Rift, Great. One of the natural barriers that separated the Aiel Waste from Shara, extending from the Cliffs of Dawn into the Sea of Storms.
Rikshan, Torven. See Torven Rikshan
Rilith. A weaver’s daughter in Jarra, Ghealdan, who asked Jon, who was old enough to be her father and more, to marry her, as a consequence of Rand’s ta’veren influence when he passed through town.
Rina Hafden. An Amadician Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). Born in 923 NE, she went to the White Tower in 938 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 955 NE. Although she was stocky, with a square face and an upturned nose, she still looked lovely and elegant. Rina was a strongly determined woman. Her Warders were Elyas Machera and Waylin. Rina masked Elyas’ bond so that he could not find her, and she gave up hunting for him actively. She let him go in large part because she knew the Red sisters who had accused him of being a Darkfriend might well kill him no matter what she tried to do. None of which meant she did not want him back; he was hers, by Aes Sedai lights, and they were quite possibly married.
Although she was young for the job, Rina was raised Sitter for the Green in 999 NE to replace Joline Maza, who was unchaired and sent to Ebou Dar by Elaida. After the Tower was reunited, Rina stepped down and was replaced by Farnah.
ring. Age of Legends word that meant the same as a circle, created by channelers linking. Thus, channelers would form or make a ring.
Ring of Tamyrlin. A legendary ring, believed mythical by most people, worn by the leader of the Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends. Stories about the Ring of Tamyrlin said that it was an angreal, sa’angreal or ter’angreal of immense power. It supposedly was named after the first person to learn how to tap into the True Source and channel the One Power, and in some tales, was actually made by that man or woman. Despite what many Aes Sedai said, no one knew whether it was a man or a woman who first learned to channel. Some believed that the title of Amyrlin was a corruption of Tamyrlin.
Rinnin. One of Renald Fanwar’s farmhands.
Rion at Hune Hill. A battle from Mat’s memories that he thought of during the Last Battle.
Riselle. An Altaran noblewoman with an impressive bosom. Tylin gave her the task of caring for Olver to give herself a clearer path to Mat. Riselle let Olver sit on her knee, and rest his head on her bosom while she taught him to read. Standing 5'5" tall, with a face to match her bosom, she had an olive complexion and big dark eyes. According to Beslan, Riselle always made one entertain her before allowing one to rest one’s head on her bosom. She became engaged to marry Seanchan Banner-General Yamada, whose singing voice delighted her. He bought her a vineyard in the Rhannon Hills.
Rising. A tall dun gelding that Birgitte rode to Elayne’s Cairhienin coronation. It was one of the fastest horses in the royal stables.
Rising Sun. The symbol of Cairhien, a many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of blue.
Rising Wave. See Derah din Selaan Rising Wave
Rissen. A Saldaean soldier under Bashere in Caemlyn. He had odd ideas about Aes Sedai, as did his friends Vilnar and Jidar; they all thought they knew what Aes Sedai were like and looked like, but none would have recognized one if he saw her. Rissen thought Aes Sedai were all a foot taller than any man.
Rite of the Guarding, the. A ceremony traditionally conducted four times annually by the Lords of Tear, in which they affirmed that they guarded the world against the Dragon by holding Callandor.
Rittle. A man in Caemlyn with a fondness for garlic; he attempted to cheat Mat at Koronko’s Spit, a dicing game, at The Dusty Wheel.
Riven, Marith. See Marith Riven
River Gate, The. The best inn in Maerone; Mat had it closed because it served his men too much to drink.
River Queen. A riverboat on which Nynaeve, Egwene, Siuan and other Aes Sedai traveled from Medo to Tar Valon on the River Mora.
River Road. A road running along the River Erinin to Tear.
Riverman, The. An inn found in Aringill. It was full enough that four were sleeping to a bed; the innkeeper laughed in Mat’s face when he asked for a room, and in Thom’s when he offered to perform for one.
Riverserpent. The two-masted rivership belonging to Captain Agni Neres of Ebou Dar. Galad and Masema both tried to claim the boat in Samara, leading to riots. Nynaeve, Elayne and their party traveled aboard the fat smuggling vessel south from Samara to near Salidar.
roarstick. An explosive cylindrical weapon created by Aludra.
Robb Solter. A Two Rivers man sent to fetch a pavilion for Perrin’s meeting with the Children of the Light.
