After learning that Herid Fel had been torn limb from limb, Rand made love to Min for the first time.
Setting the army in motion on the Plains of Maredo, Rand launched a surprise attack on Illian using gateways to take him, a number of Asha’man, some of the Legion of the Dragon and Davram Bashere with his Saldaean light horse straight into the city of Illian. Sammael returned and Rand chased him to Shadar Logoth. There Rand was rescued by a stranger (Moridin, unknown to him); Sammael himself was killed by Mashadar. Rand returned to Illian, where the eight survivors of the Council of Nine told him that Mattin Stepaneos had vanished and that it was believed Lord Brend had killed him; they offered him the crown of Illian.
Rand had a number of difficulties. 1) He worried about Lews Therin’s voice that he began to hear in his head. Increasingly he assumed some characteristics of Lews Therin in thought and behavior, though often he was not aware of it unless someone brought this strangeness to his attention. He saw it as a struggle to remain himself. 2) Rand was also a super ta’veren, more so than Perrin or Mat, and had an intermittent effect on the laws of chance. This could take in a wide area, an entire city, and have very odd effects, or affect one person right in front of him. 3) Padan Fain was constantly trying to kill him. When Rand visited the rebel camp outside the city of Cairhien, he saw Fain, who was calling himself Jeral Mordeth, advising Toram Riatin. A bubble of evil struck, with fog that could kill, and Fain slashed him with the dagger from Shadar Logoth, which put another wound that could not heal across the wound from Ba’alzamon in his left side. 4) Rand increasingly experienced flashes of light and motion in his head when thinking of Mat or Perrin. 5) He also felt a “resonance” from when he used the Power in Shadar Logoth and crossed weaves with Moridin. He began seeing images of Moridin, not knowing who he was. 6) Using the One Power made Rand dizzy and nauseated, and affected his eyesight. 7) Rand was also becoming mad; his madness, at the onset at least, took the intermittent form of arrogance, increasing feelings of power, invincibility and infallibility—in short, megalomania. He was increasingly suspicious of other people, of their motives. Also, a hardening increased in his spirit; he found laughter where others might have found tears, and buried his tears deeply. This was a growing problem for him, though he did not see it that way. Rand eventually agreed to take Cadsuane on as his advisor, and she showed him an alternate way to this hardness. Meanwhile, despite Rand having worried a great deal about going mad earlier, he began to worry less, to think about it less.
Rand had little respite before learning that the Seanchan planned to invade Illian. He gathered troops, Asha’man and Callandor, and engaged them in the mountains of eastern Altara. They prevailed against the Seanchan, but in the process Rand lost control of Callandor, which began killing his own troops as well as the enemy. Bashere had to tackle him to stop the mayhem. After the battle, Rand returned to Cairhien, where there was an attempt on his life by three Asha’man, who managed to escape. Rand and Min took evasive measures after that, and wound up in Caemlyn with Rand in disguise. There, Min, Aviendha and Elayne bonded Rand, and he impregnated Elayne.
Rand, Cadsuane, Verin, Nynaeve, Lan and others went to Far Madding, looking for the Asha’man who tried to kill Rand. The Asha’man were killed, some by Rand and some by Fain. Rand and Lan fell into a trap set by Fain. They escaped the trap, but were captured by the authorities; Cadsuane was able to arrange for their release. After they left Far Madding, the group traveled to Shadar Logoth, where Rand, using the Choedan Kal with Nynaeve’s help, cleansed the taint from saidin. They went to an estate in Tear to recuperate; while they were there, huge numbers of Trollocs attacked. Lews Therin managed to seize control of saidin, and they defeated the Shadowspawn, but Lews Therin almost drew too much Power. Rand sent a contingent of Aiel to Arad Doman to help quell the unrest there. A meeting between Rand and the Daughter of the Nine Moons was negotiated with Suroth in Altara, but Semirhage, disguised as Tuon, was there with a’dam. In the struggle with her, Rand lost his left hand, which Nynaeve Healed to a smooth stump. The wounds in his side broke open, leaking blood; Nynaeve couldn’t Heal them even as well as they had been. But Semirhage, at least, was captured. The group moved on to Arad Doman, where Rand made an alliance with Ituralde to secure the Borderlands, while Rand would arrive at an agreement with the Seanchan.
