Book Read Free


Page 11

by Stella Andrews

  Once the limo door closes, I sink back in the seat and sigh with relief. Maybe I can grab a little alone time at the hotel while Grady sorts out the business.

  Then the man himself jumps in along with the usual entourage of bodyguards and assistants and reaches for the whiskey in the minibar.

  “Here we go, guys, another town, another dollar, to keep us warm in our beds.”

  They all laugh dutifully but I just turn and look out of the window.

  I try to empty my mind and reconnect with the music. It’s everything to me and my large, trusted, notebook is never far from my side because I write all my own songs and music and never know when the urge may take hold of me.

  I listen to the usual chatter that never changes from town to town and just nod and smile in all the right places and pretend that everything’s fine.

  We stop at some lights and I look at the car that’s pulled up beside us. Two men and two women look at the limo with curiosity and try to fathom who hides behind the tinted windows. They look around my age, early twenties and have the look that people have when they have the world at their feet. I can hear their music thumping from the stereo and the girls sing at the top of their voices. They are laughing and are obviously heading out for fun, something I can’t remember having for quite some time.

  The lights change and they screech off in a cloud of dust and Grady shakes his head. “Punks. Probably never done a day’s work in their life.”

  The others nod because they’ve been trained to agree with everything the man says, as have I. Yes, Grady Donaldson is a man who likes getting his own way and we oblige him on every turn.

  It doesn’t take long, and the car pulls up outside the flash hotel we’re using as a base. There are no crowds to welcome us because we use the back entrance where security is tight. I’m guessing it’s a different story out front and feel sorry for the crowds who have gathered who’ll be denied what they came here for—me.

  The door opens and the security is out first. They check the coast is clear and Grady soon follows along with the usual assistants. I am always the first one in and the last one out, alone as always.

  My rhinestone boot hits the sidewalk first, followed by my bare legs. I’m wearing my usual cut-offs and a tight-fitting T paired with a cut jacket. I have an image to protect and the country girl I was has been sparkled up for stardom but the girl inside is still the same.

  As the fresh air hits me, I take a moment to savor the great outdoors. It may be a dusty city but it’s the only fresh air I get these days. Most of my days are spent in hotels, planes and stadiums. How I long to escape back to the ranch I bought with all my money and never visit. How I long to ride my horses through the land I own and lie under a star strewn blanket and gaze up at them. So, I take a little longer than usual and take a deep breath, turning to take a look at the town I’m in.

  Then everything stops in an instant, as my eyes fall across the street and find the one man I never expected to see again in a million years. Sitting astride a Harley Davidson, wearing a battered leather jacket and looking so hot it burns me up from here, is the one man who stole my heart and never gave it back. Tyson Rivera.



  We saw the limo pull up as we waited for Brewer to call and both Flash and I looked with interest at the occupants. It’s not unusual to see a limo in town and given they’re using the back entrance means they must be someone who needs to be protected.

  I’m not sure it even clicked when I saw the rhinestone boot hit the floor. The shapely tanned leg that followed it grabbed my interest hard and the sight of the ass barely covered by those cut-offs intrigued me. The flash of long blond hair and the figure of a woman followed who would look good under me and then she turned and everything stopped. Sunny.

  I can tell she recognizes me. It’s in the startled look in her eyes and the shock on her face. I’m pretty sure I must be as white as a ghost because it’s like I’m seeing one now.

  It all happens in seconds before her security swallows her up and usher her inside. Then she is gone, leaving me right back where I started since she left. Broken.

  The phone rings and my head switches to business. We have a job to do and that’s always come first and as we kick our bikes into life, I try to wipe Sunny from my memory. I need my wits about me now and she has always laid claim to them.

  Sunny was my childhood sweetheart and the girl I thought I would spend eternity with. Then shit happened, and she left and I never got to fight for her.

