Red Hand, Band of the. See Band of the Red Hand
Red Hawk, Moad din Nopara. See Moad din Nopara Red Hawk
Red Horse. The symbol of Kandor.
Red Salt. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.
Red Springs. The hold of the Codarra clan of the Aiel in the Three-fold Land.
Red Water. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.
red-stripe. A nearly round white fish with red stripes that was eaten in Illian.
red-veils. Another name for the Samma N’Sei.
Red Wolfhead. Perrin’s banner. It was white, bordered in red, with a red wolf’s head on it.
Redarms. Those in charge of keeping order in the Band of the Red Hand.
redbell. A plant with red flowers appearing after rain.
redberry. A dense shrub.
Redbord. A street tough in Bandar Eban whom Rand and Durnham convinced to help clean up the city. A burly man with curly black hair, coppery skin and a thin mustache, he spat when Durnham first mentioned the Dragon Reborn, but agreed to go along after some persuasion from Votabek.
Redhill, Jestian. See Jestian Redhill
Redhill, Merean. See Merean Redhill
redspot. A disease that affected tabac; it withered the leaves.
Redwing. Medore Damara’s favorite mare.
redwood trees. Cone-shaped trees that grew in the Waterwood.
redwort. A plant that could drive a bull mad.
Reed Soalen. A Two Rivers man with Perrin. Reed guarded Perrin after Aram’s death. When Rand visited Perrin at the Field of Merrilor, Reed was acting as a sentry.
Reene Harfor. The First Maid of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. A slightly plump woman with graying hair worn in a bun atop her head, she had a round face, a long chin and a formidable bosom. Whatever the hour, her formal scarlet tabard with the White Lion always looked freshly ironed, the White Lion as clean and pale as new-fallen snow. She had a dignity any noblewoman might envy, and looked Rand right in the eye; she combined a proper degree of deference, an utter lack of obsequiousness and an aloofness most noblewomen could not manage. When Rand took Caemlyn, Mistress Harfor stayed, although Rand thought that her purpose was to defend and preserve the palace from the invaders. After Sulin violated ji’e’toh and wanted to act as a servant, Reene agreed, and made her wear a dress. Reene was appalled when Taim and his men walked in on Elayne before she meant them to, and called them “sneaking rats” though she covered for it admirably when she realized that she had not spoken quietly enough. Reene told Elayne about Jon Skellit and Ester Norham acting as spies; she later found many others.
Reeve, Will. A Redarm killed by the gholam while guarding Mat’s tent in the camp outside Caemlyn.
Reiko Kerevon. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 38(26). Born in 827 NE, she was stout and had long dark hair in which she wore silver bells. Reiko was one of six sisters sent to investigate the large channeling event at Shadar Logoth because of her ability to read residues.
Reimon. A Tairen nobleman. Broad-shouldered with an oiled dark beard trimmed to a neat point, he chased the latest fashion as assiduously as he chased women, which was only a little less eagerly than he gambled. Reimon often talked in sentence fragments, was a boaster and was initially happy about the prospects for war. He played cards with Mat and was frightened when the cards came to life, although he claimed he saw nothing. He joined the Band of the Red Hand as a captain; the Fifth Squadron (later the Fifth Banner) was Reimon’s Eagles. Reimon accompanied Talmanes when they met up with Mat in Altara. Mat promoted him to Banner-General, and he participated in raids on the Seanchan and the battle against those trying to take Tuon.
Reimon’s Eagles. The informal name of the Fifth Squadron of Mat’s Band of the Red Hand.
Reisendrelle, River. A river flowing south through Lugard and Murandy, into the River Manetherendrelle.
rema’kar. An item in Moridin’s stash of objects of the Power.
Remara, Bay of. The site of the Tairen village of Godan, overlooking Mayene.
Remedan the Goldentongued. A king of Aelgar, one of the Ten Nations.
Remen. An Altaran village on the River Manetherendrelle. Remen was a decent-sized river town, with docks and warehouses, and stone buildings with tile roofs of many different colors. Perrin, traveling with Moiraine, Lan and Loial, freed Gaul from a cage there and the two of them killed a number of Whitecloaks. The group, joined there by Faile, fled downriver by boat.
Ren Chandin. A Two Rivers man who joined Perrin’s band in the Two Rivers. He was killed in a Trolloc ambush.
