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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

Page 152

by Ashley L. Hunt

  My consciousness was back now, and I looked around to see that I was in my tent. The fire had gone out, and it was the pitch black of night. There were no sounds, no movement.

  Is she here? Did she go back to Earth?

  As was always the case in terms of this dance between Candice and me, I had to question whether or not I was in a dream. Did I only imagine her? was she entirely a fabrication of Grim’s? The way that she moved me and her angelic qualities, these sometimes made me believe so.

  And then I hear a movement.

  “Candice?” I asked in a hushed tone.

  There was no reply. I saw a figure lying in the corner, and I rushed over. I felt the creature below the blanket and knew instantly that it was her. My heart filled with so much joy that I fought back a tear.

  “Where…..where are we?” She managed to ask with a whisper.

  “We’re back on Hecate,” I said. I was glad that it was dark because I would be almost embarrassed if she saw the enormous, boyish grin on my face. I pulled myself together and clenched my jaw. “Are you alright?” I asked.

  “I..I think so.” She replied.

  “Come here,” I said, and pulled her onto my lap so that I could feel her for injuries.

  “Ahh!” She screamed.

  “You have a bruise on your rib,” I said, feeling it clearly.

  “How can you tell that?” She asked.

  “Because you screamed,” I said with a smile and kissed her. “Did you mean what you said?” I ask.

  “I did, Arias.” She replied in the darkness. “We’re ending this game for good.” She said. I could feel that tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  “Come, now,” I said, lifting her up off the ground and carrying her to the bed. No more stalling.

  “Arias, just do me one favor,” Candice said as I placed her down gently.

  “Anything,” I replied, kissing her neck.

  “Wait to do - this - tomorrow.” She said cautiously. I grunted in dissatisfaction.

  Then I paused to consider it out of respect to her.

  “No,” I said, and continued about the delicious business. She put her two exquisite hands on my chest and gently pushed me away.

  “Arias, tomorrow you’ll be killing Grim, the leader of the Krill aliens, the man you had been hunting for most of your adult life to save the Orion galaxy from tyranny and restore peace.” She said. In the darkness, I could practically hear her smile. “You need your rest.” She added, and gave me another gentle push.

  I walked over to the extinguished fire pit, threw a pillow at my head and tried to sleep.

  She’s so wise.


  I was in the war room watching the screen. This was the day - what Luke had been waiting for and what I had been waiting for. I was filled with so much anxiety that my hands were shaking.

  “Everything is going to be alright, Milady,” Halifax said. I remembered him from the last time that I was here on Hecate, and he didn’t seem to have changed much. He was just more tired, but there was still that warmth in his eyes. It was pretty hilarious that he had called me Milady.

  “This is what he has been fighting for for so long,” I said nervously.

  “He will triumph.” Halifax went on. “We already know that the strength of Grim’s armor is weaker. One blow and he could be gone for good.”

  “We’ve got the footage!” A Corin soldier explained excitedly. “They’re on the hillside.” He was at his control table, zeroing in on the action.

  I wanted to cover my eyes but at the same time, I felt the need to see what was happening. Victory or loss, I needed to be there for Luke. Really, I needed to be there for Arias.

  Sure enough, on the screen, the image of Arias appeared. He stood strong and sure before Grim, his sword in his hand.

  “Where is his quantum firearm?” I heard someone say.

  “What?” I asked and looked around from side to side.

  “His firearm. He’s supposed to have his quantum firearm or else he cannot penetrate the armor!” The soldier said in terror.

  “Oh my God,” I said. My intuition told me why it was that Arias wasn’t carrying a firearm. He didn’t believe in it. He didn’t think that real soldiers should use guns. I always knew that Luke stood by had principles but this was absolutely ridiculous. The most important moment of the battle and he let his pride get in the way. I was furious, proud, fearful - 100 different things at one time. My stomach is flipping and turning into knots.

  “Quiet! Quiet!” Halifax commanded. “This is our leader before us, and we must trust him.” He added gravely.

  There was a hush that came over the war room. I could tell that Halifax had broken a rule by calling Arias their ‘Leader.' He expressly commanded them not to call him that, but at this moment, it wasn’t as though Halifax was making official what had only been tacitly understood before.

  “We’re behind you, Arias.” A soldier solemnly said looking at the screen.

  “We’re behind you, Arias,” I repeated, touching the screen with my hand. I knew that he couldn’t hear me, but maybe somewhere, deep down, he sensed that I was there with him.



  Her presence was here with me. Sure, I knew that she was watching, but I actually felt her on this hillside.

  Of course, I could scold her for that because the thought of her being anywhere near danger drove me mad.

