Book Read Free

Payback is Sweet

Page 3

by Kristy Centeno

  “I think I should meet this guy first,” I said, dismissing her question.

  Both Audrey and Delilah stood up as I did.

  “I need to talk to him before I decide where to move from here.” I started forward.

  “Maybe, you shouldn’t say anything to him.” Audrey, the voice of reason, quickly yanked on my arm. “He doesn’t need to be included.”

  I loved the girl to death, but seriously, sometimes she had a tendency to get on my nerves.

  “Geez, Audrey, lighten up.” Delilah grabbed her armed and shoved her forward.

  “Come on, Audrey.” I reached out for her arm and towed her along with me as my determined strides took me to the bookshop a good twenty feet away.

  Although she grimaced, Audrey quietly followed me to the shop where I immediately walked to the back of the store where this guy, Dakota, was helping a customer. The girl he was pointing out books to gasped as she caught sight of me and her eyes widened as we approached. By her reaction I assumed she knew who I was though I didn’t recognize her. Then again, most people knew who I was. I wasn’t exactly hard to miss. With my long chestnut colored hair, dark blue eyes, and flawless features it was nearly impossible for me to go unnoticed wherever I went.

  The girl Dakota had been helping murmured something I could not make out and rushed passed us with her head bowed down. I had no idea what her problem was but it wasn’t important anyway. I stormed into the shop to talk to Dakota and talk to him I would. As soon as the girl brushed by me, Dakota turned and finally spotted me, his eyes widening as he noticed me standing there, waiting on him.

  By the look on his face I assumed he, too, knew who I was.

  “Can I help you?” he asked. He towered easily over me. Being a good foot taller than me, he would have easily been able to intimidate anyone—or at the very least me. I wasn’t just anyone though. And I most certainly was not easily intimidated.

  “I certainly hope so,” I said, practically purring out the words.

  “You’re looking for a particular book or something?” he asked in that kind of tone people tend to use when they are hoping to get rid of you a.s.a.p.

  That annoyed me.

  “Actually, I was hoping to talk to you.” I let go of Audrey’s hand and straightened up, lifting my chin as I gazed at him.

  “Talk to me about what?” he asked with an arched eyebrow. Obviously he was surprised by my sudden appearance and not really sure what to make of me.

  “Certainly not about books.” I gestured around us.

  “Is it important?” He strolled right by me as he started for his post behind the cash register. “Because I’m still working and you just cost me a customer.”

  I tried my best to hold back the irritation after his last comment. He was practically dismissing me.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” I blurted before he could even make it half way there.

  He spun around so fast that he bumped against one of the displays, knocking several books to the shop’s hardwood floors. One of the newly released books landed within inches of my calf high boots. Delilah and I exchanged knowing looks and smiled briefly before turning our attention back to him.

  Visibly embarrassed, he dipped his head slightly before crouching to pick up the fallen books. After picking up and stacking, one by one, those books that were closer to him on the table sitting to his left, Dakota reached out for the one still lying within inches of my right foot. He quickly scooped it up, but his eyes took forever to travel the distance from my foot to my ankle and then further up to my knee, thighs—which were visible thanks to my short mini skirt— and further still to my crotch, lower abdomen, breasts, neck, and finally my face as he straightened. He had practically undressed me with his eyes alone and I found that remotely amusing.

  So he wasn’t immune to my charms either, huh? Maybe I could use that in my favor. Who knows how far I could get.

  His gaze lingered for a few seconds on my face before he turned to place the book with the others. “Why do you want to know if I have a girlfriend?” He started for the counter again.

  I spared a glance at my girls. They both shrugged. Apparently, we were all sitting ducks. Neither knew where to take it from there.

  “I’m afraid that’s a rather long subject.” I hurried to him, determined to get him interested in what I had to say even if I wasn’t even sure how to proceed from there on out.

  He looked at me and frowned. “Is this really important?” he asked with a lift of his brow.

