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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

Page 22

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Ha ha. Earth is not all bad, Yahn. I’m sure you have seen that by now,” I said, defensively.

  “I know, but it has a long way to go,” Yahn concluded.

  “Well, I’d like to argue about this with you later, but now I think we need to focus on getting out of here,” I said.

  “We can both agree on that. I say we just run for the exit as fast as we can and shoot anything that is in our way,” Yahn suggested.

  "I'm with you!" With that, we made our way to the entrance. It was actually quiet because most of the guards had moved on to another area. We looked down the hallway from where we were and saw two soldiers guarding an oval door to the outside. By now, we could hear the howling wintry winds outside the huge facility. We immediately began to fire at the soldiers guarding the door. They fired back at us. One of the guards called for backup and soon we could hear the sound of Sarceastian boots approaching from farther down the hall. [G355][G356][G357][G358][G359][G360]

  "Ok, follow me. We have to run straight at those guards and take them out before we get hemmed in between them and the soldiers. Come on!" I said. I ran right at the soldiers firing repeatedly as I ran. Yahn was right behind me doing the same thing. Finally, we took out the two guards and used one of their security scanners to open the doors to the outside. The cold winds were worse than I expected. We bundled up tightly and headed out into the frozen lands. Snow was mounted a foot high on every surface we could see. There were mostly steel and glass buildings, all so close that there was barely enough room to walk in between them. Guards that were protecting the outside of the building began to chase us, so we ran into an abandoned building and hid behind a stairwell. We were very cold but warmer than we had been on the outside. We rested there for a minute to plot our next move. [G361][G362]

  "We can't stay here long. They will search the place soon enough," Yahn pointed out. [G363]

  "Yeah well, another five minutes out there and I was going to become a snowman," I said.

  "What's a snowman?" Yahn inquired.

  "Something we used to make out of the snow when we were kids. Never mind, it's not important," I said. I felt very upset. [G364][G365]

  “Jessie, I know it’s upsetting to be in this situation, but we are together and we are still alive. That is something to be happy about,” Yahn pointed out. I hugged him.

  “You are always there to make me feel better, aren’t you?” I said, smiling. “Well, we talked about being in the lion’s den. We are certainly there now. How are we going to get out of here?”

  Chapter 4


  We could hear the movements of Sarceastian guards outside of the building we were hiding in and knew we had to keep moving. It wasn't easy because a snow storm had begun just as we left our hiding place. We decided that our best move was to make our way to the most crowded portions of the city so that we could blend in and hide. As soon as we went out of the back door of the abandoned building, we heard the guards enter it. We made our way down an alley towards some sort of power station that was located at the top of a small hill. There were several tall energy beacons that transmitted energy particles using light. Sarceastians also used light waves to send communications. We hid behind the beacons and looked out over the surrounding city. From there we could get a bird's eye view and get a better idea of where we should be headed. [G366][G367][G368][G369][G370]

  We could easily see that Sarceastian cities were sharply divided. Back in the direction we came from there were tall, sleek towers, the large military complex that we had just left which was shaped like a dome, and other dome-shaped hover dwellings that looked to be expensive homes of the more well off. To the east, the tall, jagged steel and glass towers gave way to what looked to be the slums- it looked not unlike the pictures I'd seen of the poorer parts of large cities back home such as Sao Paulo, Brazil, only the dwellings were dome-like and stacked practically on top of each other. From what I could tell, it looked like most of them were constructed out of gathered bits of wood, steel, and glass. There was a line of soldiers patrolling on the edge of this part of town, more than likely to keep the poor in their quarters and away from the more prosperous sector. The poor Sarceastians were moving about from place to place down crowded streets. Most of them did not have space cruisers and got around on foot. Many of them wore hooded outfits that were threadbare. [G371]

  “We need to get over there so that we can blend in with the crowd,” I said.

  "Wow, it seems that they have the same problems that your Earth has, with poverty and inequality. That is something that will always be hard for me to understand. As I've said before, such problems were nonexistent on Karkast. Oh, how I would love to see the suns rising above my home planet again," Yahn mused. [G372]

  “Right now, we need to be getting out of here, look there!” I said pointing to a group of guards that were moving from the military complex in our direction.

  "I have an idea. I will turn into my vaporous state and distract them by reappearing over there to the north. The soldiers will come after me and give you an opportunity to get over to the poorer part of town and blend in with the crowd. I will turn back into a vapor and rejoin you there," Yahn suggested.

  “Alright, Yahn, but be careful!” I warned. He winked at me and turned into a blue vapor. I watched as he drifted down the street and appeared not too far from where the soldiers were making their way in my direction. As soon as he reappeared in his normal form, the soldiers spotted him and took off in his direction.