Semirhage escaped, and put a male a’dam on Rand, trying to force him to kill Min. In a rage, Rand instead drew on the True Power and killed Semirhage. From the experience, Rand sealed himself off from his emotions, and even banned Cadsuane from his presence. He had a meeting with the real Daughter of the Nine Moons, but was unable to reach agreement with her. After he discovered the location of Graendal’s manor house in Arad Doman, he balefired it, hoping to kill her, but she escaped.
Back in Tear, Rand met with Tam, and, in an argument, almost killed his father. He Traveled to Ebou Dar with the purpose of destroying the Seanchan, but he could not bring himself to it and instead Traveled to Dragonmount, where he had an epiphany, with Lews Therin’s help—living lives over and over with each turn of the Wheel was worth it because it gave one a chance to express love again, to have another chance to make things right, to choose to do his best for humanity, whatever the outcome. He was healed of much of his mental conflict and pain, and reconciled with Tam back in Tear.
After that, endowed with even greater control of the One Power, Rand returned to the northwest, and established order in Bandar Eban. He then saved Ituralde and his remaining troops from slaughter at the Battle of Maradon, killing huge numbers of Shadowspawn. Following that, Rand saw the Borderlander rulers in Far Madding, where, after confirming his status as the Dragon Reborn, the rulers swore allegiance to Rand.
Rand met at the Field of Merrilor with most of the rulers of the world to tell them what he needed to do, that is, to break the seals on the Dark One’s prison. Many of the rulers did not agree to this course of action, and a large faction came out against Rand, including Elayne and Egwene. After much discussion, which included an impassioned speech by Moiraine in Rand’s favor, the nations united behind Rand and signed the Dragon’s Peace, a treaty created by Rand to stop the nations from warring with each other after the Last Battle. Rand then went to Tuon in Ebou Dar and reached an accord with her. All the pieces were in place for Tarmon Gai’don.
The Last Battle began with the Trolloc invasion of Caemlyn through a Waygate in the city. Rand’s part of the battle took place in the Pit of Doom in Shayol Ghul, where he confronted the Dark One, aided by Moiraine and Nynaeve. Additional figures on the scene were Alanna, brought there to distract Rand, and Moridin, who had his own bone to pick with the Dragon Reborn. A tremendous struggle took place, with Rand realizing he could not destroy the Dark One without causing great harm to the world: there could not be good without bad. Locked in a struggle with Moridin, Rand dropped Callandor and it was picked up by his adversary; not understanding the flaw in the sword, Moridin channeled the True Power into it as Moiraine and Nynaeve channeled the One Power into it and linked with Rand, who took control of the Power, a combination of saidin, saidar and the True Power, and directed it at the Dark One. Rand grabbed the Dark One and pushed him back into his prison, then resealed the Bore with this new form of Power.
Unknown to the others, Rand’s body, which was mortally wounded, had been exchanged with Moridin’s. Rand’s body died and Rand, in Moridin’s body, rode out of Shayol Ghul as funeral rites were being conducted for him. Because of their bond with him, Aviendha, Elayne and Min knew that Rand was not dead. Cadsuane saw him leave, and realized who he really was. Rand rode on to new lands, wondering if one or all of his loves would eventually find him. Although he could no longer channel, when he wanted his pipe lit, it was.
rannel. An herb used to make a tea that produced an energy boost; it had a terrible taste that lingered.
Ranun Sinah. A Whitecloak soldier killed in battle with Shadowspawn on the Jehannah Road. When Perrin and Galad found his body, his cloak was soaked in
Raolin Darksbane. A false Dragon. He supposedly declared himself very early in 335 AB, “in the last throes of winter,” and fell in 336 AB in time to “make the Feast of Lights the most joyous for the world in many years.” He was reportedly no more than twenty-two or twenty-three when captured and gentled. He took the name “Darksbane” for himself. He was born in the city that was later named Far Madding. Some authorities questioned the dates given to Darksbane, though their evidence was scarce and spotty. A few sources claimed that he declared himself as early as 332 AB and by 335 AB was already a significant power. A handful of other sources give dates for his capture as late as 339 AB. The dates given earlier are those most commonly accepted, but it must be noted that the White Tower was considered the authoritative source of historical dates, and that the Tower perhaps had a vested interest in making it seem that false Dragons, while a significant threat to the world, were always dealt with quickly by the Aes Sedai.
