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Bare Instincts: A BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance

Page 7

by Vella Day

  “I do have a brain, you know.” She worked hard not to laugh.

  He smiled, and when he stepped out of his briefs, his cock sprang out. Her gaze shot straight to it, and Burke lifted her chin. “I have a brain, too.”

  She dropped her head back and laughed. “Point taken. As soon as we’re naked, all thoughts of who we are as people seem to disappear.”

  “You got that right.” His grin widened. “How about we just enjoy the moment and forget about analyzing everything?”

  She’d been guilty of doing that. “Deal.”

  “Those jeans seem a bit restrictive, not to mention hot,” he said as he undid the top button of her pants.

  “They are.”

  While he unzipped them, she ran her hands under his shirt, loving the way his muscles flexed with each movement.

  “Step out of these,” he ordered. “I can’t wait to delve into you.”

  From the way he was yanking on her jeans, he seemed pretty desperate—maybe more than she was. In seconds, she was naked except for her panties. “You’re too dressed,” she said.

  In a flash, his shirt was history, and Tasha failed to keep the smile off her face. He was even better in the daylight.

  “I take it I pass inspection,” he said.

  “An A plus.”

  He dropped to one knee. “You, too.”

  With little fanfare, he pulled down her panties and had her step out of them. Burke closed his eyes and clutched her ass, drawing her to him. When his face pressed against her belly, she latched onto his hair. Everything about the man exuded sex appeal.

  The first lick had her reeling, and she widened her legs for more. For the first time in her life, she didn’t think about how fat she was, or if she’d disappoint a man. The only thing she could think of was how incredible this felt. She was soaring, entering a plane of existence she’d never before experienced.

  When he nabbed her clit, she couldn’t help but bend her knees. The rush was so intense, that heat sped through her fast. If he didn’t stop soon, she might shift on him.

  “Burke, please. I need your cock.” God help her. She’d never begged, but if they were mates, perhaps it was always going to be this way.

  He stood. “Then hold on tight and get ready for a whole new experience.”

  Chapter Nine

  As Burke leaned over to capture her mouth, he lifted her up with ease. While Tasha had never had sex in this position before, she instinctively knew to wrap her legs around his waist. His cock pressed against her pussy, and bolts of electricity charged through her.

  She wasn’t sure what she should do next. Her first thought was to reach between them and help guide his cock into her, but before she could act, Burke took control by leaning her back against the tree, and sweeping his tongue across her taut nipple. She didn’t care if he was fixated on her tits. She loved that he wanted to lavish them with attention. He drew the tender tip into his mouth, and she gasped. The sound came out more distorted than she’d intended.

  Burke alternated between her breasts. With each lick, spasms vibrated between her legs. She needed him now, and this wasn’t an ordinary desire. It was a deep need—something that came from within her animal soul. Tasha reached between them and slipped her hand between his cock and his abs.

  He groaned then stepped back from the tree and kissed her again. Passion flowed as their connection turned more desperate. She tightened her leg muscles to free up her hands, enabling her to latch onto his shoulders.

  “Need you,” he gasped in between kisses. “Lift up.”

  When she did, he placed his cock at her entrance. Before he could take charge, she lowered her body, engulfing his dick, his thickness almost making her lose her breath. The friction was divine as she edged her way downward.

  She widened her eyes. “Condoms.” She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten.

  “I’m clean, I swear. Is it safe?”

  “Yes.” Tasha prayed she wasn’t making a mistake, but in the heat of passion, she didn’t want to stop the momentum. She had to have him hard and fast.

  Tasha lifted up again and pressed downward, this time encompassing all of him. Her whole body quivered and goose bumps rose over her skin. Dear God, but he was everything she ever wanted.

  Burke grabbed her waist to hold her still. “Let me take you.”

