When she awoke in the Third Age, Moghedien continued her skulking ways. After doing some research, she posed as Gyldin, a maid in the house occupied by eleven members of the Black Ajah. She located Elayne and Nynaeve and used Compulsion on them. Nynaeve saw Moghedien in the Panarch’s Palace in Tel’aran’rhiod, remembered Moghedien’s visit and was able to overcome that Compulsion. They met in the waking world in the Panarch’s Palace museum and fought; Nynaeve bested and bound Moghedien, but Moghedien escaped and followed the Black Ajah members to Amador, where she revealed herself and sent them on assorted tasks.
In Tel’aran’rhiod, Moghedien trapped Nynaeve and Birgitte, but Birgitte wounded her with bow and arrow; Moghedien cast Birgitte out of Tel’aran’rhiod. When Moghedien woke, Chesmal Healed her, but Liandrin attempted her weak form of Compulsion on Moghedien. Moghedien did not succumb and shielded Liandrin with an intricately knotted shield and turned her over to Temaile for punishment. She then went to Samara, acquired two young boys and posing as Marigan took ship with Nynaeve and Elayne to Salidar. She trapped Nynaeve in Tel’aran’rhiod, but Nynaeve fought loose and put an a’dam on Moghedien and forced her to go with her to Caemlyn where they helped Rand kill Rahvin. Nynaeve realized that Moghedien had to be in Salidar in the waking world, and gave her forkroot. Moghedien was then collared with the chainless a’dam that Elayne had made, and forced to act as a servant and teacher. Moghedien was not eager to let anyone else know she was a captive, or that she had taught Elayne and Nynaeve things about the Power. Moghedien knew as much about Healing as Nynaeve did about blacksmithing—hardly more than enough to Heal a bruise. But she passed on some useful tricks, such as a way to eavesdrop using the Power, wrapping oneself in light to become invisible, inverting weaves and hiding one’s ability to channel. She did manage to hold back her connection with the very Black sisters Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene had been hunting, as well as whatever she knew of the Chosen’s plans and/or orders from him. She was freed by Aran’gar.
Reporting to Shayol Ghul as ordered after her rescue by Halima, she was fitted with a mindtrap and imprisoned in a vacuole, a bubble outside the Pattern where time flowed differently. There she was abused sexually by Shaidar Haran, the huge Myrddraal. Few women could have survived those attentions with their sanity intact, but she did, partly by letting the Myrddraal break her. It was not pretense; long before the end, she was ready to do anything the Myrddraal wanted. Brought out of the vacuole, she discovered that her mindtrap was now in the hands of a young man calling himself Moridin, a man who could channel the True Power and was doing so despite the dire risks. He did not demand servility from her, but obedience he did insist upon, requiring her to always wear red-and-black, his colors, as a form of livery, though he insisted it was not that. When she was sent to Ebou Dar to hurry the search of her minions there for Moridin’s purposes—to find the cache for him—she diverted long enough for a failed attempt to balefire Nynaeve. She and Cyndane went to Graendal to inform her that Moridin was Nae’blis.
Moghedien went to Shadar Logoth when Rand used the Choedan Kal, but stayed back from the fighting. At the time of the Last Battle, Moghedien posed as a servant with the Seanchan and tried to keep the Seanchan from rejoining the battle, but was exposed by Min. She impersonated Demandred after his death and tried to rally the Sharans, but had her position fired upon by dragons. She was collared by Seanchan sul’dam and taken to Ebou Dar.
Moilin. An Ogier woman who was the author of A Study of the War of the Shadow. She was the daughter of Hamada daughter of Juendan.
Moir, Hal. See Hal Moir
Moiraine Damodred. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and uncommitted to any contingent. Her original strength level was 13(1), but after her imprisonment by the Eelfinn it was reduced to 66(54). Born to House Damodred, the royal family of Cairhien, in 956 NE, she went to the White Tower in 972 NE. After spending three years as a novice and three years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in late 978 NE. Her Warder was Lan Mandragoran until she went through the redstone doorway. She was 5'2" tall, and slim, with dark hair falling in waves to her shoulders, large dark eyes and fair skin.
