Mora, River. A river forming the border between Arafel and Shienar, flowing southwest into the River Erinin.
Mora. 1) A Wise One of the Shaarad Aiel at Colrada Hold with the ability to channel. A dreamwalker, she taught Bair. When she was nearly three hundred years old, Mora died of a bloodsnake bite. 2) A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel several generations after the Last Battle. Seen in Aviendha’s vision of the future in Rhuidean, Mora met with Ladalin, Tamaav, Takei and Jorshem; they decided that the Aiel must retreat to the Three-fold Land.
Moradri. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She was a long-limbed Mayener, and had two Mayener Warders who were rumored to be her brothers. When the Seanchan attacked the Tower, Moradri went to various groups fighting in the Tower and told them that she and Saerin were trying to set up a formal command center. She mapped out for Saerin the location and Ajah of each group fighting.
morat. A Seanchan term placed before the name of an animal to mean handler of the animal. A morat’grolm, for example, was a handler of grolm. There were also morat’lopar, morat’raken, morat’to’raken and morat’torm. See also der’morat
Moraton, Soffi. A woman with Perrin’s army who tore her tent during a stream crossing and had no trouble getting it repaired.
Mord. A broken-nosed Domani thug who worked for Jorgin, Milisair’s questioner, in the torture business.
Mordaine. A Jenn Aiel woman during the building of Rhuidean. She, Dermon and Narisse met with the Aiel clan chiefs and told them that they must come to Rhuidean if they wanted to lead. Mordaine also told the Aiel that the Jenn’s days were dwindling, and they would soon all be dead. A graying woman with deep-set green eyes, she looked as if she could have been Narisse’s sister.
Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar. An Old Tongue expression meaning “My heart holds no fear of death.”
Mordeth. A councilor who convinced the city of Aridhol to use the Darkfriends’ ways against the Darkfriends, thus bringing its destruction and earning it a new name, Shadar Logoth (“Where the Shadow Waits”). Only one thing survived in Shadar Logoth besides the hate that killed it, and that was Mordeth himself, bound in the ruins for two thousand years, waiting for someone to come whose soul he could consume and so take on new flesh. When Rand, Mat and Perrin were exploring Shadar Logoth, he tried in vain to get them to help carry his treasure to his horses; if he could convince someone to accompany him to the walls, he would have been able to consume them. When he encountered Padan Fain, he could not consume Fain’s soul because it had been touched directly by the Dark One; the two blended into a far more evil being. Fain/Mordeth was not harmed in the Ways by the Black Wind because of professional courtesy.
Mordeth, Jeraal. The name used by Padan Fain when he was in Cairhien advising Toram Riatin.
Mordrellen Mantear. A queen of Andor who took the throne in 964 NE after the death of her mother Dolera. She had four older brothers. In 935–936 NE, Mordrellen spent two years in the White Tower; she had no ability to channel, but as per tradition, she received the Great Serpent ring on departing. Mordrellen was very close to the White Tower, making frequent return visits despite the distance. She was the last queen of Andor from the Mantear family. In 972 NE, shortly after her daughter Tigraine disappeared, Mordrellen died, some said of grief. Morgase of House Trakand then gained the throne after a two-year power struggle known as the Succession.
Morear. A member of Jarid Sarand’s personal guard. Faced with Jarid’s growing insanity, Morear and Jarid’s other men rebelled against Jarid, and tied him to a tree; Morear gagged him. The men then went off to fight in the Last Battle.
Moreina. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars; Tear later occupied the site. See Fel Moreina
Morel. Father of Dal father of Haman, the last being an Ogier Elder of Stedding Shangtai.
Morelin Samared. The name used by Elayne after escaping Ronde Macura and while traveling with Luca’s show.
Morelle. A town near the southernmost boundary claimed by Cairhien, halfway from Cairhien to the River Iralell. Rand told Maringil and others that he had sent some Aiel to catch bandits, and that the Stone Dogs had killed nearly two hundred near Morelle.
Morena. An Aiel woman who served as Wise One for Erim of the Chareen Aiel.
Morenal Ocean. A body of water bordering eastern Shara and western Seanchan.
Moressin Damodred. Laman’s brother and Moiraine’s uncle. He was cruel and vicious and held Moiraine’s father in contempt. He was killed at the end of the Aiel War, along with his brothers Laman and Aldecain.