  Unable to move now, she lowered her forehead against his collarbone and inhaled as he pistoned into her. The world tilted on its axis and fire consumed her. He withdrew, waited a few seconds while he kissed her forehead, and then plunged in again. This time, his cock must have hit her bear button because she wanted to devour him. She pulled his head toward her and kissed him as he continued to pound into her. The leaves stopped swishing, the river in the background ceased to make any noise, and even the birds had halted their song. All that was left was Burke and how he was transforming her body and mind.

  When he thrust into her again, her inner walls clamped down, holding him tight for dear life. His fingers dug into her ass as his cock exploded. His powerful, hot climax triggered her orgasm, sending her into oblivion. Not wanting to attract any more attention should any hikers be around, Tasha swallowed her yell.

  When his dick stopped pulsating and her pussy’s vibrations ebbed, she lowered her legs to the ground.

  “Jesus,” Burke said. “I don’t know what came over me. That was intense.”

  “For me, too.” Now wasn’t the time or place to contemplate whether Burke was her mate since her brain wasn’t functioning past desire.

  She looked around for something to wipe up with, but she didn’t want to mess up her clothes.

  “Let’s take a dip to clean off,” Burke said as if he could read her mind.

  That would work, though she’d never been very tolerant of the cold when in human form. Another problem was that the lake was at least two hundred feet away and she wasn’t all that excited about walking over the rough ground since the souls of her feet were sensitive. As she debated how she wanted to proceed, a bright blue light flashed—Burke had shifted. That was smart.

  Tasha rarely took her bear form. For one, she lumbered, and two, her figure was far less flattering, if that was even possible. Nor did she have a good reason to be in her animal form very often, which she’d always considered a good thing.

  Burke stopped and turned around. He roared, acting like a goof, and she couldn’t help but laugh. As long as she was in this deep, she might as well go all the way. If he hung around long enough, he’d see her animal form at some point in her life. She closed her eyes and concentrated on changing. It seemed to take thirty seconds before her body remembered what it was supposed to do. When she opened her eyes, she was covered in fur, and heat instantly encased her. She’d forgotten how warm her bearskin could be.

  As soon as she’d shifted, Burke dashed off to where the river met the lake. He splashed around and water flew every which way. As long as she was going to get wet, she might as well head farther up river and catch them some fish. The thought of snagging the first one made her hurry. She rushed past him, all the while checking out the fast flowing river for something to snag.

  There. A fish jumped and Tasha plowed in. Not to be outdone, Burke charged upstream after her.

  “Way to let the fish know you’re coming, lead foot!” she telepathed then chuckled.

  He glanced over at her and roared. He was full of himself today. Tasha crossed to the middle of the stream then waited for the next potential meal to come to her. She’d read all about catching salmon in Alaska. Someday, she’d like to see fish swim upstream in person.

  The current carried a foot-long fish down river straight toward her. Just as she was about to pounce, Burke charged, bumping into her as they both fought over the fish. Tasha lost her footing and plunged into the water, and Burke captured the fish then instantly dropped it.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  Tasha rose to her feet. “I’m good.”

  For that move, she wa
s declaring out and out war. Drenched from head to toe, she plowed up river. More fish came her way. Looking behind her, she caught Burke wrestling with a different fish. Using her paws, she batted at it then snapped her jaw over its head.

  Victory! She leaped out of the river with her prize in her mouth. As a bear, she should probably eat it, but grilling it over a fire would be much sweeter.

  Burke looked up. “You got one!”

  The time for playing was over. She tossed the fish on the rocky ground before shifting into human form. That was a mistake. She was still naked and now very wet and cold. “Brr.”

  A flash of light glinted off the sun-kissed stream, and a human Burke stood in the middle of the river, gloriously naked. His cock had deflated, but she held in her chuckle. “Cold much?”

  He looked down. “I’ll show you cold.” Barefoot, he stepped from the river onto the bank. “Let’s get the blanket you brought.”

