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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

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by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Yeah, it just dawned on me that I can never go home again,” I said.

  “I know how you feel. I suppose we will just have to get used to the idea,” he said.

  “You know, I never asked you how you know how to speak English,” I said.

  “We Karkastians are taught several languages when we are very young- even the languages of our enemies. We can speak both with our mouths and telepathically.”

  “Sounds as if your educational program is far more advanced than our own. I don’t even know one other language besides my own. That’s what this trusty gizmo is for,” I said, pointing to the language decoder device attached to my army –issued uniform. I didn’t even need to use it once when I was talking to Yahn.

  “So, this pod is programmed to take us back to Earth,” Yahn said, bringing up the most urgent matter at hand.

  "Yes, it is," I said as I watched a bright, blue comet shoot by the window. Its icy tail sparkled and then disappeared from view.

  “I suppose there is some way to program it to go to other destinations,” Yahn said.

  “I’m quite sure that there is.” Unfortunately, I had no idea how to re-program it.

  "I sense that you don't know how to re-program it," Yahn said. Yahn couldn't exactly read my mind, but Karkastians were so intuitive that they came very close to it.

  “No, I’m afraid I do not,” I said, feeling embarrassed. “To tell you the truth I’ve never been too technically inclined. I only got into the army so that I could get money for college.”

  “What is college exactly?” Yahn asked.

  “Well, it’s where you go to receive training for your job, your career after you get out of high school,” I explained; but Yahn’s large, pretty eyes seemed to be full of confusion.

  “I’m not sure what any of that means,” Yahn said.

  “A job is how you make money in order to pay for food, shelter- those kinds of things.”

  Yahn was completely confused.

  “As I said, in our society we don’t have jobs as you call them. We live communally and have talents that we lend to the group in order to do our part. We share all of the resources in our community equally. We don’t go to college, have jobs and earn what you call, ‘money’.”

  “Sounds like you have the right idea. In the nineteen sixties, some human beings tried living in the way that you describe, but it never caught on to the mainstream,” I explained.

  “Hmm, maybe that’s why your people are invading other planets and causing problems instead of living peacefully and focusing on your own planet,” he said.

  “I can’t disagree with you, Yahn. You pretty much have Earthlings figured out,” I said.

  “I can also see that you are not all alike. You are very enlightened and open-minded, unlike the Earthlings I have heard about, my entire life. Are there others that feel the same way you do?" he asked.

  “Oh yes, there are plenty of enlightened Earthlings. Unfortunately, most of them possess very little power. Our rulers are only interested in lining their pockets and becoming more wealthy and powerful themselves,” I said.

  “Too bad. I am going to see if I can figure out how to re-program the escape pod,” Yahn said as he began to examine the buttons on the control panel. I thought about how muscular and attractive his arms were and how good it would feel to have them wrapped around me. Yahn looked up and down at the different screens and began to push several buttons until a screen popped out of the side of the control module. It showed a picture of planet Earth.

  “Here is it, I’ve found the main destination control panel. Where would you like to go?” he asked me. I was amazed at how quickly his brain worked. He had figured out in a matter of minutes what might have taken me days to find out.

  “I have no idea about the planets in this galaxy. That would be your area of expertise. Why don’t you choose?” I said.

  “Hmm,” he said as he began to look at the images of different planets and moons in the solar system. “How about this planet- Neutomia?” he said.

  “I don’t know anything about it. If you think it’s safe- let’s go,” I said.

  “It is a peaceful planet and they don’t know any enemies other than the Sarceastians. It’s a huge green, gas giant on the far side of the solar system. It will take some time to get there; but it should be a safe place for us once we reach it,” he said.

  "Wait a minute. It's a gas giant?" I was thinking of Jupiter and Saturn in my own solar system and how there were no known life forms found there because there was not solid surface for any creature to walk upon.

  “They have created floating platforms that they have built their cities on. They cannot dwell on the planet itself for the reasons that you have already pointed out,” he said.

  “Wonderful, let’s set our controls for Neutomia, then,” I said, relieved that he had found a place for us to go other than Earth. Yahn began to type all sorts of coordinates into the control panel and the pod began to veer off in the opposite direction.

  “There, that should do it. I’m getting a bit hungry. I take it that these pods are equipped with food supplies,” he said.

  “Yes, your favorite,” I said as I opened a closet door and pulled out a familiar rectangular pouch.

  “Rations. You Earthlings need to put some more thought into your food supplies. I can’t imagine living on these for an entire space mission,” he said.

  “Yahn. I couldn’t agree with you more,” I said.

  After a while, we lay together looking out at the stars, lost in our own thoughts. Finally, I decided to break the silence and ask Yahn about his childhood.