Rochaid, Manel. See Manel Rochaid
Rockshaw, Bavin. See Bavin Rockshaw
Rodel Ituralde. A great Domani general, sometimes called the Little Wolf; he was considered to be one of the five great captains. Born a commoner, he rose to high rank and the nobility by his military talent. A short slim man with a large ruby in his left ear and thin mustaches that he tended assiduously, he wore several rings. His hair was more gray than not, but he still had all of it, and wore it long and curled. A bit of a dandy, he used beauty marks on his face. After Alsalam vanished, Ituralde continued to receive messages that purportedly came from Alsalam, but in reality they were from Graendal. Ituralde met with Tarabon lords and convinced them to help fight the Seanchan; they managed to give the Seanchan in Tarabon serious heartburn. He then met Rand al’Thor and went to Maradon to defend it; he was successful in holding until Rand arrived, but at great cost. The victim of Graendal’s Compulsion in the Last Battle, he made war plans that endangered the forces of the Light.
Elyas and the wolves saved his army during a Myrddraal attack, and they kidnapped Ituralde so he could no longer do damage. After the Last Battle, he became King of Arad Doman.
Rodera. A woman of the Shaido Aiel and Far Dareis Mai who was taken gai’shain at the battle for Cairhien. She served the Wise Ones breakfast.
Rodholder. A rank in the Seanchan army given to the second-in-command (or third- if the Empress is counted).
Rodic. A squadleader in the Younglings. He went on patrols out of Dorlan to harry Bryne’s forces.
Rodrivar Tihera. The Captain of the Stone—Commander of the Defenders of the Stone—in Tear. A lean fellow, dark even for a Tairen, with a short beard trimmed to a very sharp point and oiled, he had black eyes and graying hair in tight curls. He was about 5'9" to 5'10" tall, and slender, but with broad shoulders and a chest that made him seem more massive than he was. A very minor noble with little in the way of estates, he was a lifelong soldier. Tihera was a very intense man, punctilious—both fastidious and meticulous—and fairly prickly, subconsciously aware that he was on the bottom rung of the nobility and poor even for that, that he had had to struggle to rise as far as he had, and that he was a much better soldier than most if not all of the men who gave him orders and to whom he had to bow and scrape almost like a commoner. He was a good soldier, though certainly in no danger of being named a great captain. He remembered Rand rallying the Defenders when Trollocs appeared in the Stone, and how Rand finally destroyed them. He fought in the invasion of Illian and in the attack on the Seanchan and took command of the Tairen forces in the Last Battle. After Ituralde, under Compulsion, was taken out of the battle at Thakan’dar, he worked with Darlin and Rhuarc on tactics.
Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a’Naloy. The Light Blessed, King of Murandy, Lion of the Mountains, Sword of the South, Hammer of the Shadow, High Seat of House a’Naloy, Lord of Lugard, Doirlon, Kahane, Rashad. About 5'10" tall, and fat, with puffy dark eyes and thinning hair more white than black, he had once been handsome, but showed the effects of too much drinking and too many late nights. He had little real authority outside Lugard and not much inside the capital city. The nobles of Murandy were a very independent bunch. But there was more to Roedran than met the eye; after all, he had read and studied Comadrin’s book on warfare. He hired Talmanes and the Band of the
Red Hand to remain in Murandy so he could point to them as a foreign threat and use that to gather support to himself. He intended to bind the nobles to him so that he could become a real king in Murandy. At Elayne’s request, Roedran showed up at the Field of Merrilor before the Last Battle, and became one of the signatories to the Dragon’s Peace.
Roemalle. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Rogad, Gorin. A false Dragon who rose in Illian in 995 NE. He was taken and burned alive.
Rogosh Eagle-eye. One of the Heroes of the Horn. Also known as Rogosh of Talmour, he was a fatherly-looking man with white hair and eyes so sharp as to make his name merely a hint. Rogosh Eagle-eye appeared at Falme when Mat blew the Horn of Valere and fought against the Seanchan; he also appeared and fought in the Last Battle when Olver sounded the Horn.
