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Page 7

by Stella Andrews

  I laugh happily, “You’re a bit possessive, aren’t you?”

  Flash grins and swings me into his arms, growling, “You better believe it.”

  He lowers his lips to mine and kisses me deeply and I relax inside. Yes, this is how I dreamed my life would be, not the sad life it turned out to be with one exception—Imogen.

  Flash’s room is a set of rooms that make up an apartment in the main house. It’s one floor up from mine and is every bit as impressive as his cabin in the woods. It’s tastefully furnished and decorated thanks to Bonnie and a cool place to relax after a hard day. However, relaxation is the furthest thing from our minds as we step inside the door. Then with an urgency that never seems to go away, we start ripping each other’s clothes off as soon as the door closes.

  Groaning, Flash pulls me toward his bedroom and pulls me on top of him as soon as we hit the bed. He runs his fingers through my hair and makes a fist, holding my head in place as he devours my lips with his. Tasting Flash is like tasting the finest caviar. Rich and decadent, it’s a taste of the finer things in life that spoils you forever.

  He groans, “I can’t get enough of you, Jen.”

  Gasping as he nips my neck, I shiver as his hand runs around my waist and pulls me down on top of him. As I feel him enter me, I cry out as my body clenches around him and welcomes him home. As he thrusts inside, I close my eyes and savor the feel of him. He claims every inch of me and not just physically. If I could, I would never leave his side because when I do, I feel lost without him. Every woman deserves to feel loved by such a man and this makes sense of what’s gone before. I was never meant to find anyone else and everything that happened brought me here—to him.

  We lie side by side, our fingers entwined, as the clock ticking is the only sound in the room.

  Flash strokes my hair and says gently, “Have you had any more letters?”

  I stiffen at the reminder of my problem and he holds me a little tighter. I shake my head, “No, do you think he really has gone?”

  “Who knows, but whatever happens you’re free of him. Ryder’s arranged the divorce papers and we’re gonna deliver them personally tomorrow.”

  I pull back, whispering, “You’re going to see him—tomorrow?”

  Flash looks determined and says roughly, “Yes, tomorrow we get his signature to give you your life back. He won’t refuse if he knows what’s good for him.”

  Shaking, I sit upright and Flash says gently, “I wasn’t gonna tell you but well, it kind of slipped out. You have nothing to worry about, this time tomorrow, you’ll be free from the bastard forever, trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

  I smile shakily and he pulls me back toward him and kisses me gently, murmuring, “You’re with me now, Jen and nothing is ever gonna change that unless it’s you.”


  He looks a little uncomfortable and says softly, “If you want out, that’s your decision but it’s my job to make you want to stay.”

  Seeing the usually cocky, tough guy who could kill a man from the next room looking so vulnerable, my heart beats a little faster. He looks exposed and unsure and it makes me love him even more if that’s possible. Shaking my head, I say firmly, “It’s early days, but I already know I love you.”

  He makes to speak but I silence him with my lips and decide that actions are called for now because this man needs my reassurance that I’m not going anywhere—willingly that is.

  I wake in my own bed and as I stretch, I smile to myself. It’s become a habit creeping through the hall in the early hours of the morning, back to a cold bed with a warm feeling inside.

  The morning routine of getting Imogen ready for school keeps my thoughts away from what is happening later on today. Briefly, I wonder what Greyson will think when a bunch of hot as hell bikers roll up to his door with an offer he can’t refuse. I almost wish I could be there to see it for myself because he deserves the cruelest visit possible.

  Memories of what he did to me are still raw which led me to find comfort in the bottle. Not now though because Flash and the Reapers have given me my life back, and that feels amazing.

  Imogen sits opposite me at the breakfast table and eats her cereal like she always does - from the outside in. My heart melts as I see the solemn little girl whose beauty dazzles me every time I look at her. As I watch her, my heart fills with love for my perfect Angel and I dare to believe in happy ever afters.

