ghuni—(n. & v.) smoke
gidhi—(adj.) normal
glasti—(adj.) even
glimp—(n.) minute
gobhat—(n.) plant
gomaen—(n. & v.) attempt
gorista—(v.) use
gouql—(v.) look
gozai—(n.) chest
graedo—(v.) please
graen—(n.) pleasure
graendal—(n.) vessel of pleasure; name of a Forsaken
greal—(n.) the power to channel
griest—(n.) rail
grolm—(n.) a fierce Seanchan animal used in battle
gruget—(v.) stretch
gubbel—(adj.) feeble
gwiltor—(n.) wire
gurupat—(n.) oath
haar—(n.) opinion
habish—(n.) ear
hadori—(n.) a Malkieri headband
hadzi—(v.) cause
hael—(v.) lead
hafi—(n.) part
Hailene—(n.) a Seanchan term meaning forerunners, Those Who Come Before
hakhel—(n.) nail
hama—(n.) dancer(s); implies particular grace and fluidity, a stateliness
Hama N’dore—(n.) Mountain Dancers: Aiel warrior society
hanol—(n.) wound
har(an)—(n.) hand
harben—(v.) take
harvo—(v.) pump
hasta—(n.) paste
hathi—(n.) muscle
havokiz—(n.) invention
hawali—(adj.) wide
heatsu—(v.) join
heesh—(adj.) smooth
hei—(adv.) always
heinst—(v.) send
hessa—(n.) forgiveness
hessalam—(n. & adj.) without forgiveness; name of a Forsaken
hienisus—(n.) design
hirato—(n.) space
hlem—(suffix) means those who take
hlin—(suffix) means those who harvest
hochin—(n., adj. & adv.) east
holubi—(n.) comfort
hoba—(n.) oil
hodifo—(adj.) responsible
homa—(v.) offer
hoptah—(n.) week
hosiya—(v.) till
hou’dabor—(n.) dream
houghan—(n.) structure
houma—(v.) sleep
humat—(n.) existence
hutsah—(n.) bucket
ibalets—(n.) thumb
ikaat—(n.) wax
illar—(suffix) pertains to stone
imsoen—(n.) truth
in—(suffix) creates plural form
inda—(n.) girl
inde—(n. & adv.) no or not; a general negation
indemela—(n.) enemy
ing—(suffix) indicates something of utmost importance
iqet—(pron., adj. & adv.) this
iro—(pron.) we
isain—(v.) is; one form of “to be”
isainde—(v. neg.) is no/is not/am no/am not (insistent; emphatic)
isham—(n.) betrayer
ishamael—(n.) betrayer of hope; name of a Forsaken
ishar—(v.) betray
ishavid—(n.) betrayal
iska—(suffix) means “that which was”
istor—(n.) fiction
izaad—(n.) wool
-ja—(suffix) means “of” or “issued from”
jaahni—(n.) reading
jabro—(n.) tooth
jalat—(n. & v.) burn
jalbouk—(n.) kettle
jalou—(v.) go
jalid—(n.) heat
jeade—(n.) finder
jeade’en—(n.) true finder; name of Jain Farstrider’s and Rand’s horse
jegal—(n.) a scaled creature thought of by Sammael
jemena—(v.) farm
jenn—(adj. & adv.) true, truly, or even “only true”; implies that all others are false or fake
jhabal—(n.) brush
jheda—(adj.) exquisite; name of the royal palace of Ghealdan
jhin—(n.) exaltation
ji—(n.) honor
ji’e’toh—(n.) honor and obligation; used by Aiel
jobei—(n.) apparatus
juma—(n.) worm
jumara—(n.) one of Aginor’s creations, mentioned by Sammael, that were intended to transform themselves; now called Worms in the Blight, full-grown but untransformed
kaarash—(n.) discovery
kaarto—(n.) tax
kadu—(n.) lip
kaf—(n.) a caffeinated beverage, brewed from the roasted seed of a fruit-bearing shrub cultivated in the mountains of Seanchan
kakamo—(adj.) quick
kanjo—(n.) emotion
kar—(suffix) means punishment through the nervous system
karagaeth—(n.) punishment
kardon—(n.) green-skinned fruit from a leafless spiny plant in Aiel Waste
kasaar—(n.) order