Rashan. 1) A muscular young man who was one of Graendal’s pets. Sammael sliced him in half with a gateway. 2) Erian’s Warder, one of two who survived Rand’s rage when he tried to escape from the Tower Aes Sedai. Erian left him and Bartol, her other surviving Warder, in Cairhien when she went with Cadsuane to Far Madding; they and other Warders were able to lead Logain and Bashere to Rand at Algarin’s manor in Tear.
Rashima Kerenmosa. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who was known as the Soldier Amyrlin. Born circa 1150 AB, she went to the Tower around 1165 AB. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl around 1175 AB. Rashima was raised Amyrlin in 1251 AB. Personally leading the Tower armies, she won innumerable victories, most notably Kaisin Pass, the Sorelle Step, Larapelle, Tel Norwin and Maighande, where she died in 1301 AB. Her body was discovered after the battle, surrounded by her five Warders and a vast wall of Trollocs and Myrddraal which contained the corpses of no fewer than nine Dreadlords.
Raskovni, Caseille. See Caseille Raskovni
Rasoria Domanche. A Tairen woman who was part of Elayne’s bodyguard, and one of the eight who guarded Elayne on her tour of Caemlyn. She was stocky with blue eyes and short yellow hair, unusual for a native of Tear. A former Hunter of the Horn, she became an under-lieutenant.
Rath, Tsutama. See Tsutama Rath
Ratliff’s nails. A curse used by Birgitte.
Ravashi. Tuon’s ambitious older sister who Tuon thought might have plotted against her.
Raven-and-Roses. The personal symbol of the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
Raveneos, Aisha. See Aisha Raveneos
Ravens, Tower of. See Tower of Ravens
Ravinda. A market village in Kandor lying two days from Chachin on the Canluum-Chachin Road. Moiraine found Avene Sahera there, a woman who was on her list as a possible mother of the infant Dragon Reborn. Avene built an inn with the bounty given her by the White Tower for the birth of the child, and intended to call it The White Tower.
Razina Hazzan. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 28(16). Born in 870 NE, she went to the White Tower in 886 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 899 NE. Part of the expedition to kidnap Rand, she was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she did before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.
razorlace. An artifact from ancient times that Bayle Domon mentioned on the way to Whitebridge with Rand, Mat and Thom.
Reader. Another name for a Wise Woman in Cairhien.
Reale. An attendant of Colavaere in Cairhien. She replaced Maire, who Faile said told her that Colavaere said that Rand would never return, and who vanished shortly after telling Faile.
Reanne Corly. A Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. She was not the oldest of the Kin living anywhere, but she was the oldest member of the Kin in Ebou Dar and as such was the Eldest, their leader. Her strength level was 14(2), which was strong enough for her to be able to learn to Travel. Born in 588 NE, she went to the White Tower in 603 NE. She was eleven years a novice, because of difficulties with fearfulness. She was a novice with Sereille Bagand, who arrived approximately two years before her and tested for Accepted the same year. She remembered Sereille as a prankster who broke more rules than any three other novices combined. Sereille’s fearsome reputation surprised her, but then she was surprised Sereille was ever chosen Amyrlin. When testing for Accepted, Reanne refused to enter the arches again after the first time through and was sent away. Gerra Kishar was the Amyrlin at the time.
About 5'5" tall, with blue eyes, a face full of smile lines and mostly gray hair, Reanne obviously was not a native of Ebou Dar. She had a high soprano voice. Her apparent age was roughly mid-forties—she didn’t look old, just like someone who had a little age and had not lived the easiest of lives. She had wanted to be Green Ajah, but had long since abandoned those dreams—or so she thought, until the possibility reared its head. She did not wear a red belt, or anything to connect her to the Wise Women. She sometimes felt fear in her belly, like the panic that sent her running and screaming at her Accepted test; she always gripped this firmly, unaware that fear of actually giving way had long since conquered the possibility that she might give way.