  “What were your parents like? I asked him. The question seemed to catch him off guard.

  “They were the kindest, most loving beings that I ever knew. I miss them more than I can say,” he said. I noticed that the beads of water were beginning to form on his body, a sign that he was expressing sadness.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted to know a little more about how you grew up and the people you cared about,” I said.

  "No need to apologize. They were always supportive of me. Most Karkastians desire nothing but to live peacefully in the communities where they grew up and go on to raise a family. I had a desire to explore the worlds beyond Karkast. I would stay up late at night and think about the vastness of the universe and dream of visiting distant planets," he said.

  “Well, it looks as if your dreams are coming true,” I said as my hand slipped inside his. He looked down at my hand and then up at me, smiling.

  “That feels quite nice,” he said. “So what about you, Jessie Hampton- what were your parents like?”

  "They were kind too. Dad was a little pushy and controlling, but he only wanted what was best for me. He didn't want me to make decisions that would go on to affect me later in life. I took a year off after high school to figure things out and he didn't like that one bit. He was taught that you go to school, immediately choose a career and work that job until it's time to retire…" As I said this, I could see Yahn becoming slightly confused again.

  “Anyway, he was relieved when I told him I was joining the army in order to get money for school. He was relieved for two reasons. For one thing, it meant that he wouldn’t have to pay for my education. And for the second thing, it meant that I was getting on with some kind of plan for my life rather than working some meaningless job. My mother was sweet and supportive and would be encouraging no matter what I decided to do with my time. It hurts to think that I may never see them again,” I said as I felt the tears beginning to form in my eyes. Yahn sensed this and ran his fingers through my hair to comfort me.

  "I know exactly how you feel, but we must be strong," he said.

  I looked into his large, beautiful eyes and felt drawn to him. I didn't know if he was aware of what a kiss was, but I decided to plant one on him anyway. I kissed him gently on his full lips and his eyes got really big with surprise.

  “What are you doing? It su
re feels nice,” he said.

  “It’s called a kiss. It’s a way we have of showing affection for those that we care about, although family members and friends don’t kiss on the lips usually,” I said.

  "You may do it again if you wish," he said. I smiled and did it again. This time, I risked giving him a little tongue. His eyes got really big this time.

  “That was different- I felt something even stronger that time,” he said.

  I looked down at the primitive cloth that covered his waist and I began to see an enormous bulge forming there. “I can tell that you really enjoyed that,” I said, lifting an eyebrow.

  He looked down at what I was looking at. “Oh, that is our reproductive organ. We don’t use it for anything else,” he said.

  “What? So doesn’t your kind make love? That is to say, how do you show extreme affection for those that you really care about, and I don’t’ mean just family and friends?”

  “Oh that, yes. We use what’s known as ‘mind-melding’,” he said.

  “Would you care to show me?” I asked, still clutching his hand.

  “I would love to,” he said. He sat up and interlocked his fingers with mine. He closed his eyes. A second later, an intense and pleasurable sensation began to take over my body. I couldn’t help but sigh and then moan as the feeling became stronger and stronger. I knew that I was experiencing an orgasm. After a few minutes, he let go of my hand and I caught my breath.

  “Wow! That was wonderful!” I said as we smiled at one another.

  "What about you humans? What do you do?" I thought about how much I wanted to show him, but I had just started my cycle so I elected for some ‘heavy petting'.

  “Here is one way that we pleasure those that we care about, although there are many,” I said. I slowly slid my hand underneath the cloth that covered his waist. I was amazed at how large he was. I ran my hand up and down on him while he moaned with pleasure.

  “Oh my! I never realized that organ could be used in such a way,” he said. Then we kissed as I continued to stroke him. He was unable to last very long because he was not used to this type of attention. Once I was done, we kissed some more and lay together in silence gazing out at the stars all around us.

  Chapter 6


  I couldn’t believe how great I felt when Jessie touched me. No one had ever made me feel in such a way before. I couldn’t believe just how beautiful she looked beneath all of her clothes. Humans do wear a lot of clothing to cover their bodies. She had the most magnificent long legs and gorgeous shape to her body. Most females of my kind did not possess such curves or skin that was so soft. Also, she possessed lovely round organs called breasts that aroused me in ways that I never knew were possible. Jessie had talked about an emotion known as love that I thought I had started feeling towards her. It was unlike any other emotion that I had felt before. I cared for my family, my mother and father, brothers and sisters, but I had never felt something so overwhelming and all-consuming as I began to feel for Jessie when we were trapped in the space pod together.

  After we finished pleasuring one another, the beautiful green planet, Neutomia, came into view. I was looking forward to going there because I had always heard how fair and beautiful the Neutomian cities were, perched high upon platforms above the swirling, green gases of the planet.