Rena Tower. A watchtower on the Blightborder, northwest of Heeth Tower.
Renaile din Calon Blue Star. The Windfinder to Nesta din Reas, Mistress of the Ships to the Atha’an Miere. Her strength level was 18(6). About 5'6" tall, and dignified, with a cool, deep voice and large dark eyes, she had five fat golden rings in each ear connected by a chain; another, finer chain ran to her nose ring, thick with medallions that told which clan she belonged to, among other things. After her demotion, she wore only three thinner rings in each ear, and fewer honor medallions, since some had to be put away. Narrow wings of white in her straight black hair half-hid the rings in her ears. Tattoos on her slim dark hands also told of her clan. A handsome woman rather than pretty, apparently in her middle years, she was normally of a very cool, dignified, self-possessed mien; when she became angry, her eyes bulged and her face gorged with blood. She observed the use of the Bowl of the Winds and tried to assert her position with Zaida, who would not allow it. Once the Sea Folk learned of Nesta’s death, Renaile had to step down in rank to the lowest level, according to custom, and she acted as Chanelle’s secretary.
Renala Merlon. A historical figure whom Egwene hoped the Brown Ajah would come across in their studies; she thought that Renala’s story would show how divisions in the Tower could be healed.
Renald Fanwar. A prosperous Borderlands farmer. His wife was Auaine, and they had a number of sons. Renald had been farming his land for forty years; his sons had gone elsewhere, but he had six farmhands who were like family. When his neighbor Thulin told him he was going north, Auaine convinced Renald that they ought to follow. He turned some of his farm tools into weapons and went north to fight in the Last Battle. Mat gave him a spear lesson at Merrilor.
Renald Macer. A sergeant in the Queen’s Guard in Caemlyn. Stout and bald with wide hands and a mustache, he had a calm temperament. When Mat tried to get into the palace dressed as a beggar, Macer took pity on him and gave him food; he and other soldiers diced with Mat as well. Only when Birgitte arrived and pointed out that it was odd to see a beggar with a sword did he note it.
Rendra. A woman who was the innkeeper of The Three Plums Court in Tanchico. She had honey-blond hair that she wore in braids, big brown eyes and a rosebud mouth; she looked a good bit like Liandrin. She and Juilin were involved before he met Thera.
Renna Emain. A Seanchan sul’dam. She first put the a’dam on Egwene and worked Egwene as a damane. In Suroth’s opinion, Renna was a very good trainer, one of the best—an opinion not necessarily correct. She had long dark hair and big brown eyes. Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene left her and Seta leashed on a’dam when they escaped at Falme; Alwhin found them and released them. Because she was found being held by an a’dam, Renna was never again allowed to hold a damane’s leash, though the facts were covered up and she remained in Suroth’s employ. Egeanin learned of this from Bethamin and used it to blackmail Renna, Seta and Bethamin into helping rescue Teslyn, Joline and Edesina. The three sul’dam fled with Mat and Valan Luca’s show, but Renna eventually attempted to kill Egeanin and, thinking she had succeeded, fled back toward Seanchan forces. Mat pursued her and was forced to order Harnan to kill her because she was on the verge of reaching the Seanchan.
Renshar. A major noble House in Andor; its High Seat was Lady Arathelle. See Arathelle and Hanselle Renshar
Reo Myershi. An ancestor of King Paitar of Arafel who heard a For
etelling of importance about the Dragon Reborn and passed it down through his family.
Resara. Leane’s aunt in Arad Doman. She said that if a man heard more promises than a woman meant to offer, one should pay the price and enjoy it. She also said that men were better sport than hawks.
Reshalle, River. A narrow river in Altara where King’s Crossing was situated.
Restorer. The name for an Aes Sedai Healer in the Age of Legends.
Retash. A community in a cluster of islands rarely visited. It was somewhat infamous for the Retashen Dazer, a mix of mead and ewe’s milk which was reputed to be foul.
Rett. A soldier who died defending Ituralde at Maradon in Saldaea.
Return, the. See Corenne
Reyn. An Aiel clan which had a Two Spires and a Musara sept, among others. Its chief was Dhearic.
Rhadam Asunawa. The High Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light. Tall and gaunt with deep-set dark eyes, gray hair and thick gray eyebrows, he did not wear the flaring golden sun on his white cloak, only the scarlet shepherd’s crook. He believed that Rand was another false Dragon and a tool of the Tower, that talk of the Last Battle coming was foolish, even criminal, and that events in Tear and elsewhere were staged by the Tower.