  She looks up and smiles and says sweetly, “Is Flash coming around today?”

  I look at her in surprise, “Why do you ask, honey?”

  She looks surprised. “Because Cassie told me he’s your boyfriend now.”

  I feel my heart thumping and don’t really know what to say and she giggles. “I like him, mommy. If I have a boyfriend one day, I want one like him.”

  “Absolutely not young lady. You are waaay too young for boyfriends and should be thinking of your schoolwork rather than letting your friends fill your head with fanciful tales.”

  “But he is.”

  I can’t stop grinning and say softly, “We’re friends, honey. Good friends but it’s nice to have a friend, isn’t it?”

  She looks thoughtful. “Cassie and Jack are my friends. When you sleepover at Flash’s is it like when I sleep at Cassie’s.”

  I feel quite light-headed as she giggles adorably. “Do you tell each other ghost stories and eat popcorn when the lights go out?”

  I shift uncomfortably and mumble “Who told you I have sleepovers with Flash?”

  “Jack did. He overheard his mommy telling his daddy that you spent the night in his room. It’s ok though, isn’t it? Jack won’t get into trouble.”

  Shaking my head, I smile reassuringly, “No, it’s ok, Jack won’t get into trouble. You know, Imogen, I don’t expect you to understand but you do know that my friendship with Flash changes nothing for us. You don’t have to worry about it.”

  Imogen just looks at me as if I’m an idiot and jumps up. “It has changed, mommy. Now you smile.”

  She runs off to grab her school bag and leaves me wrecked behind her. Happy. Of course, he makes me happy but how could she see the difference? I’ve tried so hard to keep everything from her and yet even she can tell. It’s like a dagger to my heart as I think of her worrying about me and perhaps fearful of the situation.

  Not for the first time, I feel hatred for Greyson and everything he’s done and hope to hell Flash gets to show him the error of his ways because I know the guys and they are loyal. Flash will make sure Greyson knows how it feels to be afraid and I wish I could see every minute of it for myself.



  The anticipation surrounds me and I feel the adrenalin powering my revenge. As I wait with my brothers, I feel the throb of the engine beneath me and feel the resolve kick in. This is what we do best. Vengeance. And this time, it’s personal.

  There are ten of us ready to deliver Greyson his divorce papers. A little mob-handed but necessary to prove a point. Tyson sits beside me and says in a low voice, “You ok, man?”

  I look at him with Satan’s fury in my eyes and he grins. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I watch Snake and Ryder head toward us and look at them with surprise. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

  It’s unusual for Ryder and his right-hand man to come on a job as mundane as this and Ryder nods grimly. “I want to take a shot at the fucker myself. Most of the men do because that scum is the worst kind.”

  Snake nods, “If there’s one thing we can’t stand, it’s people who involve children in their sordid, fucked up, lives. I’m of a mind to take him to the pit and let him plead for his life.”

  All around me the men murmur their agreement and I think about the fate that awaits Greyson because if they do take him to the pit, he’s fucked. It’s where we take the most despicable people we deal with giving them a long, painful, death. The pit is twenty feet down and as its name suggests, there is nothing but hell in there. No
way out unless we decide to release them. No food, no water, just darkness and the promise of a painful end. Men have been known to go mad in the pit and yet I want Greyson’s fate to be much worse.

  Ryder climbs on his bike and reaches for his helmet and the anticipation grows. We are riding to Jennifer’s old home because Ryder had a tip-off that Greyson was heading back from France and we are his unwelcoming committee.

  Jennifer is safely out of the way in the bar and Imogen tucked up with the other kids at school. Today I give them their lives back and it feels good to know I can help free them from the sick bastard on our hit list.

  The sound of the engines makes my heart lift as, one by one, we crawl away from the compound. It always feels good to ride with my brothers, despite what it involves. There’s a freedom we enjoy, along with the financial rewards, for clearing the country of undesirables. However, to the outside world, we are those undesirables which suits our cover. We are feared and respected because of our reputation and one word from Ryder seals a man’s fate forever. I’ve lost count of how many people we have disposed of for the government but this time it’s a personal matter which makes it all the sweeter.