kashen—(n.) fork
kathana—(v.) kick
katien—(n.) size
kazath—(v.) say
kazka—(n.) grain
keesh—(adv. & prep.) out
keisa—(n.) jewel
kelet—(n.) rod
kelindun—(n.) general (military rank)
kesan—(n. & adj.) steel
kesiera—(n.) jewelry worn on the forehead, such as that worn by Moiraine
kesool—(n.) shoe
ketvar—(n.) chain
keymar—(n.) color
khadi—(n.) bone
khalig—(n.) history
khamu—(n.) year
khoop—(v.) blow
khust—(adj.) dry
kikola—(n.) list
killo—(n.) pin
kippat—(n.) ticket
ki’sain—(n.) Malkieri woman’s forehead adornment
kiserai—(n.) glory, honor
Kiseran—(n.) a title Siuan used to address Loial, meaning “honorable one”
kjasic—(adj.) an obscenity, spoken by Sammael
kloye—(n.) bell
Kno’mon—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, scythes of devastation
knotai—(n.) devastation, ruin
koanto—(n.) learning
Ko’bal—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, circle of one, i.e., brotherhood
ko’di—(n.) the Oneness, the void, or the flame and the void: a meditative state
kodome—(n. & adv.) here
koja—(n. & adv.) there
komad—(adj.) mixed
komalin—(adj.) weak
komo—(v.) put
kontar—(n.) board
korero—(n.) discussion
koudam—(n., adj. & adv.) west
koult—(adv.) quite
kovist—(n.) tail
koyat—(adj.) one, a quantifier of material objects
koye—(adj.) one, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions
koyn—(n., adj. & adv.) first
kozat—(n.) unit
kramayage—(n.) development
kramtor—(n.) store
kriko—(n.) bird
kritam—(adj.) tight
kuruta—(n.) cart
kuthli—(v.) laugh
kutya—(n.) feeling
la—(n.) daughter
laada—(adj.) long
labani—(n.) reward
lahdin—(n.) observation
laero—(n.) flag
lagien—(n.) town
laido—(n.) summer
lakevan—(n.) motion
lal—(v.) have
lam—(suffix) indicates a lack, being without
lamena—(n.) frame
lan—(adj.) prized or beloved
lanfear—daughter of the night; name of a Forsaken
lashite—(n.) meeting
lato—(n.) angle
lavakh—(n.) wood
leagh—(n.) page
leffal—(n.) stage
lendha—(v.) fall
lennito—(n. & adj.) military
liede—(n.) neck
lindhi—(n.) monkey
lishno—(n.) trouble
loftan—(n.) material
logoth—(n.) place of waiting
lopar—(n.) huge fighting exotic animal of the Seanchan
lormae—(v.) is written
lorme—(v.) write
los—(n., adj. & adv.) forward
loviyaga/loviyagae—(n.) memory/memories
lyet—(v.) come
m—(prefix) means “of”
ma—(prefix) indicates importance
ma—(v.) “you give”
maani—(adv.) very
maast—(adj.) necessary
machin—(n.) destruction
Machin Shin—(n.) “journey of destruction”; the Black Wind, a major threat in the Ways
mad—(adj.) loud
mael—(n.) hope
mafal—(n.) mouth or pass
Mafal Dadaranell—(n.) “pass at the father of mountain ranges”; ancient name for Fal Dara
magami—(n.) little uncle; what Amalisa called King Easar in private
mageen—(n.) daisy
mah’alleinir—(n.) he who soars; literally “seeking man of the stars”; the name Perrin gave to his Power-wrought hammer
mahdi—(n.) seeker; used for leader of Tuatha’an caravan
mahdi’in—(n.) seekers
mahrba—(v.) paint
mai—(n.) maiden(s)
makitai—(n.) wheel
mamai—(n. & adj.) future
mamu—(n.) mother
man—(adj.) related to blade/sword (“man” has the same root as “war,” “violence” or “aggression”)
mandarb—(n.) blade; name of Lan’s stallion
Manetheren—(n.) mountain home; one of the Ten Nations