  The bike eats up the miles between us and I try to call on that cold part of my heart that learned to stop feeling. A chance meeting or fate, only time will tell because one thing’s for sure, I’m going right back to find her when this shit is done. We have words that need saying and I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to explain and I just hope she lets me.

  Luckily, being a Reaper, conditions you to push aside your feelings and deal with shit and that is certainly the case today. Flash’s girl, Jennifer is in trouble and we’re needed to find her scumbag husband who’s stolen her kid and time is against us. By the time we locate him, I am fired up and as Ashton and Lou take Imogen her kid back to her mom, the rest of us lay into him. What he had planned for Imogen, his own kid, was to sell her for a million dollars to some creep off the Internet. It’s particularly sweet when I lend my fist to his gut as he moans in pain like an animal. We don’t normally take so much pleasure in our work but when kids are involved and especially one of ours, it’s the sweetest revenge.

  By the time we throw him in the pit to waste away and become dust in the ground, I am ready for anything. The other guys head back to the compound for a cool beer and a hot whore, but I have something much more important on my mind. Sunny.

  The bike eats up the distance between us, giving me hardly any time to think. She’s angry, I saw it in her eyes but I also saw something that tore me up inside, she’s not happy. Her beautiful eyes that used to sparkle so brightly are dim and lifeless. Sunny was always the sunshine girl and nothing ever got her down. She was always optimistic and saw the best in people. I loved her with every part of me but it wasn’t enough. I let her down—badly and I only have myself to blame for what happened.

  Can she forgive me? I’m not sure because if I was in her cowboy boots, I would turn and walk away. I don’t deserve a second chance but I have to try at least.

  Ever since that gal left, she took the most important piece of me with her. She will own that for eternity because I know I can never get it back. My heart is lost to that woman, and I am ruined for anyone else.

  I whore around with the rest of the single Reapers to drive away the memory of when I had it all. I drink, fuck and fight and try to forget when I was happy.

  My mind snaps to attention when I see the hotel on the corner. I’m pretty sure this won’t be easy but I’m a Reaper and nothing gets in our way.

  Parking the bike around the corner, I head to the front of the building. I must look a fearsome sight in my Reaper jacket and torn jeans with a man’s blood still fresh on my knuckles. Wiping them on my jeans, I note the look in the concierge’s eye as he sees me coming and I smile inside. Poor fucker, he knows he should stop me but ain’t brave enough to try. Instead, he turns and looks the other way as I slide past him into the plush reception.

  To say I look out of place here is an understatement. All around me is wealth and privilege. Chandeliers sparkle and polished wood stings my senses. The plush carpet won’t thank my dirty boots for their visit and the look in the receptionist’s eye as I approach, makes me smile. Pure terror.

  Reaching the desk, I lean forward and smile, “I’m here to see Sunny Scott.”

  Looking utterly terrified, the girl swallows hard and looks all around for some kind of help. I see her visibly relax as a man in a suit comes around the corner and she waves to him frantically. “Um... Mr. Stevens, a minute please.”

  I look with amusement at the flush that creeps over hi
s face as he senses the impending confrontation. I expect he’s already near a heart attack with just one look at what he’s about to face.

  As he nears he turns to the girl and says hoarsely, “Um... thank you Darcy, I’ll deal with this customer.”

  She can’t get away quickly enough and leaves a shaking man in a suit behind her. He swallows hard and positions himself well behind the desk. “May I help you... um... sir?”

  I repeat my request. “I’m here to see Sunny Scott.”

  He licks his lips nervously. “Is she expecting you?”


  He looks uncomfortable as he clicks on the computer screen and then says almost with relief, “I’m sorry, there’s no mention of a visitor here. If you’ll leave me your name and number, I’ll see that her manager gets it.”

  Leaning forward, I say calmly, “I said, I’m here to see Sunny Scott. Now tell me her room number and that will be an end to our conversation.”

  Wiping his neck, he says with a tremor in his voice, “I’m sorry, sir, maybe I should call the suite instead and see if she’s available.”

