Mavabwin, Lord. A Cairhienin nobleman of middling power who Elayne thought could be a roadblock to her ascending the Sun Throne. Present when Elayne stripped Arymilla, Naean and Elenia of the properties and offered them to Cairhienin, he was slow to catch on and spoke at the same time as did Lady Osiellin; they had to split an estate.
mavinsleaf. An herb used to make an acrid herbal concoction, administered to those who lied. It was powdered for use in tea with boiled catfern, producing a viscous, sickly green liquid.
Mavra Mallen. The Wisdom of Deven Ride. She temporarily took Nynaeve’s place in Emond’s Field when Nynaeve followed Moiraine to bring back the Emond’s Fielders. At some point she either left or died and was replaced by Ellwin Taron.
Mayam Colona. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 960 NE, she went to the White Tower in 977 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 997 NE. Mayam was 5'6" and slim, with dark skin, black eyes and black hair. She could eat as much as she wanted without gaining a pound. Part of the expedition sent to kidnap Rand, she had not acquired the ageless look and helped to carry the chest during the actual kidnapping. Mayam was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear fealty to Rand, which she had done before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She had no Warder.
Mayel, Balwen. See Balwen Mayel
Mayene. A city-state located on a peninsula in the Sea of Storms. Its sigil was a golden hawk in flight: the Golden Hawk. Its banner was the Golden Hawk on a field of blue, fringed in gold if flown when the First was present.
Protected by its location, guarded by the sea and by the Drowned Lands, Mayene was able to escape most of the warfare that ravaged the rest of Hawkwing’s empire, although it was sacked twice during that time. Only Tar Valon, Tear and Far Madding, which escaped being sacked altogether, were sacked less often, and most cities were taken and looted many more times. There were suggestions in some records that even Tar Valon may have suffered at least partial looting. Approximately FY 1004 a youth was brought to Mayene, calling himself Tyrn sur Paendrag Mashera and claiming to be Hawkwing’s grandson (or great-grandson; accounts vary). In any event, Mayeners believed the claims, and while he and his followers denied any desire to try to retake Hawkwing’s empire, Mayene welcomed them, perhaps as a sign of stability, and styled him the First Lord of Mayene. Few if any outside of Mayene believed that Tyrn sur Paendrag was any relation to Hawkwing, perhaps because he made no claim for the empire as a whole, and while great efforts had been expended in killing all of Hawkwing’s known surviving descendants, no more than one or two desultory attempts were made against Tyrn sur Paendrag. He lived the remainder of his life in Mayene, dying of a fever in FY 1054, whereupon his eldest daughter, Miselle, was given the title First Lady of Mayene. While Tyrn’s influence in the city had increased during his lifetime until he was the ruler of the city-state in all but name, Miselle was the first to be acknowledged as the ruler. Except for some border skirmishes with Tear which never became full-fledged wars, and several small naval conflicts, Mayene was seldom involved in strife. The only time that Mayeners ever fought the Aiel was during the Aiel War, when most nations were involved in the fighting.
The ruler of Mayene was the First of Mayene, which was once “the First Lord or Lady,” a form used sometimes much later. The title normally was hereditary, with the eldest child of either gender following. This was not always the case—there were usurpations or coups, as in most lands—but no one was ever given the title without the proper qualifications. Qualification required descent from a certain family, which according to Mayener belief at least, meant descent from Artur Hawkwing.
In the beginning there was only one Second, or “Second Lord” or “Lady” who was usually the successor to the First, but over time that changed. There were, in the last hundred years or so before the Last Battle, as many as nine nobles at once, the High Seats of the major Houses, holding the title of “Second of Mayene.” They did not use “High Seat of House” as their title, rather styling themselves by first and House names, Second of Mayene.
In that same period, a number of nobles began styling themselves “Third of Mayene,” implying that they at least ranked right behind the Seconds, but that was considered an affectation by the First, by the Seconds and indeed by many of the other lower nobility.