  Burke rushed ahead of her, acting as if the harsh ground was as smooth as sand. Grabbing her slippery fish, Tasha picked her way toward him. Halfway there, Burke returned with the blanket, wrapped it around her shoulders, and then lifted her in his arms—fish and all. “We both need to get dressed.”

  Her teeth chattered. “For sure.”

  “How about I start a small fire? We can grill your catch for lunch.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She tossed the fish near the picnic basket. Once she dried off, she handed him the blanket.

  They donned their clothes, but putting them on over a damp body wasn’t all that pleasurable. Being here in this beautiful spot on a balmy day with Burke made up for it, however.

  While he got the fire going, she rounded up a long stick that she used to skewer the fish. Once their fresh meal was ready to cook, she spread out the rest of the food. She’d purchased fried chicken, potato salad, and some cheese wedges. In truth, she had no idea what he liked to eat. While she’d known him for many years, things like his favorite TV show or his favorite song would have changed—as would have his eating habits. He was buff and probably didn’t eat fried foods. She on the other hand, loved food of any kind. Now she wished she’d thought this through.

  Tasha opened the picnic basket. “Do you eat fried chicken?”

  He leaned over and checked out the contents. “I’ll eat whatever you brought.”

  Burke certainly knew how to make a woman feel special, but he was a player after all. She removed the food from the basket and placed the containers on the blanket. “What do you eat for breakfast?”

  He cocked a brow. “Now, you’re getting personal.”

  Maybe no woman, other than his mother, knew that answer. “I’m sorry.”

  He stretched out on the blanket while still managing to rotate the fish over the fire. “Don’t be. Eggs.”

  “Bacon?” She loved both bacon and sausage.

  “Nah.” He patted his stomach, and she covered hers.

  He was so damned fit. Her idea of exercise was walking across the street to lunch instead of driving the one block. So much for having anything in common. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Oh, crap. He probably thought she believed he’d spend the night. “I mean if I ever pack another picnic.”

  He leaned the fish stick against the fire ring and motioned her to come close. Burke then gathered her in his arms. “I know I’ve made a mess of things, and you have this idea about me that’s only partially true. While I have no desire to ruin this wonderful day talking about my brother, you have to understand that his death has made me realize a lot of things. One is that actions have consequences. Give me some time to figure everything out. My goal is to come out of this tragedy a better person.”

  “I’m not in any hurry.” She smiled, but her lips wobbled.

  “Not in any hurry? You could have fooled me. Every time you’re in my arms, you want to grab my cock and kiss me.”

  She leaned back and studied him. The glint in his eye implied he was kidding. “Me? If I recall, you’re the one who always ravishes me.”

  He ran a finger between her breasts. “Oh, yeah? Want to prove who needs each other more?”

  She laughed. “Didn’t I just have sex with you? Or was that with someone else?”

  His jaw opened. Burke was fun to tease. “Was it that unmemorable?”

  “Hmm.” No answer was probably the best one.

  “Perhaps I need to check your tits to see if I was the one to suck on them last. I leave a very distinctive mark.”

  His teeth never broke the skin. “I should do the same with your limp dick.”

  Burke undid his pants. To her surprise, his cock was full and hard. “Not so limp, now is it?”

  She shrugged, attempting to look bored. “It’s passable.”

  He laughed. “Perhaps you can make it harder.”

  Anytime someone challenged her, she took the dare. “I’m not sure there’s anything I do can to salvage it. Perhaps if you were completely naked, I might think of something.”

  “Let me see if I can help you with that.” In less time than it took to ask herself why she was doing this, Burke had torn off his pants. The briefs he’d worn on the hike weren’t on now, and the sight of him commando made her inner bear go crazy.

  It was as if she’d been injected with hormones and adrenaline, and her bear was pushing at her with this overwhelming need to mate. This whole concept startled her human side, which had yet to accept something like this could even happen.