manetherendrelle—(n.) waters of the mountain home
manive—(v.) drive
manivin—(n.) driving
manshima—(n.) sword/blade
manshimaya—(n.) my own sword
mar—(n.) game
maral—(adj.) destined
marath—(prefix) indicates that something must be done, suggesting urgency; Seanchan word
marath’damane—(n.) those who must be leashed/one who must be leashed; Seanchan term
marcador—(n.) hammer
marna—(v.) swim
maromi—(v.) crush
mashi—(n. & v.) love
mashiara—(n.) my love; but a hopeless love, perhaps already lost; Lan to Nynaeve
masnad—(n.) trade
maspil—(n.) butter
mastri—(n.) fish
mat—(v.) control
matuet—(adj.) important
ma’vron—(n.) watchers of importance
mawaith—(n.) reaction
medan—(n.) sugar
melaz—(n.) inn
melimo—(n.) apple
mera—(prep.) without; lacking
Mera’din—(n.) the Brotherless; used by Aiel
merwon—(adj.) boiling
mesaana—(n.) teacher of lessons; name of one of the Forsaken
mestani—(n.) lessons
mestrak—(n.) necessity
m’hael—(n.) leader (capitalized implies “Supreme Leader”; title Taim gave himself)
mi—(poss. pron.) my
mia—(pron.) me; myself
Mia’cova—(n.) One Who Owns Me, My Owner; term used by Moghedien after she was enslaved by a mindtrap
miere—(n.) ocean/waves
mikra—(n.) shame
min—(adj.) little
minyat—(adj.) eight, a quantifier of material objects
minye—(adj.) eight, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions
miou—(n.) cat
mirhage—(n.) pain, or the promise or expectation of pain
misain—(v.) am (insistent; emphatic)
mist—(n. & adj.) middle
mitris—(adj.) dirty
modan—(n.) approval
moghedien—(n.) a particular breed of spider; small, deadly poisonous and extremely reclusive; name of a Forsaken
mokol—(n.) milk
mon—(adj.) related to scythe
moodi—(adj.) frequent
mora—(n.) the people or a population
morasu—(n.) morning
morat—(n. prefix) handler/controller; i.e., one who handles or controls; used by the Seanchan (as in morat’raken, one who handles raken)
mordero—(adj.) death
moridin—(n.) a grave; tomb; also, the name of a Forsaken, for whom the word’s meaning refers to death
moro—(adv. & conj.) so
mos—(adj., adv. & prep.) down
mosai—(adj.) low
mosiel—(v.) lower
mosiev—(adj.) lowered or downcast
motai—(n.) Aiel name for a sweet crunchy grub found in the Waste
mourets—(n.) mushroom(s)
mozhlit—(adj.) possible
m’taal—(adj.) of stone
muad—(n., adj. & adv.) foot/on foot/afoot
muad’drin—(n.) infantry/footmen
muaghde—(n.) meat
mukhrat—(adj.) private
mund—(adj.) high
mustiel—(n.) sock
mystvo—(n.) office
n—(prep. prefix) means “of” or “from”
nabir—(n.) fire
nachna—(n.) science
nadula—(n.) force
Nae’blis—(n.) title of Shai’tan’s first lieutenant
nag—(n.) day
nagaru—(n.) snake
nahobo—(adj.) full
nahodil—(n.) cushion
nai—(n.) knife, dagger, blade; a blade smaller than a sword’s blade; can be used in modification also to mean “stabbing”
nais—(v.) smell
naito—(n.) flame
nak—(pron.) who
nakhino—(n.) month
n’am—(adj.) beautiful
naparet—(adj.) parallel
nar’baha—(n.) traveling boxes; literally, “fool box”; used by Sammael
nardes—(n.) thought
narfa—(adj.) foolish
nasai—(n., v. & adj.) wrong
nausig—(n.) boat
navyat—(adj.) nine, a quantifier of material objects
navye—(adj.) nine, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions
nayabo—(n.) prison
n’baid—(adj.) automatic
n’dore—(adj.) of/from the mountains
neb—(n.) mist
nedar—(n.) tusked water pig found in the Drowned Lands
neidu—(adj.) new
neisen—(adv.) why
nemhage—(n.) distribution
nen—(suffix) like adding “er” to an English verb, indicating one who or that which does, or those who cause
nesodhin—(prep.) through; through this; through it
ni—(prep.) for
niende—(adj.) lost
nieya—(v.) step
ninte—(poss. pron.) your (used more formally than “ninto”)
ninto—(poss. pron.) your
nirdayn—(n.) hate
no—(conj.) but
no—(pron.) me
nob—(v.) cut
nodavat—(n.) produce
nolve—(v.) give
nolvae—(v.) is given
nor—(n.) cutter or slicer
no’ri—(n.) ancient game now called stones
norvenne—(n.) account
nosane—(v.) speak
nothru—(n.) nose
noup—(adj. & adv.) only
nupar—(n.) base, as in bottom or support
nush—(adj.) deep
nyala—(n.) country
nye—(adv.) again
Nym—(n.) a construct from the Age of Legends, a being who has beneficial effects on trees and other living things
o—(adj.) a
ob—(conj.) or
obaen—(n.) a musical instrument of the Age of Legends
obanda—(n.) door
obidum—(n.) spade
obiyar—(n.) position
obrafad—(n.) view
obram—(n.) impulse
ocarn—(n.) toe
odashi—(n.) weather
odi—(pron. & adj.) some
odik—(n.) secretary
oghri—(n.) sky
ohimat—(n.) comparison
olcam—(n.) tin
olesti—(n.) pants
olghan—(n.) drawer
olivem—(n.) pencil
olma—(n. & adj.) poor
ombrede—(n. & v.) rain
on—(suffix) denotes plural form
onadh—(n.) arch
onguli—(n.) ring
onir—(n.) star(s)
oosquai—(n.) a distilled spirit; used by Aiel
orcel—(n.) pig
ordeith—(n.) wormwood; name taken by Padan Fain among the Whitecloaks
orichu—(n. & v.) plow
orobar—(n.) danger
ortu—(adj.) open
orvieda—(v.) print
osan—(adj.) left-hand or left-side
osan’gar—(n.) left-hand dagger; name of a Forsaken
ospouin—(n.) hospital
ost—(prep.) on
otiel—(n.) sponge
otou—(n. & adj.) top
otyat—(adj.) four, a quantifier of material objects
otye—(adj.) four, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions
ounadh—(n.) wine
ovage—(n.) window
o’vin—(n.) a promise; agreement
ozela—(n.) goat
paathala—(n.) operation
pad—(adj., adv. & prep.) up
padgi—(v.) lift
pakita—(v.) twist
palatu—(n.) word
panati—(v.) wash
panjami—(n.) society
pantae—(n.) business
panyat—(adj.) six, a quantifier of material objects
panye—(adj.) six, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions
papp—(n.) fact
parano—(n. & adj.) coward; base or low in pejorative sense
parikesh—(n.) leather
pas—(pron.) none
pashren—(n.) scissors
pastien—(v.) protest
patomi—(n.) potato
patra—(n. & adv.) then
peast—(n.) payment
pecara—(n.) tree having pale, wrinkled fruit in Aiel Waste
pedalen—(n.) expansion
pentor—(v.) mass
pepa—(n.) paper
perant—(adv.) together
perit—(n., adj. & v.) equal
perol—(n.) pen
pi—(suffix) indicates numerical teens; e.g., navyat’pi or navye’pi = nineteen
pierskoe—(n.) peach
piesa—(n.) meaning unknown; the name of Leya’s horse
pinchota—(n.) stocking
pinikar—(n.) line
pistit—(n.) whistle
pistita—(v.) whistle
pizar—(n.) ant
platip—(n. & adj.) present
platto—(n.) detail
plean—(adj. & adv.) much
ploushin—(n. & adj.) square
po—(conj.) because
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 81