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Bare Instincts: A BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance

Page 4

by Vella Day

  Utensils jangled, and another drawer opened then closed. Holding his hand in front of the flame, Burke walked in then elbowed off the light switch. Kneeling in front of her, he set the light on the far end of the coffee table.

  “Now where were we?” he asked. His voice sounded like sunshine on whiskey.

  You were about to take me to heaven and back. “I think we were about to get rid of our clothes.”

  He chewed the inside of his cheek. “Next time, we’ll have to play strip poker. It might go faster.”

  He was a jerk—but a loveable one. “Sounds great.” She had no problem saying that because there wouldn’t be a next time. Burke would grow tired of this sexy challenge and find another woman to impress.

  He clasped her wrists and lowered her arms. “Beautiful.”

  Don’t say a word. The air, while warm, pebbled her nipples, or else it was her embarrassment that caused them to tighten into tiny buds.

  Because Burke looked as if he was waiting for her to make the next move, she wouldn’t squander her chance to taste him again. Tasha leaned forward, and when she kissed him, he growled. She swore bones cracked, although she wasn’t sure if they were hers or Burke’s.

  He dropped onto his back and dragged her on top of him. She thought she might weigh too much for him, but she felt rather small in his arms.

  Planting her hands on the carpet on either side of his head, she took what she wanted—him. If she was going to enjoy this one night, she didn’t want to be tentative. Shedding her librarian image was hard for her, but she was determined to take advantage of what he had to offer.

  The long, slow kiss had her swooning in its intensity. She might have continued to kiss him forever had his waistband not dug into her hips, or maybe it was his hard cock pressing into her.

  “I need to take off your pants.” That sounded like an excuse to get him naked, but something was uncomfortable.

  “That so?” The dim light reflected the sparkle in his eyes.

  “Uh-huh.” She rolled off him. “How about taking off your shoes first?”

  Burke toed them off then rose. “You want to give it a go?”

  Give it a go? “Meaning?”

  He laughed. “I thought you wanted to get me naked.”

  Duh. “I do.”

  Tasha jumped to her feet and turned her back to the light, not wanting to illuminate her breasts or other bulges. So far, Burke hadn’t seemed to notice her less than perfect body, or else he was being kind.

  With trembling fingers, she undid every button on his fly. Given how his cock was pressing hard against the material, she had to work to get it open. “There.”

  “You still have a long way to go, you know.”

  Tasha inhaled. She’d never taken off a man’s pants before. That was always his job, but there had to be a first time for everything. She hooked her thumbs in his waistband and tugged on his jeans. While the pants made it past his briefs, she met with resistance from all his bulging thigh muscles. “Can you lie down? It’ll be easier for me to take these off.”

  “Anything you want.” He did as she asked.

  Understanding what she planned to do, he lifted his legs, and she grabbed hold of the hem. With two tugs, his pants flew off. Tasha stood over him, admiring his amazing body.

  “Staring like that, you’ll give a guy a complex.”

  “Why is that? I’ve never seen anyone quite like you.”

  “I can say the same, but when I stare or compliment you, you get mad.”

  It wasn’t the same thing. He was perfect, and she was not. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She couldn’t decide if was she enamored with him because of his looks, or if she really liked him. She wanted him to see her for who she was—and not some woman with big tits and a bigger ass. Perhaps she needed to treat him with the same respect. After all, he wasn’t some underwear model to be ogled.

  “Your turn,” Burke nodded at her panties then rolled onto his side and lifted up on his elbow.

  “You don’t want to take them off?” She’d never been this brave, but Burke empowered her.

  “Get on the floor and I’ll show you how fast I can get you naked.”

  Burke kept providing her with a ton of future memories, as she’d never rolled around on the carpet with a man before. With her gaze on his magnificent body, Tasha dropped to her knees.

  “Lie back,” he said. Instead of dragging the material down her thighs, he slipped off his own briefs and tossed them aside.