Morgase Trakand. By the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand. Her sign was three golden keys, and the sign of House Trakand was a silver keystone. She had strong blue eyes and red-gold hair that fell in waves and curls to her shoulders. Rand thought she was what Elayne would look like when maturity ripened her into full bloom; because of her admittedly minuscule ability to channel, she looked little more than thirty. Shorter than her daughter, Morgase was about 5'6" tall. Her face was a perfect oval, like her daughter’s, and her lips were a little on the full side. Born in 957 NE, she went to the White Tower in 971 NE. After Tigraine disappeared, she was allowed to return to Andor and contend for the throne. She was given the Great Serpent ring on leaving, despite her meager abilities, as a sign of the Tower’s favor; the White Tower very much wanted a woman who had trained with them to take the Lion Throne. She did so, and soon after married Taringail Damodred, to mark the smooth continuation of rule within Andor and to maintain the treaties and agreements with Cairhien that Taringail’s earlier marriage had cemented. With him she had two children, Gawyn and Elayne; she also loved Galad, Taringail’s son by Tigraine, very much.
Morgase’s marriage was not happy. She became closer to the bard of her House, Thomdril Merrilin, who had helped her considerably in gaining the throne through his deftness at the Game of Houses, and after Taringail’s death, they became lovers. When Thom went off without telling her, and met her anger for anger on his return, she issued arrest warrants which were never canceled. Some time after Thom Merrilin left, she became lovers with Gareth Bryne, the Lord Captain Commander of her Queen’s Guards.
Rahvin, posing as Gaebril, arrived in Caemlyn and used Compulsion on her and alienated her from her closest friends and strongest supporters. She was able to overcome the Compulsion enough to flee, although she continued to suffer memory blackouts and memory tricks for quite some time after. She tried to get Bryne, whom she had exiled, to help her regain her throne, but he was not at Kore Springs. She went to Amadicia to seek help from Ailron, but the Whitecloaks were the true power there and they held her. While Pedron Niall was alive, she was not treated badly, but after his death she was tortured by Asunawa and violated by Valda. She was held briefly by the Seanchan when they took Amador and escaped with the help of Sebban Balwer. She abdicated her throne, although she kept that quiet. She was rescued from Dragonsworn by Perrin’s party and, as Maighdin Dorlain, became Faile’s lady’s maid. Morgase developed feelings for Tallanvor, who was younger than herself, but she kept him at arm’s length for a long time because of her bad experiences with Gaebril and Valda. She was among those taken gai’shain by Sevanna and the Shaido; she used her ability to channel to signal for help when she and others were trapped by Galina. Her true identity was revealed at Perrin’s meeting with Galad, and she served as judge at Perrin’s trial for killing Whitecloaks.
She married Tallanvor, and revealed to her children that she was still alive.
During the Last Battle, she organized efforts to tend the battlefield wounded.
Morgeillin, Solain. See Solain Morgeillin
Mori. A Maiden traveling with Perrin. She investigated the area near the Jehannah Road that had developed characteristics of the Blight.
Moria Elward. A woman who ran a farm near Tar Valon. For penance, novice Sahra Covenry was sent to work for her. Both Moria and Sahra were killed by an Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah.
Moria Karentanis. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah in public and of the Black Ajah in truth. Her strength level was 25(13). Born in 840 NE, she went to the White Tower in 854 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 869 NE. Moria was an ordinary-looking woman, so much so that some at first missed the ageless quality about her. According to Anaiya, she was harder, or tougher, at least, than Lelaine; she was not part of Lelaine’s clique. She was not particularly graceful, though she bounded to her feet before the report on Shadar Logoth. In 999 NE she was raised Sitter for the Blue in Salidar, replacing the Blue Sitter who was killed in the fighting when Siuan was deposed. Like the other Blues, she was strongly in favor of removing Elaida, but like many others, she disliked the openness of what the Aes Sedai were doing, showing the world the division in the Tower, and she wished there were some other way. Moria’s name was on Verin’s list of the Black Ajah; she was captured, stilled and beheaded.