The Winged Guards served as the personal guard of the First of Mayene and the elite force of Mayener arms. They numbered approximately two thousand men and officers in all, and constituted the only standing armed force in Mayene. The Winged Guards wore red-painted breastplates and helmets like rimmed pots that came down to the nape of the neck in back. Officers had wings worked on the sides of their helmets, and slender red plumes. Three plumes marked the Lord Captain, the overall commander; two plumes marked a captain; and one a lieutenant. The Winged Guards were supplemented at need by a general levy on the population. All physically fit male commoners from fifteen to fifty were required to train with bow or crossbow and with the halberd or the pike. Every man was required to attend a yearly muster for a week of training in a unit, and there were fines for not keeping up with training. These musters were staggered throughout the year so that one was held nearly every week. Nobles were exempted from this because they were expected to be competent with arms and to fight when necessary to defend Mayene.
Shipbuilding was a major industry; in it little Mayene rivaled Illian and surpassed Ebou Dar. Mayene was a port of call for many vessels in part because of a lively trade with the interior of Tear; that trade was all through smuggling because of prohibitive duties on exports from Mayene to Tear. Mayener import duties were much lower than those on goods imported directly into Tear, so the risk was worth it. Mayene was also the first stop for ships returning from Shara, so it had the first pick of their exotic goods such as ivory and silk.
Fishing was a major industry, especially for oilfish, whose oil was the major competitor for olive oil both in cooking and in lamps. Mayeners knew the location of the oilfish shoals, which no one else did. Economically, those shoals rivaled in importance the olive groves of Tear, Illian and Tarabon.
Mayene had no mines of any kind, but its craftsmen were known for exceedingly fine gold- and silver-work, as well for gem-polishing and exquisite jewelry. Mayene produced swords and daggers which, though not of the same rank as Andoran weapons, were certainly among the most ornate crafted anywhere. Since it had little land, Mayene had few sheep or goats but did have a reputation for fine rugs and carpets. Mayener blown glass was arguably the finest in the world. Olives and figs were both grown in Mayene, but not in sufficient quantities for any significant trade, though some people considered Mayener figs the sweetest and best in the world.
Mayene, First of. Title of the ruler of Mayene. See Berelain sur Paendrag
Mayener. One from Mayene.
Maylin. A serving girl at The Old Sheep in Ebou Dar; one of the most remarkably pretty women Mat had ever seen. Her only task seemed to be standing outside to attract customers. Mat talked to her while looking for Olver in Ebou Dar; he thought that she wasn’t very bright.
Mayv Gilyard. An Andoran noblewoman who was the guardian of Branlet Gilyard, until she died in a riding accident.
Maza, Joline. See Joline Maza
Mazone. A Youngling who wanted to join the Tower Guard instead of becoming a Warder; he was killed by one of the Bloodknives.
Mazrim Taim. A false Dragon from Saldaea who nearly managed to take over much of Saldaea and carried battle into Kandor and Arad Doman before he was brought down. Born in 972 NE, he was 6'4" tall and bore a passing resemblance to Demandred, both physically and in temperament. With a hooked nose and dark eyes like augers, he was a physically powerful man who moved with something of a Warder’s deadly grace, but there was an air of imminent violence about him. He was not a nice man at all. While not a Darkf
riend originally, he was always prime material for them, a man far more interested in wealth and power than anything else, willing to do whatever was required to get them. Because it was necessary, of course; he would kill, rob, whatever, but only because it was necessary. Rape was the one crime he abhorred; he willingly killed rapists, and he never did it quickly.
On the day Rand appeared in the sky above Falme, when a vision of that event appeared in the sky above a battle in Saldaea, Taim’s horse reared and threw him, and he was knocked unconscious and captured. He was being carried to Tar Valon for gentling when he was freed, supposedly by his supporters, but actually by Demandred. Aes Sedai were killed both in capturing him and freeing him. Demandred offered Taim a choice, and Taim accepted, going to Rand in Caemlyn with one of the seals on the Dark One’s prison to make sure that Rand would trust him and take him in.