  It doesn’t take long to reach the pleasant neighborhood she used to call home and I don’t miss the curious looks thrown our way as we pass. It must be quite a sight to see as the ten bikes power through the normally quiet streets and I don’t miss the fear in the eyes of the people we pass.

  We pull up outside an impressive weather-boarded home with the usual huge drive and flower borders. There’s not a soul around, although I’m pretty certain they’ll be watching from behind their shuttered windows, just as I’m also sure that any call to the cops will fall on deaf ears.

  Our bikes fill the usually quiet street with the roar of aggression and the men who stop outside the pretty house do so with vengeance in their hearts.

  We park up and Tyson and Rock head around the back and Snake, Ryder and myself take the front door. The rest watch eagerly for any sign of trouble and I wonder what must be going through Greyson’s mind right about now.

  He couldn’t have missed our arrival and I’m guessing he’s hiding out somewhere inside.

  Ryder knocks loudly and we wait. No one says a word and even the birds stop singing to take a look.

  After a few more seconds, Ryder kicks the door in and we follow him inside.

  The place looks empty and as if all the life has been sucked out of it and Ryder growls, “Search the place.”

  We peel off and I take the stairs. It feels strange walking in Jennifer’s home, seeing her life through a different set of eyes. I come to Imogen’s room and see a pretty pink bedroom stuffed with toys and everything a little girl could want. I feel bad as I think of her ditching all this to sleep at the compound and my heart hardens even more if that’s at all possible.

  Then I reach what must have been Jennifer’s room and see a pretty room as clean as a whistle, decorated simply, yet tastefully. There are no photographs lying nearby and no personal possessions to give away the identity of the people who live here.

  “Found anything?”

  I turn to see Tyson propping up the doorway and shake my head, “Nothing. You?”

  “Nah, nothing. Looks like the guy’s left or never showed up at all.”

  I feel frustrated and Tyson shakes his head. “Calm down, man, we’ll get the guy. If not now, later, if not later, tomorrow. You know how it works.”

  I nod as Ryder walks in and says gruffly, “Nothing. It’s strange because my contact told me he was due back today and to my knowledge he has no other place to go.”

  I feel mad at the waste of pent up rage I’ve been storing to deal with this shit and now I’ll have to wait.

  Snake yells from downstairs, “What you want us to do, boss?”

  Ryder throws me with a sympathetic look and yells back, “We’ll head back to the compound.”

  Turning to me, he says roughly, “Stay and see if the neighbors know anything. One or two of them may be inclined to open the door and spill what they know, you could get lucky.”

  I nod and watch the guys leave, all except Tyson who says firmly, “I’ll give you a hand. You may need back up if the bastard shows his face and I’ll be only too happy to be the one to oblige.”

  The sound of engines fills the quiet street once again and I sigh heavily. “Come on, let’s try the neighbor who’s been collecting the mail. She may know something.”

  We exit the way we came in and head next door. Mrs. Cunningham is the neighbor we need to find and she must see us coming because she opens the door while we’re walking up the path. She looks around her nervously and says in a whisper, “There’s been no sign of anyone next door ever since Jennifer and Imogen left; do you think Greyson’s coming home?”

  Her words do nothing to lift my mood and I say with despair, “I thought he was heading back, we had word reach us to that effect.”

  She looks thoughtful. “If he is back, you may want to try his office in town. He works in the Ventura Building near 5th street. Maybe they know something.”

  Tyson smiles at her gratefully and she looks worried. “Are the girls ok? Terrible business, I worried for them.”

  I share a look with Tyson and say, “What business?”

  Lowering her voice still further, she whispers, “I used to hear all the banging around in that house when he was home. Crying, shouting, you name it, I heard it. Sometimes it sounded as if things were breaking in there and I knew it was a violent relationship.”

