Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5) Page 13

by Jaime Marks

  Cymeryn dropped John shoving him so that his chair fell backwards and Kyle watched as he crashed roughly to the floor. When the former Supryn turned the full strength of his stare onto Kyle he swallowed hard not able to control the fear that rolled through him. It was the same weakness his Grandfather always brought out of him and he couldn’t deny that as much as he knew he’d sacrifice his life for her, as much as this world was a fucking hell he didn’t want anymore…he wasn’t ready. Star needed him. Phil and Cal were gonna need him. What the hell was gonna happen to his brothers once their Father found out?

  “Speak boy,” he demanded.

  “I, I…they’ll kill me, my lord….and that’s if I’m lucky…we…he...” Words stammered incoherently out of his mouth as the reality of the situation accosted him and the power of the Supryn encompassed him.

  Cymeryn rested a hand on his arm and he could feel an odd mixture of essence swirl over him. It was calming in so many ways and for some fucked up reason it felt like home. “Pledge to me your loyalty, prove it and I will protect you. You know who I am. You know I can keep you safe.” Staring into his eyes he had to blink at the words because he swore to god he didn’t actually understand them at first. Did he really just say that?

  John was on his feet but King of the Fae stepped in front of him. “By all means give me a reason. I would love to be rid of you.” They stared each other down a moment but John finally righted his chair and sat silently watching them with unconcealed hatred.

  Cymeryn’s twin spoke from behind him bringing the reality of where he stood back into focus. “Kyle, listen to me, son.” His voice was level and calm. There was something soothing about it that he couldn’t comprehend but he breathed deeply as he took it all in. “I have the ability to have the information pulled from your mind but that will take time and highly aggravate me. It will also clearly show us where you stand. You have a choice to make. Are you better off here, with us, or in the world you came from? Yes it will be a difficult transition, and yes, you will need to prove you can be trusted, but you have only to look to Liaison Byryn and Lord Cymeryn to see the truth.”

  “Don’t buy into this, Kyle. I swear I’ll kill you myself,” John spat, his voice vehement. “You will pay for it and I will damn sure make sure your Father knows what you’ve done.”

  Kyle glanced over to him a moment knowing they’d know regardless. There was no going back and he had no idea what going forward meant. The only thing he could do was tell them the truth and hope they didn’t kill him. Lowering his head he braced himself. “I am the blooded son of the Shade, Syneous a Alayne and the human Teryn.”

  John cursed as they all stared at him in disbelief. “If you are lying boy…” Cymeryn spat, the hatred the Supryn held for his line rushing to the surface.

  “Staryana a Syneous is my sister,” he acknowledged for the first time to anyone outside of their Father and Grandfather and a tear ran down his face despite the situation as he saw realization hit John.

  “Your sister!” His mentor snapped and Kyle could easily sense his betrayal but he ignored it.

  “I didn’t come here to hurt her. I came to try to save her.” In resignation he slid to his knees and gave himself over to this fate, whatever the hell that might be. “I open myself to you, Supryn. Sense me and know the truth of my origins and the knowledge that I hide. If I can I’ll lift the masking my Grandfather cast. My life is yours now anyway. I was dead the moment I took this mission. Just please, keep her safe.”

  Cymeryn stared down at the boy easily sensing a connection that spoke of so much more than the boy had revealed. He reached into Kyle’s mind with his essence searching out his knowledge and memories. He cursed under his breath seeing his memories of Alayne and Syneous when he was still Sean. “He speaks the truth. Staryana is his sister.”

  Marcus and Mythos exchanged concerned glances. It was a complication none of them could have foreseen.

  Gavyn entered the room and bowed. “Yes, your majesty?”

  “I want this boy moved to private quarters with guards positioned at his door until I decide how to proceed.” He turned his attention back to Kyle. In truth he was somewhat impressed by all he had learnt of him. “We will be by to see you once the Palace is secured. Are there more sons of Syneous we should be aware of?”