Rand made Taim the leader of the Asha’man; Taim took the title M’Hael. Taim demanded deference from the Asha’man of the sort due a king. He often spent time alone, when no one could bother him; those who tried were turned away, and could be punished harshly. Taim was given secret instructions to recruit in the Two Rivers, which he said he would handle in person. Rand was reluctant about this, but thought that maybe he could trust Asha’man recruited there. Taim made no effort to recruit for the Legion of the Dragon; he recruited openly for Asha’man and nothing else. He talked of Rand being the Dragon Reborn, and said that Rand had sent him. He played up the grand adventure aspects, demonstrated channeling and dismissed the fears of insanity. The Village Councils and the Women’s Circles knew they couldn’t stop him, but talked against him. He managed to recruit some forty-plus men and boys in the Two Rivers. Some of the boys had to run away to go with him. Taim also picked Asha’man with a dark aspect, gave them special lessons and recruited them as Darkfriends.
Using thirteen Myrddraal and thirteen channelers, he Turned other Asha’man and Aes Sedai to the Shadow. Moridin named him a Forsaken; he used the name M’Hael. Taim did a great deal of damage during the Last Battle before being killed by Egwene.
Meane sol Ahelle. The composer of “Glory of the Dragon” in the Fourth Age.
Meashan Dubaris. A member of the Domani Council of Merchants who was killed by a mob during the unrest in Bandar Eban.
Mecandes, Cabriana. See Cabriana Mecandes
Mechoacan. A region or place in Seanchan having fair-haired inhabitants.
Meciar. An Aiel member of the Night Spear society who wore the red headband of the siswai’aman. While Rand Skimmed to Caemlyn to deal with Rahvin, Meciar stood near him; when there was a stir among the Aiel, Meciar told him someone had fallen off the Skimming platform.
Medanor Eramandos. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 142 to 171 NE. Medanor was a fairly strong Amyrlin who managed through her skill at gaining consensus, mediation and playing one faction off another.
Medar, Barid Bel. Demandred’s name in the Age of Legends.
Meditations on the Kindling Flame. A history book on the rise of various Amyrlins that Egwene saw Silviana reading when she went to get one of her many punishments.
Medo. A small village in Shienar on the River Mora, which ran along the border of Arafel. The village was about the same size as Emond’s Field, maybe a little larger, and had two stone docks which projected into the river. It was there that Siuan Sanche and her entourage arrived by ship on their way to Fal Dara, and from there later that they took a ship back to Tar Valon. During the Last Battle, Medo was burned to slow the advance of the Trolloc armies.
Medore Damara. A Tairen noblewoman who was one of the daughters of High Lord Astoril; Estean once thought he might marry her. She became a member of Cha Faile. She was tall, with a dark complexion, black hair and bright blue eyes, and if she missed beautiful, it wasn’t by much. She was full-bosomed, which made puffy-sleeved Tairen coats look particularly odd on her. Her favorite mare was named Redwing. Balwer thought her of high enough rank to approach Berelain and thus set her up to spy on Berelain and Annoura; Perrin canceled the operation. She later went off with Balwer and Latian in So Habor and returned with Tallanvor.
Medrano, Rosara. See Rosara Medrano
meegerling. A small animal found in the Waste. It looked much like a rat, but was far more stupid. When placed near grain, the meegerling would go straight for it, regardless of any dangers in its path, and it never learned to avoid those dangers.
Megairil, Wreath of. Spoken of by Birgitte, referring to an earlier age, it was an important prize given to the winner of a horse race.
Megana. An Aiel Wise One mentioned along with Bair as setting watches for Rand’s return in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells. She was mentioned again with Bair as not knowing what the wetlander doings in and around Cairhien meant.
Mehar. A town in Saldaea. It was the home of Vilnar, a Saldaean soldier patrolling Caemlyn after Rand had taken over the city. Vilnar thought about a girl there who he wanted to marry.
Mehtan. One of the Seanchan military clerks in Captain Faloun’s office in Almizar, Amadicia. He was eaten from the inside by borer beetles.