  Her mouth opened. “Holy shit, that’s one big cock.”

  He grinned. “I wanted to distract you.”

  “You succeeded.”

  He stretched out on his stomach, and when he widened her thighs and edged between them, her body went wild—heart pounding, stomach tightening, mouth turning dry. Every physical reaction possible occurred. She’d never experienced anything like this before with another man.

  He’s my mate. She chuckled. Stop dreaming.

  “Something funny?” he asked.

  Crap. Had she made noise? “No. I’m waiting for you, that’s all.” She closed her eyes, not wanting him to spot the lie. Thank goodness, the dim light prevented him from detecting the heat racing up her face.

  He lowered her panties, and she almost screamed in heightened anticipation.

  “Wait no longer.” Burke tossed off her bottoms and moaned. “What you do to me.”

  She hadn’t done anything. Burke rubbed his hands over her thighs as if he was trying to get her used to his touch.

  “Oh, shit.” Burke sat up. “You see? You distracted me.”

  “You’re stopping?”

  “Sweetheart, you have no fear of that. I’m getting a condom.”

  Oh, shit was right. She was on the pill to help regulate her flow, and not because she was having nightly sex. Still, one could never be too careful. He reached for his jeans, took out his wallet, and nabbed the protection.

  “Can I put it on?” her inner bear asked.

  “In a moment. We’re far from that stage. I want to take my time and enjoy you.”

  I’ll be damned. Somehow, she pictured Burke as the get-in-quick-and-leave-even-quicker type. He edged his mouth closer to her pussy. Instead of licking her, he reached up and lifted one breast in his palm. When he rubbed her nipple with his thumb, sparks flew, the tip hardened, and her inner walls tightened. Oh my.

  With his gaze on her face, he crawled higher and took a nipple into his mouth. Never had her tits been this sensitive. She grabbed his shoulders and arched her back, loving the way he was twirling his tongue around the tip. When he sucked on it hard, a strange gurgling sound escaped from her mouth, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  He kneaded the other breast, and she slid her hands under his arms to touch his back. The double sensation of his rippling muscles combined with what he was doing to her tits had her in a heated frenzy. Her inner animal had been unleashed, and she prayed she wouldn’t make a fool of herself.

  “I love how sensitive you are,” he said.

  He was making her that way. Burke switched back to the first breast and continued to torment her. The more he nipped and sucked, the faster her juices flowed. “Lick my pussy.”

  He looked up. “I’m the one in charge, good girl. You just enjoy yourself.”

  There went that nickname again. He must consider her a prudishly naïve woman. It didn’t matter that she usually was. “I love what you’re doing to me, but wouldn’t you like equal treatment?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he slid between her legs again. Every muscle clenched in anticipation of the onslaught of pleasure, and the first lick almost made her giddy.

  “Your scent is driving me crazy.”

  She was unable to respond. Burke pressed a palm on her belly and she sucked in her stomach, fearful he’d be put off by her softness, but he continued to lick her. When she was about to lose it, he slipped a finger into her wet slit and wiggled it around.

  She dug her nails
into his shoulders. “Oh, yes.”

  Sure, she sounded desperate, but she couldn’t help it. He then curled that finger and hit her G-spot, flicking the thick digit back and forth until she lost it. “Bur-ke!” He withdrew his finger and rolled onto his side. She panted, “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For being unable to control myself.” If she hadn’t been celibate for the last couple of months, she might have been able to stop her climax.

  No, I wouldn’t have. Burke has this unnatural power over me.

  “You aren’t weak. I’m flattered, in fact. Want your chance at retribution?” He touched his cock.

  “Yes.” Too bad, she was inept—untrained—but since she’d already offered, she couldn’t back down now.

  He grinned. Her human side might have been tentative, but Burke Devereaux brought out her bear instincts. Given she was totally naked, perhaps she should have said her bare instincts.

  “You’re smiling again,” he said.

  “Just thinking about something.” God, she was such a dweeb. She needed to relax.