  Kyle nodded, unable to meet his eyes as he spoke quietly. “I have two brothers each from separate Mothers. Phillip is fourteen he went to school with us this year but generally kept to himself. I believe he’s still with his Mother. I’m not even sure he really knows who or what he is. Calvin is seven. He’s in one of the group homes, both of our Mothers are dead. Staryana is my only sister. I would never have harmed her and if she’d allowed herself to fall into the trap that you and the team set for her, John, I was tasked with protecting her or facing my Grandfather’s wrath.” John turned away from him, the anger and betrayal clear on his face and Cymeryn did not miss the effect it had on his protégé.

  Kyle frowned and shook his head turning back to Cymeryn. Disgust permeated his voice, “Do you realize what he has planned for her?”

  “It will never come to pass.” Marcus and Cymeryn spoke in unison as Guardians Darlous and Nycin entered.

  Cymeryn looked John over knowing in a sense he was giving him what he wanted but it was the best option at the moment. He would not risk the boy roaming the Palace now that he knew what was coming. “I want him taken to the dungeon until further notice. Isolate and restrain him. Add additional guards to those Demytria already assigned. There will be an attack on the dungeon at some point this day. We must be ready.”

  John surged forth but Mythos restrained him easily forcing him to remain seated. “Am I to take it then, that they were sent here to obtain my niece?”

  Cymeryn nodded stiffly. “Unfortunately, they are the least of my concerns, though I would not trust that one in the slightest. The first opportunity he gets he will head directly for the Lady Stephynia.”

  “Guardian Darlous, I want him shackled and chained. Ensure his stay is most uncomfortable,” Mythos commanded.

  “It will be my pleasure, your majesty,” the Guardian grinned. Many of the Guardians adored Staryana and it was clear Mythos had claimed Steph as his mate. They would gladly ensure the boy paid for his intentions.

  Cymeryn stepped forward raising a hand to hold the Guardians back as he approached John. “Liaison Byryn wanted to be here to drive this point home himself, but I gladly volunteered to relay it. Byryn has broken your legs, your arm, and your ribs. If you do not stay away from the Princess Staryana a Reyana...” He struck swiftly driving a dagger into the seat between the boys legs so closely it was a wonder the fabric did not split. The boy looked down in shocked disbelief. “The next punishment you endure will be far more personal.”

  Mythos handed him over to the Guardians as he stared him down, stepping into the boy, “She is my mate and I promise you I will make that look enjoyable should you ever forget it.”

  Cymeryn watched the Guardians remove the blade and wrench the boy to his feet before muscling him out of the room. He turned measuring Kyle. “Gavyn will see to your safety as well as ensure you don’t suffer any lapses in judgment.”

  “Can I…” The boy cleared his throat and shored up his resolve. “I would like to talk to my sister. I know you apparently trust Byryn, but she deserves to know who she’s mating.”

  He raised a brow as he studied the boy in amusement. “You mean to protect your sister, from Liaison Byryn a Grifyn?”

  “I mean to ensure she knows the truth of who Byryn a Trevyn was. If she still wishes to mate him after she knows who he is I won’t interfere. It’s her choice to make and though it disgusts me, he’s the lesser poison in all this. Really I’d prefer it if she stayed away from both Byryn and Alayne.” He was resolved and knowing the sway Byryn clearly held, the fact that he was his Grand progeny, and was obviously stronger than Kyle having been awakened, it was impressive that he yet held his ground. The boy truly
believed Byryn was a threat to his sister. He was willing to risk both his and Cymeryn’s wrath to protect her.

  “Are you sure you are not merely attempting to preserve her purity for your Grandfather, boy?” Marcus spat. He had seen more of Kyle’s mind through their link than Cymeryn would have preferred. The boy had an intimate knowledge of what Alayne wanted with his sister. Far more in depth than Cymeryn had granted his brother.

  The boy paled, “I would rather suffer the entirety of the Priest Elders’ wrath than know that I turned mine blooded sister over to that monster. I may be unawakened Shade, and he might be my Grandfather, but even I couldn’t stomach what Alayne intends for her.”

  Cymeryn cursed under his breath glancing around as Marcus and Mythos blanched. There was no hiding that truth from them however. The High Priest’s intentions were indeed depraved. The girl was his own granddaughter and he sought to make her his bride exploiting both her body and her strength.