Moridin. The Old Tongue word for “death,” it was the name given to the resurrected Ishamael. His strength level was ++1, the highest possible level for a man. He was 6'5" to 6'6" tall with broad shoulders and brilliant blue eyes. His body was somewhere in its mid twenties, and was stopped short of beauty by a chin that was too strong. Despite his resurrection in a new, young body, he was still more than a little mad, and still suffered from delusions of godhood. Despite being half-mad and megalomaniacal, he was highly intelligent and damned clever. After being named Nae’blis, Moridin had both Moghedien and Cyndane in his power, held by cour’souvra. He also persuaded Graendal to cooperate, though she was not held by anything except her knowledge that he seemingly had the Dark One’s favor, as evidenced among other things by Shaidar Haran, and her fear that her schemes and involvement with Sammael might be discovered.
Moridin knew that the seals on the Dark One’s prison were weakening, physically and otherwise, and more, he knew why. He arranged for Taim to deliver a seal to Rand, partly to ensure that Taim was well received and partly in the hope that the seal would be placed with any others that Rand might have. Moridin believed that Rand had other seals, and thought that Dobraine and Bashere were likely candidates for guardians; he sent agents to try to retrieve them.
Moridin observed Sammael and Graendal’s meeting with Sevanna and the Wise Ones.
When Rand was in danger of falling into a pit in Shadar Logoth, Moridin rescued him; as Mashadar moved toward them, they both released balefire against it, and the streams crossed, making them fall. He gave Rand some helpful pointers on defeating Sammael.
Moridin sent Mili Skane to Caemlyn, giving her Falion and Marillin as servants and arranging for Hanlon to go to her; under Moridin’s orders, Mili killed Carridin. Moridin told Kisman to kill Rand if he must, but that it was most important to bring him everything in Rand’s possession. At a meeting of the Forsaken, he ordered the deaths of Mat and Perrin, but said that Rand was his. After Semirhage was captured by Rand, Moridin refused Mesaana and Demandred’s plea to free her; he was angry because she had injured Rand. He gave Graendal a dreamspike and set her to kill Perrin; when her schemes failed, he punished her by killing her and putting her soul in an ugly body. At Shayol Ghul, Moridin faced Rand in the Last Battle; Rand prevailed and carried Moridin out of the Pit of Doom. The two swapped bodies; Moridin, in Rand’s body, died. See also Ishamael
Moril. A man who knows no fear, in a song sung at The White Ring in Maderin, Altara.
Morin. The first Maiden of the Spear. A pretty, yellow-haired Jenn Aiel and a dreamer, she went to the martial Aiel and asked for their help in rescuing her daughter, who had been kidnapped. Though it was not required of a woman, she elected to go with the Aiel on the mission; Jeordam shortened a spear for her and taught her to use it. She told him that she had seen his face in a dream. Morin later bore Jeordam a son.
Morly Hardlin. An Asha’man who reached the rank of Dedicated. He was a member of Logain’s faction, and was with Logain when Logain took Toveine. He bonded Lemai Ambani, a Red.
Morning Clouds. A younger male wolf in Wildfire’s pack. Perrin contacted him for information after he and others set out to find the kidnapped Rand.
Morning Directives. At the Black Tower, standing orders and orders for the day were read out to the Asha’man.
Morning Mist. A female wolf. When Shadowspawn raided the camp in the Mountains of Mist and Leya died, Morning Mist was the only one still living among seven wolves that attacked and killed a Fade.
Morning Tide. See Shalon din Togara Morning Tide
morning drop. A flower used in Aiel bridal wreaths to signify the bride’s submissive nature.
Morninglight. A wolf in Oak Dancer’s pack. He invited Perrin to hunt; later he, Hopper and other wolves helped teach Perrin to follow someone in the wolf dream. Slayer killed Morninglight.
morningstar. A plant bearing a white flower; the cut flower had a stem long enough to use in a vase. Moiraine, Nynaeve and Egwene wore these flowers in their hair when they were with the Green Man.
Moroso, Gitara. See Gitara Moroso
Morr, Fedwin. See Fedwin Morr
Morrigan. A queen of Andor during the War of the Hundred Years. She reigned from FY 1103 to FY 1114.
Morrigan, Varuna. See Varuna Morrigan
Morsa, Lady. A Seanchan noblewoman. She was ordered held by Jalindin after a confrontation with Rand and Aviendha once Aviendha fled by gateway to Seanchan and Rand followed, apparently because of knowledge Morsa might have had concerning events east of the Aryth Ocean. Morsa recognized Rand, having seen him in the sky above Falme.