Roidan. A man of the Salt Flat sept of the Nakai Aiel and of Sha’mad Conde. A grave-speaking man, he had considerably more gray than yellow in his hair, heavy shoulders, icy blue eyes and a hard, scarred face. A blacksmith could have used his lean face for a hammer or an anvil, and by the scars across his cheeks and nose it seemed possible that more than one had done so. Roidan led the Thunder Walkers in the wetlands. Roidan personally led the guard outside the green-striped tent Rand used for Traveling in Tear. He sometimes practiced the Aiel way of fighting with Rand, and avoided looking at Rand’s sword.
Roidelle, Master. The very stout, graying mapmaker for the Band of the Red Hand. He had six fit young assistants.
Rolan. A Mera’din who joined the Shaido. As wide as Perrin, he was 6'8" tall, with blue eyes. Alliandre thought him not quite pretty. He was not very talkative, but he tried to make Faile laugh, after he got to know her. He captured Faile and took her knives, handling her with humiliating ease and cutting her clothing away. At that point he had nothing about him of a man looking at a woman when he looked at Faile, but that later changed. Rolan wooed Faile while she was gai’shain and rescued her from drunken Shaido and from Galina’s trap. Perrin killed him with a hammer blow to the head.
Romanda Cassin. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah from Far Madding. Part of the rebel contingent, she had a strength level of 13(1). Born in 726 NE, she went to the White Tower in 743 NE. After spending five years as a novice and three years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 751 NE. She was raised a Sitter for the Yellow Ajah in 885 NE and served until she retired to Altara in 973 NE. She joined the rebel Aes Sedai in Salidar and was raised Sitter again in 999 NE; she also acted as First Weaver, the head of the Yellow Ajah, among the rebels. She had gray hair, which she wore in a bun on the nape of her neck. When her hair was hidden, she appeared rather young. Romanda had a plump bosom and a high soprano voice. One might have thought she would have a beautiful singing voice, if one could imagine Romanda singing. She had brown eyes, not particularly large, and she stood about 5'4" tall.
Holding her chair for so many years as she did the first time was unprecedented. A great many people did not like the amount of power that she wielded. The fact that she wanted the Amyrlin Seat, which went to Tamra Ospenya just before her retirement, certainly played a large part in her decision to resign her chair; indeed, some thought it the major motivating factor. Shortly after her retirement, she ran into a misunderstanding in Far Madding; Aelmara, her serving woman, helped her escape from the city.
She lived for many years in Altara before joining the rebels at Salidar. She resented and resisted the influence Sheriam and her council had on the Hall, and their influence with some of the independent Sitters. She remained seated the first time in choosing Egwene as Amyrlin; she was the very last to rise on the final vote, after Lelaine, and after a further pause. She remained bare to the waist throughout the decision on raising Egwene, as did Lelaine. Romanda and Lelaine seemed to disagree almost by rote; if one wanted a thing, the other opposed it as a matter of course. Romanda and Lelaine each made sure that nothing she herself disapproved of was passed by the rebel Hall, with the result that very little was passed, and certainly little that Egwene suggested. While this changed to some extent with the declaration of war, they still fought Egwene and obstructed her on other matters. Romanda’s faction in the rebel Hall consisted of Magla, Saroiya and Varilin, all of whom were sent out of the Tower by the heads of their Ajahs.
During the Last Battle, Romanda stayed on the field of battle to provide emergency Healing; she was killed during the initial Sharan attack.
Romavni, Eurian. The Kandori author of A Journey to Tarabon, a book Egwene used as a guide to Tanchico.
Romera, Mistress. The shatayan of Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin. A stately, straight-backed woman with hazel eyes and graying hair worn in a thick roll on the nape of her neck, she wore livery and a silvered ring of keys at her belt. She greeted Lan when he arrived with Bukama and Ryne.
Romlin, Aleis. See Aleis Romlin
Ronaille Vevanios. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Ronaille was a member of the expedition to kidnap Rand and was stilled during Rand’s escape at Dumai’s Wells. Unlike the other captive Aes Sedai taken at Dumai’s Wells, Ronaille and the others who were stilled were treated more kindly, in fact taken into the Aiel way of life and given productive work to do, if not exactly what an Aes Sedai was used to. The Wise Ones tried to find a husband for Ronaille.
Irgain Fatamed was the first of the three sisters stilled at Dumai’s Wells who was Healed by Damer Flinn, in Cairhien. After Healing her, he was allowed to Heal Ronaille and Sashalle. All three were restored to full strength and were no longer held by the Three Oaths. All three swore oaths to Rand al’Thor.