  I scoffed. “Of course it is. Would I be here if it wasn’t?” I folded both arms over my breasts and yes; he glanced down briefly before directing his gaze back to my face.

  Shrugging, he said, “I don’t know. I don’t know you.”

  Didn’t know me? Where had he been? “I’m Janessa—”

  He lifted one hand to stop me. “I mean, I know who you are. But I don’t know you, personally.”

  I sighed. “Oh.” I took a step forward. “That could be remedied.”

  Though because of his dark skin, it was barely detectable, I did happen to notice his cheeks filling up with color. It was the most amusing sight I’d ever seen. Him? Blushing over little old me? He was easy to draw in and that made me feel a little guilty. Just barely anyway.

  “Can I know what this is about?” He lifted one hand to fix his glasses, which had begun to slide down his nose as he gazed at me.

  I smiled. “Well, considering that this is a rather delicate subject I would prefer for us to talk somewhere else.”

  He hesitated. “I don’t know if I should—”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I won’t bite.” I practically purred. “Besides, I just want to talk. There is no harm in that. Is there?”

  Dakota was a hard person to read, but even though he tried his best to hide it, I could tell I’d piqued at his curiosity. He wanted to know what was so important that I’d come to him personally but was probably debating whether it was a good idea to find out what I wanted. And I knew his hesitation had everything to do with his good old girlfriend. After all, a guy like him would not want to do anything to jeopardize his relationship.

  He seemed to ponder his options for a moment before responding. “My shift ends in ten minutes.”

  I had to hold back a smile. I had him exactly where I wanted him. He was curious about what I wanted to talk to him about.

  “Can you meet me in the parking lot then?”

  He did not seem to know what to respond to that. I could practically see his brain trying to analyze me as he stood there, probably wondering what I really wanted.

  Reluctant though he was, Dakota finally gave in. “Okay, I’ll see you then.”

  Beaming, I said, “You won’t be sorry.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as those words drifted to his ears. I could tell he was nervous and uncertain and had no idea what I was up to. To be honest, even I wasn’t sure yet where I was going with this. But if Margaret was playing him like Kirk played me, Dakota had a right to know, especially since the rumor that they were engaged was probably more of a fact.

  “Look for the red 2014 Aston Martin Rapide S parked near the Barnes and Nobles.” I tossed over my shoulder as I headed for the exit. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Even though he did not respond, I could feel his eyes on me as I sashayed away, swaying my hips provocatively for his benefit.

  Chapter Four

  A definite plan had not been officially set in motion as I walked to my four door sports car, but my head was quickly analyzing the situation. Unfortunately, I could not move forward until I found out where Dakota and Margaret stood and if there was a definite relationship between them.

  “So, you’re going to screw this guy’s life by telling him the truth about his skank of a girlfriend?” Audrey blurted as we reached the car. “Is that your plan?”

  “I haven’t decided,” I said, glancing over toward Delilah. “I might though.”

  Delilah placed one hand on h
er hip and turned to look at me. “It looks to me as if his girlfriend is doing the screwing. Besides, Demarco assured me that they will set an official wedding date as soon as they graduate. What kind of future will they have with her being a…well, tooth tart?”

  “That’s not our problem,” Audrey argued. “Besides, how do we know he’s not like that too?”

  Audrey made a good point, I realized. What if Dakota was another player in disguise? What if he played Margaret all the time and she was only getting back at him? My mind reeled with the possibilities.

  “Oh, sweetie. You are so naïve.” Delilah pulled on one of Audrey’s short black locks. “Do you actually think I would bring Janessa all the way out here with only pieces of info?”

  Audrey slapped Delilah’s hand away. “So what do you know about him?”

  “We’re not friends but I know all I need to know.” Delilah turned her attention to me. “He works hard to save money. Has an amazing grade point average. And he loves that bar hopping, boyfriend stealing, cock loving, fiancé of his so much, he refused a scholarship to one of the US’s top schools so that he could come here and be with her.”