  Turned out, she had nothing to worry about. The second her fingers touched his cock, her desire exploded. She wanted to taste him more than she wanted food. When she leaned over to lick him, that first taste nearly did her in. Bolder now, she drew his length deep into her mouth, but the head hit the back of her throat before she’d taken in half of him.

  “That’s it, Tasha. Keep doing that.”

  His whispers urged her on, and she yearned to have his scent blend with hers. She pumped her fist as she swirled her tongue around his length. The harder she tugged, the more he groaned. On the next suck, he fisted her hair and pulled. The tension in her body uncoiled and she drew him in deeper. With her other hand, she cupped his balls and rolled them around.

  He grabbed her wrist. “I, too, am weak around you. How about putting on that condom?”

  Satisfied she hadn’t made a fool of herself, she picked up the foil package and tore it open with her teeth. When she removed the protection, she giggled. “This won’t fit.”

  “You do my ego good, but it stretches. Give it a try.”

  Making sure she didn’t put it on upside down, she placed the latex on the tip. “Can you hold it still?”

  “Sure thing.” Burke lifted his shaft so it sat straight up.

  Using both hands, she rolled the rubber down with care. That was quite easy. “There.”

  “Good job. What’s next?”

  She wasn’t sure what exactly he was asking. “You get on top of me?” Damn, she shouldn’t have made it a question.

  “Is that what you want?”

  She hadn’t tried it any other way. “What do you suggest?”

  “Want to ride me?”

  Holy fuck. He was letting her take control. “You sure you can handle me?” She so didn’t say that.

  His cheeks dimpled as he grinned. “Won’t know until we try.”

  Burke was being so nice, even though she didn’t know why, but she wasn’t about to argue. While she’d never done it this way, she’d certainly read enough to know exactly how everything worked. Tasha straddled him and eyed his big cock. His huge dick might not fit inside her, but she was going to try.

  When she hovered over him, she lifted his cock and placed the tip at her entrance. Burke’s hands shot to her waist, his touch both comforting and exciting. She had to lower her body a good inch before she met with resistance, and during that exciting short ride, every bit of her caught on fire. Overwhelmed with lust, she inhaled and tried again. Widening her legs, she slid back down. This time her slick channel accepted him, and his cock foraged its way in, stretching her wide.

  When Burke pulled her down and kissed her, her inner beast came out, erasing all of her insecurities. She bet Burke was totally confused by now with her hot and cold reactions, especially when the wild half fully emerged. She dipped her tongue into his mouth and took full possession as she lifted once more, and then dropped down hard. Holy cow, but he was freaking big. Electric bolts scorched her insides, causing her juices to flow hard. She was almost light headed and giddy as he returned the kiss.

  When they broke for air, Burke flipped her over so that he was on top. “Let me have at you this time.” He closed his eyes, and she swooned.

  She couldn’t tell if this was a dream, or if she was making love with the hottest man she’d ever met, but at the moment she almost didn’t care. Burke lowered his head and nabbed her swollen nipple, the burst of pain quickly subsiding as her stomach coiled, waiting for more of his cock.

  Burke drove into her with one powerful thrust, and passion bloomed and erotic pulses burst all over her arms and legs. Needing every inch of him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and angled her butt for deeper entry.

  “I’m not sure how long I can last,” he said, grunting and groaning in between the words.

  “Me either.” Tasha was close to coming, but she wanted to hold on until he came. It was what good girls did, or so she believed.

  He licked the other nipple, and when a wave of erotic bliss swept over her, Tasha couldn’t figure out why his touch seared her from the inside out. She wanted to wait, but the pleasure overwhelmed her. Burke straightened and kissed her once more as he drove into her, filling her to the hilt. When his cock exploded, she followed him over the climactic edge. His pulsing dick expanded, and she thought she’d break in two as chaos shattered the rest of her resolve. She actually screamed his name. Her voice sounded different, almost as if the beast inside her had finally escaped.