  Nodding, I watch as he lifts the receiver with shaking hands and says almost apologetically, “Yes, um... sorry to disturb you but this is the front desk. We have a man here who says he wishes to meet with Miss. Scott.”

  I feel the frustration eating me up inside as I wait and after a short pause, he says in a rush, “Yes. Of course, I’m sorry to disturb you.”

  Looking a little sick, he says in a rush, “I’m sorry, Miss. Scott is not taking any visitors. As I said, please leave your name and number and I’ll see that she gets it.”

  He slides a piece of paper and a pen across the desk and I shake my head. “It’s fine, I’ll catch her another time. Now, can you direct me to the public restrooms and then I’ll be on my way?”

  Looking a little relieved, he nods, “Yes, third door down from the elevator. Good day, sir.”

  “Good day to you too.”

  As I head toward the elevator, I laugh to myself. Fucking idiots. This is too easy and if they think that will keep me from seeing Sunny, they can think again.

  I use the restroom to wash the evidence of the fight from my hands and try to clean up a little. I haven’t seen Sunny for four years and I’ve felt every second of it.

  We were childhood sweethearts that thought life would never tear them apart and made plans for a future we were excited to face together. As soon as school was finished, we were making plans to set up home and take whatever job we could to make enough money to set up home together.

  Sunny was always talented and used to sing in the bars in town and I was always there alongside her. We were a team and thought nothing could ever break us. That is until Grady Donaldson rode into town with his promises of stardom and the bright lights of the impossible dream.

  I clench my fist as the memory hits and then push it away. I was weak and a fool but not anymore. I’ve learned a lot since Sunny left and not all of it good. Now I need to beg for her forgiveness because that’s all I’ve got left.

  Standing back, I look in the mirror and the man who looks back at me has purpose in his eye. I know that look and I’ll need this man now because this will be the biggest battle I’ve ever had to face and my heart’s on the line.



  Almost as quickly as I saw him, he was gone. My security swarmed around me like a swarm of bees protecting their Queen and I was ushered into the lobby of the hotel. I registered nothing of where I was, who was with me and what the reason was that brought me here because in my heart I know the reason is him.

  Fate has worked its magic and delivered a cruel blow. Tyson Rivera is alive and by the looks of things caught up in some kind of biker gang. I didn’t miss the battered leather jacket emblazoned with their badge of glory. I saw the rough company he keeps and the savage expression in his eyes. I saw the kid I fell in love with before I even knew what love was and I saw the man who ripped my heart from inside me without a backward glance and left me to rot in hell.

  The tears burn behind my eyes as I try to hold things together. I see the curiosity mixed with awe on the faces of every person I come across and the staff here are no exception. Grady parades me proudly in front of them like the one-trick pony I am and all I want to do is scream and run as far away as possible because I’m not prepared to deal with my feelings for that man outside.

  It doesn’t take long and we are soon shown to an exclusive suite of rooms on the top floor of the prestigious hotel and I look with longing at the large, comfortable, bed that calls to me from behind the paneled door. I need to be alone to work out what just happened but as usual Grady doesn’t take the hint and kicks off his boots and pours himself another large whiskey, before grinning like the total jackass he is. “Not too shabby, hey guys? I knew this town would be good for us. Sold out in a matter of hours and one of the best suites of rooms I think I’ve ever stayed in.”

  The others murmur their agreement and I say sharply, “I need to grab some sleep. I’ll be in my room.”

  Grady rolls his eyes and says spitefully, “You know, Sunny, you used to be fun to be around. Now you’ve ‘made it’, you’ve become a real bore.”

  He laughs and the silence in the room tells me he’s overstepped the line as usual and maybe it’s because of what just happened, I feel my tolerance levels sink to zero. Rounding on him angrily, I shout, “For fuck’s sake, Grady, just let me have one fucking minute on my own, for god’s sake. This circus is seriously messing with my mind now and I can’t think straight. Don’t you all have rooms to go to and leave me for once to enjoy some personal space?”