  I felt the sudden urge to punch something—someone. “That bitch,” I snarled.

  “I thought you said you don’t know him,” Audrey commented, ignoring my short outburst.

  “I don’t. I say it like it was told to me.” Delilah shrugged. “He’s friends with Demarco by the way.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Dakota is friends with Demarco?”

  Delilah nodded.

  “And he knows Margaret is screwing around on Dakota and hasn’t told him?”

  Delilah flicked her red hair over her right shoulder again. “Demarco is very fond of Dakota and doesn’t want to hurt him.”

  I frowned. “Some friend he is.”

  “He is a coward,” Audrey commented.

  Delilah took offense to what Audrey said. “Not everyone is like me you know,” she said. “Just because I would have told Janessa, had I known before that Kirk was cheating, that doesn’t mean everyone else would have. Some people prefer to stay away from couples and their problems. Demarco doesn’t want to hurt Dakota. Plain and simple.” She turned to me. “Besides, not everyone knows about Kirk and Margaret. And those who do don’t really care as much.”

  Was I really going to break Dakota’s heart? My mind recoiled at the thought. Then again, he did deserve to know. But, wasn’t I doing this for me? Why did I care if Dakota got hurt in the process? Wasn’t my sole purpose to get back at Kirk and Margaret?

  Rubbing my chin with my index finger, I said, “They have been careful, but not nearly enough. If I was able to catch them, anyone else can too,” I added. “Maybe, I don’t have to tell Dakota anything. I know where Kirk is at this time of day. Being the conceded jerk that he is, he’s most likely at the gym, working out his frustration. If my theory is correct, and he meets up with Margaret in places I don’t frequent, it would explain how I didn’t find out about it sooner, which means she must be there with him right now.” I mentally patted myself on the back. So far, it seemed like a good enough plan. I only hoped my suppositions were correct. “Dakota is still at work and she knows that.”

  “Assuming she’s not somewhere else,” Audrey added.

  “I’ll take the risk. I know Kirk pretty well and I’m almost certain he’s at the gym,” I said. “He has his routine pretty patted down by now. And I know he goes to that specific gym because I hate going to that part of town. He’s too obvious.”

  “Do you think he would let himself be seen in public? You did break his nose.” Audrey laughed.

  “You did what?” Delilah looked at me, her eyes wide.

  “I popped him one, straight on the nose.”

  Delilah laughed, hard. “I cannot believe it. I wish I had seen it.”

  Audrey raised her hand as if she wanted to ask someone a question. “I saw it. And it was awesome!”

  I grinned. “It felt pretty damn good too.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Delilah asked.

  I shrugged. “I forgot. I was fuming and didn’t even think to mention it.”

  “So, why do you think he will be in the gym working out his frustration?” Delilah asked.

  “Because he had an appointment for a stupid casting call or something…I don’t really know. But with a busted nose I doubt he’ll go and he might be feeling the frustration right about now.”

  “You’re evil,” Delilah said. “That was wicked. Breaking his nose the night before his appointment…fantastic!”

  “I wasn’t thinking about the casting call at the time. I just wanted to hurt him,” I admitted. Hurting him was the only goal I had at that moment and since his ego was—his fucking ego. Something in me clicked. Kirk was an egomaniac and nothing would hurt him more than to realize he could be easily replaced. Nothing would make him burn more than for me to be with someone else, not twenty four hours after I nearly sent his balls into his throat. “His ego is where I plan to hit the hardest,” I mumbled finally.

  Audrey and Delilah stared at me.

  “This is going to be good.” Delilah grinned. “Kirk will squirm for sure.”

  Even though I hadn’t voiced out loud what I planned to do, Delilah caught on fast.

  “And I will enjoy watching him squirm,” I said with a smirk.

  “Do you want me to drive by the gym and see if he’s there?” Delilah offered.