Moiraine’s great-grandmother, Carewin Damodred, ruled Cairhien for more than fifty years. Her father, Dalresin, was a scholar who married the second time for love, choosing another scholar. This was at best looked at askance by the rest of the family, since he should have married for land or to secure power for House Damodred; he was mocked by his brothers, King Laman, Moressin and Aldecain; all three died in the Aiel War. Moiraine was the youngest half-sister of Taringail Damodred, who married Tigraine Mantear, Daughter-Heir of Andor, and, after Tigraine disappeared, married Morgase Trakand, who had by then been crowned Queen of Andor. Moiraine was thus the aunt of Galad, Gawyn and Elayne. Moiraine also had two older sisters, Anvaere and Innloine. She was also a cousin of Lady Caraline Damodred, who succeeded Barthanes as High Seat. With the exception of Moiraine’s father, the Damodreds had a dark reputation. The longer the House held the Sun Throne, the darker their deeds became. For that reason, Moiraine rarely used her House name.
Technically, Moiraine was a wilder. It caught everyone by surprise when the ability came out before she was sixteen. She recognized immediately what she was doing, but rather than telling anyone, waited until returning to Cairhien and the Royal Palace, where she could tell King Laman’s Aes Sedai advisor. By that time, Moiraine had already taught herself the eavesdropping trick, and a few other things. In order to help her avoid the crisis, the advisor taught her for a short time before sending her on to Tar Valon. The facts, the details, were hidden to keep Moiraine from having the stigma of being a wilder, but Siuan and a few others knew.
Moiraine was novice and Accepted with Siuan; they arrived on the same day, not a usual thing, and even more unusually, were raised Aes Sedai on the same day. She and Siuan became very close friends. As was common with a good many friendships in the cloistered society of novices, Siuan and Moiraine turned to one another more and more for comfort, and they eventually became pillow friends, continuing up to the time they were raised Aes Sedai and to some extent for a time thereafter. Neither was lesbian; they were simply young women with normal libidos in a situation where they were cut off from the opposite sex. Siuan was always the leader between them, which surprised Moiraine at first, until she realized that it felt natural, and that Siuan had been born to lead. Elaida left the Tower for Andor in 974 NE, but she did return and kept an eye on the pair. Elaida was very strict with both of them, insisting they live up to her standards of performance, not giving them one inch of slack in their studies and their public behavior, and in their obedience to the rules. The last time Moiraine and Siuan were punished as Accepted was actually after they had passed the tests for the shawl, which, though they were supposed to spend the night in contemplation and meditation, they decided to celebrate by playing a prank on Elaida, who had remained in the Tower for a short visit after the Battle of the Shining Walls. They were caught by her, trying to sneak mice into her bed, and while some sisters might have forgiven two who were to be raised Aes Sedai in the morning, she immediately took them to Merean Redhill, the Mistress of Novices, who was not best pleased at being roused out of her bed and decided to make their punishment memorable. Thus they went to the ceremony raising them Aes Sedai with soundly strapped bottoms, making them probably unique in the history of the White Tower.
Moiraine and Siuan were attending Tamra Ospenya, the Amyrlin Seat, as Accepted when Gitara Moroso, who was then Keeper of the Chronicles, made her Foretelling and dropped dead. She said, “He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of Dragonmount! He is coming! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!” The key time, as was evident from Gitara’s specific mention of snow, was between her Foretelling and the sudden thaw that melted the snow for a time, a matter of ten days. As Accepted, and even as Aes Sedai, after being raised shortly aft
erward, they were not made part of Tamra’s search for the child. Instead, she called in various senior sisters in secret while relegating Siuan and Moiraine to helping gather the names of women who had given birth while the Tower was threatened by the Aiel. All of the women contacted were given one hundred gold crowns in thanksgiving for the Tower being spared, but it was Siuan and Moiraine who winnowed down the names to those who had, surely or possibly, given birth during the key ten days and who might possibly have given birth on Dragonmount. This came to several hundred women, most very hard to locate with the army melting away. They finished this winnowing before Tamra’s death, indeed, before being raised Aes Sedai, but Moiraine was held by Tamra’s command to stay in Tar Valon and do various make-work. With Tamra’s death, Siuan and Moiraine were freed to take part in the search, since each had a list of the names to go by. Unfortunately, Siuan was tapped by Cetalia Delarme, the head of the Blue Ajah eyes-and-ears, to work for her as soon she had the shawl, so Moiraine set off alone.