  This was the moment that I had spent my entire life waiting for. Grim stood before me. It was as though he knew that he was on his last leg. The majority of his army had been killed, the Argyle’s had sided with the Corin, and his hopes of creating an intergalactic empire were nearly gone.

  “Finally, we meet. I’m reminded of how short you are.” Grim said, blue drool coming out of the side of his mouth.

  I smiled calmly. Of course to humans, I was enormous, but to a Krill alien, I was short. This low blow from the Krill general made me realize just how much he was on his last leg.

  “That’s kind of you to say, Grim. Apparently, height has nothing to do with prowess. I believe that I killed half your army with my own hands.” I said with composure. I saw Grim stiffen and his eyes narrowed. Hard to hear, wasn’t it?

  “Haughty human!” He yelled. I had never seen Grim this ill at ease. “You may have killed many in my army, but I have taken things from your life that are much more damaging. You, with your human heart. I have tortured you - played upon your weaknesses. And it has worked, hasn’t it?” Grim said with a twisted smile.

  For a moment I was forced to think about it. Yes, I had been robbed of a normal life. One that could possibly had been with Candice. Before, these painful thoughts would sent me through the Gate, and I was sure at this moment there was nothing that Grim would want more, but things were different now. Grim no longer had this power over me. Candice was here. She was mine. I was all-powerful.

  “You have not taken anything from me, Grim,” I said, stepping forward. “You have given me a great gift, and for that, I will be forever grateful to you.”

  “A gift?” Grim said with a confused smile.

  “Of course. Without the Curse, how would I ever have found the most important thing in my life?” I said calmly. And for a moment I realized that it was the truth. My Curse was my Blessing. “Have you ever known anything like that, Grim?”

  “Stupid human!” Grim yelled.

  “No, Grim. I’m a member of the most intelligent species in the universe.” I said with a smile.

  “Is that so? The most intelligent species wouldn’t stand before me with that cheap sword and nothing else to defend himself.” Grim said as I saw him pulling out a laser gun from his hip.

  And this was when I did something that I was not proud of.

  “You’re correct,” I said, being sure that I waited for the right moment. “And that’s why I brought this.”

  Within the blink of an eye, I pulled the quantum firearm from where I had hidden it behind my
back. I proceeded to put 5 bullets into Grim’s chest, and he fell to the ground.

  I had never seen this much blue ooze. It was as though the leader of the Krill was filled with a greater quantity of entrails than the others because he was pouring out like a fountain. I had to shield my face so that it didn’t get into my eyes.

  Once the flooding had slowed, I inspected his carcass to make sure that he was dead. There were still twitches and little movements. A faint word came from his lips.

  “Coward…..” He said through his gurgling throat.

  I stood above him, sword held high.

  “No Grim. I’m not a coward. I’m just ready to begin my life.” I forcefully penetrated him with my laser sword straight through his face. The explosion of ooze ran down the hillside.

  The sword pierced him so completely in the skull that I knew I wouldn’t be able to recover my time-trusted weapon. So I left it there, on that hillside, never to be used again.


  Tears were streaming from my eyes. Sounds of crying, cheering, and laughing could be heard throughout the war room. The Corin were embracing one another and embracing me. I had no idea who any of these creatures were, but I was kissing and hugging them as though they were family.

  “He’s done it. He’s done it.” Halifax said with his head in his hands, shedding a tear. He sat down, finally resting his old bones after all these eons.

  Now I was laughing and crying at the same time, and my heart filled with excitement when I thought that Arias was making his way back to the dome right now. I would see him. Life was now for us to live together.

  “He’s here!” I heard a soldier yell.

  Sure enough, there he was, covered in blue. It was the first time that I had seen him in this room without a sword in his hand.

  “Our hero!” Another soldier yelled.

  “Our leader!” Came another.

  Arias put up his hands to silence the hollers. This was the most perfect that I had ever seen him. A weary smile of satisfaction was on his face. My breast swelled with pride. He had accomplished everything that he said he would, and he had done everything that he had promised.

  “Speech! Speech!” Halifax said with pride.

  “Now, now,” Arias said. His eyes were searching anxiously from side to side, and I wondered what as the matter. Finally, his eyes met mine, and he was at ease again. We smiled, looking at one another. “There will be no speeches until this evening when we feast.” He said to the crowd.

  There were cheers and cried from the soldiers.

  “Allow me the dignity of rinsing this filth from me.” He said humorously, splattering some of it onto the floor with his arm. The crowd laughed. Then Arias’ demeanor became more serious. “And also, I’d like you to celebrate with me tonight.” He pointed in my direction, and the crowd turned toward me. “This woman is to be my wife. Even winning 10 wars isn’t as much of a cause for celebration.”