  "There's the Karkastian! After him!" one of them ordered. As soon as the soldiers were safely distracted, I made my way out from behind the energy beacons and headed for the crowded streets. The walkway that divided the industrial complex from the poorer area was now clear. I ran across it and into the crowd. I got some puzzled looks from the Sarceastians around me, but I managed to blend in once I pulled my hood over my head. I looked over at where Yahn had appeared, but he had already transformed into a vapor again. I saw the blue haze drifting over towards me, and the soldiers who were standing there, looked puzzled as to why he had vanished. They obviously had very little knowledge about Karkastians and their powers. [G373]

  Soon, Yahn appeared by my side with a huge, satisfied grin on his face.

  "Look at them," he said. "They have no idea what happened to me." We watched as they searched along the walkway. We were now well hidden amongst the crowd. We pulled our hoods up and began to walk further down the crowded streets. There were all sorts of vendors selling all sorts of things along the street. Some Sarceastians sold building materials like concrete blocks or stolen sheets of glass. Others sold clothing. Some sold food. All of them were shouting at us about how they had the best items for sale in all of Podesta. That's when we learned the name of the city we were in. [G374]

  “We need to find a place to stay until we can figure out how to get off this planet,” Yahn stated. He held my hand tightly, not trusting some of the characters that sauntered down the street, eyeing us like the strangers that we were.

  “These people need someone to fight for them and bring about better conditions for them to live in,” I said, with pity in my heart. I saw a mother carrying a very sickly-looking child. From what I could tell, there was probably very little medical care available for this sector of the population. We were astonished to see just how large this section of town seemed to be. The crowded domes and make-shift dwellings were piled one on top of the other for as far as the eye could see. It was obvious that the majority of the population lived in these conditions.

  "Don't go getting any ideas. We need to get back where we belong. I want Demarin and the others that are oppressing the Sarceastians to get what's coming to them, but I don't see how it could be accomplished right now. Demarin has all of the weapons. All that these people seem to have is the hoods they wear." [G375]

  “You can smell the unrest in the air. All they need is the right leadership- the right person to rally behind,” I said.

sp; A few of the vendors in the street gave Yahn a dirty look. At first, I couldn't figure out why, but then I realized that Yahn was wearing a sleek, silver outfit that the military officials wore, unlike the cheaper material that the commoners’ outfits were made from. [G376]

  “They don’t like your outfit,” I teased Yahn.

  “Sorry, it’s the only one I have,” he shot back.

  “Executive slime!” a few younger Sarceastians suddenly shouted. Two of them began to throw rocks at Yahn. Yahn took off his hood and the sight of him shocked the young Sarceastians so badly, they ran off.

  “Very funny, but I wouldn’t do that if I were you. We don’t need anyone to know our identity. I’m sure by now word has gotten out about us. There might even be a reward being offered for our capture,” I suggested.

  “You’re right. I just couldn’t resist,” Yahn admitted.

  At the end of an alley, we saw a sign that we translated into ‘For Rent' using our handheld word translation device. We decided to check it out. We were both very exhausted and not sure how to proceed, so we needed a place to rest and collect our thoughts. We knocked on the oval-shaped, wooden door. All around us were dwellings that looked even smaller and more crowded than the area we had just walked through. The poorer segment of the population used wood and cardboard to fashion their dwellings.

  A second later, an old, female Sarceastian came to the door and looked us over suspiciously.

  “We are interested in your room for rent,” I said.

  “It is no longer available, thank you,” she said, rather curtly, then proceeded to shut the door.

  “Wait!” Yahn said. “We have a hundred Banis we are willing to offer.”

  “Banis? We don’t accept that currency here. You will have to go to the exchange facility down the street. Also, it will cost you fifty extra because you are fugitives,” she suggested.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  "You stand out much more than you think you do. It takes more than a Sarceastian robe to make a good disguise, young lady." The woman suddenly looked at something off in the distance. [G377][G378]

  “Come inside, we will negotiate our terms there, quickly!”

  I looked behind us and saw a group of guards in their silver robes asking the vendors questions. [G379][G380]

  “Quickly, they’re coming this way,” I said to Yahn, pulling his arm. We went inside the dwelling and the woman put several locks across the door.

  "Come with me," She said, leading us down several flights of stairs. There were several makeshift dwellings all around us. We came to one at the end of the hall and she opened the door. The dwelling consisted of one room with wooden walls that looked like it had been put together in a matter of minutes. There was one, dingy, couch-like piece of furniture and a mattress in another corner.

  “It isn’t much, but it is all I have available right now. My name is Hilga,” she said, bowing to us, which is the Sarceastian custom for greeting a stranger. We bowed back at her.

  “Thank you so much. I guess you know by now, we escaped from Demarin and his soldiers. I was kidnapped by them and Yahn here managed to stow away on a cruiser ship and free me,” I shared.