Over the next few months, they learned that Tamra had been murdered, that the Black Ajah really existed, that the Black was also searching for the Dragon Reborn and that the Black did not know that he was a newborn since they were killing any man or boy who showed anything that might be interpreted as an early sign that he could channel, such as uncommon luck or a sudden rise to prominence.
At Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Moiraine fought and killed Merean Redhill, a member of the Black Ajah, but not before Merean killed Diryk, who was thought to be too lucky, his father Brys and Edeyn Arrel’s daughter Iselle. Lan Mandragoran fought Ryne, a Darkfriend working with Merean, and killed him. Moiraine disposed of the bodies and persuaded Lan to give up his personal fight and become her Warder.
Moiraine and Lan spent many years searching for the Dragon Reborn in many places; in 998 NE they arrived in the village of Emond’s Field. There she found three young men of the proper age, but all were said to have been born in the Two Rivers. She gave each a coin that would let her find them, wherever they went. She also found two young women with the ability to channel. On Winternight, Trollocs attacked Emond’s Field, and Moiraine and Lan helped to fight them. The next day, Rand al’Thor brought his injured father to her, and she Healed him. She convinced Rand, Mat Cauthon and Perrin Aybara that the Trollocs, and the Myrddraal they had seen, were after them, and that they needed to flee, in secret, with her. Egwene al’Vere, the young woman Rand thought he would marry, saw that the boys were up to something and decided to join them; Thom Merrilin, the visiting gleeman, also joined them. Nynaeve al’Meara, the Wisdom of Emond’s Field, followed them some days later and caught up with them in Baerlon.
The group started for Tar Valon, with Draghkar, Myrddraal and Trollocs chasing them. Moiraine and Lan were able to keep them just a step ahead of the Shadowspawn. Finally they were forced to shelter in Shadar Logoth; when against all expectations Trollocs entered the ruined city, the group gathered itself to flee. Mashadar, the deadly fog, appeared, though, and the group was separated. Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve remained together, but they didn’t know where the others had gone. They started toward Caemlyn, hoping to find them. They found Perrin and Egwene being held by Whitecloaks and rescued them. When they reached Caemlyn, they found Rand and Mat at The Queen’s Blessing, as well as the Ogier Loial. Mat was suffering from his attachment to the dagger he had stolen from Mordeth; Moiraine was able to Heal him somewhat. The boys told Moiraine of the dreams that they had had of Ba’alzamon, Perrin and Egwene told of a story they had heard from Tinkers, and Loial told of one heard in the stedding. Moiraine realized that the group needed to go to the Eye of the World.
With Loial to guide them, they traveled through the Ways to Fal Dara, where they learned that Padan Fain, a Darkfriend, had been following them. The next morning they set off into the Blight to find the Green Man and the Eye of the World. There Aginor and Balthamel appeared and injured Moiraine. The Green Man killed Balthamel, and Rand killed Aginor, and Moiraine knew for sure that Rand was the Dragon Reborn. Hidden in the empty Eye, they found Lews Therin’s banner, a broken seal of the Dark One’s prison and the Horn of Valere.
They returned to Fal Dara; Siuan, who had become the Amyrlin Seat, visited them there. Trollocs attacked and the Horn was stolen, and Rand, Mat, Perrin and Shienaran soldiers went after it. Egwene and Nynaeve headed for the Tower, and Moiraine did some research. She also told Lan that if she died his bond would pass to Myrelle. Moiraine went to Falme, and was reunited with Rand. They wintered in the Mountains of Mist, and Moiraine talked to many of her eyes-and-ears. Rand left in secret, headed for the Stone of Tear, and Moiraine, Lan, Loial and Perrin went after him. They arrived in Tear, picking up Faile along the way. Moiraine realized that Be’lal was running Tear, and was trying to kill Rand. She arrived in time to balefire Be’lal, and Rand took Callandor. Moiraine, Rand and Mat all went through the redstone doorframe to ask questions of the Aelfinn; Moiraine also let slip that she knew who she would marry. Although she did not reveal details, Min Farshaw had told her that she would marry Thom Merrilin.
When Rand determined to go to the Aiel Waste, Moiraine and Lan accompanied him. Moiraine went to Rhuidean, and went through the ter’angreal that the Wise Ones used. There she saw all possible future skeins of her life, though these ran together in such a way as to leave her only with chunks; things that she must do, things she must not do. After Rand was proclaimed the Car’a’carn by the Aiel, she went with him back to Cairhien, trying to teach him as much as she could.