Mat, Elayne and Reanne and some of the Wise Women saw the gholam, which nearly killed Elayne in the Rahad as well as killing some members of the Knitting Circle.
She was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace.
She was called down by Alise for bringing Aes Sedai to the farm in violation of the Kin’s rules, and since even the Eldest was subject to the rules, Reanne had to do chores during the journey to Tar Valon. Reanne found the subject of her position, authority and title somewhat ticklish once they left Ebou Dar. Technically, she was no longer the Eldest, since that title applied only in Ebou Dar, but she continued to function in that office just as the rest of the Knitting Circle continued to function in theirs, if not precisely as the Knitting Circle. Being away from Ebou Dar did lessen her leverage with Alise, but she was still the elder.
Reanne accompanied Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn; there she worked with the captured damane and sul’dam.
She was killed by Careane Fransi of the Black Ajah.
Reason and Unreason. A book by Herid Fel.
Rebek. Someone to whom the merchant Barriga thought he should have listened, after he was attacked by Trollocs near Heeth Tower on the Blightborder, and just before he was killed by red-veiled Aiel.
rebel Aes Sedai. The group of Aes Sedai that refused to give allegiance to Elaida after Siuan was deposed and settled initially in Salidar. They became a more cohesive force after they raised Egwene al’Vere to the Amyrlin Seat.
Reconciliation. A conflict in Cairhien, never quite breaking into open civil war despite a number of skirmishes and minor battles, which resulted in House Damodred losing the throne to House Riatin, with Galldrian taking the Sun Throne, primarily through the Game of Houses. Its basis was the misfortune Laman had brought to Cairhien. It was called the Reconciliation in Cairhien because of the public fiction that it was all quite amicable. In most other countries the Reconciliation was called the Fourth War of the Cairhienin Succession.
Red. A tall bay stallion with a deep chest. Basel Gill gave Rand the horse in Caemlyn, and Rand rode Red through the Ways to Fal Dara, through the Blight to the Eye of the World and when in pursuit of the Horn of Valere. When Ba’alzamon appeared before Rand in Falme, Red reared and threw Rand and vanished.
red adder. A deadly snake that made a dry hissing sound.
Red Ajah. The main thrust of the Red Ajah was hunting down men who could channel. The head of the Red Ajah was called the Highest, or simply Highest, and considered the equal of the Amyrlin Seat by most Reds, unless a Red was the Amyrlin Seat, and sometimes even then. The Highest had autocratic powers of command, more so than
in any other Ajah. There was a council below her, but it was advisory only, although members of the council did have authority over Red sisters not on the council. Selection of the Highest was by secret ballot, with only members of the council considered for the post. Sitters also were chosen by secret ballot, with the entire membership open; all ballots were write-in—no one stood for the position—but if no one received two-thirds of the votes, the lowest vote-getter was dropped, and a new ballot taken. This continued until someone had two-thirds of the votes. If the candidates were reduced to two and neither had two-thirds after three ballots, the choice was thrown to the council.
There was a secret ceremony of the Red Ajah, the most secret, called the Grand Emergence. At the time of the Last Battle, there were approximately two hundred members of the Red Ajah, making it the largest. See also Grand Emergence
Red Bull, The. An inn located in Caemlyn’s New City about a mile from Lady Shiaine’s house. Daved Hanlon stabled his horse there.
red cockleburr. A plant found at least one hundred miles south of Tar Valon. Its presence on Zerah’s saddlecloth led to her being found out as one of the rebel Aes Sedai when discovered by Pevara’s group hunting the Black Ajah in the Tower.
red daisy. A plant used in a tea for headache.
Red Eagle of Manetheren banner. A red eagle in flight on a field of blue. Perrin flew it while in Ghealdan to throw observers off the track, and gave it to Seanchan Banner-General Tylee Khirgan as a sign that Perrin was relinquishing any claims to make Manetheren rise again.
red fennel. An herb used as a remedy for a queasy stomach; it was often taken for seasickness.
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