Meidani Eschede. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 949 NE, she went to the White Tower in 967 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 982 NE. Her Warder was Leonin. Meidani was 5'8" tall, and slim; her bosom was not particularly large, but seemed larger because of her slenderness, something that gave her concern. Quite pretty, she had dark golden wavy hair that fell to her shoulders, sometimes with ornaments or pins, as she liked jewelry. Her features included big blue eyes, full lips and a high melodious voice. Meidani had less control over her facial expressions than most Aes Sedai, at least when she was angry or resentful; then, her mouth could assume almost a sullen pout, and her eyes could narrow resentfully or blaze with anger. These were all the more evident because she usually did control her tone of voice. It was almost always over personal matters that she got angry or sullen; when she was about her business of negotiation and mediation, she had very good control of her facial expressions.
Meidani was entered into the novice book a few weeks before Elaida, and the two quickly became pillow friends as novices; Meidani was a little shocked that Elaida insisted on breaking it off when she was raised Accepted before Meidani. She was not jealous of Elaida’s rapid advancement, but Elaida took a special interest in her, pushing her to strive and achieve; Elaida being Elaida, this often took the form of seeing that Meidani had extra lessons, extra chores, or a visit to the Mistress of Novices when she failed to live up to Elaida’s expectations. Meidani always harbored resentment about that; plainly she was never going to be on the same level of strength as Elaida, and she thought that Elaida wanted more from her than she could do. In fact, she might well have progressed faster, but the same stubbornness that would show up later in her life manifested itself, gaining her ever more extra chores and additional visits to the Mistress of Novices.
Meidani was only a fair to average negotiator and mediator. If she felt that matters were not progressing as they should, she would dig in her heels even when it was to the detriment of actually achieving a solution.
Meidani was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Meidani was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. Also, many believed she harbored resentment against Siuan for passing her by so swiftly; she did, but not enough for her to support the manner of Siuan’s removal.
Some were aware that she had been pillow friends with Elaida, and thought that her return indicated a continuing loyalty. Meidani was coopted by Seaine and Pevara to aid in their search for the Black Ajah; they ordered her to try to resume her former relationship with
Elaida to acquire information. Meidani did—she had taken an oath of obedience to the Black Ajah hunters—and even though Elaida was aware that Meidani was a ferret, she spent time with her to gain information of her own. Egwene ordered Meidani to ask for a private lesson with her, then coerced her into leading Egwene to the group searching for the Black Ajah; Egwene convinced them to remove the oath of obedience. Egwene also had Meidani remove Verin’s body from her novice room.
Meilan Mendiana. A High Lord of Tear. Upper servants of his House wore blue six-pointed stars on red. Tall for a Tairen, he was lean and hard with gray hair, dark eyes, a pointed beard and an oily voice. When needed he had an oily manner as well, but was otherwise stiff-necked. He stooped in Rand’s presence and hated it and hated it even more if Rand told him to stand straight. He sometimes spoke to Rand half subserviently, half as if explaining to a child. He was contemptuous of peasants. Meilan was given command of forces to move into Cairhien to restore order and feed the hungry. He aspired to the Sun Throne of Cairhien and thought Maringil was his chief rival. Despite previous relationships with Hearne, Simaan and Estanda, he felt secure because he had plainly directed his ambitions away from Tear to Cairhien. He was assassinated in Cairhien on Colavaere’s orders.
Meilyn Arganya. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah with a strength level of 10(+3). Born in 698 NE, she went to the White Tower in 714 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 728 NE. Her Warder was Andro. About 5'8" tall, she had silver-gray hair, blue eyes and a thrusting chin. Meilyn was one of the sisters called in by Tamra Ospenya to carry out the search for the newborn Dragon Reborn in secret. She was killed by the Black Ajah in 979 NE; she was reported to have died in her sleep, but Siuan was hiding under her bed at the time and there was no body when she came out.
Meira. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel (not a Jumai) with the ability to channel and a strength level of 24(12). About 5'6" tall, she had a long, usually grim face, blue eyes and a thin mouth. Her smile was awkward because she so seldom practiced it. Her laugh was as dry and as narrow as her face. Greedy for riches, Meira was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. She accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten. She took part in or was present at the murder of Desaine. She was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and at the meeting with “Caddar” and “Maisia.” She helped question the Seanchan prisoner in Amadicia, while the Jumai were settled at a captured estate approximately ten days after their arrival.
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