  Burke held her tight then rolled them over so that she was once more on top of him.

  “I have to say, I never expected this kind of welcome—especially from you.” He kissed her nose.

  “You and me both.” Burke had seduced her. Plain and simple. She hoped he didn’t think she’d slept with him just to cheer him up. But now, the fun had to end. “Let me get dressed and I’ll drive you to your bike.”


  She hadn’t expected him to sound so surprised. “I need my beauty rest.” She rolled off him and looked for something to use to clean up. For lack of anything better, she grabbed her panties and wiped herself clean. “I’ll put on something a bit more decent.”

  “Aw. I really like your tank top and panties.”

  She didn’t respond as she headed to her bedroom. Once inside, she closed the door and plastered her back against it.

  What have I done?

  Chapter Six

  Burke had returned home in one piece and believed he’d successfully snuck in without waking his parents. If they had heard him come in around three, neither said anything the next morning.

  By the time he’d rolled out of bed, though, his parents had both eaten. Not wanting his mom to cook for him, he decided to go out. “I’m heading into town for some breakfast.” His mom’s eyes were still red, and his father looked up at him without saying a word. That wasn’t a good sign.

  His mom placed a hand on his arm. “I can fix you bacon and eggs.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you, so I called Wade.” He’d texted his friend about half an hour ago and set up plans to meet him at the café. Being around his parents’ sadness only made it harder on him. If they continued to question him, they’d know he could have helped Tom more.

  “Okay.” From her slumped shoulders, she wanted him to stay home.

  Shit. He didn’t want to upset his mom more than she already was, but he needed some distance. “I won’t be gone long.”

  “Good.” She hugged him, the embrace lasting longer than usual.

  When Burke arrived at the Hidden Hills Café, Wade was waiting for him. His friend had even managed to snag a table despite the fact that the Sunday morning brunch crowd had packed the place. That was probably because Dee Dee Duncan was the hostess. She’d been the head cheerleader in high school and both of them had enjoyed what she had to offer.

  “Hey, Burke. Wade’s here.” She stuck ou
t her tits, but he wasn’t interested.

  “I see him, thanks.”

  As he stepped passed Dee Dee, she clasped his arm. “I heard about your brother; I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks.” He didn’t want to discuss what happened with her. She was one of the biggest gossips in town.

  Not wanting to stop and talk with anyone else, Burke hurried to the booth in back and slid in across from Wade.

  “You get home okay last night?” Wade asked.

  “I slept off my drunk at Tasha’s place.”

  His brows furrowed. “Seriously? I thought she was driving you straight home.”

  He wasn’t proud of how he’d handled things. “I asked her not to. I didn’t want to see the disappointment on my mom’s face when I staggered in.”

  “Smart.” Wade wiggled his brows. “Anything happen?”

  Burke might have told his friend it wasn’t any of his business, but he needed Wade’s advice. “As soon as I sobered up, we went at each other like two horny teenagers, and then she kicked me out.”

  “I don’t know which part I’m more shocked at. The fact Tasha would do something like that with you or that she’d give you the boot.”

  “Both took me by surprise.” He didn’t need to mention how his body lit up just being around her.

  Wade leaned back and smiled. “Good for her. As for giving you the heave ho, you were trashed. I bet being asked to leave was a first for you.”

  “It was.” He always did the walking.

  “How did you get her in bed in the first place? I don’t see Tasha as the type to jump in the sack with just anyone.”

  He didn’t either. “We grew up together if you recall.” Then again, so had she and Wade.

  “That’s no guarantee. How did it happen?”

  Burke chuckled. “Since when do you need pointers?”

  Wade held up his middle finger.

  “Okay. After a few hours of shuteye, I woke up and was disoriented. When I stood up to take a leak, I ran into the corner of her coffee table and cursed. Tasha then came running out of her bedroom wearing nothing but panties and a see through tank top. Her nipples were rock hard and my cock saw fit to match it.”


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