For all his talk, he did not really believe that all Aes Sedai were Darkfriends. He did believe they were dangerous fools and dupes, that the Power was something that should not be meddled with, and that those who did meddle with it were usurping the prerogatives of the Creator; for them, there could only be confession of their sins under the question, and then death. He also believed that the White Tower was a roadblock to true power for the Whitecloaks.
Asunawa plotted with Valda to kill Niall. He was allowed to have Morgase for about an hour, for a light session of questioning, involving knotted cords and needles. That Valda then used this to coerce Morgase into his bed disgusted Asunawa. He wished to be the first to hang a queen in Amador; he would rather have been the first to hang a living Amyrlin, but was willing to settle for a Tower-trained queen. He had Morgase’s trial planned out, along with how to put her to the question without marks and wring out a dramatic confession. He intended to build a special gallows for her, to be kept as a monument. He was bitterly disappointed that she escaped him, but thought she was in Seanchan hands, although he was disgusted by Valda’s accommodation with the Seanchan.
Asunawa did not approve of the duel between Valda and Galad; he and the rest of the Questioners left before the end. He later set a trap to capture Galad and the Children of the Light who followed him; he and Galad argued about who was right in front of the Lords Captain. Galad was stripped and beaten. The Lords Captain came to believe that Galad was truly the Lord Captain Commander of the Children and executed Asunawa.
Rhahime Naille. An Ogier-built city in Aramaelle, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Rhamdashar. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Rhannon Hills. Hills located east across the bay from Ebou Dar, Altara.
Rhea. 1) A woman of the Jenn Aiel after the Breaking. She was the daughter of Adan and Siedre and the sister of Elwin, Jaren, Marind and Sorelle. Rhea was kidnapped by bandits after a raid. 2) A woman in a gleeman’s song, “Rhea’s Fling.” 3) The wife and killer of Caar al Thorin of Manetheren, who was sent to Aridhol to bring the city back to the Light, but who was imprisoned there. He escaped from Mordeth, fleeing to the Borderlands, where he met Rhea.
Rhea Avin. An Emond’s Field woman. She and Sharmad Zeffar were both interested in Wil al’Seen and went to Faile to get her to judge which one had the right to him. Faile sent them to Daise Congar, the Wisdom, to sort them out.
Rhiale. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel (not a Jumai) with the ability to channel and a strength level of 19(7). About 5'9" tall, with flame-colored hair and blue eyes, she was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. She accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten and took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine. She was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and at the meeting with “Caddar” and “Maisia.” She resisted Sevanna and stood up to her more often than any Wise One other than Therava. Rhiale helped question the Seanchan prisoner in Amadicia, while the Jumai were settled at a captured estate. Rhiale and Therava, at least, were aware that Sevanna wanted a tame Aes Sedai to serve her. Both were present when Caddar gave Sevanna the binder, and they heard Caddar tell how to use it and the nar’baha.
Rhian. An Aiel of Far Dareis Mai. She had gray eyes and reddish-brown hair; Mat and Perrin thought she could have passed for Rand’s aunt. She was the eldest of three Maidens in Stedding Tsofu to buy sung wood, and veiled herself when she saw Shienarans there with Rand and others. Juin stepped in and reminded her of the Pact that required no fighting in stedding; she then stood down. She was as abashed as the youngest at having veiled herself inside a stedding.
Rhiannon, Queen. A queen from history who went to the White Tower and tried to dominate its inhabitants; she wound up being humbled, and a wall hanging was made depicting the event.
Rhodric. An Aiel after the Breaking. Rhodric and his greatfather Jeordam were allowed by Garam’s father to take as much water as they wanted if they dug his well. He and Jeordam followed the Jenn Aiel across the Spine of the World. When he was older, he led the Aiel against armored men who crossed the Dragonwall. He was Comran’s greatfather.
Rhuarc. A man of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel and of the Aethan Dor society who was clan chief of the Taardad. He was married to Amys, who served as his Wise One, and to Lian, his roofmistress at Cold Rocks Hold. He had children with both wives, the daughters being as old or older than Berelain, who was born 974 NE. About 6'6" tall and weighing 230 pounds, Rhuarc had touches of gray in his dark red hair, and blue eyes. When Elayne, Nynaeve and Egwene were on their way to Tear, Rhuarc helped rescue them from Fades. He revealed who the People of the Dragon were to Rand and Moiraine.