  Seeking to ease Kyle’s concerns he met the boy in the eyes and allowed his essence to flow through him. “Byryn has already shown Staryana the truth of his past. He has opened himself and shown her the entirety of it and they have moved beyond the past.” At least he hoped they had. “We will talk to Staryana about you, but it will be her and the Liaison’s decision as to whether she will see you.”

  He nodded, albeit grudgingly. “I still want to hear from her that this is what she wants. If she tells me that she’s safe and happy I’ll back off Byryn.”

  “I will let her know your concerns,” he agreed.

  The boy hesitated, kneeling before him once more. “I offer you my life, Lord Cymeryn. Whatever you command, I’ll obey, but I’d rather die than face my Grandfather. There will be no hiding my betrayal. He’ll know I warned you. If you mean to turn me out…I’d personally rather you kill me.”

  Cymeryn sighed as he rested his hand on his shoulder. The boy had already suffered greatly in this life and it was clear he had come here prepared to die for the sake of his sister. It had taken great courage and strength of character to risk revealing himself knowing the bloodshed between their lines. It was true that he had caused Steph pain but there was more to him and he knew well the ways of the Shade.

  John was his mentor. He knew not the truth of his motivations but his will as a protégé would not have been his own. Moreover there was some form of a connection between them that he needed to decipher despite his lineage. It was not enough to absolve him of such sins, but it did warrant him the chance to prove himself.

  “I will not take your life nor will I turn you out. We will take it day by day. Continue to prove yourself to me and I will see to your safety and care. I am giving you a chance to build a new life, Kyle. Prove to me you deserve it.” He fully intended to see to the boy himself but he was not yet ready to voice such thoughts knowing Mythos would not react favorably. There were other matters to deal with.

  As the boy nodded and left Cymeryn paced considering their options. “Alayne knows Staryana is soon to awaken and is sending her Father and uncle to reclaim her. Syneous was to meet up with the boys and free the Shade in the dungeons. They are to obtain Byryn, Staryana…and Steph,” he finished meeting Mythos’ gaze. “When Alayne saw through Byryn’s eyes he must have seen her with you, amongst us. He has not divined her nature yet, but he knows it is more than he at first perceived. The boys found her birth certificate and discovered her lineage but they have kept it hidden to protect her.”

  Mythos nodded. “We knew his interest was piqued. Alysse had warned me of such. How do you wish to proceed?”

  “We need to find a way to distract them from Byryn and Staryana. Perhaps if we place shields throughout the Palace and shield their chamber?” Marcus mused.

  Cymeryn nodded. “It is the only option. Even if Tomas knows which corridor he will not be aware of which chambers they use. I am uncomfortable with Reyana remaining in the Palace. They may not have her set as a target, but make no mistake, they will obtain her if it becomes possible.”

  Marcus nodded. “We can try to convince her to go to the Sacred Groves, but that didn’t really work out well last time. She can be so unpredictable”

  He grimaced. “There is no other option, ensure she knows the risks. She is still rather irate with me, you will have more of a chance of convincing her that she needs to remain there this time. I will begin shielding the corridor. Grifyn and Trina will see to their protection as well as Kylion’s but I want Kato and Demytria free to move through the Palace. She has keen instincts and will be able to anticipate many of their actions. You should return to the Lady Stephynia, my lord. Aryn, Alaria, Tryxia, Ryo, and Iyrus will also be assigned to that corridor. It should provide ample coverage. Marcus and I will monitor things as well.”

  There was no real way to know if Syneous and Tomas were in the city already. Time was of the essence. They could not be allowed to interfere in Staryana’s awakening. Once she was bound to Byryn more completely it would help to sever the connection Alayne had bridged. If her Father or even uncle intervened and took over however, it could help to cement it.

  Chapter 11

  Byryn kissed her softly pulling back to stare into her eyes. Her words and the fact that she hadn’t pulled away from him gave him hope. “Do you, baby? After everything you’ve seen in my mind, you still love me?” His breath caught in his chest as he waited for her answer.