  When they’d made love a few minutes ago, they’d been behind a tree where it would be difficult for anyone to see them. Now they were exposed since the fire pit sat in an open space. The cautious part of her almost suggested they move some place more secluded, but she couldn’t wait. Tasha shot to her knees.

  She leaned over and drew his very big cock toward her. Hmm. She had a problem. Once she sucked him deep into her mouth, he’d recognize that she was full of shit about him being only passably large. He wouldn’t fit, but boy, would she have fun trying to make him bigger and harder. As soon as she opened her mouth and tugged his dick to her lips, Burke grabbed a handful of her wet hair and pulled it taut.

  “Give me the best you got.” He followed his command with a growl.

  Typical guy, but she loved it. Desperate, passionate lovemaking seemed to be their only speed. Engulfing him, she clamped her lips over his wide girth. His cock was flavored with fresh lake water that tasted almost sweet. Just as she’d swirled her tongue around him, he reached under her and cupped one breast.

  “Have to have you naked, Tasha.” He lifted her head by her hair then let go. His eyes were swirling pools of dark brown lust. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

  Or his cock away from me. Nothing wrong with that! After he took off her top for the second time today, she unbuttoned her jeans. Next thing she knew, she was flat on her back. As soon as she kicked off her shoes, he ripped off her jeans and panties.

  “Damn bra,” he grunted.

  Instead of unhooking the back, he merely lifted it over her tits and immediately zeroed in on her already sensitive nipples. The first lick sent fire racing through her veins. She wiggled her fingers to get hold of his cock, but it was out of reach. If only she had longer arms.

  At a frenzied pace, he drew one tip tight until she sucked in a big breath. He let go of that one, licked the nipple until it puckered even more, and then teased the other. The pulses coursing through her ramped up her desire to a fevered pitch. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It might be because Burke was her mate or because he was just that good.

  Do I care?

  “Hurry.” She needed his cock.

  “I want to spend forever pleasuring your tits and kissing that sassy mouth, but my inner animal is beating against me to have some release. What you do to me should be outlawed.”

  Burke slid on top of her and nudged open her legs with his knees. Once they were spread wide, he positioned his cock against her wet slit. Before he impaled her, she drew his face to hers
, needing all of him. Without a doubt, if she didn’t have his lips right then, her heart might explode. He’d possessed her to the point where she didn’t understand any of her motives, only that she had to have him. God help her. This might be wrong, but she had no intention of changing it now.

  Their tongues collided and sparks of excitement ratcheted her desire. Just as she was enjoying his kiss, he drove his cock into her. She froze for a moment, needing to catch her breath. The intense stretching took some getting used to, but once her pussy calmed, joy took over, and arousal coiled tightly inside her. He slid in deeper, the tip banging hard against her, causing the most deliciously pleasurable feeling.

  The need to touch all of him consumed her, and she ran her hands up and down his corded back, loving the texture and his raw power.

  Burke broke the kiss. “I don’t know how much longer I can last. I’m sorry. What is it about you that makes me lose control?”

  Her insides glowed at his sincere words, and her heart skipped a beat. Perhaps it was the fire, or what Burke was doing to her, but her flesh overheated. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “Never, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m good.” She’d never been better.

  When he took her once more, he dipped his head and caught her breast in his mouth. He made love to it with the same thrilling passion that his cock was doing to her pussy. Ripples of ecstasy crested into waves, taking her to another world.

  She dragged her nails down his back. “Yes. Faster.”

  As if that was what he was waiting for, Burke appeared possessed as he pounded into her, unleashing a torrent of pleasure so strong, a tight band formed around her chest. She could barely breathe from all the carnal joy zipping through her veins.

  He broke away from her nipple and traced a fiery path along her neck up to her lips. When they connected once more, it was as if she’d been struck by lightning, and her orgasm came so fast and so swift, stars blocked her vision.

  “Oh, God. Burke.”


  As if lava had finally burst from the volcano’s core, his hot seed pummeled her. She hugged him hard and let him carry her away as her world spun.


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