  “It looks so beautiful and peaceful,” Jessie said as she held one of my hands and looked down at the surface below.

  “Yes, the Newtonians are as peaceful as their planet appears to be. Of course, the planet is anything but peaceful. There are often gigantic storms that emerge from the billowing gases below the platforms.”

  “Wow, so why don’t they seek out another place to live?” Jessie asked me. She was not very knowledgeable about the planets in our solar system.

  “Well it is not very easy to find an uninhabited planet that has the right conditions to support life, and if you want to live on a planet that already has inhabitants, that can pose challenges as well,” I said.

  “I see,” she said.

  As we came closer to the platforms, large cities with glass-like buildings came into view. The towers were elaborate and beautiful, unlike the more simple and primitive-looking buildings I was used to back home. Some were spiral and others were spherical.

  “What gorgeous buildings!” Jessie said, clutching my hand. Every time she touched me in this way, I felt something like an electric charge move through my body. I couldn’t wait for the next chance for us to be intimate.

  As we moved in closer and closer, something did not appear to be right about the scene below. One of the cities that we saw was in flames and they seemed to be spread from one platform to another very rapidly.

  “That city is on fire. I wonder what is happening.” Jessie said.

  “I don’t know for sure, but I have my suspicions,” I said. As I looked closer, I saw what I believed to be a Sarceastian freight carrier.

  “Yes, it’s just as I feared,” I said. “The Sarceastians have invaded Neutomia!”

  “Oh no, we don’t want to land on a planet that is in the middle of an invasion. The problem is, we don’t have enough time to alter the course of the pod, it is now caught in the gravitational pull of the planet,” Jessie stated in alarm.

  “Well it seems we have no choice but to make out the best we can,” I said, shaking my head. Jessie took out her laser cannon and tested it to make sure that it was charging properly.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked her, knowing that it would futile to try and fight them.

  “I’m not going to go down without a struggle,” Jessie said, fiercely. I admired her courage, but I also knew that there was no way that we would stand a chance against so many of them.

  “Fighting them isn’t going to do us any good. We must develop a strategy. You must let them capture you. Sarceastians will not willingly kill as long as you surrender. They are greedy so they will want you for their slave trade. I will change into vapor and find a way to free you,” I said.

  “So let me get this straight- you expect me to just give myself up and surrender?” she asked.

  “You do want to survive, don’t you?” I asked her.

  “Alright, I suppose you’re right. For the record, I don’t really like this plan,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, I will figure out a way to free you from their clutches as quickly as I can,” I reassured her.

  The planet pulled us closer to the surface. Soon a tracking beam began to pull us towards a large Sarceastian freight carrier. There was no escaping them. The pod docked in one of the many loading doors. All around us were menacing Sarceastians with their evil red eyes and their hooded cloaks. They hovered above the ground, having no legs to support them.

  “Eww, they are really eerie looking creatures. They look like ghosts,” she said.

  “What are ghosts?” I asked.

  “Oh some humans believe that once you die, your soul sometimes hangs around- we call that a ghost,” she explained. I was still quite confused.

  “What is a soul?” I asked.

  “Oh it’s too much to try and explain right now. If we make it out of this alive, I promise to give you a better explanation at that time,” she said.

  “We are landing. I had better turn into a vapor before they notice that there are two of us,” I said.

  “Sure, sure, you go on ahead and transform while I go off to prison,” she said.

  “I’m sorry, Jessie, but it’s the only way that we can hope to get out of this,” I said.

  “I know you’re right. I just hate the idea of surrendering,” she said.

  The pod came to a halt just as I turned into vapor. The hatch of the pod opened and the Sarceastians moved in, carrying their own form of laser guns. One of them stepped forward, his evil eyes glowing bright red. He turned on a translating device and spoke to Jessie.

  “Come out of your pod Earthling! You are now the property of the Sarceastians. If you try and resist
, you will be incinerated!” the creature said.

  “Alright, no need to get testy. I will do as you say,” Jessie said, reluctantly. She put her hands in the air and was led away from the platform. I followed along behind them as they took her up several moving conveyor belts to a larger platform, many hundreds of feet above the landing dock. There were several forlorn-looking Neutomians being led away to holding cells that the Sarceastians had built, all along the large platform. I felt bad for the Neutomians because they too had their way of life and their planet was ruined by the horrible, evil Sarceastians. Neutomians were tall and fair, with large, sad eyes and soft, green skin. The had pointed ears and little or no hair on their bodies. Most of them did not wear clothing of any kind and lived the lives of quiet meditation. They would not harm any other living beings. As I looked at the destruction below on the lower platforms, I vowed that one day I would get even with these wretched invaders.


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