Morsad, Berenicia. See Berenicia Morsad
Morvrin Thakanos. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 15(3). Born in 777 NE in Illian, she went to the White Tower in 795 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 808 NE. Standing 5'5" tall, and stout, with a round face, brown eyes and gray-streaked hair, Morvrin was a placid sort, sometimes with an absently vague look. She required a great deal of proof for anything. Her Warder was Jori. A member of Sheriam’s council in Salidar, she was one of three, with Sheriam and Myrelle, who stood for Egwene, “heart for heart, soul for soul, life for life.” Morvrin was forced to swear personal fealty to Egwene because of the ferrets sent to the White Tower, done without the knowledge of the Hall because of fear that some of the rebel Hall might be Black Ajah. Morvrin was part of the battle in Tel’aran’rhiod against some of the Black Ajah at the White Tower until she and others were taken out of the dream on Amys’ orders.
Mos Shirare. A fortress town in Shienar. When Agelmar was going to find the Trollocs at Tarwin’s Gap while Rand, at the same time, was going to meet the Green Man, he mentioned that he would be joining other Shienaran armies, including the one from Mos Shirare. And when Siuan, the Amyrlin, visited Fal Dara, Agelmar told her a bard from Mos Shirare had been selected to entertain her.
Mosaada. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.
Mosadorin. A place where the legendary Green sister Caraighan Maconar single-handedly put down a rebellion after the Breaking.
Mosalaine, Delana. See Delana Mosalaine
Mosara. A nation that arose from the War of the Hundred Years.
Moselle, Amira. See Amira Moselle
Mosenain, Catrelle. An ironmonger’s daughter from Maerone whom Daved Hanlon murdered and threw down a well after she disclosed that he had impregnated her.
Moseneillin, Daigian. See Daigian Moseneillin
Moshaine. A sept of the Shaido Aiel.
Moshea. A Tinker in Raen’s band. When Perrin was in Raen’s wagon after the Trolloc ambush, Ila sent Raen to see if Moshea had the wheel on his wagon yet.
Mosinel, Ared. Rahvin’s name before he turned to the Shadow.
Mosk the Giant. A character from the Age before the Age of Legends featured in a gleeman’s tale. He was a giant who fought Elsbet, the Queen of All, with his Lance of Fire, and fought Merk usin
g spears of fire.
Mosra. A town in Altara on the western border near the River Eldar and Amadicia. Ailron had laid claim to it and other villages so that Pedron Niall, who controlled Ailron, could choke river traffic to Ebou Dar and thereby take over Altara.
Mosrara, Liale. See Liale Mosrara
Mosvani, Alanna. See Alanna Mosvani
motai. The Aiel name for a sweet crunchy grub found in the Waste.
Motara, Sereine dar Shamelle. The author of Commentaries on the Karaethon Cycle. She was Counsel-Sister to Comaelle, High Queen of Jaramide, circa 325 AB, the Third Age.
Motheneos, Elinde. A supporter of Amalasan who tried to free him from the White Tower; he failed and died.
Mothers. Wisdom-equivalents in Seanchan. These were village wise women knowledgeable in dispensing herbs and cures. They were generally called “Mother,” though there were other regional names. The degree to which they were respected by the Healers varied widely; some Healers considered them useful when there was no Healer available or until a Healer could be summoned; others considered them a nuisance. There was no fear among Mothers of being taken for one using the Power; Aes Sedai having long been reduced to damane in Seanchan, there was no memory at all of Healing.
Mount Sardlen. A mountain in Murandy.
Mountain Dancers. An Aiel warrior society; they were also known as Hama N’dore.
mountain king snake. A deadly snake.
Mountains of Dhoom. A range of mountains situated on an east-west axis in the north, just below the Blasted Lands.
Mountains of Mist. A mountain range oriented north-south, found immediately west of Emond’s Field. It separated Arad Doman and Tarabon from Andor and Ghealdan.
Mowly. See Careme and Ellya Mowly
Muad Cheade. A former Marshal-General of Saldaea. He was mad but a great general, never coming close to losing. He once ordered twenty-three trees chopped down because they were looking at him; he then demanded that they be buried and gave the oration.
Muad’drin tia dar allende caba’drin rhadiem! Old Tongue for “Infantry prepare to pass cavalry forward!”
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