  “I have no love for Demarin or the executive class. They have done nothing but exploit the rest of us, allowing us to live in abject poverty. If you are enemies of them, then you are friends to me,” Hilga said, smiling. She took off her hood to reveal a kindly face. She had the same pointed ears and red eyes that all Sarceastians had, but her visage was much more benign.

  “I don’t have much in the way of food, but I can offer you some stromal. It is a stew made out of the leftover meat and vegetables that we have available,” she offered.

  “We can’t turn down food of any kind at this point,” I said with a smile.

  “Very good. I will go and get some for you. You can pay me tomorrow once you’ve exchanged your Banis for Sarceastian silver.”

  “Thank you, you are very kind,” I answered with a big smile.

  We settled in, resting side by side on the couch. Hilga came in a few minutes later with two steaming hot bowls of stromal. It was very strong-tasting, but filling.

  “I have to say, I admire anyone who is able to escape from the executive military complex. It is very heavily guarded. You two must have some special skills if you were able to do that,” Hilga pointed out.

  “We are very much used to escaping from danger and being on the run, I’m afraid,” Yahn shared.

  “This is the first time I have ever seen a Karkastian on this planet. I am sorry for what became of your planet. Our leaders have exploited almost every civilized corner of the universe. Except for one…” Hilga said, turning to me. “I know who you are and know about how you defeated the Sarceastian space cruisers. They tell stories about you to the children. They call you the Arch Frankder.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means human savior. Many around here wish that you had completely destroyed our leaders.”

  “I’m not a savior, just someone who believes in defending my homeland at any cost,” I answered humbly.

  Chapter 5


  After Hilga left, we began to stare into each other’s eyes and decided to take this opportunity to mind meld. I felt closer than ever to Jessie as she shared her thoughts with me. My whole body trembled with pleasure as I felt her love for me wash over my body. Then, I pulled her on top of me and we made love while holding hands and kissing passionately. It seemed that every time we were intimate with one another, it was better than the last time. We had grown closer and closer and I felt as if both of our hearts were beating as one.

  Despite our cramped and dirty quarters, we slept until late into the morning.

  I went down the hallway and up to the first floor of the building. When I got to the entrance, I ducked back around the corner. I could hear Hilga talking to executive guards that were questioning her.

  “We’ve heard a rumor that the Karkastian and the human were seen at this location,” The guard stated.

  “I saw them. They asked me if I would rent a room to them, and I refused. I sent them on their way and they walked to the west. I don’t know where they were going,” Hilga answered. I could see the skeptical look on the guard’s face. He turned to talk to the other guards that were standing close by.

  “I hope you are telling the truth, for your sake. If you do happen to spot them in this area again, you must communicate with me!” The guard stated, handing her a code.

  “That would be fine if I could afford a messenger” Hilga remarked; messengers were the equivalent of Sarceastian phones which sent messages using beams of light energy.

  “You can send a messenger to see me on foot. I am Captain Garin,” the soldier stated.

  “Yes sir,” Hilga said, making a disgusted face as she turned away from them. I hid behind the corner until they were well out of sight and Hilga closed the door to the outside.

  “I heard what you said, and I want you to know how much we appreciate you letting us stay here and risking your own safety to lie to those guards,” I shared.

  “I promise that I will not tell anyone that you are here. However, I heard a rumor in the market today that there is a sizeable award being offered for your safe delivery to the guards,” she stated.

  “Really? How much are they offering?”

  “Twenty thousand silver pieces.”

  “And what does that equate to in Banis?”

  “That would be about thirty thousand Banis,” she said.

  Just then, I realized that Jessie was behind me. “That is not a lot of money,” she said.

  “That is a lot of money to most of the Sarceastians that live in this part of town and the majority of Sarceastians as well. That is why you must be careful when you will go to make your exchange. I will send my trusted friend and worker, Hemant with you today.”

  “Hilga, are there lots of Sarceastians that could be persuaded to rise up aga
inst the rulers? I would be willing to lead them if they were,” Jessie said.

  I looked at her incredulously. “Jessie, we need to get out of here. We shouldn’t lead the rebellion to the Sarceastians,” I insisted.

  “Yahn, if we allow the Sarceastian rulers to continue their activities, no place in the universe will be safe from their grasp. If Demarin and his superiors are defeated, that will take away the threat that the rest of the universe faces, not to mention the fact that it will liberate these poor folks,” Jessie said. I knew that determined look in her eyes, and realized that it was useless to argue against her when she became impassioned like this.

  “It is useless to try and dissuade you,” I finally conceded.

  “Hilga, I have enough Banis to hire an entire army. I can pay much more than the reward is asking. Can you talk to the right Sarceastians who could be persuaded to join the cause?” Jessie asked.


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