  Tyson growls, “Then why didn’t you call the cops?”

  Mrs. Cunningham says quickly, “I did, several times. The trouble is, Jennifer would never admit he was hurting her. When the cops showed up, she told them she fell, walked into a door, you know the sort of thing. Once I begged her to get help, but she told me it was complicated. When she left with that poor little girl, I was so pleased they escaped. Now you’re telling me that monster may be coming back and I fear for their safety.”

  I see the concern in her eyes and smile reassuringly. “They’re safe, darlin’. Don’t you worry about their safety, we’re taking care of that.”

  Her eyes soften. “I’m glad about that; such beautiful girls with matching personalities and nothing at all like him-Greyson, that is. I’ve never met such a shifty character in my life and I was married to one for close on twenty years. In fact, he made my John look like a saint in comparison. I don’t know, there was something well… wrong about that man and I could never put my finger on what it was. That’s why I agreed to help Mr. King when he called. I’ll do anything to help those girls and if he comes back, I’ll be straight on the phone to Mr. King.”

  Tyson rolls his eyes and I smile. Ryder always has had a way with the ladies and she appears to be no exception.

  Tyson says wearily, “Let’s head into town. We may have more luck there.”

  We leave Mrs. Cunningham and head off with the hope we find the bastard because what I have planned for him won’t wait another day.



  As soon as the guys went, I started to worry. I know they were going to find Greyson and I feel sick when I think of what that may involve.

  I busy myself with cleaning the bar and it’s not long before Ashton heads my way. “Hey, Jen, I thought you could use some company.”

  I smile with appreciation. “Thanks, I could use something to keep my mind occupied.”

  She grabs a cloth and starts cleaning the shelf behind the bar. “How are you feeling?”

  “Nervous. I just want this over.”

  Nodding, she says sweetly, “You don’t have to worry, you know. The guys are the best at what they do and nothing will harm them.”

  “I know but it’s been a long time coming and I just want to move on.”

  Ashton looks at me with a thousand questions burning in her eyes and I say wearily, “Things were bad with Greyson, you know that. The trouble is, I was so afraid he would
turn his attention to Imogen, and that scared me more than anything.”

  Her eyes widen and I nod helplessly. “I don’t know, Ashton, Greyson was well, different to most men. He appeared a respectable businessman in public but behind closed doors, he turned into a man I couldn’t understand.”

  “In what way?”

  “I suppose he was quite withdrawn and used to hole up in his den for most of the night. If he did venture out, it was to find fault with everything I did. If Imogen made a sound, he would shout and come out raging. His moods scared me because you never knew when they would hit. Imogen became more withdrawn and wasn’t always the quiet little girl you know her to be. Gradually his influence rubbed off, and she withdrew into herself. I knew I had to get away when I found…”

  I turn away and squeeze my eyes tightly shut to keep the tears from falling. Ashton places a hand on my arm and says gently, “Found what?”

  I take a few deep breaths and lean against the bar and manage to form the words that have been on repeat in my mind ever since that day I found out what Greyson really did in his den.

  I almost can’t voice them but say falteringly, “He watched children on the Internet.”

  Ashton looks confused and I wrap my arms around me as if to protect myself from what I know. “I went into his den one evening to tell him dinner was ready but it was empty. I’m not sure where he was but his computer was on. I almost didn’t look but then I saw an image of a child on the screen.”

  I battle the tears as the memory revisits me and Ashton places her arm around my shoulders. “It’s ok, Jen. There’s nothing you can say that will shock me. I’ve lived here long enough to have developed a thick skin.”

  I look at her through tortured eyes. “The child was naked, and a man was…”

  I can’t say the words and just cry into my hands as Ashton holds me tightly and murmurs, “It’s ok, I get the picture. You did the right thing coming here. The Reapers will deal with this, don’t worry about a thing.”


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