  “That would be great,” I said. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Delilah scoffed. “Of course not. Anything that involves Kirk’s humiliation is fun for me.”

  Deep down, I knew Delilah would enjoy watching me get back at Kirk. She had disliked him from the start and had said time and time again that he was not good enough for me. I only wished I had actually listened to her.

  “Here he comes,” Audrey announced and I glanced over the roof of my car to see Dakota, in his fitted navy blue t-shirt, dark jeans, and black combat boots walking toward us.

  “We should get going.” Delilah gestured for Audrey to join her. “I will see you later.”

  “Text me if he’s there,” I whispered as they started toward Delilah’s car.

  The girls were quick to run to Delilah’s car, climb in, and drive off just seconds before Dakota reached me. He noticed too.

  “What’s with them?” he asked as he stared after Delilah’s black Cadillac.

  “They just remembered they had to be somewhere,” I replied.

  “It must be important,” he murmured as he turned to face my car. “This is your ride?”

  I turned to look at my baby—my car of course. “Yes. Do you like?”

  He nodded. “It’s pretty impressive. The latest model?”

  I grinned. “Released in February of this year,” I said, inching closer to him. “Would you like a ride?”

  Dakota looked at me, stunned. “I…don’t know.”

  “Come on, it will be fun,” I insisted, noting how he tried to hide his hesitation. “Do you drive?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t have a car.”

  “So you take the bus to work?”

  He nodded. “It’s pretty convenient.”

  “Well, you’re in luck because I’m offering to drive you around.” I unlocked the doors. “Hop in.” I opened the driver side door and looked at him over the roof of the car again.

  He ran one hand over his long black hair, shuffling his weight from one foot to the other. “I thought you said you needed to talk to me about something?”

  I tried my best to stifle a smile but failed miserably. “We can talk on the way.”

  Dakota took a moment to ponder the situation over, but apparently, what I had to say to him was a lot more intriguing because he caved, walking around to the passenger side to open the door and climb inside.

  Holding back a smile, I slipped into the driver’s seat, closed the door, turned the ignition on and buckled my seatbelt. It did occur to me as I turned to l
ook at my companion that perhaps I was going too far with my need for payback. After all, he was an innocent victim in all this. Although I had been a victim too, by dragging him into my vengeance scheme I was perhaps losing another part of my already withering soul. Towing him along for the ride was probably the worst thing I’d done to another human being. Or at the very least, it came close to being the worst.

  Up to this point, I had planned to use him to humiliate Margaret. However, it took but a fleeting doubt to get me thinking that maybe I was crossing the line here. Of course, that was my shriveling soul talking to me, trying to convince me that I could still be saved if I just desisted of this crazed idea. My inner devil, however, screamed at me to stop being a wimp and to not stray from the original plan.

  My inner devil won the argument.

  “Do you live anywhere near campus?” I asked as I drove off the parking lot. I thought it would probably prove beneficial to gather as much information as I could about Dakota because it was best to be prepared for anything.

  Dakota didn’t turn to look at me. He was too busy eyeing the car’s interior.

  “Yeah, I actually live a few blocks down,” he responded. “I share an apartment with my cousin and our best friend.”

  “And you work at the mall? Is that a full time thing?”

  He shook his head. “No. I only work at the shop on weekends. I prefer to have weekend nights off so that I can catch up on school work.”

  Well, so far Delilah’s info was proving to be correct.

  “Do you have another job?” I spared a glance in his direction. He turned to look at me this time, his ebony eyes staring at me through his glasses.

  “I work as a bouncer at the Jazz and Dance club.”

  Impressive! He worked at one of the best nightclubs in town.

  With his height and broad shoulders, I could totally picture him as a bouncer. His soft expression was what threw me off a bit. He definitely gave out this nerdy vibe, which was picked up by my built-in bitch radar. That’s right; I had the gift to read people fairly well. And Dakota was definitely not ordinary. He was easy to read on some levels, but he completely puzzled me too.


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