  A flush came upon my cheeks, and I could feel all the Corin’s attention on me. I bashfully looked to the floor.

  Arias walked across the room as the soldiers parted to make way. He took both my hands in his and looked into my eyes. Those perfect blues were shining brighter than the best Earthly sky that I had ever seen.

  “I realize that I never actually asked,” Arias said, gripping my hands tightly. He brought the back of my palm to his lips and kissed it. “Pardon me, Love. In the coming years, I’ll have to learn how to transition from a Corin soldier to a tender, human man.”

  “No need to transition. I’ll take you as you are.” I whisper.



  The feast was sumptuous, and I often gazed over at Candice to make sure that she was enjoying herself. The Corin feasted in a seated position, and I was sure to place her as close as possible on a cushion beside me. Corin food must had been new for her, but it seemed like she was enjoying the lush flavors and textures. I had to make sure that I didn’t watch her too much as she ate. The movement of her lips and cheeks was delectable to me.

  “This is wonderful.” She said, taking a hearty sip of her Root.

  “Are you sad you’ll never have pancakes again?” I asked, leaning in and staring at her neck. She thought about my question for a moment.

  “I’ve had so many pancakes in my life that I think I’ll be okay.” She said, smiling at me.

  I just wanted this event to be over, actually. I wanted to be alone with her more than I had ever wanted anything in my life, but the night dragged on, and I felt as though I couldn’t get away. I was the Corin leader, after all. Perhaps I would have to get used to this kind of socializing. The thought of it made me tired and annoyed.

  “You look different,” Candice said, putting a hand on my forearm.

  “I am different. I am no longer cursed.” I replied. I moved in to kiss her and then stopped myself. I could just feel we were being watched by the other guests, and I must have kept my decorum up. And I wanted her to myself. Candice blushed at my failed attempt.

  “My whole life is about to change.” She said, looking out at the other guests.

  Yes, your life about to change. Now you’re mine and mine alone.

  “I promise to give you everything that you want in life,” I said, trying to ease her anxiety about the transition.

  “Well, at this moment, there’s only one thing that I want in life.” She said, her cheeks turning pink again.

  “What is that?” I asked. “Jewels? Gowns? Chocolate for days? Whatever you want you will have.”

  “To be alone with you.” She replied.

  That was it. I didn’t care if I was now the Corin leader. I was getting out of here. I took Candice by the hand and retreated, practically dragging her along.


  “Gentle, now,” I said, pulling on his hand.

  He grunted a little.

  “Oh, my apologies.” He replied.

  It was endearing that he didn’t have any sense of his own strength. That, unfortunately, would be something that I would have to teach him.

  I was surprised that he just stoop up and left the feast like this, but I was also excited. My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn’t know where he was taking me, but I could only imagine that it was back to his tent. This was what I had been waiting for so long.

  “I have something to show you.” He said, pulling me along quickly.

  “What is it?” I asked, but he didn’t reply.

  We went into the elevator, and Arias pushed the button for the top floor. He pulled me into him until our faces were inches apart, and there was hunger in his eyes. He stopped to consider something and pulled back again, in a similar way that he did at the feast. Why was he hesitating?

  The elevator chimed and the doors opened to what looked like a palatial penthouse. It was the most luxurious dwelling that I had seen on Hecate.

  “Oh my God,” I aid, stunned. “What is this?”

  Arias took me by the hand and walked me towards the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “These are my new living quarters. The Corin offered it to me before, but I refused until the war was won.” He said, looking out upon the stunning landscape of Hecate down below.

  “This is….beautiful.” I managed to say.

  “It’s your home now.” He said, turning to me. My hand was still in his. “You can do with it as you like. I’m not much of a decorator.” He said and smiles.

  “It’s already perfect,” I said, looking out onto the horizon.

  “Now it’s perfect,” Arias said and kisses my hand. “Come.” He said, and led me to another room.

  When he opened the door to the bedroom, my jaw dropped yet again. It was stunning. Perfection. It also just happened to be the largest bed that I had ever seen.

  Without saying a word, Arias picked me up in his arms and laid me down on the bed, positioning himself above me. His breathing turned heavier, deeper.

  He undressed me, reverently, slowly, gently. The gown
that I was given for the feast fell off of my body effortlessly, and I was lying there beneath him, completely naked. There were goosebumps on my skin.

  “You are cold.” He said with concern.

  “Your skin will be enough to warm me,” I said and attempted to take off his soldier’s uniform. Even as the leader of the Corin and the master of the Orion galaxy, Arias still insisted upon dressing like a humble soldier.

  “Not yet.” He said and pulled my hand away from his clothes. “I just want to savor this moment a little longer.” He looked at my body and his eyes narrowed.


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