  Staryana nodded slowly. “I know you, Byryn. Your past might be difficult to deal with, but I know you would never choose those actions or that life. Most of it was forced on you.” She shook her head. “I just need to hold fast to you as you are now. You aren’t the boy you were forced to be anymore and I need to remember the man you chose to become.”

  He kissed her head as he gathered his courage. “I love you too, baby.” Cymeryn was right, this distance between them needed to end. He sat up some beside her and stared into her eyes as he held her hand. “Princess Staryana a Reyana, you are my guiding star, my brightness in the Darkest night. I would be crippled without you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my bonded mate?”

  She stared up at him in surprise. They had discussed it many times and he had even asked her Mother for her hand, but he’d never formally asked her like this. He held his breathe once more wondering how his brain managed to get any oxygen today seeing as that seemed to be all he was doing. She searched his eyes and reached up guiding his mouth to hers.

  A smile crested her lips as a single tear ran down her cheek and she leaned up and kissed him. “Yes Byryn a Grifyn, Liaison of Redemption, Head of the Personal Guard and Guardian in training under Praetor Marcus a Cymarcion, I will take you as my bonded mate. There’s nothing I’ve ever wanted more.”

  Relief and joy flowed through him and he drew her into a passionate kiss. He felt another wave of essence surge and they balanced it together. “It seemed like you managed the pain better that time, brightness.”

  “Yeah, I think I finally found that point of balance. It was easier once I stopped trying to block you,” she smiled impishly.

  He sighed brushing the hair out of her eyes. “You don’t need to do that, baby. I understand why you’ve felt it in the past but the stronger the bonds between us become the harder it will be. It’ll become painful and I don’t want that for you. I trust you, Staryana, and I know the truth of the matter, maybe even better than you do.” His hand ran lightly over the clasps on her back and he watched her face carefully as he slowly undid them. “I couldn’t bear the distance I felt between us today,” he whispered.

  “Me either. You were all I wanted and I felt like I couldn’t come to you,” she breathed as she held his gaze.

  He smiled coyly, she hadn’t stopped him. He rose up slowly and slid the corset top that had enticed him all morn from her body. His breath hitched at the perfection of her round, supple breasts as his eyes ran over her. Despite the liberties they had taken he had never seen her completely naked and never without her shirt. It might seem silly considering
he had tasted her sweet core, but he could barely restrain himself with her. If he hadn’t set any boundaries he would have given into his desires, and hers, long ago. He let the top slide to the floor and met her gaze as he undid the side clasp of the skirt she wore.

  Considering what she said he grew serious a moment, wanting to be sure she heard him. “I don’t ever want you to question if you can come to me again, Staryana. You can always come to me no matter how things stand between us. Even when I thought I had lost you, my only thoughts were for your safety and wellbeing.” He smiled devilishly once more as he leaned down to her ear allowing his body to press against her. “Let me finally show you who you are, baby. Please.”

  She gasped gripping hold of his arms but remained silently watching him, a playful smile now curving her lips. She arched her body into his and he locked eyes with her as he rose from the bed. He slid first his robes from his body and then his pants. Her eyes ran over his form shamelessly and he could feel her desire. Slowly he slid her skirt and panties off her taking in the perfection of her.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured.

  Climbing onto the bed, he kept the energies balanced between them. He slid her legs apart and lay on top of her, savoring in the feel of her skin against his. The length of his sex pressed against her core and he groaned at the sensation, biting back on the urge to slide into her. He brushed the hair from her face, kissing her gently. “I need you to tell me, baby. We only do this if you’re ready.”

  Her nails dug lightly into his skin as she pulled him to her. Her voice was a breathy need, “Take me, Byryn. Make me yours.”

  He kissed her deeply as his hand ran down to her breast massaging and teasing her. Pressing his body into her he slowly slid his sex along the gentle folds of her core. A groan escaped his lips as he savored in the moist silky feel of her sex. He had never allowed himself to enjoy her this closely, to tease her like this. It took him too close to his breaking point, his need all but overpowering him. The only thing that granted him control was the fact that he knew it was time.


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