Ronam. Rhuarc’s son and the chief of the Taardad Aiel after the Last Battle, seen in Aviendha’s visions of the future in Rhuidean.
Ronan. Agelmar’s shambayan in Fal Dara. He once held Jehaan Tower with twenty men against a thousand Trollocs. Age-withered but still tall, with a pure white topknot, he acted as Agelmar’s secretary and participated in court ceremonies, bearing a staff topped with three foxes carved from red avatine. He was killed in the Trolloc attack when the Horn of Valere was stolen; he died with blood on his dagger.
Ronde Macura. A dressmaker in Mardecin, Amadicia, who served as an eyes-and-ears for the Yellow Ajah. A handsome woman in her middle years, she was about 5'4" tall, with dark hair worn in a neat array and dark eyes. She briefly captured Nynaeve and Elayne, using forkroot tea. Elaida ordered an example to be made of her for failing to hold on to them. Mistress Macura was squeezed, giving up her secret of forkroot tea, and publicly humiliated by being strapped in the village square as someone who had markedly displeased Aes Sedai. This not only necessitated her flight from Mardecin, it engendered a considerable dislike in her for Aes Sedai. For that reason, she was quite willing, even eager, to pass along her secret about forkroot to the Seanchan; in fact, she approached them with the knowledge and was richly rewarded. Pleading to be taken into service by the Seanchan, Ronde became part of Tuon’s entourage, but was awkward and not fully conversant with the proper protocols. Tuon thought her eager to do the Aes Sedai more injury.
Ronelle. An Accepted with the rebel contingent who had a potential strength level of 22(10). Born in 969 NE, she went to the White Tower in 984 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and six as Accepted, she was taken from the White Tower by the sisters who fled after Siuan was deposed. She shared a bed with Emara in a room with Satina and Mulinda in the same house in Salidar as Elayne and Nynaeve. She was almost strangled in her sleep by her bedsheets when the bubble of evil hit Salidar. Ronelle would have been tested for Aes Sedai had she remained in the White Tower.
Ronja. An Aiel blinded in the Last Battle. Trying to recruit more people for the battle, Berelain asked him who could make the gai’shain fight; he told her that no one could.
Roof of the Maidens. A building exclusively for Maidens of the Spear; no men were allowed entry, other than gai’shain. These roofs were found in different locations, such as Cold Rocks and
Rhuidean in the Waste.
roofmistress. The Aiel term for the wife of a sept chief who ruled the stronghold of that sept.
Roon, Mother. The Wisdom-equivalent in Jarra, Ghealdan. Noam bit her when she tried to help him.
Rorik. Magla Daronos’ broad-shouldered Warder. When cockroaches infested Romanda’s tent and the women screamed, he ran in with his sword at the ready, but had no idea what to do about the insects.
Rorn M’doi. One of the places in history that Sammael, the Destroyer of Hope, devastated, earning him that name.
Ros, Fridwyn. See Fridwyn Ros
Rosala. A Seanchan with the duty of disciplining da’covale. Suroth told Liandrin to go to Rosala and ask her to beat her.
Rosana Emares. A Lady of the Land of Tear who was raised to High Lady after the capture of Illian. Her House sign was the Hawk-and-Stars. About 5'6" tall, and lanky, with a wide nose and blue eyes which were rare for a Tairen. She led her armsmen herself, rather than using a Master of the Horse, though she did not actually go into battle. She had a helmet and breastplate and a mace which she could use. A blunt woman, Rosana told Eben that he needed fattening, ordered Jonan to stop slouching and asked whether Aes Sedai had approved their grim coats. She listened to the story of Dumai’s Wells as if examining a possibly counterfeit coin. She had assumed a place in the councils of the High Lords, though Tairen High Ladies seldom did so. Rand left Rosana in Illian to keep the peace.
Rosara Medrano. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah with a strength level of 32(20). About 5'7" tall, with black hair, dark eyes and brown skin, she liked to cook. Unlike other Browns, she was not dreamy, but rather had a tempestuous nature and a temper, which she usually controlled well, although her eyes could flash with anger. She was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells following Cadsuane Melaidhrin. Rosara was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding. When she saw Logain, Aes Sedai and Asha’man arrive in Cairhien, she rode quickly to tell Samitsu.
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