  The others look uncomfortable as Grady stands, his eyes blazing. “You don’t get to talk to me like that, Sunny Scott. Just you remember who made you and could break you just as quickly. Don’t act the diva because it doesn’t suit you. Now grab yourself a drink, smoke some weed, or snort a few lines if that’s what you want, but never and I mean, never speak to me like that again.”

  He looks so angry it makes me want to giggle. His face has grown purple and there’s a pulse throbbing at his temple making him look like a character from a cartoon. His eyes are bulging and his chest rising rapidly as he struggles to form the words he intends to wound my pride. I catch sight of one of the security officers faces and see him trying to stifle a grin. I’m not sure why but that sets me into a fit of the giggles which only serves to irritate Grady more, as he shouts, “Are you god-damned laughing at me, girl?”

  I try to stop but I can’t and just nod as he appears to blow up even more and splutters, “How dare you laugh at me. I made you. I’m the reason you get to stay in these fancy hotels and have the money to employ people to be around you. Look at you, just some dumb chick from Hicksville who somehow managed to catch my attention.”

  He sneers. “Without me, you would be raising a brood of kids by now and living in a trailer park. Yes, that’s what you really are, darlin’. Trailer trash made good.”

  He moves toward me and Eric one of the security guys steps between us and says firmly, “I think we all need to settle down.”

  He says over his shoulder, “Sunny, maybe you should grab that rest you want. We’ll make sure everyone gets to their rooms and then maybe you can all cool down.”

  Grady looks at him angrily but even he knows not to challenge Eric. He may be amenable most of the time but he’s also here to do a job, and that’s protecting me, not Grady, so with relief, I see Grady back down, murmuring under his breath, “Fine. The air in this room is choking me, anyway. You get your alone time, Sunny and make the most of it because first thing tomorrow, your feet won’t touch the ground.”

  Without another word, he storms from the suite to what I assume is his own and one by one, the others follow him. Only Eric remains until the last hanger-on has left and then says kindly, “Will you be ok, Miss. Scott?”

  I smile sadly, “Thanks, Eric. In answer to your question though, no,
I’m not sure I will.”

  He looks at me so kindly it brings a lump to my throat, and he says gently, “You know, it is ok to take a break. This constant touring is bound to get you down. Why don’t you schedule in a vacation or a visit home?”

  Sinking down on the couch, I lean my head back on the rest and say dully, “Maybe you’re right. It would be good to take some time out but Grady isn’t the sort who would take kindly to that. He’s always said if your star is riding high you capitalize on it before it falls. Who knows how long I have before that happens and maybe he’s right to push me? I expect I’m just tired and will feel fine in the morning.”

  Eric looks unconvinced and makes to say something but I cut him off before he can voice any questions I can’t answer, “See you later, Eric.”

  He checks himself and smiles politely. “Of course, I’ll be right outside if you need me, Sunny.”

  He turns to go and then I get what I want. Valuable time alone. My suite is now empty and despite the bright sunshine outside, it feels cold and dark. As I wander around the room, I find myself by the window looking down across the street to where I saw Tyson. As I thought, he has long gone and yet there’s a tingle of expectation that hasn’t been present for some time and I know in my heart he’ll be back.



  The day has turned to dark and with it the sounds in the hotel change. Guests dripping in finery parade around the bars and restaurants showcasing their wealth and networking to acquire more. I keep to the shadows as I hunt out my prey, congratulating myself that the staff here thought I left hours ago. I hid out in the restroom until enough time had passed, then I ducked into the shadows and waited until the coast was clear.

  Finding Sunny was never going to be difficult. As an ex-Navy SEAL, I’ve trained in many covert operations and this is a piece of cake. All it took was to locate the suite of rooms she’s in, which wasn’t hard. Even I know the position of the plushest rooms in this hotel and by the time I made it to the adjoining suite, I felt angrier at the total lack of security around her.


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