Before Rand’s kidnapping, he and Mandelain were the two that the Wise Ones trusted not to go after the Tower embassy with spears; they could be informed that the Tower embassy might be a threat to Rand, or at least that they must be watched for that reason. Rhuarc led siswai’aman, slightly over five thousand, who served under the siswai’aman Urien, from Cairhien to help rescue Rand from the Aes Sedai, secretly because neither he nor the Wise Ones could be sure what effect the knowledge that Rand had been kidnapped by Aes Sedai would have on the Aiel, including other clan chiefs. Rhuarc disliked Shaido, but although Rand told him to keep them out of Cairhien, he didn’t really care whether they ravaged some other wetlander place. Rand sent him and others to Arad Doman to bring order.
Rhuarc later became a siswai’aman, and fought near Shayol Ghul in the Last Battle. Graendal captured him and used Compulsion to make him fight for the Shadow; he was killed by Aviendha.
Rhuidean. An unfinished, closed city begun by the Jenn Aiel and Aes Sedai after the Breaking, in a valley of the same name, east of Jangai Pass and beneath Chaendaer in the Aiel Waste. It was the site of Avendesora, and contained ter’angreal used as tests for those who would be clan chiefs and Wise Ones. Traditionally, four Wise Ones had to give permission for anyone to enter Rhuidean. The Green Man said that he had visited Avendesora and rested beneath it some two thousand years previously; thus, he had visited Rhuidean during the Trollocs Wars.
The city was reopened for habitation after the fog that had lain over the site was dissipated. Rand arranged for Ogier to be summoned, for rebuilding, and Rhuidean began to thrive and grow. All clans except the Shaido sent people there. After the city’s transformation, one end of the valley of Rhuidean contained a huge lake, with a river running off to the south. Both were astonishing sights for most Aiel. The city was destined to become a center for trade across the Waste.
Rhyagelle. In the Old Tongue, “Those Who Come Home,” or “Homecomers.” It was another name for the Seanchan who returned to the lands once held by Artur Hawkwing.
Rhys a’Balaman. A Murandi
an mercenary working for Elayne. Tall and lean-faced, with gray-streaked mustaches waxed to points, he spoke in rough accents, and had eyes like stones and a smile that always seemed a leer. He turned traitor, and was executed after trying to seize the Far Madding Gate for Arymilla’s gold.
Riallin. An Aiel woman of Far Dareis Mai with vivid yellow-red hair. She actually managed to appear plump—at least for a Maiden—and had a grin for everything. One of those guarding Rand at his first meeting with Cadsuane, she veiled herself when Merana shrieked at Cadsuane not to hurt Rand. Her voice went from warm and friendly on Berelain’s name to cold and flat on Annoura’s without disturbing her grin. When Idrien announced to Rand what had happened to Herid Fel, Riallin was with her. She went with the Aiel to Bandar Eban to help restore order; there she led Rand through the palace.
Rianna Andomeran. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the White Ajah publicly and the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 924 NE, she went to the White Tower in 940 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 956 NE, joining the Black Ajah the same year. She was 5'4" and had black hair with a white streak above her left ear and a coldly arrogant face. She had the ability to use the One Power to make a heart stop beating. She, with twelve other sisters of the Black Ajah, left the Tower after stealing a number of ter’angreal. She was given a secret assignment by Moghedien, and merely listened to the order, with a touch of relief in her eyes, and then bowed in assent and left. She was captured in a stedding in the Last Battle.
Riatin, House. A noble House of Cairhien; it held the throne from the time of the Aiel War until 998 NE; its sigil was five stars. See also Ailil and Toram Riatin and Galldrian su Riatin Rie
Riddem. A Redarm who fell victim to the gholam while guarding Mat’s tent in the camp outside Caemlyn.
Ries Gorthanes. A Cairhienin man who visited the young Moiraine’s banker Ilain, claiming to be a member of the Tower Guard and presenting a letter purported to be from the Amyrlin Seat, demanding to see Moiraine’s financial information. Ilain recognized that the signature was a forgery and imprisoned the man. He bribed one of her employees and escaped before the real Tower Guards arrived.
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