Mat’s order. Mat and Thom took Tuon to an inn in Maderin; when they left they were attacked, and Mat decided it was time to leave Luca’s show. He was headed for a pass in the Damona Mountains when Talmanes and part of the Band appeared with the news that a landslide had closed it. Mat then worked to draw the Seanchan away from the Molvaine Gap so he and his group could get out of Altara. He won several skirmishes before Banner-General Furyk Karede showed up; when Karede assured Mat that he could safely return Tuon to Ebou Dar, Mat said that he would let her go. Tuon then said that Mat was her husband three times, completing the Seanchan marriage ceremony and making Mat the Prince of the Ravens. Karede started for Ebou Dar with Tuon, and Mat, the Band and a number of Deathwatch Guards fought Seanchan who were trying to kill Tuon and defeated them decisively.
Mat then headed to Andor to rejoin the rest of the Band; on the way, he won a bet in Hinderstap, but almost lost his life. He met up with Verin, who offered to make a gateway to Caemlyn for him, but he had to stay there for thirty days, not opening a letter she gave him. Mat camped outside Caemlyn and wrote Elayne asking for a meeting; while he was waiting for a reply, the gholam showed up in his camp and killed a number of his men. In his meeting with Elayne, he was able to get her support for building dragons; in return, he loaned her his foxhead medallion for three days. She was able to make imperfect copies, and he was able to use those in defeating the gholam by dumping the creature off the side of a Skimming platform. Mat met up with Perrin, and Perrin agreed to have one of his Asha’man make a gateway to the Tower of Ghenjei. Mat, Noal and Thom went to the tower, and succeeded in rescuing Moiraine, although Noal, who was really Jain Farstrider, was killed in the effort.
Mat returned to Ebou Dar to see Tuon; he saved her from a Gray Man and consummated their marriage. Tuon named him the Rodholder of the Seanchan army, third in the line of c
ommand after Tuon and Galgan. Mat led the Seanchan army to the Last Battle; when it was discovered that the great captains were all victims of Graendal’s Compulsion, he assumed command of the entire army of the Light. With a lot of help from his friends, he led them to victory over the forces of the Shadow. He then went to Shayol Ghul and killed Padan Fain. Tuon told him that she was with child, and he set off a fireworks display for her.
Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar. The King of Illian, Anointed by the Light, Lion of the Coast, Defender of the Sea of Storms. His sigil was the Three Leopards, silver on black. Mattin, old enough to have fought Pedron Niall in his prime, was still robust but almost bald, with a white beard and a creased face framing a nose that had obviously been broken in the past. He came heavily under the influence of Lord Brend (Sammael), but as Sammael became distracted by worries about Rand in the months immediately preceding the conquest of Illian, Mattin had begun to reassert himself. A few days before the attack on the city of Illian, he vanished. The remaining Council of Nine suspected that Brend had something to do with that, but in truth Elaida had had him kidnapped. He arrived in Tar Valon on one of the last vessels to enter before the harbors were blocked by Egwene’s cuendillar chains. Elaida asserted that she had saved him from Rand, but Egwene told him the truth about Rand’s dealings with rulers. After the White Tower was reunited, Mattin was afraid to return to Illian and did not try to retake the throne.
Matuchin Hall. A place associated with the Heroes of the Horn, mentioned in The Great Hunt of the Horn. Blaes, a Hero of the Horn, was of Matuchin.
Maule, the. The rough port area of Tear. It contained inns, though they were cramped and often dirty, and it also contained shops that catered to the sailors and working folk of the sea.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 67