As she had seen in Rhuidean, a day came where news of Morgase arrived. Moiraine led Rand to the docks of Cairhien and the redstone doorframe ter’angreal leading to the realm of the Eelfinn; Lanfear appeared and attacked Rand and his companions. She flung Moiraine under a wagon, but Moiraine pulled herself up, tackled Lanfear, and both went through the doorframe, destroying it in the process. Lan felt the bond release, and he and the others believed Moiraine dead.
Moiraine was not dead, but was held captive by the Eelfinn, who fed on her emotions and drained her ability to use the One Power. She had left a letter for Thom, however, that told him how she might be rescued. Mat, Thom and Noal Charin, who was truly Jain Farstrider, went into the realm of the Eelfinn and Aelfinn through the Tower of Ghenjei and rescued her. She kept the ter’angreal that she and Lanfear had been fighting over when they went through the doorframe; without it, she could channel only weakly. She and Thom were married, and she bonded Thom as her Warder.
Moiraine went to the Field of Merrilor, where she convinced the nations to sign the Dragon’s Peace, and she accompanied Rand to Shayol Ghul when he fought the Dark One.
Moiral, Lillen. Moghedien’s name in the Age of Legends.
Moisen. A battle in the Whitecloak War, also known as the Troubles among the Whitecloaks, in which the Whitecloaks tried to take Altara. Niall thought it the worst battle he had ever fought, when armies blundered into one another in the night near Moisen, and how that battle had seemed as bright as a summer’s day compared to the one he was fighting at that time, given reports of numerous events across the world from Omerna and Balwer.
Mol Hara Square. A large square located in front of the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar.
Moldine Gate. A gate in the south wall of the city of Ebou Dar.
Molvaine Gap. A narrow valley, northeast of Maderin in Altara on the border of Murandy, beyond the Malvide Narrows on the eastern side of the Damora Mountains. The Seanchan had an army there; Mat wanted to draw them out so that he could pass through the gap.
Monaelle. A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 45(33), which would have been barely strong enough for her to have attained the shawl. About 5'6" tall, she was short for an Aiel woman, and had gray eyes, yellow hair with hints of red and a mild, motherly face. She appeared to be not far into her middle years. Of high standing, although the weakest in the Power there, Monaelle led the ceremony in which Aviendha and Elayne became first-sisters. She was the
only woman at the adoption ceremony who was not taller than Elayne. Monaelle bore seven children and told Aviendha that she had to make sure that Elayne got plenty of fresh air. Monaelle checked Elayne’s babes with a weave called Caressing the Child; she also acted as Elayne’s midwife until the Aiel left Caemlyn.
Mondevin, Jorille. The Royal Historian to the Court of Ethenielle of Kandor; she wrote the introduction to “The Strike at Shayol Ghul.”
Mondoran, Jaric. See Jaric Mondoran
Mondwin, Luthair Paendrag. See Luthair Paendrag Mondwin
money. See currency
Montem al’San. A Two Rivers man in Perrin’s army. He was guarding Perrin the day he encountered Whitecloaks on the Jehannah Road.
months. See Farede Calendar
Monuments Past. A history book that Min read.
Moondancer, Jethari. See Jethari Moondancer and Birgitte
moondrop. A flowering plant. Graendal had its blossom in her hair at one point. It was also embroidered on Nasin Caeren’s lapels.
Moonflower. Leane’s gray mare that she rode from Tar Valon to Salidar.
Moonglow. A mare of Tairen stock that belonged to a member of the Band of the Red Hand. He died, and Joline took her to go to Tar Valon.
Moonhunter. The wolves’ name for Lanfear.
Moonlight. A white mare ridden by Nynaeve when she accompanied Rand to meet Hurin as a representative of the Borderland rulers.
Moonshadow. A deep brown mare from royal stables in Caemlyn, ridden by Elayne during the Last Battle. Moonshadow was killed when one of Hanlon’s men drove a sword through her neck.
Moor. A hired hand at Almen Bunt’s sister Alysa’s apple orchard in Andor.
Moorwyn, Niande. See Niande Moorwyn
Mor, Almurat. See Almurat Mor
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